“Thank you Mr. Li for sending the plane!”

“Thank you Mr. Wang for sending the rocket!”

“Thank you Mr. Zhang for sending the Star Battleship!”



Chen Miaomiao, who was sitting on Su Chen’s co-pilot, shouted excitedly at his mobile phone!

Such a good opportunity, of course, she will not let go!

You must know that when I lived in Tomson Yipin.

She was extremely hungry for those sports cars in Su Chen’s garage!

If only it could sit live on those sports cars, at least worth tens of millions of dollars!

That person’s popularity is not as good as heaven!

Unfortunately, Su Chen has not been able to give her this opportunity…

But now, she’s not just sitting on this one, the 48 million Coenigsek CCRX!

Or Su Chen personally drove for her!

This kind of treatment, she didn’t even dare to think about it before!

At the same time, because of Su Chen, the number of viewers in her live broadcast room has exceeded two million!

And it’s still growing fast!

According to this trend, when Su Chen sends her home, the number of spectators is afraid that it will exceed five million!

Gifts can also be at least received, more than 100,000 RMB!

Almost equivalent to her income for half a month of live broadcasting!

“Mr. Su, do you have any words you want to say to the audience?”

At this time, Chen Miaomiao, who had received 10 Star Battleships in a row, finally asked Su Chen to say two words according to the requirements of the audience.

If you want to know 1 Star Battleship, that’s a full 5000RMB!

10 is RMB 50,000!

Even if she can only take 40%, it will be 20,000 RMB!

Besides, in her mind, as long as Su Chen opened her mouth, there would be no more gifts!

But the next moment, she saw Su Chen and glanced at the live broadcast on her mobile phone.

Then he said casually: “The audience in the live broadcast room listens well, if you think you have more money than me, then continue to brush, otherwise I will be you, I am looking down on me!” ”

So in an instant, all the gifts in Chen Miaomiao’s live broadcast room immediately disappeared.

The audience was also immediately energized.

“Su Zong 66666!”

“Dare to give us Su Zong a gift?” Who do you look down on! ”

“Yes, Su Zong lacks you several Star Battleships?”

“Now no one dares to brush gifts!”

“The little anchor’s mind suffered ten thousand critical hits!”

“Heartache little anchor for a second…”

“Hahaha, you see the little anchor’s expression, it’s just so funny!”

“The little anchor’s plan to hold his thigh is ruined…”



Just see in the live broadcast screen, Chen Miaomiao’s whole person is a bit stupid!

She never expected that Su Chen would say such a thing!

To know Su Chen’s words, her income tonight is at least tens of thousands of yuan less!

But she still dared to be angry and dare not speak!

Even try to pretend not to care!

She’s so hard…

But at this moment, Su Chen suddenly frowned.

Immediately after, I saw a red sports car, instantly passing next to his Koenigsegg CCRX!

Then the second one!

The third one!

The fourth one!

In less than a minute, there were exactly 10 sports cars, surpassing him!

Not only that, these 10 sports cars, more than after going to.

Not only did he not leave quickly, but he deliberately blocked in front of him.

And constantly decelerating and accelerating.

In the end, these 10 sports cars formed a semicircle, encircling Su Chen’s Koenigsek CCRX in the middle!

This is also Su Chen’s driving skills, which is not bad.

Otherwise, it is estimated that it would have crashed into it a long time ago!

“Oh, that’s too exciting!”

“How dare you stop Su Zong’s car!”

“These guys are absolutely tired of living!”

“That red Ferrari, it seems to be Liang Fan’s!”

“Yes, when Liang Fan was live broadcasting, he drove this car!”

“Liang Fan this guy is too bold!”

“He actually dared to report the recovery!”

The audience in Chen Miaomiao’s live broadcast room also saw this scene!

And also recognized that the leading red Ferrari was Liang Fan’s!

Then soon, Su Chen’s Könisek CCRX, also forced to stop by these 10 sports cars.

Of course, this is mainly because they are now driving on the second ring road of Modu.

It’s also full of cameras.

Not to mention that there are so many viewers in Chen Miaomiao’s live broadcast room.

That’s why he relented a little.

Otherwise, with these guys, they also want to block him?

Really when his god-level driving skills, it is a model!



“Liang Fan, if I’m not mistaken, I seem to have let you roll, how, the earth is round, so you rolled around and rolled back, right?”

Su Chen got out of the car, looked at Liang Fan who came down from the Ferrari, and said with a very bad face!

He’s really angry now!

You must know that for the first time since he was born again, he has been provoked to the head like this!

Even the Gao Bo who provoked him at Ye Yiyi’s house before was just saying two words!

But I dare not take any action!

But even so, he was secretly abolished!

Later, I was sent in, not for ten years and eight years, don’t think about it at all!

“Mr. Su, I know that you are a big person, but I spent money on your live broadcast on Tianchen, and if you don’t thank me, you have to punch me in the face in public, how can you let me swallow this breath?”

Liang Fan said helplessly.

But now, he can’t help it.

If he can’t get this face back today, then what face will he have in the future?

The key Su Chen’s previous attitude was really too arrogant!

He even let him roll in public!

And how could he bear it!

At the same time, the doors of the remaining nine sports cars were also opened.

Then on each sports car, a man and a woman came down.

Among them, the men are all in the shape of killing Matt, and the female is a little sister.

And after these people got out of the car, they all stared at Su Chen with a look of displeasure!

But this was not because they did not know Su Chen.

It’s just that their family is all very close to Liang Fan’s family.

Or more accurately, it is to eat with Liang Fan’s family!

For example, open some sand and gravel factories, steel reinforcement factories, live concrete mixing plants and whatever!

So Liang Fan’s words, they had to listen!

Otherwise, Liang Fan’s words will make their family’s business go out of business!

In addition, Liang Fan also told them before, just to scare Su Chen, and not really want to do anything about him.

That’s why they dare to be so arrogant!



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