“Little deer, you are rich!”

“Wouldn’t all this be given to you by that Su Zong?”

“That Su Zong shot so generously?”

A group of sisters, stunned to see Lin Lu’er!

For Lin Lu’er’s income, they are very clear!

Although they combined, it is now very red!

But there were nine of them after all!

Plus the exploitation of the company!

Each of them makes not much money, in fact, not much!

The value of these bags of Lin Lu’er is almost comparable, they are alone, one or two years of income!

“Well, he did send it!”

Lin Lu’er nodded.

But the other things are not said much.

Although she knew that her sisters would certainly not betray her.

But keep an eye on it, and there’s never going to be wrong.

Moreover, she knew very well that she was actually just a “lover” of Su Chen!

Or even just him, one of the many lovers!

But she didn’t care!

Anyway, she is already relying on Su Chen now!

As long as Su Chen didn’t drive her away, she would definitely not leave!

“Really, I knew this earlier, so I went to see that Su Zong for Xiao Lu’er…”

One of the sisters muttered quietly.

But immediately by a group of other sisters, for a while “mocked”.

“Just because you want to replace us fawns?”

“The little deer is our face value, you are at most tall, or countdown!”

“People Su always looks at the face of the fawn, will send so many gifts, in exchange for you, it is not bad if you are not returned!”

A group of sisters immediately got into a fight together.

And at this time, they also saw that Lin Lu’er really didn’t have any harm and was hurt.

Not only is it not physical, but it is also psychologically!

But this also made them can’t help but have a little curiosity!

After all, they knew very well how high Lin Lu’er’s vision was!

“By the way, Xiao Lu’er, I heard that this Su is very rich, so how rich is it?” How does it compare to the rich people of our country? ”

Another sister asked.

And this can not blame her, will ask such a “childish” question.

It is true that they are on the Internet, and they can’t find much information about this Su Zong!

Because on foreign websites, Su Chen’s information is also used by river crabs!

Or just some negative smear message!

Obviously, these are all done by the Eagle Country ZF, as well as those big companies in Eagle Country!

In addition, they did not understand the words Chinese dragon.

So of course, I didn’t know much about Su Chen.

“Hmm… I don’t know how much money he has, but his company, Tianchen Technology, seems to be no smaller than the Three Funerals Group…”

“In addition, I heard him say that the profit of Tianchen Technology in a month is about tens of billions of yuan.”

“Converted into our Goryeo Yuan, it is about a dozen trillion yuan.”

“And this Tianchen technology is still his own.”

“He owns 100 percent of the shares…”

Lin Lu’er said as he recalled.

But she didn’t notice at all that her sisters had been completely frightened!

“What? The same size as the Three Funerals Group? ”

“A month profit of more than a trillion yuan?”

“Is the company still his own?”

“Fawn, are you sure you’re not joking?”

“Little deer, it seems that you are really developed now…”

After listening to Lin Lu’er’s description, a group of sisters immediately all looked at her with envy!

Not only that, but at this time, Lin Lu’er also took out a bank card from his bag.

“There is also this bank card of Longguo Bank, which he also gave me, and has 20 million yuan of pocket money every month, that is, 4 billion Korean dollars…”

Lin Lu’er said with an “innocent” face.

But the next moment, he was thrown to the ground by a group of jealous and crazy sisters!

“Fawn, I fought with you!”

“Fawn, I’ll let you show off!”

“Xiao Lu’er, or you will give Su Zong to me!”

“Xiao Lu’er, is Su Zong still short of lovers?”

“Xiao Lu’er, or you will introduce us all to Su Zong…”

But that’s not all.

The next moment, they heard a knock at the door.

When I opened the door, it turned out to be the vice president!

That is, the guy who took Lin Lu’er to see Su Chen before!

Then I saw him and handed a document to Lin Lu’er.

And said with a flattering face: “Miss Lin, this equity transfer agreement is troublesome for you to sign, and you will be the second largest shareholder of our MS company in the future!” ”

Lin Lu’er’s sisters: “…”



After Lin Lu’er left, Su Chen’s life returned to normal.

Play games at home every day and watch the game.

Occasionally go to accompany a few beautiful women, so uncomfortable.

Don’t look at him now, is the boss of Tianchen Technology.

Tianchen Technology also owns so many subsidiaries.

But in fact, he himself is not busy at all.

He just needs to make a general direction.

The rest of the specific things, left to Zhang Feng, as well as Lin Yao and Ding Ning to do, on the line.

Of course, the biggest help to him is the artificial intelligence program.

And now, he has built a supercomputer in the industrial base of Tianchen Technology!

Greatly enhanced, the power of artificial intelligence programs!

But this supercomputer, only he can use!

Even if others can enter the room, where the supercomputer is placed.

Nothing can be done either.

I can’t find any abnormalities!

So even if others doubt it again, it is useless!

At the same time, Dragon Kingdom’s high-end mobile phone and laptop market, including tablets, is now in Longguo.

It is also all complete, the world of Tianchen Technology!

Whether it’s fruit, or three funerals, or other brands of mobile phones.

As long as the price exceeds 3,000 yuan, it can’t be sold at all!

The remaining low-end mobile phone market has also been divided up by domestic mobile phones such as rice flowers.

As for the mobile phones of a fox and a penguin…

Don’t say it’s not on the market yet!

Even if it is listed in the future, it will at most compete with rice flowers!

There will be no impact on Tianchen Technology at all!

There is also magnesium group takeaway, which is still in the takeaway market today, and Tianchen takeaway is “inseparable”!

But obviously there are already some, and the successor is powerless…

In other words, there is no money!

Immediately afterward, with the end of the “”Hero Tribe S2 Global Finals”, the final championship was officially born – won by the Crown Prince’s ig team!

This time is six years earlier than the previous life!

And the remaining three Dragon Kingdom teams have all entered the quarterfinals!

So much so that the popularity of “Hero Tribe” in the Dragon Kingdom has risen to a new level again!



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