Everyone was dumbfounded!

I didn’t expect Tang Xiaoxue to say such a thing!

If you don’t give this crane less face, forget it!

But you can’t do that, punch your face in the face!

“Shut up, the Tsuru family is also your little star, qualified to talk about?”

The crane young follower on the side immediately couldn’t help but jump out!

And this guy was quickly recognized by everyone!

“It’s a few!”

“The big and small number of the Xiangjia family in Hong Kong City!”

“It is said that the Xiang family has a separate gambling hall in the Crane family’s casino!”

“These two people, one from Hong Kong City and one from Okusai, are a bit difficult to deal with!”

“Although the Xiang family is not as powerful as the Crane family, few people in Hong Kong City dare to provoke them!”

Just see this guy, it is the port city big man, Xiang Qiang’s only son!

And now the stars of Hong Kong City, in the mainland, are also the hottest time!

So the Xiang family, although not as good as the Crane family!

However, the influence of the mainland entertainment industry is undoubtedly greater than that of the Crane Family!

“What, am I wrong?”

Tang Xiaoxue snorted softly and said with a disdainful face.

Gao Wen on the side, her expression was also very calm.

They don’t care about the Aocheng Crane Family, or the Minato Xiang Family!

Because Su Chen once said to them, as long as they don’t take the initiative to cause trouble, then no matter who provokes them, don’t be afraid!

Even if something big happens, he has to stand up to it!

Besides, now, Su Chen was next to him.

If he were real, he would be afraid of these two guys.

It must have come forward a long time ago.

The reason why he is still silent is still quiet.

Obviously not at all, put these two guys, in the eyes!


Xiang Shao was still about to say something more, but he was suddenly stopped by Crane Shao.

“Two, I just want to invite you to have a glass of wine, but aren’t you willing to give even this little face?”

He Shao stared at Tang Xiaoxue and said expressionlessly.

But anyone could tell the threat in his words!

“Why should I give you face?”

Tang Xiaoxue asked curiously.

“Then if this glass of wine, I want you to drink it?”

Tsurushi said again.

And this time, the meaning of the threat is more obvious!

“So what if I don’t drink it?”

Tang Xiaoxue asked again.

The expression on his face was still very calm.

“If you don’t drink it, you have to drink!”

This crane boy was really angry!

When was he the grandson of the gambling king so despised by people?

What’s more, still being looked down upon by two little stars!

If he doesn’t give them this, look at a little color!

That passed out, he will have later, what face to see people?

More importantly, this Tang Xiaoxue even dared to mock their Crane Family!

Of course he can’t, that’s it!

But the next moment, everyone just listens to the sound of “uproar”!

It was actually Tang Xiaoxue who picked up a glass of red wine on the table next to him and directly threw it on the face of this crane young man!

And this crane young man obviously did not expect that she would dare to do this!

So much so that he didn’t even hide for a moment, and she splashed it squarely!

“I’ll drink your head!”

Just after seeing Tang Xiaoxue after pouring wine, he also scolded with a look of indignation!

So in an instant, everyone present was immediately stunned!

“What? How dare she take red wine and splash this crane less? ”

“Don’t she know how powerful the Tsuru family is in Okushi?”

“She won’t really have Su Zong’s support, so she won’t be afraid of anything!”

“Che, didn’t you see that Su Zong didn’t even react at all?”

“Su will always be afraid of the Crane family?”

“Although Su Zong can’t tell the Crane Family what to do, but the Crane Family wants to move Su Zong, it will be even more impossible!”

“Su Zong is not even afraid of the Eagle Kingdom, or is he afraid of a small crane family?”

“After the big deal, Su Zong, don’t go to Aocheng and Gangcheng!”

A group of stars reacted to this, the Crane family is bullish, but the Su Zong in front of him seems to be even more bullish than the Crane Family!

It’s just that their crane family has been shrinking in Okujo, just like a turtle, making it impossible for people to start!

But this does not mean that Su Zong will really be afraid of their crane family!

Moreover, if there is less than one crane, it cannot represent the entire crane family!

He Shao dared to flirt with Gao Wen and Tang Xiaoxue, obviously feeling that Su Zong would not offend their Crane family for the sake of one or two female stars.

But Su always looked at his own woman and splashed red wine on this crane less, but he was completely indifferent.

Why didn’t he know that the Crane family couldn’t come to him for such a small matter?

Besides, whether the Crane Family has the ability to find trouble with this Su Zong is still unknown!

Of course, the premise is that this Su Zong will not go to Aocheng and Hong Kong City in the future!

Otherwise, what will happen, it is difficult to say!

After all, whether it is the Crane Family or the Xiang Family, there are some unclean under the hands!

Don’t be afraid of them coming openly, just be afraid of the black hand behind their backs!

“Stinky bitch, you dare!”

Crane Shao suddenly looked at each other angrily!

When had he been so humiliated by the young master of the Crane Family!

So much so that he immediately couldn’t help it, raised a hand, and slapped Tang Xiaoxue the face!

At the same time, the Xiang Shao on the side also grabbed Gao Wen and grabbed him!

But at this moment, what no one noticed was that Su Chen had already come to the two of them!

And “snapped” two slaps, and flew both of them out at the same time!

“If the mouth is not clean, this is the end!”

“And remember, before you cause trouble in the future, ask yourself if it is enough!”

“Otherwise, if you hurt yourself and will also affect your family, it will not be good!”

Only to see Su Chen said lightly.

And step by step, slowly walked towards the crane less.

Seeing this scene, that Crane Shao thought that Su Chen did not want to let him go, and would continue to attack him!

Scared him to try his best to get up from the ground!

I can’t even take care of the pain in my body!

But no matter how much he struggled, it was useless!

Including that item less, too!

Because of Su Chen’s slap, not only did he knock out half of their teeth!

They are even more dizzy, and they can’t make it up at all!

Fortunately, Su Chen did not have the intention of continuing to attack them.

Just walked over, used the crane boy’s clothes, and wiped his hands.

After all, just now, there was still a lot of red wine left on this crane Shao’s face, and Tang Xiaoxue spilled it.

Even with Su Chen’s hands, he also got a little bit of it!



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