“Young man, are you sure you want to buy a leopard?”

The God of Gamblers stared at Su Chen with his eyes tightly and said in a deep voice!

“I can take the money away anyway, why don’t you play a big one?”

Su Chen was not affected by his momentum at all, and said without any concern.

After all, this momentum of the God of Gamblers is not even pediatric in front of him.

Not to mention, he also knew very well that this was the God of Gamblers bluffing.

But in fact, he did not dare to open the dice cup at all!

Otherwise, if it is true, a 3 6 leopard will be opened.

That’s fun!

“Young people, it is better to stop everything appropriately…”

After a long time, the god of gamblers spoke again.

As Su Chen guessed, he really did not dare to open the dice cup.

After all, that’s 150x odds!

The principal is 359.2 million, which means that once 3 6 leopards are really opened.

Their casino will lose to Su Chen, a total of 53.8 billion!

Despite his absolute confidence, there could not be a leopard in the dice cup!

And even at his peak, it was impossible to replace the dice in the dice cup!

It is even more impossible to put the dice that have been crushed and then return to their original state!

But he can’t do it, doesn’t mean Su Chen can’t do it either!

At least in his opinion, Su Chen’s gambling skills were definitely only stronger than his peak!

So he didn’t dare to gamble!

“Stop? In my dictionary, there have never been four words that can be stopped! ”

“And now the Crane family can’t afford to play, and you have to rely on an old guy to come out and sell the old!”

“Just because I give you face doesn’t mean I’ll always give you face!”

Su Chen suddenly sneered!

The Crane family instigated it themselves, but they were not willing to kneel down directly, so they let this gambling god come out and sell the old face once!

Because in the eyes of the Crane Family, Su Chen’s gambling skills are so clever, then he must also give the gambling god this “predecessor” a little face.

And that’s exactly what happened.

But Su Chen gave face once and promised to determine the victory or defeat, which was already good.

As a result, you still want him to give face again?

You really think your old face is worth much!

Not to mention, at the beginning, even the horse commander and Xiao Ma Brother wanted to go to the door to ask for peace.

They were all rejected by him.

You are a little “god of gamblers”, what qualifications do you have to let him stop at the right time?

At the same time, hearing Su Chen say this, the gambling god finally “pretended” to continue.

Because of Su Chen’s words, how could he not understand?

But he was nominally the brother of the Crane Gambler.

In fact, it’s just a dog from their crane family!

So this time the Crane family asked him to take the name of “God of Gamblers” and let Su Chen sell a face.

He couldn’t refuse at all!

“You, who do you say relies on the old to sell the old?”

At this time, the beautiful dealer on the side finally couldn’t look at it anymore!

Before she knew, she had already seen Su Chen unhappy!

But before she could have a seizure, the god of gamblers appeared.

That’s why she kept putting up with it and didn’t bother Su Chen.

But now, Su Chen dared to say that the master she respected the most was relying on the old and selling the old.

She couldn’t bear it!

“Adults talk, children don’t interject, or can you decide for your Crane family?”

Su Chen didn’t even look at her and directly reprimanded!

For the identity of this beautiful dealer, he naturally knew it too.

Crane Ling’er, granddaughter of the Crane Gambling King.

He is also extremely favored in the Tsuru family.

However, the old family of the Crane family, the preference for sons over daughters is also inevitable.

Coupled with the crane gambling king, there are many descendants.

Therefore, although she was favored, her status in the Crane family was not very high.

Especially now, the crane gambling king is older.

For many things in the Crane family, they are no longer able to do it.

Her position becomes even more embarrassing!

“Ling’er, enough is enough!”

The god of gamblers also spoke.

So Crane LingEr immediately did not dare to say anything more.

Then the God of Gamblers looked at Su Chen again.

“Mr. Su, since you insist on this, then I have nothing more to say, after all, I am just an old guy who can order gambling.” Such a big man as Su Zong, I should also feel very honored to be able to give this old guy a little face! ”

The god of gamblers said again.

The title of Su Chen has also changed from “young man” to “Su Zong”.

The expression on his face completely turned into loneliness!

It looks like you’re getting dozens of years older all at once!

Then I saw him, and a hand slowly opened the dice cup.

Then with that, three intact dice, appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone present was finally completely stunned!

“What? Really a leopard! ”

“3 leopards of 6!”

“150x odds!”

“This is the end of it!”

“How is that possible? How could the God of Gamblers lose! ”

“Impossible! This must be fake! ”





“General Manager Su, my task has been completed, and the next thing is not something I can intervene in!”

Seeing this result, the god of gamblers did not seem to be surprised.

But winning is one thing.

Whether you can get the money you win is another matter!

“The troublesome gambling god brought a message to the crane gambling king, if you can’t come up with so much cash for a while, then you can pay off the debt with this casino, but other real estate and so on, forget it!”

Su Chen smiled lightly without any concern.

Of course, he knew that it was definitely not so easy to get these more than 50 billion yuan from the hands of the crane gambling king.

But he also didn’t believe that someone could really settle accounts in front of him!

However, it is only more than 50 billion, and he still does not pay attention to it.

What he really wants is not money.

Instead, let everyone know that no matter who it is, as long as they dare to provoke him, then wait to be punched in the face by him!

The so-called “hitting people without hitting the face, scolding people without revealing the short”!

But he Su Chen, either don’t shoot, as soon as he shoots, he will specifically punch his face!

What’s more, more than 50 billion in cash, the Crane family may not be able to take it out at once.

After all, most of the assets of the Crane family are some casinos or real estate properties in Aocheng.

These assets are also very troublesome to liquidate.

But this Venice casino, in Su Chen’s view, is still very good.

So if the crane gambling king, really willing to take this casino to pay off the debt.

Then he still, very gladly accepted!

But those real estate and so on, or forget it.

The price is so high, but the ghost knows that it is not really worth that much money!

When the time comes, it will not be sold out.

Run it yourself, maybe even post the money!



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