As soon as the shared bicycle was launched, it immediately attracted the attention of countless capitals!

After all, this project is so simple!

Just do the math and you’ll know it’s definitely promising!

For example, a bicycle costs no more than 300 yuan!

This only takes 300 hours of riding and you can get your money back!

After that, it is pure earning!

And a bicycle that costs 300 yuan, as long as the quality is no problem.

You can’t even ride it in less than 300 hours!

Of course, that’s not the point!

The most important thing is the deposit of 300 yuan!

Just find a way to make users not return the deposit!

Then they can use these deposits to buy a new bike!

Then use the new bike you bought and charge more for the deposit!

And so on and on

Then they don’t need to invest too much money to make the scale very large!

That is, with leverage!

This kind of leveraged thing is exactly what these capitals like the most!

After all, the greater the leverage, the greater the profit!

As for the risk, they don’t care!

So in just a few days, all the bicycle factories in Longguo have all received orders for the mass production of shared bicycles!

Then in less than a week, in several big cities, other brands of shared bicycles appeared!

Then in some small cities, it also began to appear, a large number of shared bicycles!

For a time, sharing bicycles has become the hottest topic in the whole Dragon Kingdom!

At the same time, every day, at least several, new bike-sharing companies will emerge!

Among them, those who have strength are fighting in the big cities!

If the strength is insufficient, specialize in some small cities!

Even the amount of deposits is starting to decrease!

From 300 to 250 and then to 200!

And there are also various promotions!

For example, as long as you don’t refund the deposit for one month, you can ride a bicycle for free!

But the deposit of Tianchen Technology’s “Tianchen Bicycle” has always been 300!

The cost is also 1 dollar 1 hour!

So soon, the market share of “Tianchen Bicycle” began to decline.

Especially when Ah Beaver and Penguin, as well as Du Niang, this stirring stick, are also involved.

The situation of “Tianchen Bicycle” suddenly became even more miserable!

But Su Chen didn’t care.

Still expanding unhurriedly…



Gao Wen and Yang Huan, as soon as they returned home, saw Su Chen in the living room.

Today, Su Chen still lives in the duplex villa on the top floor of Tomson Yipin.

Gao Wen and Yang Huan also lived in the villa that Su Chen gave them.

It’s just that they and Su Chen don’t live in the same building.

In addition, they are usually working, and they are also very busy.

So although the stay was very close.

But the number of times he met with Su Chen was actually not so much.

Especially Gao Wen.

Since so far, Su Chen had not yet eaten her completely.

So much so that with the women around them, more and more.

The number of times Su Chen came to find Gao Wen was also becoming less and less.

And even if you come to find Gao Wen, it is because Yang Huan is also at home.

In this way, he was here in Gao Wen in the first half of the night, and he could go to Yang Huan in the second half of the night.

Otherwise, wouldn’t he be happy to find himself?

But who let him say it to Gao Wen before.

After you make her a big star, eat her again!

So all this is also his own doing!

Fortunately, now, with the official launch of “Running Man”.

As a big baby in the previous life, Gao Wen became the only resident female star.

It also instantly became, one of the most popular little flowers in the entire Dragon Kingdom!

Although not yet a real top star!

But with her acting skills, this is basically the peak of her star career!

Even if it was Su Chen, it was estimated that there was no way to hold her higher!

So naturally there is no need for him, so he will continue to wait!

“Someone is really positive!”

Seeing Su Chen, Yang Huan immediately taunted.

Obviously, she was also very clear about Su Chen’s purpose today!

At the same time, Gao Wen beside her couldn’t help but show a shy expression.

However, in her heart, she was already there, waiting for this day!

“Sister Huan, since you know what I want to do, and you still come back with me, it won’t be…”

Su Chen looked at Yang Huan and teased without caring at all.

“Hmm, don’t think I don’t know what you’re thinking, tell you, don’t even think about it!”

Now that everyone is so familiar, Yang Huan is naturally not like that, at first he was so afraid of him!

At the same time, for Su Chen’s careful thinking, she couldn’t be clearer!

“Cut, if you don’t want to, you don’t even want me to think, this is too overbearing…”

Su Chen couldn’t help but skim his lips.

However, Gao Wen on the side couldn’t stand it anymore.

Although she had already made preparations to be eaten by Su Chen.

And after Su Chen’s teaching, she was already familiar with certain things.

But some topics, for her, are still a little too exciting…

Obviously, for Su Chen and Yang Huan, what exactly is the matter.

She actually knows…

Immediately after joking with Su Chen a few words, Yang Huan left very sensibly.

Because she knew that today’s Su Chen belonged to Gao Wen!

She also didn’t have any idea of wanting to rob Su Chen with Gao Wen!

This is not only because she really regards Gao Wen as her own sister!

Even more because she knew that even if she grabbed it, it would be useless!

In Su Chen’s heart, Gao Wen’s weight was obviously much heavier than hers!

Otherwise, Su Chen wouldn’t have been willing to eat her until now!

Besides, even if she could grab Gao Wen.

Su Chen also has it around him, and what about other women!

For example, that Miss Lin!

And that Ding big beauty!

And that Ye Yiyi!

For these three women, Yang Huan didn’t even have the slightest idea of competition!

At the same time, Gao Wen, who came to the restaurant with Su Chen, was immediately stunned by everything in front of her!

Almost didn’t, crying out in excitement!

Because Su Chen, even very “meticulous”, prepared a candlelight dinner for her!

Although this candlelit dinner, at first glance, was delivered from an upscale hotel.

It was not prepared by Su Chen himself.

But who made Su Chen’s identity different!

This is the same as the big Liu in the port city who sent supper to Li Gangjie!

Others send supper, and may be rejected by the goddess!

But people have money!

So much so that an ordinary supper took down Li Gangjie!

So don’t say just a meal, ordinary candlelight dinner.

Su Chen even if it is, just make a bowl of instant noodles.

It is estimated that they can all move a real goddess like Gao Wen to a pulp!

Then as the candlelight dinner is over, what will happen next, of course, there is no need to say more…



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