In the blink of an eye, it was time for Che Wang and Su Chen, the day of racing.

On this day, the entire Modu Racing Circuit can be described as full!

And not only came a lot, the domestic media!

There are also many foreign media who have also rushed to the scene!

The scale looks like it’s not bad compared to a real F1 race!

At the same time, Tianchen Live, as well as some foreign live broadcast websites, will also be broadcast live!

“Who do you say will win today?”

“Nonsense, of course it is Su Zong!”

“It is said that in the domestic market now, buying Su is always 1 to 1.3, and buying a car is 1 to 3!”

“Isn’t this forcing everyone to buy a car king?”

“People who sit on the house are certainly not stupid!”

“However, it is said that in foreign markets, Su’s total odds are higher than Chewang’s!”

“That’s because they don’t know how powerful Su is!”



Such a gimmicky game is certainly indispensable to the opening of the bookmaker.

However, the domestic bookmakers all know Su Chen’s strength.

Therefore, I did not dare to open Su Chen’s odds too high.

It can even be said that this odds are already quite low!

Just to prevent everyone, buy all Su Chen to win!

But those foreign bookmakers obviously do not believe that Su Chen’s racing technology can be more awesome than the car king!

Not to mention, the Ferrari driven by the car king is still the best performance of all F1 cars today!

If you can lose, unless it’s a fake game!

But this race is no longer just a race between Che Wang and Su Chen!

It is also a showdown between all Western countries and Su Chen’s Tianchen Technology, as well as the entire Dragon Kingdom!

After all, racing also represents the level of the automotive industry!

The automobile industry is regarded as the real embodiment of a country and industrial level!

Because the automotive industry needs to involve too many technologies!

So that there is only one, a real industrial power!

Even an industrial powerhouse!

Only to be able to produce a car with real superior performance!

It is precisely because of this that the Dragon Kingdom, although it has always been called is, an industrial power.

Even today, the only industrial power on the blue star.

But in the eyes of all Western countries, the Dragon Kingdom is not a real industrial power!

Because so far, Longguo can’t even produce a high-performance car that is completely domestically produced!

What qualifications does this have to be called an industrial powerhouse?

Although these Western countries themselves also need the cooperation of multiple countries to be able to produce a car with good performance.

But that didn’t stop them, they despised the Dragon Kingdom!

Coupled with some time ago, Su Chen’s Tianchen Technology also produced a more advanced mobile phone than a fruit mobile phone!

So much so that they shouted on their lips, Tianchen technology is great!

But in my heart, I don’t know how much hatred I have for Su Chen and Tianchen Technology!

It is precisely because of this that Ferrari and Che Wang will take the initiative to challenge Su Chen before!

Because once they win, the benefits to them are too great!

It may even be regarded as a hero by all Western countries!

In this way, they naturally cannot play a fake game!

What the?

What if you lose?


Is this possible?

Anyway at Ferrari and Car King.

And all Westerners seem.

This is simply something that cannot happen!



“Huh? Why hasn’t Su arrived yet? ”

“It’s almost time!”

“The car king is ready!”

“Su Zong won’t be afraid, will he?”

“What joke, Sue will always be afraid?”

At this time, watching the game time, it is about to arrive.

The car king’s Ferrari car has also been driven on the track.

But Su Chen and his car still did not appear.

So much so that many netizens of the Dragon Kingdom immediately began to panic.

But soon, everyone found that a large truck suddenly drove to the side of the track.

“Su Zong is not going to use this truck, compared to the car king, right?”

“Are you stupid, can a truck be compared to a racing car?”

“This track, the truck can’t run!”

“This is a truck that specializes in transporting racing cars Okay!”

“Su Zong’s car must be on this truck!”

Seeing this truck, many people immediately knew that this must be Su Chen’s arrival!

Sure enough, the next moment, accompanied by the opening of the truck compartment.

A silver-white sports car slowly drove down from the truck.

Just see this sports car, everyone present.

Including all, Longguo netizens who are watching the live broadcast.

There are also those foreign netizens.

But they were all stunned at once!

“So handsome!”

“Mr. Su is buying a new sports car again?”

“What kind of car is this, how has it never been seen before!”

“I’ve never seen this logo yet!”

“Depend, look at the big screen on the scene!”

“It’s an advertisement for this sports car!”

“Or Mr. Su personally filmed!”

“Starmarks! It turns out that this is a Startrace supercar produced by Tianchen Technology! ”

“What? Domestic supercar? ”

“Or Tianchen Technology, completely independent research and development and production!”

“Tianchen Technology is also too good!”

“So, we in the Dragon Kingdom also have our own supercar?”

“I just don’t know how the performance is…”

“How about the performance, wait for you to see for yourself, won’t you know?”

“Since Mr. Su wants to take this car and race with the car king, the performance will certainly not be bad!”

“And you found that no, the heroine in that advertisement is so beautiful…”

“That seems to be Miss Silk Vine…”

“It turns out that Miss Silk Vine is wearing a cheongsam, and she looks so good…”



Yes, at this time, the star mark driven by Su Chen is his Tianchen technology, independent research and development and production of supercars!

Although he was not prepared to produce ordinary fuel cars.

Instead, wait for later, directly produce electric vehicles.

But in order to research and upgrade some technology, it is also very necessary to produce some sports cars in small quantities!

But before, he didn’t think about taking these sports cars out.

But this time, since Ferrari wanted to hype him.

Then naturally he doesn’t mind, step on their heads!

As long as he wins this time, then from now on, all the Ferrari sports cars!

Includes all other brands of sports cars!

In front of his star-traced sports car, it is all brothers!

As for the advertisement, it was indeed shot by him and Miss Silk Vine together.

One can promote sports cars.

Second, you can also be justified, see Miss Silk Vine, wearing a cheongsam!

Despite his current relationship with Miss Silk.

As long as he brought it up, she certainly wouldn’t refuse.

But to avoid being misunderstood, he had some special proclivities.

So it’s better to use this method…



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