Thinking of doing it, Su Chen immediately called Zhang Feng over.

Then Zhang Feng listened, Su Chen actually let him build a mobile phone factory, and he was immediately frightened!

“The factory can be built slowly, first build the chip factory.”

“The state has preferential treatment in this regard, so you can go to Beijing and ask.”

“Let’s say that we have a complete 28nm chip manufacturing technology in our hands!”

Su Chen said while touching the fruit 4S in his hand.

Now it is 2012, 28nm chip, is already the most advanced technology in the world!

Even the fruit 4S that he just listed last year in his hand only uses a 32nm chip!

But in the Dragon Kingdom, even 32nm chips are still under study!

More than a generation behind other countries!

At the same time, Longguo’s subsidies for the chip industry began as early as 2000!

Last year’s subsidies were upgraded again!

According to the current policy of Longguo, all chip companies are exempt from tax for 5 years and halved in 5 years!

And before Su Chen was reborn, this subsidy was upgraded again, directly 10 years of tax exemption!

That is to say, Su Chen’s chip factory, in the next 20 years, only 5 years need to pay half of the tax!

The remaining 15 years are all tax-free!

In addition to that, he can also apply directly for the cash subsidy of the state!

Every year, it is as little as tens of millions, and as much as hundreds of millions!

But this little money, Su Chen certainly can’t see it.

I will not learn from others and maliciously deceive state subsidies!

What he really values is the last subsidy of this policy – talent subsidy!

After all, he is only responsible for providing technology, and as for the rest, he has no time to care!

In addition, the production of mobile phones is indeed not urgent.

Nowadays, various brands of mobile phones on the market are in turmoil, even if it is a fruit mobile phone, I dare not say that it is a dominant one!

It wasn’t until two years later, when a generation of Jihuang Fruit 6 turned out, that the fruit could truly be regarded as dominating the world!

So as long as Su Chen can produce the mobile phone within two years, there is no problem!

What’s more, the current mobile phones are too low-end, even if Su Chen can upgrade, he can’t get any too good technology!

“Boss, if you do this again, I really have to consider early retirement…”

Zhang Feng immediately complained…

He is now in real pain and happy!

On the one hand, there is the annual salary plus year-end bonus that makes him very satisfied.

On the other hand, there is something that can’t be dealt with every day!

Although in the general direction, he only needed to obey Su Chen’s orders.

But some small things still have to be handled by him.

After all, he didn’t dare to bother Su Chen with these small things!

Plus he is now in charge of both Feixin and the Hero Tribe.

This is also the Feixin and the Hero Tribe, and the early development is quite smooth.

There was also Su Chen’s money to open the way.

Otherwise, even if he stays in the company 24 hours, he will not be able to complete so much work!

“So how many people do you want?”

Su Chen asked directly.

Zhang Feng’s thoughts, how could he not know.

Just think, the company recruits more people!

But Su Chen has an artificial intelligence system, and he doesn’t need so many people at all!

Including the game customer service in the hero tribe, now the artificial intelligence system is in charge!

So much so that Zhang Feng has always suspected that Su Chen is not outside, and has set up a customer service company!

Because those customer service is so realistic, there is no difference between them and real people!

Even if the player calls the past, the artificial intelligence program can perfectly simulate the voice of various little sisters!

Of course, this is not the main reason.

The main reason is that Su Chen does not want to recruit a group of so-called “professional managers” executives to the company!

These “professional managers” are expensive, and some also require share rewards!

And what they are best at is to “do” the data of various projects beautifully, and then use it to raise funds, or ask the head office for money.

Then find a way to make the project listed, circle money, cash out, and leave!

In this way, it seems that the money has been earned, but this project is basically ruined!

Therefore, this kind of killing chickens and taking eggs is of course not something that Su Chen will do!

Not only will he not kill chickens and take eggs, but he will also make one project after another into an industry!

Then make each industry bigger and stronger, so that you can have endless money!

However, letting Zhang Feng do everything alone, it is indeed a little too difficult for him.

So Su Chen decided to add a few assistants to him.

But these assistants can only be assistants!

Even the assistant of the general manager can not be regarded as the company’s management!

And also be someone who can really do things!

Of course, for these people, Su Chen will not be stingy about wages.

But share rewards, for sure, don’t think about it!

His Su Chen’s company can only belong to him alone!

Anyone, even a 1% stake, would never want to take it from him!



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