“Ma Zong should already know the conditions I gave to Ah Beaver last time, right?”

Su Chen suddenly asked.

Since you understand Xiao Ma Ge’s thoughts, if you don’t knock him hard, you may be too sorry for yourself!

Moreover, Su Chen knew very well that in the last life, when his brother took a taxi and a fast brother took a taxi, the highest record was 40 million burned in one day!

And it burned 40 million on both sides!

So he makes some “small” money, which should not be excessive, right?

Even before he proposed 3 yuan per order, A fox is not unacceptable!

It’s just that this price, as well as Su Chen’s attitude, made the director Shao understand that Su Chen didn’t really want to cooperate with Ah Tanuki.

Coupled with Ah Tanuki’s inherent arrogance, he didn’t continue to talk to Su Chen!

“I have to say that General Manager Su’s conditions are very much in line with General Manager Su’s current status!”

Little Brother smiled again.

That’s the difference between emotional intelligence!

Zhang Feng with low emotional intelligence: The boss is so dark!

Little Brother with high emotional intelligence: This condition is very much in line with the status of Su Zong!

At the same time, in his capacity, it was not difficult to know the conditions that Su Chen had laid out that day.

Not to mention that in the past few days, Shao Feng, the senior director of Ah Beaver, complained in front of others that Su Chen’s offer price was too dark and did not give others a way to live!

But he knew that these words were addressed to their penguins.

Since Su Chen is so dark, you penguins are still looking for the door to cooperate, do you really not care about face at all?

Unfortunately, in the eyes of these businessmen, how much money can face be worth?

“But to be honest, Su Zong’s condition, we penguins are also very difficult to accept.”

Little Brother went on to say.

Since Su Chen diverged from the topic, he was unwilling to continue to talk about the future prospects of mobile phone taxis.

Then it shows that he really does not want to enter the game.

At least for now.

Therefore, Xiao Ma Ge naturally will not continue to dwell on this matter.

“What if you put a deadline on top of this condition?” Three years, we take three years, after three years, if you penguins still want to use the channel of Fetion, then I only charge 5% of the handling fee! ”

It’s hard to accept, which means it’s still possible!

In other words, Pony needs a reason that can convince him to accept!

Or more precisely, there was a reason why Pony needed one that could convince the Penguin board!

So Su Chen gave him this reason now!

As for what time is three years.

That, of course, is three years later, the Dragon King returns…

No, the cross-platform….

It is three years later, the younger brother taxi and the fast brother taxi, must have already merged!

Maybe even within three years, they’ll merge!

When it becomes a company, it will naturally not continue to let Su Chen charge a fee like this!

But by then, Su Chen must have made enough money!

“In this way… It’s not impossible…”

Little Ma Ge silently calculated in his heart.

The amount of a brother’s taxi is now about 300,000 a day.

After three years, it can almost be doubled tenfold, that is, 3 million!

Take the middle number, that is, an average of 1.65 million per day!

But this averages 1.65 million orders per day, and it is impossible to place all orders through Feixin.

In this way, if half of the orders are placed through Fetion, and each order is 3 yuan, the total number of they actually have to pay to Fetion is 1.65 million * 365 * 3 * 3!

That’s almost 5 billion!

So is that 5 billion a lot?

It seems like a lot, but when the younger brother has 3 million orders per day, how much can the valuation reach?

10 billion?

20 billion?

30 billion?

Or more?

He’s talking about the Eagle Knife!

So this 5 billion looks like a lot, but in fact, it is not much at all!

Not to mention that it is still divided into three years!

If during this period, the younger brother has any accident in the taxi, or loses to the fast brother taxi, then naturally there is no need to continue to give money!

At the same time, they can also give their brother a bigger discount on the taxi APP, so that customers can use the APP to place orders more.

That way they need to give Fetion less money, too!

In addition, he did this in order to be able to befriend Su Chen!

After all, his relationship with the above is much closer than Jack’s horse!

Therefore, he vaguely knew that Su Chen had now entered the sight of some big people!

And also with the big miss of the Lin family, the relationship is not shallow!

Therefore, if you can make friends with Su Chen because of this, it is definitely a very cost-effective thing!

Unfortunately, what he didn’t know was that Su Chen and them were not all the way at all!

Or more accurately, Su Chen and all other capitals are not all the same people!

Because Su Chen doesn’t care about money at all!

He wants to make money, not too easily!

But those capitals are different!

Whatever capital does, making money is always in the first place!

The difference is nothing more than what method is used!

Including Xiao Ma Ge who wanted to befriend Su Chen this time, it was also because of the conditions proposed by Su Chen that he was within the scope of his acceptance!

And not only is it good for him, but for the penguins, maybe it can also make a lot of money!

As for befriending Su Chen, at best, it was just a matter of carrying it!



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