Looking at the back of Su Chen’s departure, a group of second-generation people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, I swore in my heart that I would never provoke again in the future, this Su Zong of Tianchen Technology!

And it is absolutely impossible to do things on the territory of Tianchen Technology!

Including this Hero Tribe Pro League!

Know that several of them are owners of esports clubs!

But Su Chen just now is really too scary!

Just a phone call from the bodyguard next to him can make the Zhang family submit!

He even asked Zhang Yu’s father, who was already a prefect, to personally call him to apologize!

This energy is no longer what they can imagine!

Even if someone told them now that it was actually the Lin family who had climbed the big tree of Su Chen, it was estimated that they would not doubt it at all!

Immediately after that, Su Chen also left with Miss Lin.

After all, he hadn’t had enough fun just now!

Miss Lin is the same!

As for the rest of the work, naturally there will be other people to do!

After all, Miss Lin is not Su Chen, and there are many people under her hands!

At the same time, Su Chen did not go to see Gao Wen.

This is also Miss Lin’s territory, and it is necessary to take care of her face to some extent.

Besides, there are many people here, and it is not good to be seen by others…

At the same time, tonight’s live broadcast was also smooth.

The game was also exciting.

And at the peak, the number of people online at the same time in the live broadcast room directly exceeded three million!

But the whole live broadcast room is not stuck at all!

Of course, this is not only the credit of Su Chen’s god-level programming skills, but also the promotion of 4G networks, which is inseparable from the relationship.

Otherwise, even if Su Chen’s technology is superb, the network speed is not good, and it is useless!

Then the next day, the whole network was once again detonated by Su Chen!

“That’s awesome! Tianchen Technology actually got another Tianchen live broadcast out! ”

“While watching the live broadcast, eating takeout at the same time, it is so cool!”

“I used to be able to watch sports live on TV, and I couldn’t imagine that one day I could even broadcast game matches live!”

“Who still watches TV now?”

“That is, just watch the live broadcast later!”

“Unfortunately, there are still too few anchors…”

“It doesn’t matter, there will definitely be more in the future, just like the riders of Tianchen takeaway!”

“When a rider also has a battery car, but the anchor only needs to have a smartphone!”

“The riders of Tianchen takeaway have earned more than 10,000 yuan a month, and I don’t know how much the anchor can earn!”

“Anyway, I believe in Tianchen Technology, and I certainly won’t be stingy!”

“That said, you found no, whether it is takeaway or live broadcasting, it seems that Tianchen Technology has pioneered …”

“It’s really so…”

“In the future, who will dare to say that we Longguo Internet Company have no innovation!”

“Cut, that’s just Tianchen Technology, other Internet companies, not only know plagiarism!”

“That’s called borrowing!”



You should know that before Su Chen’s Tianchen Technology, whether it was Ah Tanuki’s online mall, or Penguin’s Penguin Communication, including Du Niang’s search engine, and now the taxi industry and so on!

To put it bluntly, they are all “advanced” experiences that have long existed abroad!

Then it was “borrowed” by these domestic Internet companies!

Why do you think those capitals are so willing to throw money?

It is not because of this model that has proven to be feasible abroad!

So when Su Chen successively “originally” Tianchen takeaway and Tianchen live broadcast, he immediately became the object of hot discussion on the entire network again!

Even known as yes, the hope for the future of the Dragon Kingdom Internet!

It has also been approved by many netizens!

Unfortunately, as the boss of Tianchen Technology, Su Chen’s identity is still a mystery…

At least on the Internet, absolutely can not find any information about Su Chen!

Of course, this is only for ordinary people.

For some people who are more well-informed, although Su Chen’s information cannot be found on the Internet, some of Su Chen’s situation can still be heard.

For example, the previous two generations.

Before they formed the Hero Tribe Clan, they naturally had to have a certain understanding of Su Chen’s bottom line.

But Su Chen didn’t care.

He hides his identity and is not really afraid of anything.

I just don’t want to walk on the street in the future and be recognized casually.

And then just being watched…



The next day, when Su Chen woke up, he found that Miss Lin on the side was already holding a mobile phone, leisurely brushing V Bo.

And the tone also looks very good.

Obviously, Su Chen’s performance last night made her very satisfied!

But at this time, seeing that Su Chen was ready to get up, Miss Lin suddenly asked, “How about we also do a V Bo?” ”

“Not good!”

Su Chen casually replied.

Of course, he understood what she meant, nothing more than that he had not completely given up on him by handing over the Feixin to Ding Ning!

That’s why I’ll be eyeing V Bo this, an information exchange site!

After all, this is related to fishing boat propaganda!

Sometimes even guiding fishing boats is more convenient than Feixin!

And as Miss Lin Family, the role of fishing ships and propaganda, she is also very clear!

And to tell the truth, at the beginning, Su Chen also had his eyes on V Bo!

But then he figured it out, V Bo this thing, is a super big dung pit!

You don’t make it into a dung pit, no one has come!

No, no flies are coming!

So as a normal person, he eventually gave up on his plan to make a cesspool…

The most important thing is that V Bo is useless to Su Chen at all!

To know that Su Chen, who has god-level programming skills, on the Internet, it is absolutely not an exaggeration to say that he is a real god!

“What about the shares?”

Miss Lin still asked without dying.

After all, today’s V Bo has more than 200 million users!

The activity is the first of all portals!

She didn’t have that much money before, so she didn’t care.

But now with her back to Su Chen’s super tree, her ambition naturally swelled along with it!

Besides, she wasn’t doing it for herself!

Even if she wants to invest in V Bo, it is in the name of Tianchen Technology!

And now, the whole Tianchen Technology is still a company that belongs to Su Chen!

Including her and Ding Ning, there is no trace of Tianchen Technology’s shares!

Of course, if there is no now, it does not mean that there will not be in the future.

She didn’t, and that doesn’t mean her future son didn’t either.

So she is planning for the future now!

Unfortunately, what she didn’t know was that with Su Chen’s current physical fitness, not to mention living to be 100 years old, even if she lived to be over 150 years old, it was entirely possible!

Not to mention that Su Chen is also ready to study drugs that can prolong human life in the future!

However, since she wanted to join the shares, Su Chen did not need to stop her.

It doesn’t cost much anyway.

And it doesn’t have to be useless at all.

For example, in the future, if there is any black material of penguins and foxes, they want to delete the post, but it is not so easy!



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