Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty

Chapter 565: The Savior

All the Khitan people rushed towards Yeluhong!

The middle-aged woman was also among these people. She looked at Yeluhong with excitement in her eyes! In fact, all the Khitan people here looked at Yeluhong with excitement!

The life of the Khitan people in Liaodong is the most difficult. They have been ruled by the Jurchens for 20 years. They are the most humble and inferior race under the Jurchens.

Later, Yeluhong appeared, like a bright light in the dark night, so countless Khitan people rebelled with him!

They thought they could defeat the Jurchen and live a good life again, but in a big battle outside Huanglong Mansion, hundreds of thousands of Khitan rebels died at the hands of 50,000 Jurchen troops, their hopes were shattered!

The Khitan rebels were greatly panicked, until now, they are still terrified!

Their confidence in Yeluhong has also decreased a lot, but Yeluhong is the leader of the Khitan people anyway. He was the son of Yeluhong, the former emperor of the Liao Kingdom. Some time ago, Yeluhong said that he could bring them food, and they still chose to believe it!

"His Royal Highness, here we come!"

"His Royal Highness, save us!"

There were cries everywhere, they were getting closer and closer to Yeluhong, at this moment, the Song army in front rushed over, and they lined up to stop the Khitans!

Some Khitans wanted to rush over, but the soldiers of the Song Army were well-trained and physically strong, and those Khitans who tried to rush over were all pushed to the ground!

"Why don't you let us go?"

"Get out of the way!"

The Khitan people shouted angrily, however, at this moment, more and more Song soldiers rushed in behind, and they had already pulled the bows and arrows in their hands, and the arrow points reached the countless Khitan people in front of them!

The Khitan people were stunned for a moment, and then there was a look of terror in their eyes!

The battle outside the Huanglong Mansion greatly shocked the remaining Khitan rebels. They already understood that bare hands are definitely no match for the regular army, and they are already terrified of the regular army.

The middle-aged woman's body trembled constantly, she was ready to leave here! In fact, not only her, but many Khitan people are preparing to retreat temporarily.

At this moment, Liao King Yeluhong, Xiao Qilang, Wang Gui and others began to walk forward!

Those ten thousand chiefs who had abandoned the Khitan rebel army all came forward.

Seeing this, the Khitan talents gradually stopped, and their voices gradually disappeared.

Yeluhong came in front of countless Khitan people, he smiled at the Khitan people here, and the Khitan people here gradually calmed down.

"His Royal Highness, where is the food?"

"That's right! Your Highness Liao Wang, you said that as long as we come to Xinzhou, we will have food, but we haven't seen it yet!"

It was only after a moment of calm that another Khitan shouted, and commotion broke out among the Khitan again.

Yeluhong raised his hands, the Khitan man's voice stopped again, and then he started to speak, but his voice was too soft, Xiao Qilang shouted his voice from the side.

"His Royal Highness Liao Wang said that he has no food in his hand!" Xiao Qilang said.


Suddenly, there was an uproar among the Khitan people!

At this moment, more and more Khitan people from Xinzhou City came here!

Now the number of Khitans assembled in Xinzhou City may have reached 300,000 to 400,000 people. The Khitans behind are still unaware of what happened ahead.

"How can this be?" The middle-aged woman's face showed a sad and indignant expression. She had been waiting here for a few days, suffering from hunger and hunger. These days, she just ate a dead mouse. She had reached the end of her patience. To the extreme, I thought that Yeluhong could bring food, but who knew that Yeluhong actually said that he had no food!

Immediately, the hundreds of thousands of Khitan rebels here are ready to riot!

They would starve to death if they had no food to eat. They hated Yeluhong who deceived them so much that they wanted to rush up and tear Yeluhong to pieces! Crazy looks appeared in the eyes of countless people.

"Everyone be quiet! His Royal Highness Liao Wang has something to say!" Xiao Qilang said loudly.

This Xiao Qilang is highly skilled in martial arts and has entered the innate realm for many years. At this moment, his voice spread far away.

Beside him, more than a dozen ten thousand captains also shouted in unison, and the voices of "His Royal Highness Liao Wang has something to say" can be heard everywhere outside Xinzhou City.

The scene fell silent again.

"His Royal Highness Liao said that he has no food in hand, but the savior is coming! The savior will bring us food!" Xiao Qilang said.


The Khitan people around were in an uproar again, and there were voices of discussion here again.

"His Royal Highness Liao Wang said that after the arrival of the savior, we will not only have food to eat, but also more things, and our days will be exactly the same as before!"

"The world is in chaos, and Jurchen is a black dragon. A savior has been sent down from the sky to save the world! His Royal Highness King Liao originally wanted to lead you and defeat Jurchen with his own strength, but he failed. It seems that we still have to rely on the savior to save us!"

"The savior will come to Shinshu soon! Everyone wait a little longer! The savior will come here within a day!"

"At that time we will be saved and have food!"

Xiao Qilang was shouting loudly, and the voice kept spreading!

The Khitan people here, who had already reached the extreme of despair, could not believe it and looked forward to hearing these words!

The road ahead is dark, and they have only one way to die. They are like people who are drowning and struggling to die. When they hear such words, although they think it is impossible, they still force themselves to believe that it is true! This is like a drowning person trying to grab a reed on the water!

"Savior! Is there really a savior? Come quickly!" The middle-aged woman only had this thought in her mind!

"His Royal Highness Liao Wang said, you all kneel down with him, pray together, and wait for the arrival of the savior!" Xiao Qilang and the ten thousand elders shouted again.

Seeing Yeluhong kneeling down in front, those Khitan people also knelt down after being stunned.

Everyone including Xiao Qilang and others also knelt down, and the soldiers of the Song Army around them also knelt down.

"Father in heaven, benevolent and kind, we are all citizens of heaven! The black dragon was born, and the people were in dire straits. The heavenly father sent his son to the world to save the people from disasters! God bless, let the savior come sooner! Great Lord It is about to come among us, it is about to rescue us..."

Yeluhong was muttering words there, while Xiao Qilang kept shouting these words out loud.

In the end, the voices of "Savior" and "Lord" can be heard everywhere outside Shinshu City!

The heavy snow fluttered, the tops of countless people's heads turned white, and countless people couldn't stand up because of the cold, but they were still praying with Yeluhong and Xiao Qilang, and their voices became more and more pious! This is like the MLM scene of later generations. At this moment, they are desperately grasping the "light of hope" and praying desperately.

There was the sound of rumbling horseshoes in the distance, and the faces of the Khitan people here showed frightened expressions.

"His Royal Highness Liao Wang said, don't get up! The savior is about to come among us!" Xiao Qilang shouted loudly.

"You continue to pray with His Highness! You will be in distress for the rest of your life, but the Heavenly Father is merciful, and the Lord descends into the world to bless the world..."

Soon, the countless Khitan rebels here prayed loudly again.

Zhao Chen, Yue Fei, and Yu Yunwen led more than 20,000 cavalry to come here, and what they saw was this unbelievable scene.

When he was about to arrive in Xinzhou yesterday, Zhao Chen had already received news that the Propaganda Department was about to hold a grand event here to regain the hearts of the Khitan rebels, but Zhao Chen never dreamed that it was "prayer", what else? Countless ridiculous words such as "Savior" and "Lord" reached his ears! Of course, he couldn't understand Khitan, and these were explained by the soldiers next to him.

In Zhao Chen's impression, "savior" and "lord" are special words used by a certain religion in later generations! The savior is Christ! It is said that the Jews were brutally ruled by the Romans more than 2,000 years ago. The Jews longed for a "savior" and "Christ" to appear to save the disaster. Jesus took the opportunity to preach and was called "Christ". Also devised the so-called "Savior" and "Lord" title!

All the Khitan people looked up at the moment, they saw countless cavalry stopped, and countless soldiers dismounted from their horses, and they surrounded a young man wearing a dragon robe and a golden crown, coming towards here.

This young man is full of vigor and kindness, his eyes seem to be able to contain everything, and when he walks, it seems that the world is under his control.

"A god surrounded by golden power is about to come to the world to save the people from disaster..." Xiao Qilang yelled again frantically at this moment, and the hundreds of thousands of Khitan people also yelled together.

Yeluhong stood up and walked towards Zhao Chen. After a while, he knelt down in front of Zhao Chen, lifted the hem of Zhao Chen's clothes, and began to kiss.

"His Royal Highness the Liao King said that the great Lord has arrived outside the city of Xinzhou, and he is the most devout citizen of the Lord to welcome the arrival of the Lord! Let us welcome the arrival of the Lord together! Great Lord, please, save us! We have been waiting for you for a long time! Back then we used to live in your kingdom of heaven, and now you have come to the world from heaven, and once again rescued us! us!" Xiao Qilang shouted loudly.

Immediately, all the Khitan people looked at Zhao Chen, and everyone shouted "Please, save us" and the like.

Qin Yuzhen and Xue Susu were stunned at the moment, they never dreamed that such a thing would happen outside Xinzhou City!

The eyes of those Khitan people were full of longing. In their eyes, only Zhao Chen existed, and countless Khitan people equated Zhao Chen with the "lord" in their hearts.

Zhao Chen was also shocked, but he was shocked by the titles "Savior" and "Lord". He didn't know how the people in the Propaganda Department thought of these two titles!

The scene in front of him was indeed grand, but Zhao Chen was not at a loss because of it. He was an emperor, commanding thousands of troops, and Prime Minister Heshan Sheji. At this moment, his expression was still stable and indifferent.

"Great Lord, your people are eager for you to say a few words to them!" Yeluhong said, and Xiao Qilang spread the words again.

Zhao Chen nodded, looked at the high platform next to him, and walked towards the high platform.

Soon, Zhao Chen came to the high platform, and the outside of Xinzhou City suddenly became silent.

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