Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1005: All admiration, Shi Zhijian!

Hong Kong "Oriental Daily"----

"Congressman Shi Zhijian proposed to abolish the laws of the Qing Dynasty, align with the civilization of the times, and abolish the polygamy system!"

Hong Kong "Ming Pao"-----

"Are the laws of the Qing Dynasty still suitable for the development of the times? Is there any discrimination against women in polygamy? Congressman Shi Zhijian boldly proposed a case, which is shocking!"

Early in the morning, all the newspapers and magazines in Hong Kong published the news of Shi Zhijian's request for the Hong Kong government to abolish the laws of the Qing Dynasty! Especially for the polygamy system, it is required to embrace civilization and abolish it as soon as possible!

As soon as this news came out, it was like a shocking thunder, and the Hong Kong was turbulent!

Hong Kong Wanchai Tea Restaurant!


A man with a crooked mouth kicked the chair to the ground!

"What do you mean? He Shi Zhijian wants to abolish the laws of the Qing Dynasty? Who does he think he is? He can marry three wives, but he wants us to have one wife? I'll beat him!"

"Yeah, this is too unfair! Men who have money can have three wives and four concubines, as long as you can support them!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Weizui, can you support two wives with three hundred yuan a month? I'm afraid you can't even support one!"


Hong Kong western restaurant.

"It's interesting, this Shi Zhijian dared to touch the laws of the Qing Dynasty that everyone feared, and advocated monogamy!" said a gentleman drinking coffee.

"This rotten thing should have been abolished long ago! It seems that this Senator Shi is really a man of conscience!" said a lady.

"That's right! A talent like him can be called an honest official!"

Huo Daheng's mansion in Hong Kong.

In the early morning, Huo Daheng got up from the bed.

His wife had already dressed, and bent over to help him put on his socks and shoes, and then fetched clean water to help him wash.

Huo Daheng looked at his aging wife and couldn't bear to say: "Just leave these things to the servants, you don't have to do it yourself."

"I'm your wife, and these are the things I should do."

Huo Daheng smiled and stopped talking.

After washing up, he went downstairs to the restaurant, only to see Huo Dashao shouting excitedly with a newspaper.

Huo Daheng couldn't help frowning: "A Ting, what are you doing crazy early in the morning?"

"Aba, look! Ah Jian is so sharp!" Huo Dashao hurriedly grabbed the newspaper and ran to his father to show it to him.

Huo Daheng took the newspaper and saw the big news at a glance-----

He was stunned for a moment and couldn't believe it!

Abolishing the laws of the Qing Dynasty is taboo!

There used to be a lot of strongmen and celebrities who wanted to do something about it, but they all came back and were scolded, but now-----

"Abba, do you think Ajian is very good? Now I'm afraid the whole of Hong Kong has exploded! The ghost system like polygamy should be abolished long ago!" He winked hard at himself.

Huo Dashao just remembered something, "I mean... it used to be in the past, but now the times are progressing, and society is developing, and what should be abolished should be... ahem!"

Huo Daheng didn't speak. He walked to the dining table, sat down, and then instructed Huo Dashao: "Let everyone come down to eat! A family should be like a family!"

After a pause, he said, "As soon as Ah Jian's proposal comes out, I'm afraid many people will want their wives and children to be separated!"

Huo Dashao didn't think so, "One husband and one wife is the right way! Even if the wife and son are separated, it's self-inflicted!"

For the first time, Huo Dashao disagreed with his father.

Huo Daheng glanced at his son and suddenly said, "A Ting, you have grown up!"


"It's miserable! It's miserable! Miss! The surname Shi is good or bad! You see he wants to abolish the laws of the Qing Dynasty and demand monogamy! It's obviously targeting you!" Wearing golden glasses, he pretended to be a gentleman and read the newspaper, while helping Dai Fengni.

Dai Fengni reclined lazily on the chair, her black hair draped over her shoulders, looking very messy, but this mess gave her a very charming taste.

Especially after giving birth to a child, Dai Fengni has a special aura that smells very good!

Master Su saw that Chen Biao, the bastard, was secretly hiding beside the eldest lady and sucking his nose.

His master, Su Cai, disdain to do so, he always sniffs his nose openly and takes a few more sips!

Dai Fengni was holding the little baby Dandan in her arms, and Dandan giggled at her.

"Master Su, don't you think Dandan is a strange child? He was so ugly when he was born, I didn't even look at him! But now he's getting more and more beautiful! I can't help kissing his little cheek secretly, And kiss his little feet!"

"Children are like this! Besides, Young Master Dandan was born by you! You are a dragon and a phoenix, and Young Master Dandan is of course sharp!" Master Su grinned and suddenly said, "By the way, what did I just say? on?"

"You said that Shi Zhijian who threw himself on the street to abolish the laws of the Qing Dynasty was deliberately hurting me!"

"That's right! That's right! As long as monogamy is approved, you won't want to marry into the Shi family in the future, eldest miss!"

"Say I'm going to marry into the Shi family?" Dai Fengni grabbed Dandan's little hand and kissed it again and again, tsk tsk.

"If you don't get married, how will you manage his family's property?" Master Su didn't say these words, he didn't have the guts, but Dai Fengnian came downstairs and said loudly.

Dai Fengni held Dandan high indifferently, and said to her brother, "Our Dai family is not bad, why do I want Shi's family property? Besides, he promised me that all the business on Baodao is mine! "

Dai Fengnian rolled his eyes, "Do you have this ambition?"

"I'm a woman! You also said that women have such great ambitions?"

"That was the past!" Dai Fengnian walked up to Dai Fengni, "I taught you to be honest and don't provoke that Shi Zhijian, why don't you listen?"

"But I don't think I'm at a disadvantage! Look, not only did I get so many companies in Baodao, but I also got such a cute baby!" Dai Fengni held up the young master Dandan to show Dai Fengnian, "Call it uncle! Let uncle not be angry!"

Eggy just "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

Dai Fengnian hugged Eggy and said to his sister, "Reflect on it! The girl's family has suffered a loss, and she has the face to say such things!"

Dai Fengni let out a listless "Oh", then got up from the sofa, "I'm going to do yoga!"

"Do yoga for what?"

"Baodandan's daddy! Women will lose their shape after giving birth. If I don't practice yoga, how can I show my charm in front of Shipu Street?"

"Eh? That's right!" Dai Fengnian said, holding the **** and facing her sister upstairs. "If you need to practice, it's better to keep it up, it's better to bulge forward and back up! Men, they all like this!"

Dai Fengni didn't look back: "You uncle, help me take care of the child first!"

Dai Fengnian hugged Eggy, and Eggy burst into tears!

Dai Fengnian was at a loss, "Don't cry! Your mother is inconvenient, and I didn't expect you to be inconvenient!"

Eggy cried even more!

Dai Fengnian asked Master Su, "Why is he crying?"

Master Su: "I probably know that the laws of the Qing Dynasty will be abolished, and his father can't marry his mother in the future!"

"Marry you asshole!"


In addition to the chickens and dogs on the Dai family's side, Li Xuexuan's side is also very tangled!

After all, she and Shi Zhijian were considered "close comrades-in-arms", and that candle witnessed how profound the "friendship" between them was. Now Shi Zhijian is doing such a thing, making her very passive and difficult to handle!

In contrast, Li Jiacheng, Li Zhaoji and others are praising Shi Zhijian's boldness and boldness!

Shi Zhijian can be considered a strong man if he dares to take the laws of the Qing Dynasty into a rage! After all, many people have thrown themselves on this proposal before, and they have been scolded bloody!

In short, the rules set by the ancestors are not so easy to break! Not even if you are the first Chinese MP!

For Bailiqu and other members of the Guilao Congress, Shi Zhijian, a guy who is "fishing for fame", is "killing" for such a proposal!

That's right!

This proposal will be supported by progressive people in society, especially many British people! You can get great glory in newspapers and internationally! Be a pioneer of justice for the liberation of women and against discrimination against women!

But at the bottom of society in Hong Kong, in the traditional cultural circle of Hong Kong, this is taboo!

"Look! Those Hong Kong people will bite Shi Zhijian to death! Abolish the laws of the Qing Dynasty? The coffin of their ancestors is almost overwhelmed! Shi Zhijian, do you really think you are God?" Bailiqu bit With a cigar, drinking red wine, and sneering!

No Error Novel Network


"You talented, how many people scold me in the newspapers?" Shi Zhijian asked the fat lawyer Liang Youcai, sitting leaning on the boss chair with a cigarette in his mouth.

Liang Youcai read all the newspapers with glasses and reported: "Many of the newspapers support you! Especially those ghosts who say you are the savior of the world and the guide of a civilized society! And they say that you are the pioneer of women's liberation! "

"It's rare that these ghosts know the goods! I'm starting to like them!"

"But most people in Hong Kong scold you!"

"Oh, what are you calling me?"

"Scolding you that you are full of people who do not know how hungry people are! He also scolded you for being a human being and breaking up lovers! He also said that the laws of the Qing Dynasty were handed down by our ancestors, and you are digging the graves of our ancestors!"

"anything else?"


"Speak it!"

"It's nothing to scold you for having a baby!"

Shi Zhijian smiled with a cigarette in his mouth, "I moved out of my ancestors to scare me, and even scare me with a curse! Think I'm afraid?!"

Liang Youcai swallowed, "So, Mr. Shi, do you want me to write a subpoena to sue those people for slander and convict them! Put out the fire!"

"Extinguishment is not like this! You are adding fuel to the fire!" Shi Zhijian smiled and got up and said, "Am I going to meet those rickshaw representatives today?"

"Yes, the rickshaw business is not good now, and many people are unemployed! Shi Sheng, you need to interview them and solve their livelihood problems!"

Shi Zhijian nodded and snapped his fingers to let Chen Huimin come over.

"Huimin, do you know how to put out a fire like this?"

Chen Huimin thought for a while, "I understand, Mr. Shi!"

Shi Zhijian's mouth twitched and he smiled: "You just understand! By the way, I didn't say anything, I'm a law-abiding citizen!"


For a moment----

Chen Huimin came out of the office.

Going to a place, I found the phone and called Da Daxiong: "Brother Xiong, there is something for you to do... That's right! That's it... Mr. Shi said, he is a law-abiding citizen!"

Daxiong grinned: "Received!"

Click, hang up.

Da Daxiong rubbed the skin of his armpit with one hand, and beckoned to his confidants: "Help me find someone, so, so... Remember, I didn't say anything, I didn't do anything, I Daxiong abides by the law citizen!"

The confidant smiled "hehe", "Understood, Brother Xiong! All of us in Hong Yihai are law-abiding citizens!"


Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Shi Zhijian finished his office and came out of the Shinhwa Building.

Chen Huimin stepped forward: "I'm sorry, Mr. Shi! The vehicle is going for maintenance today!"

Shi Zhijian looked at Chen Huimin and said with a smile: "Then take a rickshaw! Just to experience the suffering of the people of the rickshaw association!"

"Okay, Mr. Shi!"

Chen Huimin beckoned a rickshaw as he walked.

During this period, those media reporters who had been waiting at the entrance of the building rushed out when they saw Shi Zhijian appear!

"Mr. Shi, can I do an interview for you!"

"Mr. Shi, what do you think about the abolition of the laws of the Qing Dynasty?!"

The media surrounded Shi Zhijian and greeted him with long guns and short guns!

Shi Zhijian waved his hand and said with a smile: "This proposal is still being studied, and I will give you a perfect answer when it is confirmed! Thank you again!"

Shi Zhijian bowed slightly towards everyone, expressing his gratitude.

Immediately turned to the rickshaw.

At this time, a big man in the crowd suddenly shouted to Shi Zhijian: "The last name is Shi, I am your mother! You abolish the decree of the ancestors, and you are not a son of man!"

Everyone looked at the shouting, but saw the big man stretched out his arms and rushed towards Shi Zhijian!

Chen Huimin immediately said, "Protect Mr. Shi!"

Without waiting for the man to pounce, he flew and kicked out!


The big man was kicked away by Chen Huimin!

Roll out three meters away!


The media are shooting wildly!


Revelations are here!

"This person is going to assassinate Mr. Shi! Hurry up and call the police!" Chen Huimin stepped on the other side with one makes the big man unable to move!

All the media crackling again!

The big man struggled desperately on the ground: "I don't! I just scare him!"

"Dare to argue?" Chen Huimin stepped down with a slap, knocking the opponent unconscious!

"How do you feel when Mr. Shi encounters such a thing?" the reporter asked.

This Shi Zhijian got off the rickshaw and faced the camera: "For women's liberation, for the sake of peace in Hong Kong! Shi, someone who is willing to take risks alone and die!"

The tone is sonorous and powerful!


The camera captures this moment!


"Congressman Shi was attacked! He still doesn't change his original intention!"

"The feudal forces use violence, and Senator Shi upholds the righteousness!"

That afternoon, the whole of Hong Kong was praising the heroic deeds of Shi Zhijian, a stalwart who loved peace, pleaded for the people, and was willing to take risks for women's rights.

In this era of Hong Kong, the old and the new are changing, especially the "women's liberation" advocated by Western civilization is even more vigorous. Shi Zhijian's behavior has undoubtedly won the favor of the female public.

Coupled with the hype of many media, Shi Zhijian's fame crossed Hong Kong to England! Even the media over there began to praise Shi Zhijian's heroic behavior and anti-feudal ideology!

"This is an excellent Chinese with avant-garde thinking!"

"He represents the cry of the Chinese in the new era in Hong Kong!"

Even the largest media in the UK, The Times, summed it up in one sentence----

"Everyone admires, Shi Zhijian!"

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