Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1109: Hidemyo Shinbu!

The ghost girl He Jiali was wearing a high-necked long-sleeved cheongsam with a white embroidered red rose and a hem that stretched to the feet. She got off the special car gracefully and immediately caused a sensation in Chinatown.

There are not many ghost girls wearing cheongsam in Chinatown, but there are very few who can completely control the cheongsam and wear the cheongsam with a curvy feeling like Hecarly!

Especially like this style of roses, many Chinese think it is gaudy, Chinese people prefer lotus, or chrysanthemum, these cool flower embroidery.

Hecarly was not at all afraid of the people around her looking at her, and she was even more disdainful of those men and women who pointed at her.

She walked lightly to the front of Shi Zhijian's villa, stretched out her hand and rang the bell.

The ghost assistant who followed behind her carried the briefcase without leaving an inch. When facing Hecarly, he was obedient like a servant, but facing the Chinese people in Chinatown, he was proud like a nobleman.

The door of the villa opened, and Hecarly showed her identity and walked inside with her assistant under the guidance of the servant.

In the hall of the villa, Axe Jun is practicing squatting and squatting. This is a habit he has developed for many years. He has an apple on his head and pushes with both hands. There is a cigarette between his fingers. .

On the reclining chair not far away, Yan Xiong opened his arms, revealing his big belly, one foot squeezed and pulled the slippers, the other foot was raised, and the slippers were hanging around his thumbs, he picked up the fruit plate and took a bite of the apple. Chong Zheng was standing with an axe and Jun said: "Fuck the street! I really don't know what's the use of you doing this? It's like wood! It's a waste of apples! As you know, apples are for eating! An apple a day keeps disease away from me, Do you know it? Putting it on your head like you is completely crazy!"

Hecarly walked across the yard into the hall, and saw Yan Xiong and Axe Jun at a glance.

Axe Jun remained motionless, but his eyes turned towards Hecarly.

When Yan Xiong saw that the beautiful lawyer Hecari was coming, he immediately got up and put on his slippers in embarrassment, and then covered the exposed belly with the front of his clothes, and said with a flattering smile: "Wow, it's lawyer Hecarly! Are you looking for someone else? Shouldn't you be looking for me?"

"I'm looking for Mr. Shi!"

"Oh, Mr. Shi! Actually, I knew from the beginning that you were looking for Mr. Shi! He's in the study on the second floor! Would you like me to take you up there?" Yan Xiong nibbled at the apple and said with a smile.

"No! I'll just go up by myself!"

"Okay, slow down! The stairs are too slippery!" Yan Xiong watched Hecarly walk towards the second floor as he stepped on the stairs. Every step he took, the split cheongsam revealed Hecarly's long, clean legs, making it so Yan Xiong couldn't help but bent down and aimed upward.

"Humph!" A cold hum suddenly sounded in his ear.

Yan Xiong saw that it was an assistant brought by Hecari, and now he was looking at himself with contempt.

Yan Xiong immediately bent down to the ground and said, "Hey, did my coin fall to the edge?" He pretended to be looking for something on the ground.

The ghost assistant looked at him with disdain and followed Hecarly upstairs.

When the ghost assistant went up, Yan Xiong got up and scolded: "Pu, your mother, do you think I would like to watch it? I am also one of the four chief detectives in Hong Kong. I would like to see that your boss is giving her face!"

Yan Xiong cursed and turned around and walked to Axe Jun.

The axe was sticking like a wooden stick, and his eyes were staring at Yan Xiong.

Yan Xiong pouted his lips in disdain, stretched out his hand and took away the cigarette held between Axe Jun's fingers, took a puff on his mouth and exhaled the smoke: "See what? Cigarettes are for smoking! Not for clipping! Waste of things. ,shameful!"


When He Jiali saw Shi Zhijian in the study, Shi Zhijian was frowning at a drawing with a distressed look on his face.

"Uh, here you are!" Shi Zhijian looked up at her and said.

Hecarly glanced at the drawing from the corner of her eye, which looked like a bicycle, with battery and motor graphics beside it.

Her major is law, not physics, so she doesn't care.

"According to your instructions, we have reached a settlement with the London Chamber of Commerce! At the same time, our legal team has also handed over all 300 energy companies to His Royal Highness Wells." The work done was reported to Shi Zhijian one by one.

Shi Zhijian folded the artwork in front of him, nodded to He Jiali and said, "Thank you for your hard work! Also, your cheongsam is very beautiful." Shi Zhijian praised.

In the past, Hecarly would have scoffed at this kind of compliment.

She had a bad impression of Shi Zhijian, thinking he was a complete scumbag and a playboy.

However, after taking over the work assigned by Shi Zhijian, and the thrilling experience of more than a month, He Jiali had a new understanding of Shi Zhijian.

This is a magical, unpredictable man! Full of mysterious allure!

Therefore, Shi Zhijian's casual compliment caused an indescribable sweetness in Hecari's heart.

But right away, Hecarly reminded herself, "Hecarly, Hecarly, what's wrong with you? Is your head crazy? How could you have such a thought? This is a terrible man, seemingly harmless to humans and animals, but not in the way. He is treacherous and cruel!"

After Hecari reminded herself, she asked her assistant to open the briefcase and take out a large number of documents that needed to be signed by Shi Zhijian.

The ghost assistant has always been obedient to He Jiali, but he is disdainful of Shi Zhijian, the "boss". First, Shi Zhijian is Chinese, second, Shi Zhijian is too young, and finally he thinks that the other party may not understand anything!

It's just some stinky money! He has seen many such people!

The ghost assistant slowly opened the briefcase, took out the documents and said to Shi Zhijian, "You just need to sign this!" His attitude was cold.

Shi Zhijian looked at the documents carefully, most of them were transfer agreements, and there were some supplementary explanations for the contracts.

Shi Zhijian did not sign immediately, but asked Hecari carefully for each copy, and only then took the pen to sign.

The work that was originally easy to complete was done very slowly because of Shi Zhijian's own prudence and subtlety.

He Jiali doesn't care. As a lawyer, her job is to deal with problems and solve problems for customers. The more Shi Zhijian asks, the more the other party values ​​her.

On the contrary, the assistant He Carrie brought was often stunned by Shi Zhijian's questions. If He Carrie hadn't helped, he would have been unable to resist.

At this moment, the ghost assistant couldn't help but look at Shi Zhijian one more time, and only then did he realize that the young man in front of him was not simple.

It took about two and a half hours for Shi Zhijian to process all the information.

The ghost assistant was already sweating profusely. He Jiali was better, but her feet felt numb because of her standing. However, she still had important things to ask Shi Zhijian, so after sorting out the information, she said, "Shi Sir, I'm actually very curious! You arbitrarily spent 70 million pounds to buy 300 energy companies, and finally made a full 300 million! I'd like to know, how did you do it?"

After Hecari said this, she stared at Shi Zhijian with burning eyes.

"Are you curious about this?" Shi Zhijian smiled and screwed the cap of the signature pen, put it on the pen holder of the desk, and asked Hecarly.

"Yes, so to speak! Because it's amazing!"

"There are so many amazing things in this world! And many of them can't be explained!"

"I just want an answer—"

"what is the answer?"

"Did you already know that the UK was going to vote to join the European Union?" This was the biggest doubt in Hecarly's heart, because everything Shi Zhijian did was reversed after the UK referendum! Three hundred garbage companies instantly turned into sweet pastry!

Shi Zhijian took a cigarette from the desk and bit it on his mouth, then picked up a Zippo lighter and lit it. While playing with the lighter in his hand, he exhaled smoke, and said leisurely, "If I say yes, what do you think?"

Hecarly froze in her heart, and stared at Shi Zhijian: "How did you do it?" Her breathing was a little short, looking like she couldn't believe it.

"Tarot cards! I asked a gypsy to calculate the tarot cards, and the tarot cards gave me an early warning----how about this, this is no good reason?" Shi Zhijian said with a smile as he played the ash.

Hecarly's eyes dimmed eagerly to know the truth, of course she didn't believe Shi Zhijian's nonsense! Since the other party is unwilling to say, she can't continue to ask.

"Thank you, I'm very satisfied with this answer."

"As long as you are satisfied! Also, when Wells has paid all the money on behalf of the Duke of Windsor, you can help me transfer 200 million directly to the Shinhwa Investment Fund, and the other 100 million will be deposited into your largest bank in the UK, and I have other Use it!" Shi Zhijian told Hecarly.

Shi Zhijian is not very familiar with the financial market on the British side. He doesn't know which bank has good service and high interest rates. It is best to leave it to the ghost girl Hecarly.

"Okay, Mr. Shi!" Hecarly nodded and said, still in shock at the 300 million.

The ghost assistant couldn't hide his shocked expression, and even stuck out his tongue, looking like he was stunned.

Three hundred million, many people can't earn it in ten lifetimes!

"Besides these, what else do you want to command?"

"No, thank you!" Shi Zhijian set the Zippo on fire, then blew it out with a smile, as if everything was under control.

Hecarly nodded and turned to leave, but felt a little pain in her feet, so she bent over to straighten the high heels she was wearing. When she bent over, she could see the curves of her figure, and her beautiful legs were slender, which made people think.

"It looks like your shoes don't fit very well!" Shi Zhijian turned around with a smile and took a shopping bag from one place and handed it to Hecarly: "Try these!"

"Huh?" Hecarly was stunned for a moment, then reached out to take the shopping bag and opened it. It turned out to be a pair of new high-heeled shoes.

"You must be wondering how I got this kind of thing---thank you for your help last time, I wanted to send you some gifts, and I happened to see that your shoes didn't seem to fit, so I found a pair, and I didn't know if they would fit. Is it suitable?" Shi Zhijian raised his eyebrows and said, "Try it!"

Hecarly hesitated for a while, then took out the new pair of leather shoes, put them on and felt much more comfortable than her own. She wondered how Shi Zhijian knew her size.

Shi Zhijian did not answer, nor did Hecarly ask any further questions, but Shi Zhijian gave her a deeper impression in her mind, that is, "observant and careful"!

Such a man is the most terrifying and most charming!

When He Jiali left in the high heels that Shi Zhijian gave, Shi Zhijian put his hands in his pockets, looked down at the back of them leaving through the window, and then turned to call Yan Xiong over.

"Mr. Shi, what are you looking for?"

Shi Zhijian pointed to the high-heeled shoes that Hecarrie had replaced, "Don't need these, let's deal with them!"

"Eh? It's still very new!" Yan Xiong was surprised and began to wonder why there are women's high heels here? Could it be that Mr. Shi and that ghost girl had a battle here just now, and they accidentally forgot?

No, she was wearing shoes when I saw her leaving just now!

Yan Xiong didn't understand, so he lifted his shoes and went down the stairs. Just when he saw the cook came back from shopping, Yan Xiong generously lifted his shoes and said to the cook, "It's good for you! These shoes can still be worn, don't waste them. !"

The cook took the shoes, looked at Yan Xiong with her hands behind her back, took it off and tried it on herself, wow, just right!

what happened? The cook is crazy to supplement her brain, is it that Mr. Yan bought it for me? Is he interested in me? Yes, no wonder they looked at me well recently and praised my cooking delicious!

The cook was thinking about it.

Axe Jun, who was stomping horses, could see clearly that Yan Xiong actually gave shoes to the cook, what did he mean?

The rabbit doesn't eat the grass at the edge of the nest, this Yan Xiong is too hungry to eat!

Just when Axe Jun was thinking about it, Shi Zhijian upstairs called him: "Axe Jun, prepare the car!"

Axe Jun didn't dare to step on his horse anymore, so he got up and asked, "Mr. Shi, are you going to Biandu?"

"Go save people!"


"Death before leaving the long-envoy hero is full of tears!"

John Hong stood on Central Street in London with a cigarette in his mouth, looking at the Shinhwa Group building being renovated.

A month ago, John Hung was recruited by Shi Zhijian and made him the president of Shinhwa Group Energy, in charge of 300 energy companies.

At that moment, John Hong felt that he could see the sky after the clouds were removed! After waiting for so long, he finally got an opportunity to display his talents!

As a top student who graduated from Cambridge University in the UK, John Hong was dragged by his father Hong Kun to inherit the family business as soon as he graduated, and he became the leader of the Chaozhou Gang!

It's a pity, no matter how powerful the Chaozhou Gang is, they are only showing off their power in Chinatown, and they don't know you when they go out!

Although John Hung single-handedly turned the Chaozhou Gang's business from gray and black to white, and legalized many businesses, this is simply overkill!

It was not until Shi Zhijian appeared that John Hong felt that he had met a confidant!

President of the Energy Group, who controls 300 energy companies, John Hong would wake up laughing when he was entrusted with such an important task by Shi Zhijian.

It's a pity that good dreams are short-lived!

Not long ago, John Hong got the news that Shi Zhijian had sold all the 300 companies! Sold to Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor!

In the blink of an eye, John Hong found that he had become a bare commander. The Shinhwa Energy Building was still being renovated, but he didn't have a company! What is this?


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