Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1161: Crazy people have their own day to receive!

"Mr. Downey, do you have anything to say?"

"Nothing to talk about!" Facing the reporters, Downey arrogantly sat down on the front seat with a civilized stick, crossed his legs, stretched his arms into his arms, took out a gilt pocket watch, looked up, and said, "Damn it. When will the ceremony begin?"

"Don't worry, start now!"

The voice fell, and a man in white sat down beside Downey in full view of everyone!

Downey squinted, that person wasn't Shi Zhijian, who else could it be?

Downey smiled, smiling happily, "Dear Shi, oh no, you should be called Pete Jian! I thought you wouldn't come!"

"How can I not come for such a big event today?" Shi Zhijian also looked at Downey with a smile, "Besides, if I didn't come, wouldn't you be very unhappy?"

"Hahaha, you're right! If you don't come, I'll be really unhappy!" Downey smiled wantonly and said to the media, "Do you need me to introduce you, this is my old friend, He's also the behind-the-scenes boss of the Shinhwa Group! Why don't you hurry up and take pictures?"

Shi Zhijian's identity has always been mysterious, and many media do not know what he does. Now when he hears Downey say this, they are all excited and raise their cameras to take pictures.

"Oh my God, so he is the legend of the myth?"

"God, I finally saw it!"

But before they could press the shutter, Yan Xiong and Axe Jun had already brought people forward: "Sorry, our Mr. Shi doesn't like taking pictures!"

"Also please forgive me, there will be gifts for you later!"

Looking at this scene, Downey smiled and said to Shi Zhijian, "Why, you don't like taking pictures, or you don't like revealing your identity, or are you afraid that it will be embarrassing to wait for a while?"

Shi Zhijian shrugged and said: "Shame? Shame on the side? It's not until the final moment, who will win and who will lose."

"Hahaha! You are so humorous, dear Shi!" Downey laughed, "According to what you Chinese say, a cooked duck has a hard mouth!"

"We Chinese still have a word, don't look at you being happy now, be careful to pull the list in the future!"

Just when Shi Zhijian and Mr. Downey confronted each other, the master of ceremonies who presided over the handover ceremony took the stage and announced the official start of the ceremony.

Downey didn't bother to argue with Shi Zhijian anymore. In his opinion, the event was a winner. Even if Shi Zhijian was God, he couldn't have produced so many goods from the burnt warehouse.

Sure enough, when the stage was handed over, John Hong, who represented the Shinhwa Group, faced the buyers Mohammed and Charlie with a look of shame on his face.

Muhammad and Charlie asked knowingly, "What's the matter, dear Hong, you seem to have something to say-----"

"Yes, it is like this!" John Hong's expression was solemn.

Muhammad and Charlie exchanged a smug look, "If you have something to say, just say it directly, don't hesitate."

"Yeah, we are all rule-abiding people. If something goes wrong, we just need to follow the contract!" Charlie couldn't help but sneer.

The people around also know about the fire in the Shinhwa warehouse. They know that Shinhwa can't deliver the goods this time, and will be compensated by Tian'e. They all have different expressions, waiting to see the show.

"Cough, since everyone said this, I have nothing to hide. The specifics are like this----" John Hong adjusted his emotions and said, "You all know that there was a fire in the warehouse in Central London last night--- -"

Muhammad and Charlie laughed when they looked at each other's difficult expressions, "Yeah, we know about this, what's wrong?"

"This warehouse happens to be where our Shinhwa Group stores electric vehicles."

"Wow, is it?"


"Doesn't that mean—" Mohamed and Charlie were both laughing and breaking their stomachs.

The expressions of those who followed them around showed sarcasm and ridicule.

The expressions of everyone in the Shinhwa Group became more and more solemn.

Down below, Donny raised his civilized stick and pointed to the stage and said to Shi Zhijian, "Dear Shi, do you think this scene is funny?"

"It's really funny!" Shi Zhijian took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth, then glanced at the well-dressed Downey. "It's ridiculous to be crowned with a monkey!"

"Huh?" Downey gave Shi Zhijian a vicious look and said in his heart, Damn Chinaman, you won't be able to laugh in a while!

On the stage, Mohammed and Charlie were still pressing John Hong: "Doesn't that mean that the electric cars you stored were burned by a fire last night?"

"Is the loss serious? We feel sorry for you!"

Looking at the fake appearances of the two of them, John Hong said, "The loss is indeed serious. Almost tens of thousands of bicycles have been burned down, and not even the **** is left!"

"Really, it's too sad----er, what? Bicycle?" Mohammed and the others immediately reacted and stared at John Hong.

John Hong still looked worried: "Yeah, it's a bicycle. It's a bicycle, you can ride it with pedals -- it's a pity!"

"Cough, cough, no, aren't you storing electric cars, how did they become bicycles?"

"Uh, who told you we were storing electric cars? Which eye did you see?"

John Hong asked again and again, and the other party was speechless!

Muhammad looked at Charlie, and Charlie looked at him.

The others looked at the two of them again, and it was hilarious, looking at two monkeys!

"What?" Donny, the big guy who was sitting down just waiting to watch the play, stood up suddenly, "What's the matter, bicycle?" He looked surprised.

"Don't be impulsive, Mr. Downey! It hurts my heart to burn so many bikes!" Shi Zhijian said aside.

Downey's face twitched, and he turned to look at Shi Zhijian, "What the **** are you doing?"

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"You----" Downey raised the civilized stick, his teeth itch with hatred.

In the stands, Mohammed and Charlie finally woke up from their astonishment, pointed at John Hong and said, "You are deceiving us!"

John Hong was taken aback for a moment: "Deception? What do you mean, why should I deceive you? What does it have to do with you what I have in my warehouse? Why are you so unhappy when you hear that the bicycles were burned? Could it be that you-- ---"

John Hong deliberately hesitated.


Those keen-smelling media, however, seemed to have caught something and took pictures of Mohammed and Charlie one after another.

"Don't take pictures! Stop taking pictures! That fire has nothing to do with us! Damn it, don't you understand human speech? Let you stop taking pictures!"

Muhammad and Charlie covered their eyes with their hands to avoid being caught by the flashing spotlights.

Those who followed the two of them also took a step back at the same time, keeping a distance from them, so as not to be affected by Chiyu.

"So now, let's complete the agreement. We will officially deliver the 300,000 units today!" John Hong showed a smile on his face.

"Stop taking pictures, I told you not to take pictures! God, go away!" Muhammad and Charlie had no intention of handing over, and they responded to the media with embarrassed attitudes.

Looking at the chaos on the stage, Mr. Downey was so angry that he was speechless. He suddenly turned his head and stared at Shi Zhijian: "You arranged all this?"

"No! no! no!" Shi Zhijian stood up in English, looking down at the big guy Downey: "I just changed the roles according to your arrangement, making the tragedy into a comedy, and the supporting role into the protagonist! How about it, you Zhong Do you like it?"

Downey was trembling with anger, but he held back and forced a smile on his face: "Shi Zhijian, do you think you can beat me like this? No matter how smart you are, it's only the two unlucky guys on stage who won, and I Well, nothing was lost!"

"Really, it seems that Mr. Downey is really good at being alone!" Shi Zhijian wiped the corners of his mouth habitually with a handkerchief. You said, what should I do with you? "

Downey showed a rebellious expression and approached Shi Zhijian: "You know what I'm saying, you can't do anything about me!" Seemingly feeling that the stimulation was not enough, he continued: "Also, I can tell you clearly that the fire in the warehouse is the one I let someone put out. Yes, regardless of the stage or the person who set the fire, they are all my scapegoats! How are you, are you upset with me? Come on, bite me! Hahaha!"

Facing Downey's provocation, Shi Zhijian lowered his head and seemed speechless, but slowly he raised his head with a trace of disdain in his eyes: "Mr. Downey, have you finished speaking? If you have finished speaking, I think it's time to count you. There's an account between me!"

"What is it? What do I have to do with you?" Downey spread his hands and looked curious.

"Crack!" Shi Zhijian snapped his fingers towards Yan Xiong, who was waiting behind him.

Yan Xiong stepped forward and took out a stack of documents from his briefcase and handed it to Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian handed it over to Downey without looking at it: "That's the deal!"

Downey: "Huh?" He was stunned, and he and Shi Zhijian didn't do any business at all.

"Are you kidding me? Can't afford to lose?" With a sneer on his face, Downey opened the stack of documents.

At a glance, the sneering expression on Downey's face disappeared, replaced by consternation!

Just a moment---

"How could this be?" Downey growled violently.

That stack of documents is the insurance agreement signed by the Down Financial Group and the Duke of Windsor!

At this moment, Downey could see clearly that the warehouse of Shi Zhijian was actually insured by the Duke of Windsor! The total insured amount is as high as 300 million pounds, and the payout is ten times! That is, now that the warehouse is burned down, Downey has to pay three billion pounds!

The wind is turning!

Downey is holding the insurance policy, his head is dizzy!

A shabby warehouse is insured for 300 million?

And the person who burns the warehouse is still himself!

Shi Zhijian even teamed up with the Duke of Windsor to deceive him!

God, what the **** is this? !

"Mr. Downey, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing that Downey was shaky, his men rushed forward to help him.

Downey managed to stabilize his body, feeling that Shi Zhijian standing in front of him had become two, three...

Downey grabbed the insurance policy and pointed at Shi Zhijian's nose: " are doing well!" With a thud, he threw the insurance policy out!


Those papers are falling from the sky!

The media reporter who was interviewing the big fight on stage suddenly realized that something was going on here, but when he turned around, he saw paper flying all over the sky, and the back of Mr. Downey staggering away!

Behind Downey, Shi Zhijian wiped his nose with a handkerchief, and put the handkerchief into his arms: "Do it!"


"Damn! Is there really no way?"

Down's Financial Building, Downey Rothschild angrily threw a cigar in the face of the lawyer opposite.

The lawyer couldn't dodge in time, and was scorched by the spark of the cigar, and grimaced in pain.

"Sorry, Mr. Downey! According to the policy agreement, our side is indeed untenable!"

"What do you mean by being untenable? It's clearly that **** Chinaman Shi Zhijian behind me!" The more he thought about it, the angrier he got up, he stood up on his hips and said angrily, "He knew that I was going to burn his warehouse, so let that be damned. The Duke of Windsor came to me to insure, and I also insured 300 million! It's ridiculous that I didn't see their tricks at the time, and I trusted the old ghost of Windsor too much!"

"Mr. Downey, the only solution for now is to delay, or to argue..." The lawyer suggested, "As an insurance company, we have the responsibility to investigate the arson case, so we can use this to delay the time."

"You asked me to investigate myself?" Downey pointed to his nose, "I let me let go of that fire. What if I really investigate it?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Downey. The legal process in our British Empire is a presumption of innocence, and conviction can only be made with sufficient evidence! You only need to bite to death and have never participated in this matter from beginning to end, and you will be fine."

Downey frowned. "How long will this take?"

"This..." The lawyer hesitated.

"You can say anything."

"According to the current situation, it would be no problem to drag it on for two or three years, but just now I received news that the person in charge of Shi Zhijian's side is the barrister He Legal woman He Carrie?" Downey Frowning.

"Mr. Downey, have you heard of her too?"

Downey nodded: "I know, this woman is very troublesome! Before something happened to our financial company, she was the one who defended the other party."

"So, Mr. Downey, you should understand that if Shinhwa had her represented as a lawyer, we would be very passive—even if it was delayed, it would be at most two or three months."

Downey paced up to the lawyer and stared at him: "Then tell me, what should I do now? I paid so much money to invite you here, not to listen to you about some useless results!"

The lawyer was sweating profusely under Downey's stare, and hurriedly took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead: " have to tie the bell to untie the bell. Maybe Mr. Downey, you have to do something..."

"What's the meaning?"

"This insurance contract is signed by Mr. Downey and Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor. If you can get an understanding from the Duke of Windsor, or open the gap, all difficulties will be solved!"

Downey understood, and immediately greeted the female secretary: "Get me a car, I'm going to Windsor Castle!"



The weather in London is the most comfortable in July, the temperature is neither cold nor hot in ten degrees.

But even so, Windsor Castle still looks very dark and damp, with moss spreading around the corners of the castle, and clumsy beetles climbing on the green oak.

The gates of the castle creaked open, and Donnie Rothschild rode into the castle.

Parking the car in the parking lot, Downey got out of the car wearing a top hat and leaning on a civilized stick, and said to the old butler who greeted him, "I'm looking for Lord Duke."

"The Duke is waiting for you in the castle, please—!" The Duke of Windsor seemed to have guessed that Downey would come in person and sent the old butler to wait here to help guide the way.


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