Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1183: ambush!

Look at this impregnable fortress in front of you.

Yan Xiong has two big heads.

Apart from the axe Jun who was in charge of protecting him, the people who followed him were those horses borrowed from Hongmen, and among these horses, the one who could fight the most was "A Wu".

Looking at these people, Yan Xiong wondered if they could protect themselves? !

Taking a deep breath, Yan Xiong had to muster up his courage and say, "Brothers, victory is just around the corner! When we have copied the Razor Party's nest, the police will come to clean it up! By then, the East End of London will be our Chinese world!"

After Yan Xiong finished speaking, he looked at his subordinates, and felt that everyone was unresponsive, and some even yawned, not looking too excited.

Yan Xiong felt that morale was not mentioned, which was very important. He didn't read much, but he also knew that the battle between the two armies was all about morale.

"Brothers, the days when we Chinese were bullied in the UK will be gone forever! Let's stand up and become masters! Pu, your mother! Everyone must make up your mind!" Yan Xiong encouraged again.

"Yawn!" I don't know who yawned loudly.

"Hahaha!" People laughed.

When Yan Xiong saw this posture, he was a fart, and he didn't have the slightest fighting spirit.

Come to think of it, these soldiers were borrowed from Hongmen. These people were originally delicious and delicious in Hongmen, but suddenly they came here to work hard, who would like to?

Seeing this, Yan Xiong said in his heart that he had to resort to the last resort.

"Brothers! Cut down a ghost guy by 1,000 pounds! Kill a boss and reward him with 3,000! Whoever captures the Razor Party boss Kane Shelby alive will be rewarded with a direct reward of 100,000!"

"Catch Kane alive!"

"Catch Shelby!"

Those Hongmen horses who were yawning before jumped up and down one by one, screaming.

Yan Xiong sees this, get it!

I have never seen anyone in this world who is not greedy for money!

Pu your mother!

The Razor's Nest is actually a private villa.

When Yan Xiong led his team to sneak into the villa, he didn't even see a dog.

Yan Xiong felt that it was too smooth, and he walked with hundreds of people towards the villa hall, and the way was even smoother.

Come to the entrance of the villa lobby.


Yan Xiong asked people to push the wooden door open.

The whole hall was brightly lit, but there was not even a single person around.

This scene is so weird.

The group of people who were clamoring to capture Kane alive also began to feel nervous.

Yan Xiong rolled his eyes, looked at the stairs, and gestured to everyone below him, "Don't be afraid! Catch the thief first!"

A Hongmen horse was eager to make contributions, and led two companions to rush up the stairs!

Seeing that they are about to reach the second floor!


Several crossbow arrows flew out!

Shoot the three directly to the ground!

The three of them walked down the stairs.

Fortunately, Axe Jun and Ah Wu were quick-witted and hurriedly pulled them aside when they rolled down!

Whoosh whoosh! !

Another three crossbow arrows shot where they fell!

"Have you seen that ghost guy?" Yan Xiong grabbed an injured pony and asked loudly.

"No! I didn't see anything!" The young man shook his head and said in pain.

Yan Xiong threw him down and was about to lead the troops to retreat---


The door behind Yan Xiong slowly closed!

Everyone was locked in the hall.

At the same time, from upstairs and on both sides of the hall, countless figures flashed, each holding a murder weapon.

"Choose, there is an ambush!"

Yan Xiong had a cold sweat on his back, never expecting that his old fox would fall into the opponent's trap.

clap clap clap!

Suddenly someone applauded.

Yan Xiong and others followed the sound and saw Kane Shelby, the leader of the Razor Party, appearing on the second floor, looking down at them.

Standing beside Kane was a slender white man who looked crazy, with messy blond hair and blood-red eyes. At this moment, he was licking the steel claw on his wrist with his tongue, with a wild smile on his face!

That's right, his name is "Steel Claw", he is Kane's bodyguard and his most loyal subordinate!

Yan Xiong sucked in a breath of cold air and looked at the black crowd pouring out from the other side. There were at least 200 people, more than his own!

Yan Xiong was about to cry. He thought he had brought enough people to make dumplings from the Razor Party, but he didn't expect that he was the one who made the dumplings!

"Damn it, what's your name?" Kane was wearing a suit and leather shoes. He was wearing a top hat and holding a civilized stick. He looked like a gentleman who was going to a banquet, and he couldn't see the slightest thug. "Oh yes, your name is Yan Xiong, right? It's Shi Zhijian's confidant! I heard that you are so powerful. You were the four major detectives in Hong Kong before!"

Yan Xiong immediately smiled and said: "So you know me, Mr. Kane! A misunderstanding, it is purely a misunderstanding! Do you think I am here to attack you when you see me now? Wrong! I am here to congratulate you, Mr. Kane. of!"

Kane shrugged, raised the civilized stick and pointed at Yan Xiong's nose: "Congratulations to me?"

Yan Xiong's eyes rolled around, "Congratulations on rescuing your brother Tommy soon! I heard the news, the warden over there is very familiar with you..."

Kane smiled slightly: "Are you so kind?"

"Of course I do! Don't look at me as treacherous, but I have a good heart and a very honest person! The most important point is that I have admired you, Mr. Kane, for a long time! I have never had a chance to see you! Today is just right, why don't we take the opportunity to get to know each other!"

"You want to meet me?"

"Yes, yes! Why don't you come downstairs and let me meet you in person!" Yan Xiong nodded and bowed.

"You want to trick me into going downstairs?"

"Uh, how could it be? How can you think like that? Am I that kind of person?" Yan Xiong spread his hands out in surprise.

"Yan Xiong, Luo Bayan! Stop acting, your tricks are not enough in front of me!"

When Yan Xiong heard the words, he smiled: "Mr. Kane, right? I greet your old mother and take your 18th generation ancestral maternal relatives! If you dare not come down, just say it directly, but you want to say that I am lying to you? As sincere as I am I am so saddened by you being treated as a liar!"

Kane raised the civilized stick and knocked on the railing "tuktuktuk", then pointed at Yan Xiong: "Who will help me kill this bastard?!"

"I'm coming!" Steel Claw laughed, took off his clothes to reveal the hideous skull tattoo on his chest, and added the sharp steel claws on his hands, making the Hongmen horse behind Yan Xiong couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Hey, hey, don't you guys like Hongmen be so disloyal?" Yan Xiong said to the backing horses, "At first glance, this person doesn't look like a human, a ghost doesn't look like a ghost, and he is as thin as a wood. I know that he is a Daoist friend who **** too much! Are you even afraid of a Daoist friend?"

Everyone in Hongmen looked at Steel Claw and Yan Xiong. As the team leader, Ah Wu said, "We are not afraid, but we are afraid of affecting your performance, Inspector Yan!"

"Play your mother!" Yan Xiong said angrily, "I asked you to fight, not to watch the fun!"

"What now?"

Although Ah Wu was leading the team of more than 100 people, this time it was Yan Xiong who took the lead, so Ah Wu asked Yan Xiong.

Yan Xiong got angry: "What should I do? What about your mother! Everyone has closed the door. This is obviously to beat the dog by closing the door!"

After finishing speaking, Yan Xiong fiercely looked at Steel Claw and the others who came downstairs, "But they forgot, the dog will jump off the wall if he is anxious!"

After speaking, Yan Xiong snatched the baseball bat from a horse boy's hand, raised it and shouted, "Now we have no way out! If we escape without even hitting, we will only be ridiculed by the people of Jianghu in the future! I don't care, You are from the Hongmen, do you want to keep your head up for the rest of your life? Do it!"

The people behind them didn't move.

Yan Xiong glared at them, "If you hang up, the settlement fee will be tripled!"

Once you hear the settling fee is doubled!

No more worries!

Ah Wu immediately raised the machete: "Listen to what Yan Ye said, kill these ghosts!"

"Fuck them!"

Under the leadership of Ah Wu, hundreds of Hongmen disciples rushed towards each other like fighting dogs!

Yan Xiong said to Axe Jun: "Let's step back first! Remember, you must protect me!"

Axe Jun watched the hot blooded scene and wanted to go into battle in person. At this moment, seeing Yan Xiong so afraid of death, he had to retreat to the back with him, his eyes blazing with scorching light, waiting for the opportunity to shoot at any time!

Ah Wu is also a veteran of Hongmen who has been on the battlefield for a long time. He rushed to the front and pointed to the steel claw and said to the people around him: "Give me that monkey!"

The person next to him glanced at him and said, "No, boss, you are already a red stick, can't you give me a chance this time?!"

Awu smiled grimly: "I'll give you a chance next time, I'll try it first this time!"

The companion knew that Ah Wu was afraid that something would happen to them. After all, the steel claw didn't look simple. "That's for sure. Next time, you must let us!"

"I promise you!" After Ah Wu finished speaking, he raised his machete and roared at the steel claw: "You slapper, accept your life!"

Stab it!

A Wu's chest was grabbed by steel claws, and the five blood troughs were painful!

At this moment, Ah Wu realized that the reason why the Razor Party was able to station in the East End of London for so long and be able to run amuck in the whole of London is not without reason. It is very difficult to deal with this ghost guy with sharp claws in front of him alone.

After Ah Wu started with Steel Claw, he was forced to step back by Steel Claw.

Especially the steel claw jumped up and down like a monkey, every time he made a move, he was hard to guard against. At this moment, A Wu was covered with scars all over his body.

Seeing the steel claw jumping up and rushing again like a monkey in a horse, both A and Wu held the knives and mounted them again! Weapons collide! Sparks fly!

At the same time, the steel claws slid along the Awu machete, and a heart was inserted into Awu's heart!

Ah Wu is busy casting an iron bridge and bending over to dodge!

Before he could get up, Steel Claw was already rushing towards him with a grin! A pair of sharp claws thrust into his abdomen!

"Big brother, be careful!" A bald-headed Hongmen horse boy slashed the steel claws with a sharp knife and saved Ah Wu!

"Quack! You despicable Chinamen, you dare to come to our site to make trouble with this little ability!" Steel Claw stretched out his tongue and licked the blood stained on the claws, abandoning Ah Wu and pounced on the bald horse!

The bald horse is just an ordinary character in the Hongmen, not even a gold medalist. After just two or three moves, he was knocked down by the steel claws, and his left shoulder was caught, his flesh was ripped apart, and he was seriously injured!


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