Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1190: Godfather of Europe!

Axe Jun stayed in the VIP ward of the hospital for the past few days and was almost sick.

He can't speak English, and the nurses who are prettier than models are chatting and giving him injections and dressings, and they don't know what to say.

Especially when changing the dressing for Axe Jun, when he saw Axe Jun's muscles full of bodybuilding and explosive power, his eyes glowed.

When they saw the wound between the ribs where Axe Jun was pierced by the sharp sword, they covered their mouths again in astonishment.

In short, in the past few days, Axe Jun has been living in the VIP ward for a long time. Those friends who came to visit him are drooling with envy, staring at the hot ghost girl nurses and praising Axe Jun that this is heaven.

Axe Jun is not willing to stay in such a paradise for a long time. For him, female **** will only affect his speed of drawing his sword. As a hero who really wants to make a name for himself in the arena, Axe Jun pursues strength and power!

So after he was almost able to get out of bed, Axe Jun escaped from the VIP ward of three hundred dollars a day and rushed to Yan Xiong to discuss the matter of embezzling the gold together.


Axe Jun came to the luxury villa in East London.

This villa used to be the old nest of the Razor Party and Kane's residence. Now it has been changed into an "office" by Yan Xiong and named "Hero Building".

Winter winter!

Axe Jun knocked Yan Xiong's office.

"Yan Ye, I want to discuss the golden matter with you..."

Axe Jun knocked on the door and went in, and saw Yan Xiong on the phone at a glance.

Yan Xiong was in a suit and leather shoes, with a big back and a small bow tie around his neck that showed a gentleman's attitude. At this moment, he was leaning on the boss's chair, his legs were trembling on the table, and he said to the phone in a disdainful tone: " John, you know, the reason why I was willing to serve that old lady Deborah was to complete the task given by Mr. Shi! Now that Shi Zhijian has successfully acquired three Bentley production lines, my task can be considered completed!"

"Oh no, no, I will never go back! You know, that dead old woman is about to die, but she already knows my purpose, and even if she dies, she won't give me the inheritance!"

"Yes! I'm not that kind of greedy person, Yan Xiong! I'm a handsome man of seven feet! I will never bend over for money! Don't talk about the rest! Say hello to Mr. Shi for me! As for Mrs. Deborah You can reply to her for me over there, saying that my fate with her is over, and let her take care of herself! OK? Goodbye!"

Yan Xiong said these things, and then hung up the phone.

Now he is really not short of money. The last time he copied the Razor Party's hometown, he copied out a large safe of gold.

Now that he has money, why should he look at the face of the dead old woman? If you want to make yourself bow down and serve her, there is no door!

"Oh, Ajun, are you here? Is the wound good? Why don't you stay in the hospital for a few more days?" Yan Xiong hung up the phone, just like he saw Axe Jun who broke in, and put his foot off the table , posing as a big boss.

"I'm here to tell you about that gold..."

"Ah Jun, you came just in time! I just happened to have something to tell you!" Yan Xiong suddenly remembered something, took out a cigar from the table and threw it to Axe Jun, and he copied one and held it in front of his nose. After smelling it, he bit into his mouth while grilling the cigar with a lighter, and said, "Mr. Shi told me, this time we have made a great contribution, and we have conquered the country, let us take charge!"

Axe Jun Yi was overjoyed, "What did you say?"

"Speak Cantonese, what do you say?" Yan Xiong smiled and looked very happy, "Mr. Shi insists, since he said that he wants us to be the bosses of the East End, then you and I will be in charge of the country here in the future!"

"Hey, I've figured it out!" Yan Xiong took a sip of his cigar: "You and I are both civil and military! You can fight, and I know how to eat brains! If we join forces, we will be absolutely invincible!"

"What about the Chaozhou Gang? And the Hongmen?" Axe Jun asked, "They are also very jealous of such a large site!"

"It depends on whether you have strength!" Yan Xiong smiled gloomily, "I have made a plan to bring the Chaozhou Gang and Hongmen under my command, and let them check and balance the left and right sides. It is absolutely impossible for one family to dominate!"

"They are willing?" Axe Jun looked at Yan Xiong, his eyes strange: "Especially that Hongmen is not easy to mess with!"

"Even if you don't want to!" Yan Xiong sneered, "This time, the Chaozhou gang of the Razor Party is the vanguard, and the Hongmen are just borrowing soldiers! What qualifications do they have to win here? Conversely, if the Hongmen did not help the Chaozhou gang this time. It is impossible to go so smoothly! So they are not qualified to be the boss here!"

"Then what about the end?" Yan Xiong said proudly, "Only you and I can take the boss's seat! You and I are the backers, and also the big water pipes of the Chaozhou Gang and Hongmen, but we have contributed a lot. I am in business, so I am more suitable to be the boss! How about it, Jun, try to be the godfather of England with me?!"

Before Axe Jun could answer, someone knocked on the door and said, "Master Yan, everyone at the conference is here, waiting for you to host!"

"Got it!" Yan Xiong picked up the phone, dialed the number, and said to Axe Jun, "I'll show you a good show later!"

Axe Jun didn't speak anymore, because Yan Xiong was on the phone with Shi Zhijian at the moment.

"Mr. Shi, are you looking at me?" Yan Xiong asked while holding a cigar after the call was connected.

Shi Zhijian on the other side of the phone sounded in a good mood: "You and Jun did a good job this time! Now the East District is asking for a stable word, do you understand what I mean?"

"Mr. Shi, don't worry! Don't forget what I used to do. When I was a detective, what I was good at was to win while maintaining stability! Besides, those ghost olds who open dance halls and bars are stupid, even Sun Tzu's Art of War, 30 I don't understand the six tricks, it's very easy to deceive!" Yan Xiong said to Li Jisheng on the other side of the phone in a relaxed tone.

"Really? Did that deceive me?"

"Uh, what do you mean, Mr. Shi?" Yan Xiong was taken aback.

"You know what it means best! I'm not against greed, the problem is to be greedy!" Shi Zhijian's tone on the other end of the phone became stern.

Yan Xiong immediately felt relieved, and the cigar he was biting on was no longer fragrant. "Mr. Shi, please explain it clearly so that I can understand what I did wrong?"

Shi Zhijian paused there, and seemed to be thinking: "You and Jun take half of the gold, and the rest will be used as pensions for the Chaozhou Gang and Hongmen's dead and injured brothers!"

"Uh, this!" Only then did Yan Xiong understand, and he said sweatingly, "Okay, I understand! Don't worry! I will never be greedy again!"

"You just understand!"

When the other side hung up the phone, Yan Xiong took off the cigar, took a deep breath, and looked at Axe Jun: "How did Mr. Shi know about you and me embezzling gold?"

"I told him!"

"Cough, what?" Yan Xiong almost stared out his eyes. "You are crazy, you don't want so much money, but you want to poke it out?"

"It's just too much, I'm not at ease!"

"You're not at ease, your mother! My money, your words have shrunk by more than half!" Yan Xiong was about to cry, and he made another phone call immediately, this time he said to the other end of the phone, "John Hong Isn't it? You haven't spread the word for me, have you? No, oh that's just right! Actually, I just thought about it carefully, and think it's a virtue to appease an old man who is about to die!"

On the other end of the phone: "Didn't you just say that a man would rather die than give in?"

"No! You misunderstood! What I mean is that as a hero, you must have a heart of compassion to save the dying and help the wounded!"

On the other end of the phone: "That's your agreement! Go and meet Mrs. Deborah tomorrow night!"

"Of course!" Yan Xiong looked very happy, "You can ask me one more thing, what kind of gift she likes I'll help bring over! Oh, by the way, she seems to like the brand of Chanel very much, I will help her get it- -Finally, help me spread a word, long time no see, I even miss her!"

After Yan Xiong finished speaking, he hung up the phone. The expression on the phone that had been laughing freely turned gloomy. He gritted his teeth and scolded Axe Jun: "Seeing that, it's all your good deeds! I could have done it. The rich man, now he has to sell his color again!"

Axe Jun was speechless and expressed sympathy.

After scolding, Yan Xiong got up and said: "Still doing what? You think it's too much money, but I don't think so - I still have a big family to support in Hong Kong! Let's go, work! If you don't work, there is food!"


At the entrance of the parliament hall, there were about seven or eight children of the Chaozhou Gang and Hongmen standing on the left and right. When they saw Yan Xiong following Axe Jun, they all bowed respectfully and saluted them: "Yan Ye, Jun brother!"

Yan Xiong put his hands behind his back, nodded at them with a pinch gesture, and said, "Thank you for your hard work! Are you all inside?"

"It's all there! It's just you, Master Yan!"

"Very good!" Yan Xiong nodded and motioned for the other party to open the door.

With a creak, the conference room door opened.

Yan Xiong went in first.

Axe Jun quickly followed.

The back creaked, and the door was closed again from the outside.

Looking around, there is a huge oval table that can accommodate thirty or forty people in the large conference room.

At this moment, the table was full of people, who were the big bosses of various casinos in the east end of London, and the local gangs who made a living under the pressure of the Razor Party.

This time, Hong Kun, the leader of the Chaozhou gang who joined forces to defeat the Razor Party, and Awu, the fierce general of Hongmen, are also among them, and their posture looks very dragged.

The whole conference room was noisy, and everyone was discussing the future development trend of East London.

Yan Xiong brought people in at this time, and when those people saw Yan Xiong, they immediately stopped talking.

"Yan Ye, hello!"

"Brother Jun, hello!"

Anyone who knew Yan Xiong and Axe Jun immediately stood up and said hello!

Those old ghosts also stood up and said to Yan Xiong in the Chinese they had just learned: "Hello, Mr. Yan! I have admired your name for a long time, we admire you so much!"

"Hello everyone! I'm very happy to see you all!" Yan Xiong said, and sat down to the center of the conference room.

Axe Jun was next to Yan Xiong and sat beside him.

When everyone saw the two of them sitting down, they took their seats and looked at Yan Xiong together.

Everyone is not a fool, Yan Xiong is Shi Zhijian's person, and Shi Zhijian is powerful, these people only have the share of being a horse boy!

Yan Xiong is Shi Zhijian's confidant, and he is also the master with a lot of heart. Compared with Axe Jun, he can only fight, so everyone is more afraid of Yan Xiong.

Yan Xiong bit the cigar and turned around in his mouth before he said with a smile: "Don't look at me like this, I really like to make friends with everyone! Friends care about knowing each other, don't be so serious! "

When everyone heard what he said, they all looked at me, I looked at you, wanted to laugh but couldn't.

"Okay, it's important to get down to business!" Yan Xiong glanced at everyone with a pleasant look, "Hey, now the situation is very clear, in the future, the East End of London will change the boss, you people who open dance halls, nightclubs, and bars, don't be afraid! I Mr. Yan patted his chest and assured you that horses run and dance! Even if you change the boss, it will have no effect on your business! On the contrary, I am a person who loves to benefit everyone, so I will announce that the protection fee will be halved. !"

Yan Xiong's words were simply a surprise.

Those ghostly old bosses who open dance halls and bars thought that they would be more greedy if they were replaced by Chinese as the boss, and they would charge more protection fees, but they didn't expect to halve it!

"God, Mr. Yan, you are really kind!"

"Yeah, why didn't we meet Mr. Yan earlier!"

These ghosts are ecstatic.

"I haven't finished my words yet!" Yan Xiong continued, "The protection fee can be halved, but in order to make up for our losses, I want to invest in your major companies!"

With a bang, 10,000 Cao Nimas flew through the hearts of those old ghosts!

Oh my god, this is a steal!

"Why, I think everyone seems very unhappy?" Yan Xiong slowly exhaled cigar smoke, squinting at everyone. "Just tell me if you're not happy. I'm a very democratic person! I especially respect your British opinions!"

At this time, a famous ghost wanted to stand up, and Yan Xiong said: "Oh, by the way, you are the owner of Caesar's nightclub, aren't you? I heard that you and Brother Kane are very close, I am very puzzled about this-"

As soon as the old ghost heard this, he immediately dropped his **** again, squeezed out a smile and said, "Actually, I want to stand up and express my opinion - I support your decision, Mr. Yan!"

"Oh, that's it!" Yan Xiong pretended to play the ashtray casually, "That's my misunderstanding! Since you support me like this, I should also support you well, and Caesar will still be yours in the future!"

"Oh, thank you Mr. Yan! How can you make me feel so loving?"

"Then who else wants to express their opinions?" Yan Xiong looked at everyone.

Those old ghosts no one dared to move, and no one dared to make a sound.

Yan Xiong is very satisfied, these ghosts are cheap, if they don't threaten them a few times, they will itch!

"Then I'll announce something else next!" Yan Xiong said while biting his cigar, "In the future, the East End of London will be divided into two! Half of the Chaozhou Gang will take care of it, and the other half will be taken care of by the Hongmen! As for you, you have to ask me every month. Report work, can't you get it?"

After Yan Xiong finished speaking, he looked at Hong Kun and A Wu.

The Chaozhou Gang and Hongmen are fighting each other after their big victory this time, and they want to dominate.

But since Yan Xiong is speaking now, and everyone is half and half, it is not good for them to compete too much. Immediately, the two stood up and looked at each other, and said in unison: "Let's listen to Yan Ye!"

"Very good!" Yan Xiong stood up, biting his cigar and glancing at the crowd, and finally his eyes fell on the old ghosts: "This is England, I remember it well, the rules of your ghosts are different from ours in China! We are called the boss of the club. Call the dragon head, carry the handle, the old man! You seem to be called 'father'! So now to show your Follow your etiquette!"

As he spoke, Yan Xiong took out a ring from his arms and put it on his hand.

The old ghosts looked at each other.

Soon, the ghost old boss of the Caesars nightclub came to Yan Xiong first, knelt down respectfully, then held Yan Xiong's hand with one hand and kissed the ring on Yan Xiong's hand!

The other ghosts lined up in long queues, follow them one by one!

The entire conference room is solemn and solemn!

At this moment, Yan Xiong leaned back on the chair with a high posture!

He enjoyed the feeling of being enshrined by these old ghosts, and felt that he had really become a "godfather"!

Only Axe Jun, Hong Kun and the others know that behind this godfather Yan Xiongyan, there is an even bigger godfather!

If Yan Xiong is said to be the godfather of England in the future, then the man behind him is the "godfather" of the whole of Europe!

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