Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1326: Dragon and phoenix among people!

Chapter 1326 1326 [Dragon and phoenix among people! 】

Feng Guoquan tried his best to squeeze out a smile, and said with a laugh: "You are right, Jian! It was my lack of consideration! So what should I do next?"

"Cut the weeds and get rid of the roots!" Shi Zhijian got up and said, "You let the word out, just say that you will report the smuggling to Mr. Li, and then force the tiger to jump the wall!"

"Report to Mr. Li? Didn't you say that Mr. Li would let him go?"

"Mr. Li would indeed let him go in terms of previous kindness, but the problem is that Huang Dongliang himself doesn't think so—the biggest shortcoming of a greedy and selfish person is to save others by himself!" Shi Zhijian vowed, "So he will definitely do something to save himself. Take action, and this kind of action can even affect Mr. Li's interests! At that time, without our help, Mr. Li will also eradicate him, the black sheep!"

"You want to...borrow a knife to kill someone?"

"That's right!" Shi Zhijian said calmly, "Use Mr. Li's knife to kill his dogs!"

Feng Guoquan looked at Shi Zhijian under the light, and suddenly felt that Shi Zhijian was far away from him! Obviously within reach, but thousands of miles away!

In particular, Shi Zhijian's power skills and mind beyond ordinary people made Feng Guoquan, an old man, terrified!

Shi Zhijian was right as expected.

According to what Shi Zhijian said, Feng Guoquan "inadvertently" leaked the fact that Director Qian had secretly found him as a gift the next day.

Immediately, those "grasses on the wall" swarmed after hearing the news.

Most of these people were Huang Dongliang's former sycophants, and everyone had black material, which happened to be in the hands of Shi Zhijian, a new accountant.

Naturally, Feng Guoquan gave back those black materials as gifts to the other party, and achieved the same effect as Director Qian - everyone was grateful to Feng Guoquan.

The first move was perfect.

This made Feng Guoquan full of confidence in Shi Zhijian's plan again.

So after everyone moved towards him collectively, Feng Guoquan let the wind out again, saying that he wanted to "do business with business" and reported the smuggling incident to the top executive of the company, Mr. Li.

The news spread quickly.

Soon it reached Huang Dongliang's ears, making Huang Dongliang feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.

On that day, Bangkok was full of flowers and teahouses.

In the private room, Li Daqi, who is the head of the personnel department of Li's Shipping Company, looked at the three gold bars in front of him in surprise: "Mr. Huang, what do you mean?"

"Don't you understand what I mean? Of course it's for you!" Huang Dongliang waved to the woman in cheongsam who was standing at the door and sang ditties for the guests.

The cheongsam woman with enchanting figure and heavy makeup hurriedly stepped forward with her pipa in her arms. Business is not easy for people like them recently. Male guests prefer to go to nightclubs, dance halls to discuss business and entertainment. Only those businessmen of the older generation who miss the old days like to come to the teahouse to listen to music and drink tea.

Li Daqi looked at the cheongsam woman bowing to him, and then found a long bench to sit down. The long snow-white legs were exposed under the cheongsam. He couldn't help swallowing, and then turned his eyes back, and put the three golden bars in front of him. Above, he waved his hand and said: "Mr. Huang, your gift is too expensive, I dare not accept it!"

Li Daqi is not a fool. Now the company is in a strange direction. Many people are on Feng Guoquan's side. As the personnel director, although he has been following Huang Dongliang, he can choose a good bird to live in.

Huang Dongliang seemed to have expected that Li Daqi would say this, so he took a sip from his teacup, then raised his eyes and said, "Why, too little?"

"How could it be? On the contrary, it's too precious!" Li Daqi pushed back the gold bar, but his eyes couldn't help being nostalgic.

Huang Dongliang put down his teacup and nodded, and said to the woman in cheongsam, "Sing "Sister Seven Immortals"!"

The cheongsam girl nodded, and then began to sing with her pipa: "Everyone, listen to me and tell you clearly. I am the Seven Immortals descending to the mortal world. Everyone calls me Sister Seven Immortals. I feel dizzy when I see the Eight Immortals. Sister Seven Immortals is here to tell your fortune. Okay?" Bad and you listen, it is good or bad, the fate is destined, and the rough road can also be navigated, the golden dragon brain, the silver phoenix eyes, and the natural intelligence..."

This song is an authentic Chaoshan ditty, also known as "Seven Immortal Sister Fortune Telling", which is well-known in Thailand, and almost everyone who can sing Chinese ditties can sing it.

Huang Dongliang listened to the tune and tapped the time, but said to Li Daqi: "You and I are both from Chaoshan, so we should help each other! Besides, you have helped me for so many years, and three gold bars are just a trifle!"

Li Daqi said: "Because you and I are not outsiders, I dare not accept this generous gift!"

Huang Dongliang smiled, the tempo stopped, and his eyes were fixed on Li Daqi: "Are you afraid to accept it, or do you not want to accept it? Or do you have an affair with me?"

Li Daqi looked terrified, and hurriedly waved his hands and said, "How could that be, I am loyal to you!"

"In this case, then you accept it!" Huang Dongliang said, "I don't feel at ease if you don't accept it! You also know that the current situation is not good for me. Those gangsters and sycophants have all been recruited by Feng Guoquan. He is proud now ruthless!"

After a pause, he continued: "There are not many loyal people around me. You are one of them. What's more, you are still the head of the personnel department and hold great power. As long as you follow me, Feng Guoquan will not dare to do anything to me for a while!"

"That being said, but—" Li Daqi hesitated to speak.

"But what?" Huang Dongliang asked.

"But I heard people say that Feng Guoquan is going to report the smuggling to Mr. Li, and I'm afraid—"

Huang Dongliang narrowed his eyes: "Does the surname Feng want to die?" After speaking, he glanced at Li Daqi, "Do you know what kind of relationship I have with Mr. Li? I once saved Mr. Li's life! When Mr. Li first arrived in Thailand, he was in Chinatown. If he was killed, if I hadn't stepped forward and drawn my sword to help, he wouldn't have achieved what he is today!"

"Of course I know this!" Li Daqi said, "It is said that Mr. Li offended the boss Bai Diarrhea in Chinatown and was chased and killed by Bai Diarrhea's bodyguards. It was Mr. Huang who blocked Mr. Li three times!"

Huang Dongliang laughed: "It's just three swords, but I'm rich and worth it!" Then he said, "So what do you think Mr. Li will do when he finds out about this?"

"This—" Li Daqi fell silent.

Huang Dongliang took a sip of the tea, and suddenly violently threw the teacup at the cheongsam girl who was playing the pipa. "Damn it! With your skill, no one will take care of you when you go out and sell it!"

The teacup rubbed against the cheongsam woman's side and hit the wall behind her, shattering with a bang!

The woman in the cheongsam was silent like a cicada, with tears in her eyes, daring not to make a sound.

Li Daqi hurriedly said: "Mr. Huang calm down, a singer, you don't have to lose your temper with her!"

Huang Dongliang smiled, "Director Li, you are quite sympathetic! How about it, is it okay to let her accompany you tonight?"

"This—" Li Daqi involuntarily glanced at the cheongsam girl's snow-white long legs.

Huang Dongliang laughed loudly: "You and I are both men, and we are sexual! No one is embarrassed! Let's continue the topic just now, what do you think Mr. Li will do when he finds out about me?"

"'s hard to say." Li Daqi said, "This is a big matter. Although Mr. Li is grateful to you for saving him, he may be smuggled with tens of millions..."

Huang Dongliang narrowed his eyes: "You're right! I thought too well! Mr. Li is also a human being, and he can lose his temper!" He tapped his fingers on the table.

"So what do you want, Mr. Huang—" Li Daqi suddenly had a bad feeling.

Huang Dongliang grinned at him, showing his white teeth: "Of course I want you to help me!" After speaking, he leaned closer and lowered his voice, "I heard that Miss Xie Jiasan is looking for an investment project, and our Lishi Shipping Co., Ltd. happened to be spotted by her- —”

Li Daqi was shocked: "You asked me to betray Mr. Li with you?"

Huang Dongliang pushed the gold bar over and stuffed it into Li Daqi's arms: "How is it a betrayal? This is called a good bird chooses a tree to live in!"

Li Daqi was dizzy for a while. He looked at the gold bar in his arms, then at the beautiful woman in cheongsam, and then at Huang Dongliang's sinister smile. He knew that he had fallen into Huang Dongliang's trap from the very beginning!

Good birds choose wood to live in? !

So do you count yourself as a good bird? !

"Ajian, you are here, let me find it easily!" Feng Guoquan found Shi Zhijian who was taking inventory of the goods in the company warehouse.

Shi Zhijian is not the kind of person who likes to eat idle food, so of course he has to do his duty with his wages.

He re-counted and divided all the financial statements and goods according to the accounting classification method of the previous life. The huge database was clearly arranged by him. His eyes also became admirable!

With such ability at such a young age, what will happen in the future? !

"Is there something wrong, Brother Quan?" Shi Zhijian asked while still looking at the goods.

"Let others do this kind of work first, I have something important to ask you!" Feng Guoquan really couldn't bear Shi Zhijian's serious and serious appearance.

Shi Zhijian smiled, and then handed the inventory sheet to an old accountant next to him, "I'll wash my hands first!"

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

When Shi Zhijian appeared in the office after washing his hands, Feng Guoquan couldn't bear it, grabbed Shi Zhijian's shoulder and said excitedly: "Ajian, you really know things like a god! Then Huang Dongliang started to act—"

Shi Zhijian smiled and told Feng Guoquan to relax. He went to the desk and took out a tissue to wipe his hands. Then he leaned on the desk and said, "Then we have to start acting."

"You say, I'll do it!" Feng Guoquan said happily.

Now he has obeyed Shi Zhijian's words.

"What do you think if I ask you to introduce Mr. Li to me?"

"Uh, this—" Feng Guoquan, who was still happy just now, suddenly changed his face.

"Ajian, if you want to get to know Mr. Li, it's not impossible. I will introduce you to him when I have time. What we have to do now is to make a concerted effort to deal with Huang Dongliang first!" Feng Guoquan said, "Of course, but It's not that I'm narrow-minded and don't want you to know Mr. Li, but that the current situation does not allow it, not to mention that you have just joined the company... everything should be done slowly!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, picked up the cigarettes on the desk, popped one out and handed it to Feng Guoquan, and put one in the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "Brother Quan, you are overthinking yourself! You think I want to take the opportunity to climb up Mr. Li, and then become famous?"

"Ahem, I don't mean that."

"I don't know!" Shi Zhijian took out the lighter, put his hands together to light the fire, took a puff of cigarette and looked up, "I want to know Mr. Li to deal with Huang Dongliang. The most important thing is that I don't want you and Huang Dongliang to tear each other apart and make people think you are Discord with him. If you show up in person, Mr. Li will have a bad impression of you, and even if you are in power in the future, you will be scrupulous by Mr. Li!"

Feng Guoquan is not a fool, he was immediately ashamed when he heard Shi Zhijian's words!

He did mean to be wary of Shi Zhijian just now, thinking that Shi Zhijian wanted to contact Mr. Li for the sake of his superiority.

But hearing Shi Zhijian's explanation, it turned out that he was thinking of him.

"A Jian, I—" Feng Guoquan looked embarrassed, not knowing what to say.

Shi Zhijian flicked the cigarette ash coolly: "Brother Quan, you don't need to say anything, I know what you want—so, when can I meet Mr. Li?"

"I'll arrange this, tomorrow night at the latest!"

"Okay, I'll wait!" Shi Zhijian smiled slightly and let out a puff of cigarette. He was very curious about what Li Xuexuan's father was like? !

To be precise, what kind of person is this cheap father-in-law who has never met? !

"Ah Choo! Ah Quan, who do you think wants to see me?" Li Yaozu rubbed his nose, then took a soft cloth and continued to wipe the antiques in his hands.

In front of him is a display stand with various antique porcelain, which is also a work of art from his personal collection.

Beside him, Feng Guoquan put his hands on his lower abdomen honestly, bowed slightly, looked up at Li Yaozu respectfully and said, "It's the company's new accountant, he wants to see you!"

Li Yaozu smiled, "A small accountant wants to see me? What do you think?" There was some impatience in his tone.

Feng Guoquan panicked: "It's because I didn't think carefully! But the little accountant is really capable, saying that he found some inexplicable things, and insisted on reporting to you personally!"

"To make a splash!" Li Yaozu put the polished Tang Sancai horse back on the display stand, "These young people don't know how to be down-to-earth, they always want to soar into the sky! Want to see me? Do you want to make a good impression on me? Help him secure a position in the future?"

"Lisheng, what you said is true!" Feng Guoquan tried his best to But as far as I know, this young man is indeed different, whether it is personal ability, character, or temperament, he is the first choice! Even if placed in front of the talented Toshiyan of the four major families today, he is like a dragon and a phoenix! "

"A dragon and a phoenix among men?" Li Yaozu turned his head and looked at Feng Guoquan contemptuously, "You have tainted such a good word! Could it be that today's dogs and cats can be called young talents? Middle dragon and phoenix?"

Feng Guoquan hurriedly bowed and apologized: "Of course not! It's not that I'm exaggerating, that person really has this kind of ability!"

Seeing that Feng Guoquan is still stubborn, Li Yaozu couldn't help being interested: "You are a down-to-earth person, it's rare to praise others like this? What's his name?"

"Shi Zhijian!"

"Shi Zhijian?" Li Yaozu was stunned for a moment, "I've never heard of it. Could it be that I'm old and I don't know there are such talents in Thailand?"

Feng Guoquan hurriedly cupped his fists, bowed his head and remained silent.

Li Yaozu laughed: "Get up! You arrange a time, let me meet this man!"

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