Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1328: East and west!

Chapter 1328 1328 [East and west! 】

Shi Zhijian had to admire Li Yaozu's unruffled attitude in the face of danger, he was indeed a man who did great things, he was unshakable and unflappable.

"What's more, what's smuggled this time is a batch of Rolex gold watches and other goods, equivalent to 13 million Hong Kong dollars!" Shi Zhijian observed Li Yaozu's expression again.

Li Yaozu was drinking coffee, the coffee covered half of his face, he didn't know what he was thinking, but when he put down the coffee, his expression was still the same.

"That's it?" Li Yaozu Ying Falcon looked directly at Shi Zhijian.

Under the pressure of Li Yaozu's gaze, an ordinary person would be flustered and tongue-tied, but Shi Zhijian suddenly applauded and laughed: "Sharp! Really sharp! I often hear Supervisor Feng say that Mr. Li is a big shot, and he usually calms down when things happen. Abnormal, it is not something ordinary people can do, but I saw it today, it really is so! I have been taught!" After speaking, he picked up the coffee and raised a glass to Li Yaozu, took a sip, and the whole demeanor was decent and very chic, not to mention Li Yaozu. Yaozu himself, even sister Lan standing behind him couldn't help but praise: "What a young man!"

However, Li Yaozu was not confused by Shi Zhijian's words at all, he still stared straight at Shi Zhijian and said, "You came here to tell me that there are people smuggled in the shipyard, and the value is more than ten million, that's all?"

Shi Zhijian's expression was startled at first, and then he smiled and said, "Of course not! Smuggling is illegal and bad. It's written in the newspapers, and it's even written in the criminal law!"

"Then let me know what you said, whoever smuggled and who broke the law?" Li Yaozu was aggressive.

Feng Guoquan looked at Shi Zhijian, meaning that Shi Zhijian quickly showed his hole card and pulled out that moth Huang Dongliang!

However, Shi Zhijian ignored Feng Guoquan's gaze, instead he took out a newspaper from his briefcase with a smile, raised his eyebrows and said, "Mr. Li, this is today's "Bangkok Daily", have you ever read it?"

Li Yaozu didn't understand what Shi Zhijian was up to, and immediately snorted: "What the **** newspaper?"

Shi Zhijian handed the newspaper to Li Yaozu, but Li Yaozu didn't get up, and Sister Lan walked over to show him the newspaper.

Li Yaozu took it over and looked it over, but didn't see why. He looked up at Shi Zhijian again, with a somewhat impatient expression.

Shi Zhijian said with a smile: "Mr. Li is in big business, and he must read the big news in the newspaper, or it's about the economy and business sector, and he shouldn't pay much attention to entertainment news—"

Li Yaozu involuntarily looked at the entertainment section of the newspaper, but saw a news item on it, "The Baodao Peking Opera Troupe came to Bangkok and performed the first piece "Battle of Changsha"!"

Li Yaozu frowned.

Sister Lan's brows were also twisted into knots behind her.

"Battle of Changsha" is a very famous Peking Opera piece. It tells the story of Guan Yu's attack on Changsha. The guard Han Xuan sends veteran Huang Zhong to fight. The yellow horse stumbles and Guan Yu releases him. The next day, Han ordered Huang Zhong to shoot at the pass, Huang sensed Guan Yi, and shot his helmet tassel with an arrow; .

Li Yaozu threw away the newspaper, and looked directly at Shi Zhijian: "Young man, don't play tricks on me anymore, what are you going to say?" Obviously he didn't like Shi Zhijian's clever tricks.

Shi Zhijian spread his hands and said, ""Battle of Changsha", what a good play! Wei Yan can be said to be a loyal minister and martyr to Shu, but what happened?"

Li Yaozu remained silent, rubbing his fingers on the coffee cup. In fact, everyone is a smart person and understands what Shi Zhijian is talking about.

Although Shi Zhijian didn't mention Huang Dongliang's name, Li Yaozu knew that the person suspected of smuggling must be Huang Dongliang!

But Huang Dongliang is kind to Li Yaozu, and it is a great kindness! Li Yaozu had known for a long time that Huang Dongliang was using the Li's merchant ship to do smuggling business, but he kept silent. To be precise, he kept turning a blind eye. The purpose was to repay Huang Dongliang's kindness to Li Yaozu.

Now that Shi Zhijian, an ignorant and thick boy, wants to expose the matter, Li Yaozu has already prepared to deal with it, so he has been forcing Shi Zhijian to reveal Huang Dongliang's name, so that he can use the excuse of "offending the above" as an excuse to divert the direction of this matter. Press things down!

But Shi Zhijian didn't move according to common sense at all, instead he brought out "Wei Yan" to compare with "Huang Dongliang", which caught Li Yaozu off guard.

Seeing Li Yaozu's hesitation, Shi Zhijian got up and said: "Mr. Li, you are doing great things, you should know that you should stop when you encounter things, otherwise you will cause chaos!"

Li Yaozu snorted coldly and stared coldly at Shi Zhijian who stood up: "Are you teaching me how to do things?!"

The surrounding atmosphere instantly dropped to freezing point!

Seeing that Li Yaozu was angry, Feng Guoquan felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles. At this moment, he really didn't stand or sit.

Sister Lan was also slightly surprised, she clearly understood Yaozu's temper, there are not many people who can make him angry now, and this young man in front of him is one of them!

Facing the furious Li Yaozu, Shi Zhijian was not afraid at all. He looked at him and said, "Wrong! I'm just reminding Mr. Li! And—"

"What else?" Li Yaozu's tone was cold, he felt that Shi Zhijian was too presumptuous.

"Also, if you are interested, Mr. Li, I would like to invite you to watch a play! Don't worry, of course it's not "Battle of Changsha". The tickets are so expensive, I can't afford them!" Shi Zhijian shrugged and said jokingly.

Li Yaozu's eyes flickered a few times, but he didn't say anything.

Shi Zhijian prodded him: "Why, Mr. Li thinks I'm a small person, and I really can't afford a ticket?"

Li Yaozu snorted coldly: "Watch the show, I promise you! I want to see your play, what the **** are you singing?!"

"This Huang Dongliang actually took the initiative to contact me and wanted to cooperate with me. I really don't know if he is showing his favor on purpose, or is there some other conspiracy behind him?" Xie Bingqian rubbed the center of her brows lightly, and said to the man standing behind her while sitting on the sofa.

The man is tall and straight, with a handsome face, and his appearance is roughly similar to that of Xie Bingqian. At this moment, he is standing in front of the French window in the living room, with a proud expression on his face. Facing his own image reflected in the glass window, he carefully adjusted the position of his tie, his tone of voice He said calmly: "Sister, this is the first sentence you said to me after we met in the past three years! I remember well, I didn't mean to kill your puppy when I was young, but I didn't expect you to hold grudges so much. I can’t speak more than ten sentences at most. Now that I’m back from Canada, you’ll talk about work as soon as we meet, and I thought you’d say hello to you, a good second brother!”

Needless to say, this person is Xie Bingqian's second elder brother, and also Xie Xijiu, the second young master of the Xie family in Thailand! They also have a big brother named Xie Dongcheng, the two brothers can be described as "the east and the west"!

"There is nothing to talk about between me and you except work..." Xie Bingqian stood up from the sofa, walked to the mini bar, opened a bottle of whiskey, poured a glass of wine and drank it herself, "Besides, you don't want to stay in Canada , why come back suddenly?"

Xie Xi shrugged, looked at this little sister who walked to the bar, but looked at the wine storage, and said: "I miss you! I also miss my brother and dad!" He took out a well-sealed red wine from the wine cabinet, shook it at the spotlight above his head, squinted his eyes and said, "Wow, that's great, you still have this kind of treasure here, Romanee-Conti! This bottle It's been a while, 1965 - great!"

Xie Xi specialized in emerging computer majors in Canada and obtained a doctorate. In addition, he also invested in the computer industry in Canada and the United States. He can be said to be a typical technical talent.

However, Xie Xi is not interested in these praises at all. He likes others to praise him as "master of wine tasting" and "first-class wine taster".

"Besides, I met a strong competitor in the United States, who is called Bill Gates. He is also engaged in computer research and development. I don't know where he got a large amount of money and took away several business deals from my company!"

"So? If you can't beat you, come back and cry?" Xie Bingqian came over and took the bottle of red wine from Xie Xijiu, and carefully put it back in the wine cabinet with love: "I just have this bottle, You won't even spoil it, will you?"

Xie Xi shrugged, leaned lazily on the bar, looked at his sister and said, "I didn't expect to be so stingy after not seeing you for so many years—you know, red wine is for drinking, not for hiding! You guys What do these so-called wealthy ladies know about romance? Of course it’s time to drink with your boyfriend, since you don’t have a boyfriend now, why don’t you have a few drinks with your second brother and me, and get in touch with each other by the way!”

"I don't have any relationship with you!" Xie Bingqian put the red wine back and put it down, turned around and looked at Xie Xi, "Let's talk about the reality of work!"

Xie Xi looked at her delicate and beautiful third sister and grinned: "You are so beautiful, why is your mouth so poisonous? Well, let's talk about work. You just talked about that Huang Dongliang- —" He raised his finger, "To be honest, I have a hunch that this time he really wants something from you, or he wants to cooperate with our Xie family!"

"Intuition?" Xie Bingqian was stunned for a moment, her beautiful eyes carefully examined Xie Xijiu's facial expression, and she suddenly smiled: "You, a man of science and technology, also talked about intuition with me? Do you think I believe it?"

"Third Sister, you have too much prejudice against me! You won't believe anything I tell you! Well, I will not talk about intuition, but talk about intelligence—as far as I know, Huang Dongliang has been using the Ricci Shipping Company to smuggle, I made a lot of money in it, but I didn't expect to be audited recently, and my nest was completely exposed..." Xie Xi's tone was indifferent, but a stern look flashed in his eyes, "He is riding a tiger now, and I'm afraid that Mr. Li will make trouble for him, so He wants to preemptively join forces with our Xie family, and you, my dear third sister, you are the best candidate for him!"

"How do you know so much?" Xie Bingqian asked Xie Xi with raised eyebrows.

One must know that Xie Xi has just returned from Canada not long ago, so it should be said that he is not familiar with things in Bangkok, but his news——

Xie Xi shrugged and grinned: "Don't forget, my dear third sister, although I am far away in Canada, I am also from the Xie family! Especially the second young master of the Xie family! There are so many people who want to cling to me. , From the moment I got off the plane, many people rushed towards me like locusts! Although those damned locusts are very unappetizing, they can also bring some valuable information, this is one of them!"

Xie Xi said it casually, but Xie Bingqian gasped. She has always underestimated this second brother who specializes in computers and takes the technical route.

Xie Xi just said a few words, which is equivalent to beating Xie Bingqian. Although I am not in the family, the family still has my status. After all, I am also a boy, the second heir of the Xie family! There are too many people who want to cling to me and fawn on me!

"How about it, do you believe it now? Huang Dongliang must have come to you because he had nowhere to go. If you don't want to come forward, as your second brother, I can help you as much as I can..." Xie Xi looked at Xie Bingqian with a smile.

Of course, Xie Bingqian would not give up such a good opportunity to make meritorious deeds to this guy who just came back from Canada.

"Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it myself!"

"That's great, I wish you success!" Xie Xi shrugged and reached out to the girl.

Xie Bingqian did not shake hands with him, but picked up the whiskey and drank it down.

Xie Xi frowned and said: "This is not how to drink whiskey, at least add ice - no, lemon juice, honey is also good! Hey, people who don't understand wine always think they are the smartest!"

"Mr. Huang, are you sure that Miss San will come to see us?"

In the private room of Taibai Tea House in Bangkok, Li Daqi, who is the manager of the personnel department of Lishi Shipping Company, paced around the room with some worry, and asked the old **** who was sitting on the chair to talk to Huang Dongliang.

Huang Dongliang was actually very anxious in his heart, but he couldn't show it. On the contrary, he seemed very calm. He not only poured a cup of tea for himself, but also poured a cup for Li Daqi and said: "The third lady once had a relationship with Li Xue, the eldest lady of our Lee family. Dazzling the same name, known as the ice and snow twins! Since Ms. Li went to Hong Kong, she has no rivals, but in the Xie family, she has been suppressed by her two elder brothers, Xie Dongcheng and Xie Xi. She is a girl who wants to stand out. It is necessary to make some achievements, and our meeting this time is her chance to step up to the sky!"

After Huang Dongliang finished speaking, he tapped on the table: "Don't go anymore, you are walking around, making me dizzy! Sit down and drink tea, clear your mind, and deal with that daughter of the Xie family together later!"

Hearing this, Li Daqi walked over and sat down. Before waiting for him to drink tea, Huang Dongliang asked, "By the way, have you prepared all the materials I asked you to prepare?"

Li Daqi hurriedly picked up the briefcase and put it under his feet: "Everything is in There are a lot of things!"

Huang Dongliang nodded: "We have to climb up to Xie's house this time, and we will watch this show if we want to eat and drink spicy food!"

Li Daqi also grinned: "Mr. Huang, what you said is right! Now I listen to you in everything! You let me go east, and I will never go west!"

Huang Dongliang reached out and patted Li Daqi on the shoulder: "Don't say that, you and I are good brothers, and I have always treated you as my own brother!"


"of course it's true!"

"Then I'll call you brother without hesitation!"


"elder brother!"

"younger brother!"

The two hugged each other hypocritically and were about to have an in-depth exchange. At this moment, "Boom, boom, boom," the guest came!

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