Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1332: We are penetrating the enemy!

Chapter 1332 1332 [We are breaking into the enemy! 】

"Why did you appear here?" Xie Bingqian looked at Shi Zhijian in surprise.

"Play ball! Golf! It is said that only the rich and nobles are qualified to play this game!" Shi Zhijian waved the club in his hand, and suddenly looked at Xie Bingqian with a surprised expression: "Wow, the two of us are dressed like Couple clothes! It’s still a brand, and it turns out that Miss Xie also likes this brand very much, what a surprise!”

Seeing Shi Zhijian's "nonsense" Xie Bingqian was almost speechless, she rolled her eyes at Shi Zhijian: "Honestly, what are you doing here?"

"Yes, Shi, what are you doing here?" Director Qian, Director Sun and others had ghosts in their hearts, and asked Shi Zhijian loudly.

Shi Zhijian looked at the crowd, "Then what about you guys, why are you here? What are you doing here?"

Everyone was questioned, you look at me, I look at you, silent.

Shi Zhijian turned his head and smiled brightly at Xie Bingqian: "Miss Xie, to be honest, you and I are really destined, and I can see you everywhere! What's even more strange is that every time I meet you, I meet so many colleagues in the company!"

After Shi Zhijian finished speaking, he looked at the ghost lawyer Robert: "Even the lawyer has brought it. It seems that Miss Xie has played a big game this time! Why, buy equity?"

Xie Bingqian's expression changed, and she calmly said, "How much do you know?"

Shi Zhijian shrugged his shoulders: "All I know is what I see now!" After speaking, he looked at Director Qian and the others, "But it's a pity, this time your deal may be ruined!"

Xie Bingqian sneered, "Why, can you stop it?"

Director Qian and others saw that the scandal was exposed, so they also went all out, "Yes, you are just a small company accountant, what can you do?"

"The equity is ours. We can sell it to whoever we want? Even Mr. Li can't control us when he comes!"

Uncle Gui stood up: "Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient!" Then he looked at Shi Zhijian contemptuously, "Are you the new accountant?"

Shi Zhijian smiled slightly, "Uncle Ghost? The largest shareholder of Lee's Shipping Company besides Mr. Lee?"

"It's rare that you still know me! Now that you know this, what more can you say?" Uncle Gui was holding his gestures. He had lost face in front of Xie Bingqian before, but he wanted to save face this time anyway.

Shi Zhijian smiled: "Uncle Gui, I respect you as an old man, and I don't want to say anything, but you make it difficult for me to do so!"

"Difficult to do? What do you mean?" Uncle Ghost continued to say with a poised gesture.

Shi Zhijian shrugged: "Uncle Ghost, although your shareholding is second only to Mr. Li's major shareholder, you also need to know that there is a thing in this world called loyalty. Are you loyal to Li's Shipping Company?"

"I'm a loyal ghost! I'm a capitalist, not a feudalist. How much is loyalty? You tell me, how much money and benefits can you earn if you are loyal?" Uncle Ghost asked contemptuously. Shi Zhijian.

"Loyalty at least demonstrates your personal moral character—"

"Moral character? Fuck you!" Uncle Gui snorted, "Those who talk about morality are fools, and those who talk about quality are either crazy or mentally retarded! You call me moral, I call you crazy!"

"Also, you're embarrassing us all by popping up now! You say you're a victim, and we're all disloyal. The problem is that the minority obeys the majority. We don't agree with what you said Agree, on the contrary, what happened to us people is the truth!"

Shi Zhijian experienced the shamelessness of the older generation for the first time, so he had to give a thumbs up and praise: "Sharp!"

Seeing that Shi Zhijian was silent, the old ghost became more active, "Why, speechless? I knew that people like you would never stand on the stage of moral judgment, at most they belonged to the judged! Don't be sad about how fate is. It's unfair, don't talk about how rough fate is for you, you just need to know that we all treat people like you as garbage, and we are not stingy at all!"

Shi Zhijian smiled: "Uncle Ghost, do you know that in this world you can't win by speaking loudly, what's the use of you talking so much, and it's still unknown whether your shares can be sold in the end!"

"What do you mean?" Uncle Gui looked at Xie Bingqian, "As long as Miss Xie is willing to buy it, we will sell it! How useful can your little accountant be?"

"That's right, my little accountant can't do much, but Mr. Li is different—" Shi Zhijian rubbed his cue and looked at the tea garden down the mountain: "Mr. , on this basis, prepare to recruit new shareholders and dilute the shares in your hands!"

Shi Zhijian turned his head sharply and looked at Uncle Gui and the others with a smile: "It means that the shares in your hands will gradually decrease. You get 40% together, and now it may become 30%, 20%, or even 10%—"

Shi Zhijian looked at Xie Bingqian again: "So what about you, Ms. Xie, even if you pay double the money to get 10% of the shares, what's the use? If you are really interested in Ricci Shipping, you might as well take the money and join the shipping company as a major shareholder. Mister Leigh might applaud—"

Xie Bingqian was stunned, she never expected that Shi Zhijian would make such a move!

If it is true what Shi Zhijian said, then there is a ghost in her spending a lot of money to buy these shares this time!

To be precise, Li Yaozu has seen through her plots and tricks, and according to Li Yaozu's temperament, he will never allow her to be a big deal!

Xie Bingqian thought about the stakes, and immediately glanced at Shi Zhijian with beautiful eyes, and smiled!

"I can't see that you are like a fish in water, you can get along so well everywhere - in the blink of an eye, you have become Mr. Li's confidant again, and he has entrusted you with such an important matter!"

"Accept!" Shi Zhijian clasped his fists at Xie Bingqian, "I still want to thank you, Miss San, if you hadn't fired me, I wouldn't have come to work in Li's, and you are my noble person in the dark! And you are very precious Word!"

Hearing Shi Zhijian's sarcasm, Xie Bingqian's lungs were about to explode, and she had to force a smile on her face: "Wow, I'm so embarrassed when you say that! Forget it, I was very interested in playing here today, but seeing you and me Not even the slightest interest! Go first!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't look at Uncle Ghost and others, and left the scene with Master Dumb, Lawyer Ghost and others.

Shi Zhijian looked at Xie Bingqian's back: "Hey, don't play anymore? You can make a few gestures, I'll let you!"

Xie Bingqian raised her **** at Shi Zhijian without looking back.

Shi Zhijian shrugged his shoulders: "It's not good for a girl to speak dirty words!" After speaking, he turned around and swung vigorously at the golf ball under his feet.

Uncle Ghost and the others never expected this kind of ending after tossing for a long time, and immediately shouted: "Miss San, don't go, the price is easy to negotiate!"

"Yeah, it's a big deal, let's make another step!"

Director Qian and others also yelled from behind.

Xie Bingqian is not a fool, now Li Yaozu sees through her plan, even if she gets shares from these people, it is useless.

Seeing Xie Bingqian leave, Uncle Gui and the others turned their heads and looked at Shi Zhijian who had ruined their good deed, grinning with hatred.

With his back turned to them, Shi Zhijian could feel the angry eyes of everyone.

Shi Zhijian gesticulated with the club, and said to Uncle Gui and the others without looking back: "I understand everyone's mood at the moment. You could have made a lot of money, but now you're fighting for nothing!"

After a pause, he continued: "But what I know better is that Mr. Li is very angry, and the consequences will be serious!"

It's good that Shi Zhijian didn't mention Li Yaozu, but only after mentioning it like this did everyone remember that it was Li Yaozu who was the mastermind behind this incident, and the other party saw through their flamboyant intentions.

Who is Li Yaozu?

Black and white eats all bosses!

Anyone who offends him will definitely be retaliated against, and the methods will be cruel!

Shi Zhijian continued: "I often hear people talking about families being ruined, corpses torn into pieces, and things sinking into the bottom of the sea to feed bastards—now I finally have the chance to see it!"


Everyone gasped!

The surrounding atmosphere froze instantly.

Everyone thought of Li Yaozu Lei Ting's furious appearance, and at this moment, there was fear in their hearts—

"Ahem, I'm sorry, Mr. Shi?" Uncle Ghost spoke first, "Actually, what I told you just now was just acting—"

"Oh, acting?" Shi Zhijian turned around and looked at Uncle Gui.

"Yeah, I'm really acting!" Uncle Gui immediately put on a loyal and courageous look, "I'm not saying you don't know, but I'm really loyal to Mr. Li! The reason why I came to this meeting today is the purpose In fact, it is to break into the enemy's interior and help Mr. Li collect information!"

"Wow, really?" Shi Zhijian was surprised.

"Of course it's true!" Ghost Uncle said righteously, "everything was fine at first, but I didn't expect you to kill Mr. Shi suddenly. I just said those words to Shi Zhijian in order not to destroy my plan! In fact, those are all The lines are my nonsense words to confuse the enemy, to confuse that little **** Xie Bingqian, so don't take it to heart!"

"Hehe, I don't have to worry about the other things, but you said I was trash and you even got rid of me..."

"That's what the plot needs!" Uncle Gui tried hard to argue, "Besides, Mr. Shi, you look talented no matter what, how could it be garbage? Even if garbage is us, right! You see, we are old, fat, fat, It’s just old, weak, sick and disabled!”

Shi Zhijian looked at Director Qian, Director Sun and others.

Director Qian hurriedly echoed: "Yes, yes! In fact, we are all infiltrating the enemy! We will all be very loyal to Mr. Li!"

"No way, all of you?" Shi Zhijian looked at everyone in surprise.

The others were unambiguous, and nodded hurriedly: "Yes! We are all! We were actually acting just now! You know, the girl surnamed Xie is so cunning, if we don't act realistically, one by one She will definitely see the flaw!"

"We originally wanted to play out that girl surnamed Xie, but we didn't expect Mr. Shi to come here suddenly!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, "But just now I saw that you were about to sign a contract with that ghost lawyer Robert..."

"That's acting!" Uncle Gui said righteously, "How can you catch a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's den? We are willing to expose the Xie family's big conspiracy behind the back of the seller's suspicion!"

"The signing is fake, but the information obtained is true!" Director Qian and others clenched their fists and vowed.

Shi Zhijian let out a sigh, "So I blamed you all?"

"It's okay, everyone is doing things for Li Shi!"

"Looking at you now, I understand—"

"Long live the understanding!" Uncle Ghost said with emotion, "I hope that Mr. Shi will explain the facts when he goes back, and don't let Mr. Li misunderstand!"

"That's right, Mr. Li didn't come here in person, maybe he didn't understand our intentions, and I hope Mr. Shi will have some kind words from you!"

Shi Zhijian nodded: "It's what I should do to help everyone! Besides, I was also moved by your loyalty and courage, but the problem is that I am soft-spoken. After all, I have just joined the company and I am not very familiar with you—"

Uncle Gui stepped forward and privately took out a large stack of banknotes and stuffed them into Shi Zhijian's hands: "Are you familiar with me now?"

Shi Zhijian squeezed the money, at least ten or twenty thousand, this Uncle Ghost was willing to go all out, and immediately smiled: "I feel like old friends at first sight, Uncle Ghost!"

"That's good!" Uncle Gui's heart fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Director Qian hurried forward, took out a wad of money and handed it to Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian pinched it, but it wasn't thick enough, so he smiled and said, "I don't feel that I have enough fate with Director Qian—"

Director Qian hurriedly took off the gold Rolex watch from his wrist and stuffed it in, "What about now?"

Shi Zhijian took the gold watch and put it in his pocket: "Look carefully, Director Qian looks like an old friend of mine!"

Director Qian showed a smile on his face and gave a thumbs up: "Mr. Shi can still speak!"

Director Sun followed suit, but unfortunately he searched all over his body and found nothing of value.

It turned out that Director Sun was a strict wife, and would be "robbed" by his wife before going out.

His wife ransacked him before letting him go out, so that he had no money and no way to eat, drink and have fun——

At this moment, seeing that everyone has established an extraordinary friendship with Shi Zhijian one by one, but he can't even show a fart on his side, which makes him scratch his head in anxiety.

Shi Zhijian searched for a while, and calculated that it was almost 80,000 to 90,000 yuan. If he put it together again, he could reach 100,000 yuan, which is a huge profit! So he looked at Director Sun who hadn't given him a "management" yet—

"I'm sorry, Director Sun, it seems that you don't like making friends very much, do you? I'm actually very simple, and I will never embarrass others!"

When Director Sun saw what Shi Zhijian, he was sweating profusely: "No, no! I really like Mr. Shi and you are friends!"

"In that case, come on!" Shi Zhijian threw an olive branch at him.

Director Sun shook his head aggrievedly: "I can't come—"

"It means... I have no money for the time being!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, and took the initiative to pat Director Sun on the shoulder: "What did I think it was? Friends care about helping each other. If you don't have the money to talk about it earlier, I thought you were dissatisfied with me!" Helping Director Sun tidy up his suit and tie, he said earnestly: "I have just said that, in fact, I am very simple, loyal, and respect friends! It doesn't matter if you don't have money, and IOUs are also okay!"

"Really?" Director Sun's eyes lit up.

"Of course it's true!" Shi Zhijian helped him tidy up his tie, and said in a low tone, "As for the interest, let's calculate it according to the highest value!" Before Director Sun could speak, "Otherwise you will say that I look down on you— After all, you are a dignified boss!"

Director Sun was speechless!

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