Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1335: Chaoshan boss!

Chapter 1335 1335 [Chaoshan boss! 】

"Ajian, come here quickly, I'll introduce you to friends!"

When Shi Zhijian walked over, Feng Guoquan, who had already integrated into the Chaoshan team, called him.

Feng Guoquan had fun with Axiang for a while before, and ate some food. Seeing that Shi Zhijian was still talking with the second son of the Xie family, he went over to say hello to the members of the Chaoshan community.

Feng Guoquan is from Chaoshan, and many people in Bangkok know it. He also donates money to Chaoshan club gatherings every year, so he has a little status in this big family.

Shi Zhijian walked over with a champagne glass and smiled.

"Brother Quan, hello! Bosses, hello!" Shi Zhijian greeted everyone politely with a neither humble nor overbearing attitude.

Those Chaoshan bosses looked at him and asked Feng Guoquan, "Who is this handsome boy?"

Feng Guoquan explained: "He is the accountant of our Ricci Shipping Company."

As soon as they heard that Shi Zhijian's job was just an accountant, these bosses felt contempt in their hearts.

Young, immature, and without qualifications.

This is the judgment of these bigwigs.

So after Shi Zhijian's introduction, no one took the initiative to stand up and reach out to shake hands with Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian remained calm and looked at everyone with a smile, as if he didn't care about everyone's contempt.

Who is Feng Guoquan, he glanced at the faces of these big shots, and he knew what they were thinking, so he said casually: "But before Ah Jian became the accountant of our company, he once worked in the Jinbaihan Song and Dance Hall for two days—by the way , that lady's night was arranged by him alone!"

As soon as these words came out, those Chaoshan bigwigs turned pale with shock, and quickly looked at Shi Zhijian again.

The most famous thing in the entertainment industry recently is the revival of the Jinbaihan Song and Dance Hall, which earned two million rumors in one night!

It is said that behind this unbelievable event was a talented young man who promoted it, so many people wanted to know who this young man was, but they did not expect that the legend was right in front of them!

Not caring too much, these Chaoshan bigwigs acted immediately, and one of them stood up and extended his hand to Shi Zhijian and introduced: "Hi, is Shi Zhijian right? I am in the fragrant rice business in Thailand, and my name is Bai Changqing!"

Shi Zhijian looked at the other party. He was short in stature but had a smile on his face, like a little Maitreya.

Feng Guoquan hurriedly helped to introduce: "Ajian, you will have to learn a lot from Boss Bai in the future. His fragrant rice business is the number one in Thailand, so he is even more famous as the king of fragrant rice!"

Shi Zhijian shook hands with Bai Changqing with a smile and said: "I have long admired your name! It is said that Boss Bai is not only good at business, but also passionate about charity. He donates thousands of tons of rice every year to help the poor. Seniors learn!"

Bai Changqing did not expect Shi Zhijian to be so good at talking. He has earned almost the same amount of money in his life, and he only lacks a good reputation. Therefore, he does his best to do charity every year, and donating money and rice is even more unambiguous. Therefore, every time others praise him for his business Yes, he doesn't catch a cold, and only praising him for his good deeds of charity can be regarded as hitting the happiest place in his heart.

Immediately, Bai Changqing cheerfully shook hands with Shi Zhijian vigorously and said: "Mr. Shi is indeed a young talent, just these words speak to my heart! Don't say anything else, we will meet more often in the future!"

"I wish I could!"

Just as Shi Zhijian and Bai Changqing finished shaking hands, a tall, thin man with a beard stood out and introduced to Shi Zhijian, "Lu Rongsheng is in the rubber business!"

Shi Zhijian looked at Feng Guoquan, and Feng Guoquan introduced, "Ajian, this one is also amazing! In the future, you need to learn from Boss Lu, he is the famous rubber king in Thailand! It can be said that the car tires in the whole Thailand use him. rubber! Also, you in Hong Kong also import a lot of rubber from his manor every year!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Shi Zhijian shook hands with Lu Rongsheng, "I remember well, Boss Lu's family is the Lu family who once fought against the Japanese invaders and rescued the Anti-Japanese Heroes Front?"

Lu Rongsheng immediately said with a moved expression: "Exactly!"

Shi Zhijian clenched his hand: "A hero! The Lu family can be called a family of heroes! I really admire it!"

Shi Zhijian's words were full of emotion, and it was true when he heard it, which made Lu Rongsheng immediately have a good impression of Shi Zhijian.

For a long time, every time Lu Rongsheng made an introduction, the other party only focused on his status as the "Rubber King", but few people mentioned his family history of heroes, Shi Zhijian was the only one!

Feng Guoquan, Bai Changqing and others next to him could see clearly that even those Chaoshan bigwigs who had looked down on Shi Zhijian before had to secretly give Shi Zhijian a thumbs up at this moment, sharp!

Among the young people whom these Chaoshan tycoons know, there are very few young people like Shi Zhijian who not only have a strong aura, but are not weaker than others, and are even more comfortable in dealing with them. This kind of young people will either become tycoons in the future, or they will be tycoons in the future. !

Immediately afterwards, Feng Guoquan introduced several big men to Shi Zhijian. These people are also among the best in Bangkok in terms of status and status.

Only now did Shi Zhijian understand why Li Yaozu valued this Chaoshan society so much.

Chaoshan people like to hold groups, and they would rather be cheap "Jiajilang" than let outsiders intervene when doing business.

The Ricci Group has a huge business in Bangkok, but they can't get involved in the business that the Chaoshan community takes care of, such as rubber transportation and rice sales.

Who did these profitable businesses?

The answer is revealed immediately.

"Ajian, come, let me introduce you. The next big man is amazing. He is not only the helm of the Chaoshan Society, but also takes care of all the money-making business leaders of the Chaoshan Society!"

Shi Zhijian obviously felt that Feng Guoquan's tone was a little excited when he introduced this person, so he couldn't help looking at the person, but saw that the person was having a cordial conversation with several ghosts, and he didn't seem to care about the introduction here.

"That's—" Shi Zhijian looked at that person suspiciously.

Before Feng Guoquan could speak, Bai Changqing next to him held a wine glass and said, "He is the head of the Gao family in Bangkok - Gao Wanjun!" His tone was full of awe.

Looking at Lu Rongsheng and others looking at Gao Wanjun at this moment, they are also in awe.

In addition to being the helm of the Chaozhou-Shantou club, Gao Wanjun is also the boss of the Gao family of the four major Chinese families in Thailand, "Xu, Gao, Li, and Xie".

After Gao Wanjun finished talking with those ghosts, Feng Guoquan stepped forward to greet Gao Wanjun respectfully.

Gao Wanjun's expression was serious, and after listening to Feng Guoquan's introduction, he turned his head and glanced at Shi Zhijian, just so lightly, with sharp eyes.

"Ajian, come here! I'll introduce Mr. Gao to you!" Feng Guoquan was very excited and waved to Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian put down the wine glass he was holding, straightened his clothes, and walked over with a smile.

The reason why Feng Guoquan was so excited was because Gao Wanjun was a very airy person, and he rarely attended such gatherings. Even if he attended the gatherings, he would not easily meet those young people with no names, no distinctions, and no titles.

Shi Zhijian was an exception this time.

Gao Wanjun was very interested in this young man who helped Jin Baihan dance hall earn two million in one night.

So he wanted to meet this young man who is now being praised throughout Bangkok.

Shi Zhijian walked up to Gao Wanjun, stretched out his hand neither humble nor overbearing, and said, "Hello, Mr. Gao!"

Gao Wanjun stared at him without speaking.

Feng Guoquan immediately felt a lot of pressure beside him, let alone Shi Zhijian who was directly facing Gao Wanjun.

If it were an ordinary person, he would probably be in a hurry at this time, his face would turn pale, and he would not know how to deal with it.

However, Shi Zhijian was not afraid of Gao Wanjun's gaze at all. He looked at him and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Gao looks very good. I heard that you often play golf. I am also learning about this. I will teach you more in the future!"

Gao Wanjun stared at Shi Zhijian for ten seconds, a smile finally appeared on his serious face, he reached out his hand to shake hands with Shi Zhijian and said, "It's really different!"

Just now he has used the strongest momentum to crush the young man Shi Zhijian. In his opinion, no matter how good Shi Zhijian is, he just climbed up from the bottom, and he is not like an ant in front of him?

But he never expected that Shi Zhijian could still talk and laugh happily under his powerful momentum, which surprised Gao Wanjun, and he couldn't see through Shi Zhijian for a while.

Including Feng Guoquan, Bai Changqing, Lu Rongsheng and others around when Gao Wanjun crushed Shi Zhijian with aura, they all felt the powerful aura, and they were all holding their breath. They didn't feel dignified until Gao Wanjun laughed and spoke. The air became lighter in an instant, and he took a deep breath.

"Is that Shi Zhijian? I just heard Guoquan introduce you, very good, very good! Are you also from Chaoshan?"

"Yes!" Shi Zhijian replied simply.

Gao Wanjun nodded: "Where is Chaoshan?"


"Shanwei? I remember well that there is a village called Shuipu in Shanwei..."

"Sorry Mr. Gao, you may have misremembered, there is indeed a village in that place, but it's not called Shuipu Village, but Shuangpu Village!"

"Oh yes, look at my memory, I'm getting old, hahaha!" Gao Wanjun laughed.

For Shi Zhijian, any old fox is no match for him. As a well-known big fool in Hong Kong, Shi Zhijian's ancestral home is changeable, Chaoshan, Zhejiang, Ningbo, Shanghai, and even Shandong can all be settled.

"Ajian, you are young and promising! From now on, follow Guoquan and work hard!" Gao Wanjun reached out and patted Shi Zhijian on the shoulder, like a kind elder expecting from a younger generation. "Of course, our Gao Group has also been recruiting recently. If you are interested, Jian, you can also come to us to try the water. Young people need a few more choices before they know that Bian Du is more suitable for them!"

Gao Wanjun turned his head to look at Feng Guoquan with an embarrassing face and said, "Guoquan, you don't mind if I poach your corner on the spot?"

"How could it be? Mr. Gao is willing to give him a chance, it is his great opportunity!"

"Hahaha! Well said! What about you, what do you think?" Gao Wanjun looked at Shi Zhijian again.

Shi Zhijian smiled and said: "Although all of us are from Chaoshan, I have a deeper relationship with Brother Quan. He promoted me, not to mention that I have only been working for a short time, and I still need to learn from him in many areas-"

"Hehe, I understand! Young man, it's right to be loyal!" Gao Wanjun laughed twice, and then stopped looking at Shi Zhijian. For him, he had already given Shi Zhijian a chance, and it would be his loss if Shi Zhijian didn't seize it. Who is Gao Wanjun? Just grab a lot of talent!

Gao Wanjun ignored Shi Zhijian, looked at the crowd and said: "Mr. Thomas and I have some things to do, we need to leave the venue first! By the way, did you see my bad boy?"

"You mean Master Zhaohui? I saw it just now, but now I don't know where it is!" someone said.

Gao Wanjun frowned: "Then let him stay here first, and everyone will take care of me when you see it!"

Everyone nodded.

This Gao Chaohui is not an ordinary person, besides being the only son of Gao Wanjun, he is also a well-known "devil king" in Bangkok. Every time he caused trouble outside, he would be grounded by Gao Wanjun, but during the grounding period, he was able to make his father happy by doing business, making the grounding order invalid immediately.

None of these bigwigs from the Chaoshan community knew about this "devil king of the world", and they let him do everything and did not dare to offend him.

Gao Wanjun's so-called "care" is actually to ask everyone not to provoke him, so as to avoid trouble.

Here, Gao Wanjun accompanied the four ghosts out of the banquet hall. Everyone in Chaoshan took a deep breath and began to chat happily.

During this period, Shi Zhijian met some bigwigs from Chaozhou and Shantou, who were involved in any kind of business.

Among them is Pan Daoquan, a big man in the drug business, a middle-aged man with a bald head and a big belly. He heard Shi Zhijian introduce him as a native of Shanwei, so he came over to say hello, saying that he was also from Shanwei. , with teary eyes.

Pan Daoquan kept telling Shi Zhijian about the past when he ran from Shanwei to Thailand and became famous, and he also talked about the delicacies and snacks in Shanwei, as well as customs and so on. Pick out your ears and clean them.

"By the way, Ah Jian, do you know the one in Shanwei that sells shrimp dumplings? I really like the taste of their shrimp dumplings!"

Shi Zhijian knows what the I can't stand it anymore, this Pan Daoquan is simply a talker, and I'm afraid it will be revealed if we continue talking.

Just at this moment, someone came over and whispered a few words to Pan Daoquan's ear. Pan Daoquan's face changed suddenly, and he cursed: "Your mother, Pu, how dare you chase me here? How dare he threaten me even if he is a big pharmaceutical company? "

The man kept silent and didn't dare to say more.

Pan Daoquan said again: "Tell him in the past that I am very busy now, and I don't have time to see him!"

The person who reported the letter had a puzzled look on his face: "President Pan, this is not a solution, it will always be delayed and resolved one day!"

Pan Daoquan's expression changed, and just as he was about to get angry, Shi Zhijian quickly interrupted, "Brother Quan, I don't know what's going on, can I help?"

Pan Daoquan said: "It's nothing, just a boss surnamed Xu came to ask me for help - what does the fire in his pharmaceutical factory have to do with me? It's his bad luck if things burnt down, he chased my **** and insisted on me helping, I'll help Ghost!"

Shi Zhijian gradually figured out the whole story from Pan Daoquan's scolding.

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