Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1353: Miscalculation!

"Pfft!" Pan Daoquan spat out a mouthful of wine!

Coincidentally, this drink happened to be sprayed on Gao Chaohui's body!

This spray directly broke the dead silence of the scene!

Gao Chaohui stared at him with wide eyes.

Pan Daoquan hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I couldn't hold back!" Then he hurriedly took out a handkerchief and helped Gao Chaohui wipe his wet clothes.

Gao Chaohui pushed him away: "Go away!"

Pan Daoquan was trembling with fear, and his face turned pale.

Li Xuexuan frowned: "Young Master Gao, you can't do this!"

Gao Chaohui also knew that he had lost his temper just now, and glared at Pan Daoquan fiercely, and then looked at Charlie Chen: "What did you say just now?" Pretending to be Hutu.

Charlie Chen is a man and not a fool, "Yeah, what I said just now? Oh yes, I'll toast you, Young Master Gao!" He hurriedly picked up the glass and said to Gao Chaohui, "Young Master Gao, you are very good at singing, and someone Chen respects you. You have a cup!"

Gao Chaohui snorted coldly, took the wine glass and drank it.

For him, tonight is really a lifetime of fame! I originally wanted to show my literary fan, but I didn't expect to be slapped in the face! And this slap in the face is so direct, so effective, and so straightforward! Just **** your mother!

Li Xuexuan looked at Shi Zhijian, but saw that Shi Zhijian was also looking at her. At this moment, Li Xuexuan had all kinds of feelings in his heart. He never thought that those songs were actually written by him!

For Li Xuexuan, Shi Zhijian is the most dazzling star in the sky. Even if the dark clouds try to block it, it cannot be blocked.

"I'm a little tired and want to go back." Li Xuexuan gently crushed the cigarette in the ashtray, looked up at Gao Chaohui and said.

Gao Chaohui was so embarrassed that he took off immediately, and immediately said: "Okay, let's go! Xuexuan, I'll take you back!" He didn't even dare to look at Shi Zhijian, for fear that Shi Zhijian would stop him and ask him to help lift his shoes!

"Young Master Gao, are you leaving?"

"We'll send you!"

Everyone left the box together.

Shi Zhijian here is also unwilling to stay in such a place, and also bid farewell to Charlie Chen and Pan Daoquan.

The lively box was instantly deserted.

"Xuexuan, you really don't want me to send you?" Gao Chaohui put Li Xuexuan in the car and looked at Li Xuexuan who was sitting in the car with some anticipation.

Li Xuexuan smiled and said, "I have a driver to take me back, so I don't need to trouble you, Gao Dashao!"

"No trouble!" Gao Chaohui said hurriedly, "To be honest, it's my honor to be able to send you back!"

"It's too late, next time!"

"Oh!" Gao Chaohui was a little reluctant. He wondered if he was embarrassed in the box, and the other party would have such an attitude.

Seeing that the goddess was leaving in the car, Gao Chaohui was still staring at him.

When Li Xuexuan's car was driving to the side of the road, Li Xuexuan suddenly said to the driver in front, "Stop."

"Okay, miss!" The driver hurriedly parked the car on the side of the road and glanced at his young lady through the rearview mirror, only to see Li Xuexuan leaning on the seat, with a hint of melancholy on his cold face.

Li Xuexuan rolled the car window and took out the cigarette case from the Kunbao, only to find that the cigarettes inside had been smoked.

She crumpled the cigarette case with her hands and threw it out the window, turned her head and asked the driver, "Are there any cigarettes?"

The driver was stunned for a moment, then quickly took out a box of Lucky cigarettes from his arms and handed them over, "It's cheap cigarettes, I'm afraid you won't be used to smoking them."

But Li Xuexuan smiled, took out one and said, "Thank you!" He put the cigarette in the corner of his mouth, lightly lit it, and after a while, the smoke rose.

The driver looked at her secretly through the rearview mirror in front, and felt that she was preoccupied and seemed to be waiting for someone.

Indeed, Li Xuexuan was waiting for Shi Zhijian at this time.

In her opinion, since the two sides have not seen each other for so long, if Shi Zhijian still has some conscience, he will definitely come to him.

Even Li Xuexuan imagined several ways or excuses for Shi Zhijian to find it.

"Yeah, Miss Li, are you resting too?"

"Wow, Miss Qoli, we meet again!"

"I'm sorry, Miss Li! I didn't tell you something in the box just now!"

Li Xuexuan closed his eyes, what should I do if he really finds him? Indifference? Warm welcome? Resurrection of old love? Or pretend you don't know?

Li Xuexuan was upset, and his cheeks suddenly turned red again----what should I do if he squeezed into the car and sat with me? Will this driver be in the way?

What if he kisses me? Should I give him a kiss? It looks like I'm being bullied too much!

After being separated for so long, he didn't even make a phone call. Who does he take me for? Call it then come and wave it away? I am not his personal girl, nor his concubine! I am Li Xuexuan, Li Xuexuan, the dignified Miss Li Family!

But if you don't give him a kiss, what if he gets angry? He is very domineering. If he ignores me in the future, what can I do?

Li Xuexuan's heart is extremely tangled and messy!

The driver looked at her secretly through the rearview mirror and thought: "What's wrong with Miss Li? Her face is red and white for a while, her eyes are charming for a while, and sharp for a while... Also, she looks like those devils in martial arts movies. , cultivating martial arts and going crazy---like who is it? By the way, it's the white-haired witch! But Miss Li is much prettier than that white-haired witch, at least her hair is black and very beautiful!"

Just when the driver was thinking wildly, Li Xuexuan suddenly coughed: "Aliang, do you want to go to the toilet later?"

"Uh, no!" The driver, A Liang, hurriedly turned his head and waved his hand, "Don't worry, miss, I have good professional ethics, and I never go to the toilet while driving!"

"I didn't mean that, I asked if you needed it?"

"No need!" A Liang said firmly, "Don't worry, miss, I can stand it!"

Li Xuexuan frowned, "But why do I think you might need to go to the toilet later?"

"Uh? What do you mean?"

"You don't know what I mean? Don't tell me I abused you. Do you need to go to the bathroom later?"

"Miss, do you think I...need it?" A Liang asked stupidly, not understanding.

"How do you need me to know?" Li Xuexuan was angry, feeling that this stupid driver was clueless.

Seeing Li Xuexuan's annoyed expression, the driver, Aliang, understood: "I need it! I really need it! Hey, Youyou, I drank too much water, I might have to go for a convenience later, and I hope Miss Li will be successful! "

Li Xuexuan glared at him: "Very good! I'm very soft-hearted, I'll do it for you later!"

"Miss, you are such a good person!" A Liang flattered.

But Li Xuexuan began to imagine that if Shi Zhijian came over later, should he ask him to apologize first? !

No, I must not give him a good look!

Let him know what he did wrong!

She, Li Xuexuan, is not a cheap woman that Shi Zhijian can easily acquire!


A Ford car approached from behind.

Li Xuexuan had long been careful and knew that this was Shi Zhijian's car!

Li Xuexuan's heart immediately jumped up, look, no matter how sharp a man is, he can't escape her Li Xuexuan's palm.

Shi Zhijian, Shi Zhijian, you are just like that! In the end, didn't you surrender under my pomegranate skirt?

At this moment, Li Xuexuan's heart is full of pride and arrogance!

The driver, Aliang, saw the eldest lady with high eyebrows, as if she had won the jackpot on a horse race, she didn't know why! But immediately he saw the car coming from behind, and saw his young lady looking back from time to time, wondering if it had something to do with the car coming?


Getting closer!

Fifty meters!

Thirty meters!

Twenty meters!

Li Xuexuan raised a heart in his throat, hurriedly threw away his cigarette, sat upright, his chin slightly raised, and put on a glamorous and unattainable appearance, ready to give Shi Zhijian a blow!


Little Ford didn't stop, but rubbed Li Xuexuan's car and drove straight past!

Li Xuexuan, his face was astonished!

What do you mean?

No parking?

Am I delusional? Yes, I must be delusional! How could Shi Zhijian not stop? ! Ha ha!

Li Xuexuan laughed twice, but couldn't laugh anymore, because the little Ford in front had already run away without a shadow, leaving only a trail of dust----

Li Xuexuan stared blankly at the long-lasting dusty smoke...

After a long time, the driver, A Liang, had the courage to say, "Miss, do I need to go to the toilet now?"

Aggie drove the Ford car smoothly.

Behind him, Shi Zhijian sat in the car with a cigarette in his mouth, glanced at Li Xuexuan's car parked by the roadside, turned his eyes back, exhaled a puff of smoke, wiped the other party's car and sped away!

Aji glanced at Shi Zhijian through the rearview mirror.

Aji is a stupid person, but he also knows that Shi Zhijian doesn't seem to be in a good mood at this time.

He didn't dare to ask, and he didn't know how to ask.

Shi Zhijian spoke first: "Aji, what would you do if you made your wife angry?"

"Ah, if it makes my mother-in-law angry, it will be miserable!" Aji said, "She will make me kneel on the washboard, make me pull my ears, and sometimes she will not cook for me!"

"Are these scary?"

Aji shook his head: "Kneeling on the washboard is not scary, I have rough skin and thick flesh! Pulling my ears is not scary, my ears can be stretched out! I am a little scared when I'm hungry, I cry when I'm hungry, and I can't sleep at night. Good night! But these aren't the scariest—"

"Then what is the most terrifying?"

"The most frightening thing is that she ignores me! She doesn't speak when she gets home, she doesn't speak when washing clothes, she doesn't speak when cooking, and when she sleeps with her back to me—" Aji said with a heart full of seasons, "I I am most afraid that she will ignore me! I'd rather she scold me, quarrel with me, hate me than she will ignore me!"

"Is it really that scary for one person to ignore another person?"

"Yes!" Aji said hurriedly, "When we got married, we agreed that we would grow old together. If she ignores me in the future, what's the point of my life? I am most afraid of being alone and of being quiet at home. It's not the day people live..."

After Shi Zhijian heard this, he closed his eyes.

He knew that Li Xuexuan was waiting for him when he parked the car on the side of the road, but Shi Zhijian just didn't want to take the initiative to give in and admit Li Xuexuan's mistake!

Li Xuexuan is a proud person!

He Shi Zhijian is the same!

"Grandpa, have you started taking a bath? Don't go to bed without a bath! Mr. Shi hates people who don't take a bath! He is a clean person, and he washes his face and feet every day!"

"Grandpa, there is Mr. Shi's special towel hanging next to it, don't move! I bought you a new towel, you use the one I bought! Also, the razor is also dedicated to Mr. Shi, You can't use it secretly! I found out that Aji was secretly using it last time, and finally replaced it with a new one!"


"Grandpa, did you hear what I said? You must flush the toilet when you go to the toilet! Not flushing is unsanitary! Also, don't eat bananas when you go to the toilet, Mr. Shi said it's not good! He has a man named Ding Yongqiang. My friend likes to go to the toilet and eat bananas, and finally gets gastritis!"

Ah Xiang said to her grandfather Master Ma outside the bathroom.

Master Ma stayed in the bathroom this is not, that is not, this one dare not move, that one also dare not touch, tossing for a long time not to mention taking a shower, not even taking off his clothes!

"Stinky girl! I'm your grandfather. You are Mr. Shi. Is he your grandfather or I am your grandfather?" Master Ma got angry and said in a dissatisfied tone while taking off his clothes indiscriminately.

"Of course you are my grandpa!"

"That's not bad!"

"Grandpa, how can you compare with Mr. Shi? He's so handsome, and you have dry bark on your face!"

"Stinky girl! Don't hurt me like this, okay? As you know, your grandfather and I were also a handsome boy when I was young, known as Bangkok's little Pan'an, the Alain Delong of the head-turning world!"

"Please stop bragging! Hurry up and take a shower!"

"What am I bragging about? I'm telling the truth!" Master Ma angrily took off his big panties. At a glance, he saw a few holes in his **** at some point. No wonder he always felt cold when he walked in the past few days!

While looking for a needle and thread, Master Ma said to his granddaughter, "You've only been in the city for a few days, and you've only been in the city for a few days to pretend to be a city person? Not yet? Let me eat bananas when I go to the toilet---I eat durian, can you manage it?! Also, I came all the way to see you from home this time, you see me at least arrange a comfortable room for me to sleep in One sleep, but let me sleep on the sofa?!"

"What if I'm a bad old man sleeping in the living room and scaring people? Besides, the sofa is so narrow, what if I fall to the ground when I fall asleep? Are you responsible if I hurt my waist? Granddaughter, I This is all for your own good! You must know how to respect the old and love the young, and give the best things to your grandfather! Your grandfather has a long life and a long life, and you will not suffer..."

"Okay! Okay! I know you want to sleep in my room----" Ah Xiang said helplessly The apartment where Shi Zhijian lives is three bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. Originally, Shi Zhijian had one room, and Axiang and Aji each had a room.

Don't look at that guy Aji who is usually stupid, but he is very serious about the confidentiality of his private life. Every time he goes out, he locks his room, and even has a sign with the words "idlers are not allowed to enter".

A Xiang is a girl who is not so serious, and immediately sneered at A Ji as a "fake mother-in-law" and "had a bad relationship" with A Ji, and the two swore that no one would enter another's room! Whoever breaks the oath will be the little tortoise little bastard.

Usually it's nothing, but I didn't expect that my grandfather would come to visit Axiang today.

If it weren't for the "estrangement" with Aggie's bastard, maybe he could arrange grandpa in Aggie's room and let him live with Aggie.

But now--



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