Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1362: Thick-skinned enough to eat!

【Rebirth: Rising Xiangjiang】【】

Ah Jian, I'm going to help you get a promotion, what do you think? "

After drinking three dishes and five flavors, Li Yaozu put down his fast food with a smile, raised his wine glass and looked at Shi Zhijian.

In his opinion, anyone who hears this sentence will be very excited, not to mention that he said it himself.

Shi Zhijian held the wine glass and turned it between his fingers, but he was not excited at all, but gave him an indescribable calmness.

"Why, don't you want to?" Li Yaozu had to ask.

Li Xuexuan knew the answer clearly, and just wanted to remind his father, but he heard Shi Zhijian say, "I'm sorry, Mr. Li, in fact, I came here today to tell you something----"

"Whatever, just say it!"

"I'm going to resign!"


Li Yaozu almost spit out a sip of wine and stared at Shi Zhijian, "What?"

"I said I was going to resign."

"Why? But I'm less than you?"


"But you are dissatisfied with the company?"


"Why is that?" Li Yaozu never thought that Shi Zhijian would suddenly give him such a "scare".

Li Xuexuan couldn't watch it any longer, obviously his father was thirsty for love, but Shi Zhijian came to such a trick, it was just a joke.

Li Xuexuan glared at Shi Zhijian angrily, feeling uneasy, so he stomped Shi Zhijian again under the table.

She was wearing high heels, and Shi Zhijian grinned.

Li Yaozu could see clearly, seeing Shi Zhijian's face so "ferocious", he thought he was sad, and sighed: "Ajian, if you have anything difficult to say, just tell me, if I can help you solve it, I will definitely solve it. Do your best to help you!"

In Li Yaozu's view, Shi Zhijian had to resign for two reasons, either because of money or because of his position, neither of which was a problem for him.

The most important thing is that Li Yaozu did test Shi Zhijian in the early stage, but after this battle with the Xie family, Shi Zhijian's test has been fully qualified, even full marks.

Now the competition between the four major Chinese businessmen is fierce. Li Yaozu has only built Li Shi through 20 years of hard work. Unlike other families who are deeply rooted, he is old now, and he is most afraid of having no successor, especially in terms of talents. It is even more to continue a lot of fresh blood!

Shi Zhijian is the best choice in terms of talent and character!

"Mr. Lee, don't get me wrong, I resigned because of—"

Before Shi Zhijian could finish his words, Li Xuexuan said first, "It's because he despised our Li family. In his eyes, Bangkok is too small to hold such a great god!"

"Huh?" Li Yaozu looked at his daughter in surprise, and then at Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian didn't expect Li Xuexuan to be so bad, and he actually took down the stage at this moment, and he quickly explained, "Mr. Li, don't misunderstand, Miss Li is joking!"

Li Xuexuan's heart softened, and he stretched out his foot and touched Shi Zhijian's leg again, typing in Morse code, "What do you want?"

Shi Zhijian touched her back a few times, "What do you think? If you're not afraid that your father vomited blood and died, tell the truth."

Li Yaozu couldn't see the small movements of the two when he was sitting, but Uncle Rong, who was standing next to him, could see it clearly. Seeing the feet of his young lady and that Mr. Shi kept touching back and forth, he was shocked! Can not bear to look!

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【Rebirth: Rising Xiangjiang】【】

How could this be?

Why is Missy so unreserved?

What the **** am I seeing?

Uncle Rong hurriedly rubbed his eyes with his hands, and then looked under the table again. Sure enough, there was no movement below, and Li Xuexuan and Shi Zhijian's legs were honest.

"Is it really my dazzling eyes?" Uncle Rong doubted himself, "It looks like I can't go to the western suburbs to find A Juan's little girl these days."

Uncle Rong is old-fashioned, especially now as a housekeeper of the Lee family, he has a good salary and he has a lot of lovers outside. A tenement building in the western suburbs is one of his outhouses. The woman he raises is a beautiful poor Thailand. Sister, I used to pick bananas in the plantation. She was timid and timid. She didn't compete with other women, and she didn't spend money lavishly, so Uncle Rong sometimes felt that this woman was more considerate, and often went there to stay overnight. He is also doing his best regardless of his old age and frailty. Recently, he has been feeling sore in his back and dizzy with old eyes.

At this moment, Li Xuexuan has reached a tacit agreement with Shi Zhijian through the "talk" under the table, "Abba, I actually know the real reason for this Mr. Shi's resignation?"

"Oh yes, you should tell me and listen." Li Yaozu hurriedly looked at his daughter when he heard this.

Li Xuexuan glanced at Shi Zhijian, then looked at his father and said slowly: "The reason why this Mr. Shi resigned is because he has new things to do----but I wonder if you know that the hottest market is selling recently. That drink----"

"What are you saying about the red?" Li Yaozu was usually not interested in these things.

Uncle Rong next to him took a step forward, "Master, it's H."

"Oh yes, it's this brand, so what?" Li Yaozu looked at his daughter again.

Li Xuexuan glanced at Shi Zhijian, and no longer concealed: "He produced the H cow!"

"Ah?" Li Yaozu looked surprised and looked at Shi Zhijian: "Xue Xuan, is what you said true?"

Shi Zhijian nodded: "Just in time, I acquired the recipe for this drink and made an agreement with Mr. Xu Shubiao to produce it together!"

Li Yaozu stared at Shi Zhijian's eyes: "What is the benefit?"

"It's not a problem to get three or five million a month!"

"Wow!" The wine glass that Li Yaozu was holding splattered. He stared at Shi Zhijian for a while before he said in disbelief, "Your it really that good?"

"It's just a little bit of opportunity!" Shi Zhijian held up the wine glass and handed it to Li Yaozu, and touched Li Yaozu's glass of wine: "After all, people take food as their heaven, and there is never a shortage of market for these two things! "

Li Xuexuan pouted secretly, thinking that of course you said so, everyone in Hong Kong knows that you made your fortune by cooking, and instant noodle soda is your specialty.

Li Yaozu was stunned by Shi Zhijian's secrets. He came to Bangkok from Hong Kong to start a business, and he was not as defiant as Shi Zhijian. He could make millions a month at a young age. Who can do it? ?

Li Yaozu took a sip of wine and took a deep breath: "Hey! It seems that I still underestimate you. No wonder you are leaving the company. With such a career, why should you feel wronged to be a wage earner in our Ricci?"

"Mr. Lee, don't say that, in fact, my career is just beginning----" Shi Zhijian looked at Li Xuexuan, who was rolling his eyes at him, obviously mocking him for talking nonsense without blinking, and quickly added: "I'm here in Thailand. The career is just beginning, and I still need your help, Mr. Li.”

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【Rebirth: Rising Xiangjiang】【】

"Help? You are so promising, how can I help you?"

"I am going to join the Food and Beverage Association here. In addition to operating H-Cow, I will also introduce some food from Hong Kong to Thailand!"

"Where is Hong Kong?" Li Yaozu was surprised.

Li Xuexuan rolled her eyes again, she had already guessed what Shi Zhijian was going to do.

"Yes, the specific thing is like this. There is a food and beverage company in Hong Kong called Shinhwa----" Shi Zhijian told Li Yaozu about the development of Shinhwa in the food industry in Hong Kong in great detail, and also historical position.

At first, Li Yaozu was absent-minded, but when he heard that Shinhwa not only manages food, but also manages real estate and entertainment. It can be said that his businesses are spread all over the world and he couldn't help but be surprised and looked at his daughter.

Li Xuexuan rolled his eyes at Shi Zhijian again, aren't you forcing me to brag for you?

"It's true!" No matter how dissatisfied Li Xuexuan is, he has to admit that the Shinhwa Group is really powerful now, even several times more powerful than the Hong Kong Ricci that she is in charge of!

"Myth is so powerful, how can it be so easy—"

Before Li Yaozu could finish speaking, Shi Zhijian had already said, "Of course it's Miss Li, she and the president of Shinhwa Group know each other very well. Sometimes they often sit together to drink coffee and watch the sunset. All they need to do is thread a needle. It will come naturally!"

"Ah, that's it, Xue Xuan, why didn't I listen to you?" Li Yaozu looked at his daughter in surprise. "Why don't you know such a big man so different from me?"

Li Xuexuan was almost suffocated from internal injuries, "Between me and him...cough, we're not that familiar..."

"Why are you unfamiliar? You all drink coffee together and watch the sunset----" Li Yaozu blamed his daughter for being ignorant. Shi Zhijian told me that this myth group is amazing, aircraft carrier level! If their Li family can have a relationship with them, they will definitely earn it!

"By the way, what's the name of that Mr. President, and how old is he?" Li Yaozu continued to ask.

Shi Zhijian was the first to laugh and said, "He has the same surname as me, Shi. I heard that he is very handsome, and he is already very impressive at such a young age.

Li Xuexuan was almost speechless, he had never seen such shameless praise to himself in his life.

Li Yaozu's eyes suddenly lit up, "Is that so? Is he really that good? Did he ever get a wife?" Just stand aside! Choose one of the two, of course, choose President Shinhwa. Is it possible that you are the one to sell drinks?

"Abba, how can you ask this?" Who is Li Xuexuan, just looking at Li Yaozu's expression, he knows what he is going to do.

"Oh, as far as I know, that President Shi has already married three wives and concubines in Hong Kong." Shi Zhijian said solemnly.

"Really? What a pity!" Li Yaozu sighed, as if he had lost a treasure.

Li Xuexuan couldn't bear it any longer: "Please, don't you talk about that surname Shi, okay?" After speaking, she gave Shi Zhijian a stern look with her beautiful eyes, feeling very angry.

But Lei Yaozu didn't know why his precious daughter was angry, so he could only laugh and say, "Yes, yes, let's talk about serious things, not about Hong Kong! Come on, Ah Jian, let's continue—"

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【Rebirth: Rising Xiangjiang】【】

"I only hope that Mr. Lee will help me join the Food Association. When I bring in Shinhwa Food, you Ricci will be able to make a lot of money with me." Shi Zhijian slowly picked up a boiled shrimp, easily opened the shrimp shell, and put the fresh and tender The shrimp was put into his mouth: "After all, many Thai people are Chinese, and the taste should be similar! Conversely, we can also introduce Thai food and beverages, such as my H cow, into Hong Kong through the Shinhwa channel, and then through the international market of Hong Kong. The waterway has been expanded to the East, Southeast Asia, and Europe and the United States!”

Li Yaozu took a deep breath. He didn't expect Shi Zhijian to be so ambitious. He wanted to dominate the food market with just one drink - is it possible?

"There is nothing impossible in this world!" Shi Zhijian looked up at Li Xuexuan, and finally looked at Li Yaozu, "It's like I was invited by you to have dinner here today, how could I imagine it a few days ago? I don't think I even know which way the door of Li's house opens!"

Li Yaozu smiled. For him, Shi Zhijian's ideas were basically only good and not harmful. He immediately raised his glass: "I like helping young people start their own businesses! Especially if you are as good as Ah Jian, I am optimistic about you. Oh! Come on, let's toast!"

Shi Zhijian also picked up the glass and drank it-----

"Good wine!"

Shi Zhijian never thought that Li Yaozu would be so generous and let his precious daughter Li Xuexuan come to see him after the meal.

Seeing Li Xuexuan's extremely reluctant appearance, Shi Zhijian only felt funny in his heart.

Accompanying Li Xuexuan is her best friend, and also the "Shangguan Wan'er" Azhu of the Li family.

Shi Zhijian glanced at Ah Zhu, who was following Li Xuexuan, and gave Li Xuexuan a look, asking if she could leave her alone and whisper something.

Li Xuexuan glared at him with her beautiful eyes: "Azhu is like my own sister, she knows everything."

Shi Zhijian was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and looked at Ah Zhu again. ""

Ah Zhu smiled: "I have long admired Mr. Shi!"

In short!

Shi Zhijian knew that the other party already knew his identity.

"What do you want to say, you say it!" Li Xuexuan brushed the hair on his forehead with his hand, looked at Shi Zhijian, who was standing beside him in a trench coat, and asked softly.

Shi Zhijian turned his face to the side and stared at Li Xuexuan for a while, then withdrew his gaze and looked towards the deserted night sky: "I said that Thailand is incognito because of Do you believe it?"

"What's the trouble? Playing as a pig and eating a tiger? Playing private interviews with micro-services?" Li Xuexuan glanced at Shi Zhijian disdainfully.

Shi Zhijian: "I'm running for my life!"

"Eh?" Shi Zhijian's short sentence frightened Li Xuexuan, and then laughed: "Are you kidding? Are you running for your life? You are the famous Shi Zhijian----" She stopped her words. Looking at Shi Zhijian, because Shi Zhijian's expression is serious at this time, even a little sad----

"Should you know the news of Aaron's death?"

"You mean Bruce Lee? That was just an accident."

"Is it really an accident?" Shi Zhijian turned to look at Li Xuexuan.

Li Xuexuan was stopped by Shi Zhijian's question, he hesitated and said, "Is it not an accident?"

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【Rebirth: Rising Xiangjiang】【】

"I was kidnapped in the United States!" Shi Zhijian said slowly, "and Aaron's death is precisely related to the person who kidnapped me!"

Li Xuexuan's beautiful eyes widened: "Really?"

"It's absolutely true!" Shi Zhijian's eyes shot a stern look, "What I have to do now is to find out the culprit. I want to tell him that I, Shi Zhijian, are destined to go, and no one wants to mess with me!"

At this moment, he was domineering, not to mention Li Xuexuan, even Azhu, who was standing a little further away, felt Shi Zhijian's fierce aura and couldn't help but take a step back.

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