Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1397: Come on!

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Rebirth: The Rise of Xiangjiang 1397 [The Old Ones Come! 】

Purchase a new villa.

Shi Zhijian was sitting on a balcony chair, next to a small tea table, with a cup of fragrant tea on it, and he was looking at the distant garden scenery comfortably.

Not far behind him, Tang Long, Shi Zhijian's personal bodyguard, looked around vigilantly like a javelin.

Even in his own home, Tang Long never slackens. As a black boxer who was born and died, he knows best what "life is hanging by a thread", and this thread may be the result of relaxing his vigilance.

Especially recently, Shi Zhijian has offended too many people, and they are all great people. Tang Long has to work hard to protect Shi Zhijian no matter what.

"It's still comfortable to live in a big house!" Shi Zhijian sighed.

Since Xiao Jinbao moved into the apartment, the whole apartment seems very cramped.

So Shi Zhijian waved his hand and directly spent 300,000 yuan to buy a small villa in this beautiful place.

Unlike the luxury houses in Hong Kong, this villa is not in Shi Zhijian's eyes at all, but in the eyes of Ah Xiang, Xiao Jinbao and others, this is a life of wealth that can be seen and seen.

Now that there is a big house, Shi Zhijian even suggested that Ah Xiang's grandfather, Master Ma, also move in together.

Master Ma said that it was not good, for fear of disturbing Shi Zhijian, and said that he was a head-turning master, and he was very unlucky.

But he said so, but his body was very honest. The next day, he moved to the villa with all the bells and whistles, and because of his age, he forced Tang Long and Aji to the side. I picked a big room with good light, and according to his words: "I'm old, I won't have a good life in a few days, let me live in a big house first in my lifetime!"


Shi Zhijian didn't have to look back to know that Aji, whom he sent, came back.

Aji ran to Shi Zhijian out of breath and reported to Shi Zhijian the completion of the task.

Shi Zhijian has never been a good man and a woman.

Since the Xie family failed in the election, Shi Zhijian was not polite, and directly ordered Aji to find Xu Shubiao, the newly appointed chief inspector of the Food and Drug Administration, and they started to attack the Xie family's company.

The biggest reason why the Xie family has been able to run rampant in Thailand for so many years and gain a foothold in the Chinese circle is the Xie family's control over the pharmaceutical business.

That is to say, a lot of the Xie family's business is actually related to medicines, which is one of the reasons why Xie Shihao couldn't wait to let his precious daughter Xie Bingqian sit on the throne of the Drug Administration.

The ancestors of the Xie family once made their fortune by developing the golden chicken paste, which has a good curative effect on scalds, which also allowed the Xie family to dig the first pot of gold.

Now the Xie family has a lot of business in the pharmaceutical chain, and what Shi Zhijian has to do is to start with these businesses.

It is the so-called "three fires for new officials to take office".

It is understandable that Xu Shubiao directly chose to operate on the Xie family's medical career. After all, as the chief inspector, it would be strange if he did nothing.

The most uncomfortable is Xie Bingqian, her current position is very embarrassing. As the first female director of the Food and Drug Administration, who is "willed by the people", if she shields the Xie family, she will be immediately accused, and even the media will criticize her.

But if she doesn't do anything, she will directly become the sinner of the Xie family.

In the end, she had no choice but to do nothing.

As "inspector-in-chief" Xu Shubiao, according to Shi Zhijian's intention, first outflanked several secluded docks of Xie's family, all of which were engaged in drug smuggling business.

Of course, the Xie family is not stupid enough to let people know that this is the business of the Xie family. The persons in charge of these terminals have "nothing to do with the Xie family", and no one can find out about the Xie family.

In addition, Shi Zhijian also asked Xu Shubiao, the chief inspector, to hold a "swearing-in meeting" to combat counterfeit drugs, which was also aimed at the Xie family.

In fact, the so-called "fake drugs" here are "generic drugs" produced by the Xie family's private factory, similar to those in India, and the Xie family also made a lot of money from this.

Now the situation is actually very clear, that is, Xu Shubiao, the chief inspector, wants to thank the family for his death.

But the Xie family couldn't fight back. Who made Xie Shihao's baby daughter Xie Bingqian the director of the Drug Administration?

To reputation, or to profit, this is a difficult choice.

The only advantage is that every time Xu Shubiao leads someone to act, Xie Bingqian can inform the family in advance to minimize the loss.

Shi Zhijian's series of attacks made the Xie family overwhelmed, so they didn't have time to help Shi Zhijian create a health care product empire.

"Mr. Shi, do you want me to do it now?" After Aji finished talking, he took off the hat he was wearing, and approached Shi Zhijian very diligently to lift the hat to help Shi Zhijian fan the air, like a dog-legged pie.

This made Tang Long, who was standing behind him to be vigilant, very shameless. He felt that a man should look like a man.

Shi Zhijian smiled and said, "Now I need you to pick up some people from the pier!"

"Pick up someone, who to pick up?" Aji asked in surprise.

"It's from America!" Shi Zhijian said, UU reading www.uukanshu. com "Some very interesting people."

"Oh, I see, it must be Mr. Shi's friend—I knew Mr. Shi that you have a wide range of contacts!" Aji smiled.

Shi Zhijian nodded, "So you must take good care of people, and arrange all the places to eat, drink and live."

"Don't worry, Mr. Shi, the current Aji is no longer the former Aji!" Aji said proudly.

That's right, Aji in the past didn't know anything except punting boats, but now Aji not only got his driver's license, he also knew how to run errands for Shi Zhijian.

And after following Shi Zhijian, Aji found confidence in a man, and his wife did not dare to underestimate him. Many neighbors and friends who had looked down on him also began to call him "Mr. Aji", no longer "rubbish Aji".

"Also----" Shi Zhijian picked up the teacup.

"Yes, Mr. Shi, what other orders do you have?"

"Buy me a body armor and a gun for self-defense!"

"Huh?" Aji was stunned for a moment and looked at Tang Long who was standing behind Shi Zhijian, meaning that Aaron's protection was not enough? But still immediately said: "Okay, I'll do it."

Behind him, Tang Long said, "Let me come, Aji doesn't understand this."

Shi Zhijian nodded and glanced at Tang Long meaningfully, "You do better!"

In fact, Shi Zhijian always wanted Tang Long to be equipped with a gun, but Tang Long has always admitted that he has sharp fists and feet, and does not despise the use of guns, so Shi Zhijian can only talk like this.

General's Mansion.

Peng Bing sat on the sofa in the study, biting a cigar, frowning at the photo in his hand.

The photo was of Shi Zhijian under the Hong Kong Shinhwa Group building, wearing a black trench coat, a white suit, with a big back and sunglasses walking towards the building. A group of group elders bowed to him and greeted the scene.

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