Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1400: Purple MSI is born!

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Soon after Xie Shihao left the hunting ground, the sky began to rain again.

During this time, the whole Bangkok was cloudy and rainy.

In fact, Thailand has a tropical monsoon climate. There are three seasons a year, the hot season from February to May, the rainy season from May to October, and the cool season from November to February.

Taking Bangkok as an example, the hottest month in April can reach as high as 37C, with scorching sun and sultry air. Especially in April, sometimes even more than 40 degrees. As for the rainy season, there are often several sharp short showers in the afternoon, ranging from a few minutes to a long duration of about 30 minutes to several hours.

But the Thai people never regard floods as disasters, and call the floods "the top of the rice spikes", but they are grateful.

According to common sense, it is now December, which belongs to the cold season in Thailand. The rainfall should be very little or not, but these days are very abnormal, the rain is constant, so that many believers in ghosts and gods say that this is the "Dragon King" angry".

Some caring people even said that the women's movement in Thailand was too big before, which caused anger and resentment. Women should stay at home with their husbands and children, and don't run out to cause so many things. Men are the sky and women are the earth. Okay, now the female class is in chaos, and the whole world is in a mess, so there is such an abnormal weather.

Some people even say that this is a precursor to the birth of "Ziwei Xing" - the rain moistens the earth, the birth of Ziwei, and the world is covered!

Ziweixing refers to the North Star, which symbolizes the supreme and noble star. The five elements belong to the earth, also known as the emperor star.

The representative figure in Fengshen Romance is Boyi Kao, the eldest son of King Wen of Zhou. Boyi Kao is a beautiful man, kind-hearted and filial. His father, King Wen of Zhou, sent him to the state of Shang as a hostage, but was killed by King Zhou, thus losing his chance to ascend the throne. After Boyi Kao died, he was enshrined in Ziweixing as a noble representative.

In addition, in the true biography of the Daojing, Wu Zetian is recorded as "Purple Weixing", and in the outer biography of the Daojing, it is recorded that Zhao Feiyan is also "Purple Weixing".

The car sped away, rain splashing under the wheels.

Xie Shihao sat in the car, frowning.

The driver, A Chang, was driving in front, looked at him through the rearview mirror, and did not dare to say a word.

Xie Shihao pinched his chin, his expression constantly changing, sometimes melancholy, sometimes joyful, sometimes hesitant.


"Achang, you said that the next meeting will be the day when the purple MSI will fall?"

"Eh?" A Chang, the driver of the car, was taken aback, "Boss, I don't quite understand what you're talking about..."

Xie Shihao frowned: "Isn't there a rumor about Ziweixing coming into the world recently? Who do you think is the rich and noble person?"

"Cough, this is not easy to say..."

"What's not good to say? You are as close to me as you are, and you have seen all outstanding young people," Xie Shihao reminded. "Among so many young people, who do you think is more like a king?"

Achang hesitated for a while, "To tell the truth, Mr. Xie, the only one I've seen so many people has impressed me is one!"

Both Android and Apple. 】

"Who?" Xie Shihao's eyes lit up, how much he expected Achang to say that it was his eldest son, Xie Dongcheng, or his second son, Xie Xi, or his third daughter, Xie Bingqian!

Of course, Xie Shihao also took into account the Gao Chaohui from the Gao family, Li Xuexuan from the Lee family, and Shi Zhijian in white...

"It's the one... in white clothes!"


Xie Shihao's face sank, "Achang, are you really right?"

Achang usually drives, and he is not very interested in the battles of these elders. How would he know what Xie Shihao was thinking, and seeing that the boss didn't believe him, he hurriedly defended: "Mr. Xie, don't look at me being stupid, but I like reading very much. , I especially like to watch some fortune-telling "Book of Changes", and "Bing Jian" about looking at pictures, by the way, I have also watched "The God of Linen"..."

Xie Shihao frowned even higher, but Achang didn't know that the more he said this, the more wrong he was.

"I can see that the young man in white has a broad forehead, bright eyes, and straight as a mountain, especially his lips are the best, his smile is like a crescent moon, and his lips are as sharp as a knife! Yan, do not get angry and become domineering; the heaven is full and the world is full, and the chin and the earth lead the universe!"

"In addition, Zeng Guofan's book "Bing Jian" also mentioned that the evil looks at the eyes and nose, the true and the false look at the lips; fame depends on the spirit, wealth depends on the spirit; the idea depends on the fingers, and the storm depends on the hamstrings; if you want to see the order, it is all in In the language! In addition, being dignified and heavy is the sign of honor, being humble and tolerant is the sign of honor; having something to do with is the sign of wealth, and being sympathetic to the things is the sign of wealth..."

It was the first time that Achang was showing off like this, and he almost poured out all the miscellaneous books he read, but he didn't know that the boss Xie Shihao's face became more and more ugly with his words.

"Boss, according to these pictures, the young man in white is completely destined to be rich and noble! There is only one thing that makes me feel strange——"

"What's strange?" Xie Shihao wished to hear a little bit about Shi Zhijian's decline.

"It's just his bones. According to reason, when he was seventeen or eighteen years old, there should be a catastrophe, and even the fate is short-lived. According to reason, he should have died! But now he is not only alive and well, but also expensive. Strange, seriously Strange!" Achang shook his head, driving erratically and almost collided with an ox cart in front of him.

Xie Shihao angrily said, "Drive carefully!"

Achang was so frightened that he quickly apologized, and he breathed a sigh of relief when the vehicle stabilized again. He looked at the rearview mirror. Xie Shihao's face was already ashen. , Mr. Xie, you haven't asked me who that young man is—"

Xie Shihao lowered his voice: "Who is it?"

"It's that Shi Zhijian!" A Chang said proudly, "If Ziwei Xing came into the world, I would definitely choose him!"

Xie Shihao couldn't bear it any longer, and kicked Achang's waist and eyes: "Dog's head! If you have nothing to do, look at the useless things! Be careful and happy!"

Achang was kicked and his back and eyes were sore, but he didn't dare to say a word.

Xie Shihao suddenly felt that it was rude to be angry with a minion, so he pointed to the front and said, "Turn the corner in front!"

"Uh, Mr. Xie, you're not going back? It's raining so hard----"

"Go to Lucky Casino!" Xie Shihao said in a cold voice, "Shi Zhijian, Shi Zhijian, what if you are really a Ziweixing?" This time I not only want to take your luck, but also your life!

"Mr. Xie, why are you here?"

At the gate of Lucky Casino, Jin Yacai, who helped take care of the casino, was eating durian at the gate. When he saw Xie Shihao's special car, he immediately threw away the durian in his hand. He didn't care whether it was dirty or not, he picked up his Tang shirt and wiped his mouth. Then he took a group of younger brothers to greet him in the rain.

A younger brother has a lot of heart, and rushed back to get an oil umbrella, intending to help Jin Ya to cover the rain.

Only when Jin Ya saw Xie Shihao get out of the car and snatched the oil umbrella, UU Reading hurriedly helped Xie Shihao to cover his head, and greeted with his mouth: "You have not been here for a long time. , these little ones don't know you, so don't take offense!"

Xie Shihao nodded and said, "Where's Yi Zhong?"

Jin Ya Cai hurriedly said: "Elder Yi is very lucky today, I will call him out!"

"No, I'll go see him in person!" Xie Shihao walked towards the casino under the umbrella of Jin Yacai with his hands behind his back.

The ignorant Jin Ya Cai couldn't help but said in surprise: "Who is this person, with such a big air?"

Some people who knew the basics said: "You don't even know Boss Xie, how will you be in the rivers and lakes in the future?"

"Uh, is this the Mr. Xie who rescued Mr. Yi Bo Yuntian?"

"Of course, who else would it be if it wasn't for him? Of course, if it wasn't for Boss Xie's help, we wouldn't be able to make a comeback here!"

When it came to "Elder Yi", all the younger brothers showed a look of worship.

Also, Yi Da Lao Yi Zhong himself is a legend on the rivers and lakes!

There was once a saying in Hong Kong, "He Tu is a fool, Lao Tai, Shi Shi Meng Yi Zhong!"

This sentence is actually about two people. These two people are like "Li Yuanba" and "Luo Shixin" in "Romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties". dawn.

Among them, the one who is called "Silly Laotai" is Chen Tai from Hetu Meng.

Chen Tai was born in a wharf coolie. He learned kung fu from a bruise master since he was a child, and ate overnight porridge.

Later, by chance, Chen Tai helped a friend fight the injustice and injured Hehetu's men. He thought that Hehetu's elder brother Shuiji would settle the account with him. Unexpectedly, when Chen Tai took a dry wharf to talk to Brother Shuiji, he was killed by Shuiji. Brother took a fancy to it, and directly let Chen Tai worship him and became a gold medalist.

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