Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

: 1407 Float Parade!

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New Year's Day, two o'clock in the afternoon.

The whole Chinatown is very lively. There is a parade of floats this afternoon. Many adults and children come to watch the fun. For them, the most exciting time of the annual New Year's Day is this afternoon, when the outstanding young people selected by the Chinese will look like In ancient times, the champion stood on the float and paraded.

For these people in Bangkok, in addition to seeing the champion's demeanor, if they shout loudly and cheer loudly enough, they can also get a reward from the champion.

That's right, Shi Zhijian, who was dressed in white, had already prepared 88 big red envelopes, ready to throw them to the people below during the float parade later.

"Ajian, you can get on the bus." Xie Guangyi, one of the leaders of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, is in charge of the parade. He is the head of the Thai Chia Tai Group and a friend of Shi Zhijian. Although Xie Shihao and Xie Shihao belong to the same family, because of the previous business estrangement, the two sides no longer communicate.

Shi Zhijian glanced at the big red flower sash handed over by Xie Guangyi, raised his eyebrows and said, "Can you not wear this thing? It makes me look like a groom."

Xie Guangyi laughed: "This is a treasure. Others have no chance to wear it, but you dislike it? Come on, I'll put it on for you!"

As he spoke, Xie Guangyi helped Shi Zhijian put on the sash, and then put the big red flower on his chest upright, then looked at Shi Zhijian and said, "Wow, you are a real talent! If I have a daughter, I will marry you!"

"Forget it, I can't afford to be offended by your alcohol!"

"Ha, it's okay if you didn't mention it, you won't be drunk tonight!" Xie Guangyi patted Shi Zhijian on the shoulder.

Not far away, eight floats have been prepared, each with a banner, representing a chamber of commerce, Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce, Fujian Chamber of Commerce, Shandong Chamber of Commerce and so on.

"Ajian, you are standing in the front car!" Xie Guangyi arranged for Shi Zhijian to get in the car.

As a bodyguard, Tang Long also went up, Xie Guangyi wanted to stop it, Shi Zhijian turned back and said, "Aaron is also trying to be fresh, let him come along!"

Xie Guangyi laughed: "Master Zhuang Yuan, do what you say! Originally, it would not let others show off with such a beautiful thing. You are good, and your opponents are too meticulous."

Tang Long jumped into the car and stood behind Shi Zhijian.

Aji was below, his eyes were hot, and he wanted to rub up.

Shi Zhijian said, "You don't have to."

"Oh!" Aji retreated angrily, but he didn't say anything, but he felt that Shi Zhijian was partial and loved Tang Long but not himself.

Aji has no future in his life, and his biggest wish is to be in the limelight, like this parade of floats, if he goes there by himself, he will be so proud, maybe he will be watched by his relatives and neighbors, and he will not be dragged to death by then? !

It's about the same time.

The float parade has officially started.

Proceed slowly along Chinatown.

There were huge crowds of people under the float, all of whom came to watch the fun.

Each float was loaded with candy, melon seeds and other items. From time to time, someone grabbed a handful and threw them down, causing the children to **** them. Even some adults, regardless of their status, bent over and competed with the children.

Some children are too young to grab it, so they lie on top of those candies and shout, "My! My!"

In fact, this is nothing, the most powerful is when Shi Zhijian throws red envelopes.

According to the customs and traditions here, Shi Zhijian grabbed a handful of red packets and threw them towards the sky!

The red envelopes are falling all over the sky!

At this time, those people were like crazy.

The children's weak bodies are no match for them at all.

Some of those adults jumped up to **** it, and some simply took bamboo baskets to fish!

There was a child who was relatively close to Shi Zhijian when a red envelope fell in front of him, and he hurriedly reached out to grab it!

As soon as you catch it, an adult will grab it!

The child doesn't care much, and bites it directly!

"Hey young! You are a dog!" The crowd roared.

In the entire float parade, this kind of thing is not uncommon, Shi Zhijian looked at the people below, and sighed again: "People die for wealth and birds die for food!"

Inside a warehouse on the street in Chinatown.

As a 14-kmeng person who used to sway Xiangjiang, Yi Zhong looked at more than 30 good brothers and snorted from his nose.

On the table in front of him were more than 30 bowls of spirits, Yi Zhong stepped on the chair with one foot and picked up the spirits with one hand and said, "Brothers, first of all, thank you for your willingness to come here from Hong Kong with me. Without you, I would not have Yi Zhong today!"

"Today I received a job, which is equivalent to giving back a favor! People are in the rivers and lakes, and the favor is bigger than the sky! Today, no matter what, I will give this favor back!"

As he said, he glanced at the crowd, "Now we are going to start, the other party is not a weak stubble, or there will be a fierce fight! But no matter what, I am here to assure you that life and death will be buried! If you are injured, you will have to pay for soup and medicine, and you will die. There is settling expenses, the money is ready, even if I die, someone will send the money to you or your family at a penny."

"Elder, don't talk about it, since we all dare to come here from Hong Kong with you, we have no plans to live comfortably! Jianghu people, Jianghu rice, we can all eat!"

"Yeah, after 18 years, he will be a hero again!"

These thirty or so people are all the younger brothers that Yi Zhong received in the 14k when he was in Hong Kong. They are all sturdy and fierce, and they are not afraid of death by nature! Only men like Yi Zhong can subdue them.

"Well said!" Yi Zhong laughed, "Come on, let's drink this bowl of wine! Wealth and wealth are in danger!"

Everyone raised their wine bowls!

"Wealth and wealth are in danger!" shouted in Yi Zhong drank it all in one gulp, and smashed the wine bowl to the ground with a snap!

Others also smashed their bowls!

"Let's go!" Yi Zhong pulled out the pistol stuck in his waist and waved it domineeringly!

"Kill the surname Shi!"

"Kill it!"

All the little brothers shouted in unison!

For them, this may not be an opportunity!

Since you can't get ahead in Hong Kong, then it's the same in Bangkok!

Wealth is in danger!

In addition to asking for a wealth, they now ask for a title on the gold list!

And that unfortunate ghost Shi Zhijian is the stepping stone for them to go straight to the sky!

Shi Zhijian stood on the float and looked into the distance, but saw that more and more people snatching red envelopes surrounded his float like a tide.

Shi Zhijian stood on the top and looked at the turbulent "tide" below, feeling like a stone standing in the rapids, so conspicuous and so dazzling.

Fortunately, this float parade was the same as before. Xie Guangyi and others helped Shi Zhijian prepare a security team. These people stayed around the float to prevent those who grabbed red envelopes from rushing to the float.

There were four people on the left and right of the entire car, all of whom were selected by the Chamber of Commerce from the martial arts hall. There were Baihe faction, Tanglangmen, and gossip and Xingyimen experts.

In the view of Xie Guangyi and these organizers, as long as these masters protect Shi Zhijian, then it must be foolproof.

"Mr. Shi, there are many people below, you'd better stand behind the float." Tang Long has always stood behind Shi Zhijian to protect him. At this moment, seeing Shi Zhijian standing on the edge of the float, he is a little worried. Security, it would be miserable to pull Shi Zhijian out of the car.

"It's okay, it's almost over anyway." Shi Zhijian smiled.

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