Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1410: The wind is surging, the thunder is roaring!

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In the face of Yan Xiong's "pretend", Xie Shihao couldn't listen anymore, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Who am I? You don't know me? Oh yes, I almost forgot that this is Bangkok, not Hong Kong! Then let me introduce myself, my name is Yan Mingxiong!" Yan Xiong looked at Xie Shihao with a twisted face and said with a smile, "Yan Hui The face of the king, the hero who dominates the world! The former four major detectives in Hong Kong are also the current business tycoon!"

"Yan Xiong, the four chief detectives?" Xie Shihao suddenly looked shocked.

As the saying goes: the name of the person, the shadow of the tree!

Although Bangkok is far from Hong Kong, this does not prevent many legends and anecdotes from Hong Kong from spreading to Bangkok. In addition, Bangkok itself is a gathering place for Chinese, and many people come here from Hong Kong to seek a living, so they are more concerned about Hong Kong affairs.

As a result, a lot of news spread like wildfire here, including the prestige history of the "Four Inspectors", and among these four Inspectors, Lei Luo and Yan Xiong are the most famous, "Smiling Tiger" Yan Xiong's It can be said that everyone knows the name, and of course Yan Xiong's terrifying strength.

"You know me just by looking at your expression!" Yan Xiong proudly took out a cigar from his arms and knocked it on the box. A mercenary next to him stepped forward to help him light the cigar. Yan Xiong took a sip, and then Looking up at Xie Shihao disdainfully: "Then tell me, do you have an impression of me?"

"Do you want to hear compliments from me?" Xie Shihao frowned, "I'm so sorry, I have no impression of you!"

Yan Xiong smiled, holding a cigar and pointing at Xie Shihao's nose contemptuously.

Where has Xie Shihao been humiliated so contemptuously before, he was about to get angry, but he heard Yan Xiong say: "You have no impression of me, but I am deeply impressed by you! Because you should never, should never touch us. Dear Mr. Shi!"

"Shi Zhijian?" Xie Shihao was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said with disdain, "Is he also worthy of being a gentleman? Can he still command you people? Just kidding! He is just an inexperienced scumbag who has lost his luck. Dude! What qualifications does he have to fight me? Yan Xiong, I think you are crazy, even such a low-level person can command you!"

Yan Xiong bit the cigar and turned it around in his mouth, without saying a word, his triangular eyes stared at Xie Shihao.

Xie Shihao felt that he was being targeted by a ferocious tiger, and the other party looked like he was going to rush over to devour people at any time! Involuntarily, the hair on Xie Shihao's back crest stood up.

"Do you know----" Yan Xiong said word by word, "Just that sentence of yours will make you die a hundred times!"

It was the first time Xie Shihao was threatened like this, and he said angrily, "What qualifications do you have? You know, this is Thailand, not Hong Kong!"

Yan Xiong smiled gloomily: "Can't you see the situation clearly yet? Don't you know who you have offended yourself?"

"What the **** are you talking about?" Xie Shihao scratched his neck, "I am the head of the Xie family! I am Xie Shihao!"

Yan Xiong stepped forward and slapped Xie Shihao on the face with his palm: "What a patriarch of the Xie family! What a good Xie Shihao!"

Xie Shihao was about to resist when a gun was pointed at his head.

Yan Xiong slapped Xie Shihao's face with the palm of his hand. This kind of humiliation and grief was about to make Xie Shihao die!

"Then do you know who you have offended? Shi Zhijian! Mythical Master!" Yan Xiong said word by word.

"What Shi Zhijian, what myth----" Xie Shihao suddenly became dumb, and his face instantly became extremely pale, "Myth... Da Lao? Shi Zhijian?!"

At this moment, he understood all the things he didn't understand before!

Before, he also had doubts!

After all, there are not many people who have the same name and surname as the Hong Kong tycoon, but Xie Shihao didn't believe that a super tycoon who was sitting on the world like that and was so wealthy would go to Bangkok to be a small accountant in a shipping company!

Not to mention Xie Shihao, whose face is ashes at the moment, even the two bodyguards who were kneeling on the ground and holding their heads in their hands were horrified!

No one knows the name of the Hong Kong Myth Group! But they never imagined that the super old man in charge of the myth was the one their boss, Mr. Xie, wanted to deal with!


What kind of steel plate did it hit? !

At this moment, the two bodyguards even thought of death!

"Now, do you know who you have offended?" Yan Xiong looked at Xie Shihao with a smile, "Then you should also know how it ended!"

Xie Shihao bite the bullet: "But this is Thailand and Bangkok. Even if he is really the old man Shi Zhijian, what can he do to me?"

"What about you? Then you should understand what wealth is able to achieve!" Yan Xiong's tone became gloomy, "Don't say anything else, just take Mr. Qian Shi and you can smash the ground to death! At that time, your Xie family will not only go bankrupt, but also Your son and your daughter will also be unlucky with you! By the way, what are the names of your two sons? One, called Xie Xi, are you going to inherit your family property? I'm afraid he won't be able to play anymore, and he will only be left with a lot of debt! In the end, you have a daughter, what's your name, Xie Bingqian----"

"Please, don't talk about it!" Xie Shihao couldn't hold on any longer, he thumped, and his body fell to the Yan Xiong took a sip on the cigar, then leaned over and vomited at Xie Shihao A breath of smoke: "Even if you don't let me talk, it's useless, what you did, you have to spend ten times the effort to make up for it!"

Xie Shihao was trembling when he heard the words, and he seemed to remember something, and grabbed Yan Xiong's leg: "In this way, I recognize it all! I did it all! Let go of my son and daughter, okay?"

Yan Xiong stretched out his hand to help Xie Shihao up: "Look, this attitude is right! Why do you have to hold on? Actually, I also know that you are a businessman, why would you do something like assassination? Someone must be behind the scenes. Instruct you! Come, tell me, who is that person?"

Facing the "pleasant" Yan Xiong, Xie Shihao felt more and more terrifying for some reason, " one instructed me, what I said was my fault!"

"No! no! no!" Yan Xiong raised a finger and shook it in front of Xie Shihao, "You're not good if you talk like this, I'll be so angry if you're not good! Besides, what a good atmosphere we had just now. You don't want to destroy it like this, do you?"

After saying this, Yan Xiong slowly pushed over, his eyes fixed on Xie Shihao, and he asked word by word, "Now tell me, who is the mastermind behind the scenes?"

Yan Xiong is a former detective, and he is definitely a master at interrogating prisoners and playing with their minds.

Even if Xie Shihao had experienced hundreds of battles in the business sea, he was crushed by Yan Xiong from the beginning to the end, especially the original indestructible psychological defense line was slowly disintegrated by Yan Xiong using his love for his children. At this moment, he could no longer resist and close his eyes. He shouted: "Peng Bing! He is Peng Bing! The head of the Privy Council!"

Mr. Yan Xiong was stunned when he heard the words, and then smiled: "Peng Bing, the Privy Council? No wonder, such a big man can be called Mr. Shi's opponent! As for you, in his eyes, it's just fun!"

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