Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1421: Across the world, the first

Chapter 1421 Chapter 1421 [Across the world, cover the sky with one hand! 】

Longevity Funeral Home, on the front street.

At this time, an old man like a teacher was sitting on a pony, next to a small coffee table with fragrant tea on it, and there were children around him.

The old man was wearing a Tang shirt, with a gentle demeanor, holding a local elephant cigarette in his hand and exhaling a puff of smoke.

The children around are all his students. He is also a teacher in one of the few Chinese private schools in Bangkok. The children respect him as Teacher Song.

Mr. Song is from Hong Kong. He used to be a well-known prostitute in Hong Kong.

Slowly his family business was wiped out by him, and he lived by helping people write lyrics and compose music.

At that time, the most famous writers in Hong Kong were Thirteenth Nanhai, Tang Disheng and others. This young master Song also had self-awareness. He knew that he was just playing tickets and could not handle these great gods, so he changed his career and started a private school. teacher.

After becoming a teacher, he was able to eat and drink, and was respected by others. Young Master Song was satisfied. He didn't expect that within a few days of the good days, Hong Kong Island fell and the little devil came over.

He had no choice but to send the young master to escape from Hong Kong to Bangkok, where he took root and continued to be a teacher, mainly teaching local Chinese children.

In the blink of an eye, another twenty years have passed, Young Master Song has also become Old Man Song, there are more and more children around him, and his teaching skills are becoming more and more exquisite.

Today's rest, when I have nothing to do, Mr. Song brought a little Maza and drank tea and told the children some stories and truths to pass the boring time.

"I think when I was in Hong Kong, we Chinese were always looked down upon. Above us were the British, the Americans, and the Indians! We can be said to be third-class citizens!" Mr. Song sighed and sighed.

"At that time, when you were walking on the street, you would be checked by the Indians in green skins who were turned into big police officers by us to see if you were smuggled in. If you were happy, they would whip up batons and beat you. Until you are convinced!"

"Those Indians are so nasty!"

"Yeah, the police are amazing, why do they beat people?" the children said angrily.

Teacher Song smiled: "Why? I've asked this question many times, but I can only say that we Chinese are not up to our expectations, and we have to suffer from the cowardice of those ghosts in our own territory!"

After speaking, Mr. Song sighed, "I thought that leaving Hong Kong and coming to Thailand would be different, but in fact it hasn't changed much! Those ghosts still look down on us Chinese here! They are still superior to others in Thailand! Don't say don't say no. Yes, you can go and see how arrogant and arrogant the American soldiers stationed in Thailand are! They can run wild in Thailand and bully anyone! Including us Chinese!"

"Mr. Song, we Chinese are also very good in Thailand!"

"Yes, we have four major Chinese businessmen, they are all big bosses and very rich!"

"Rich?" Teacher Song felt that it was time to teach these children some social knowledge, and it would be helpful for them to go into society in the future.

"Remember, children! Money is not everything, and many things cannot be bought with money! For example, do you know that the Lee family is holding a funeral today?"

"I know!" the children shouted.

"Then who did you see coming to the Lee family to offer condolences?"

"I saw a lot of Chinese businessmen coming, and they were all driving luxury cars!"

"Yeah, I saw that there were also guests from Hong Kong coming, and they were very proud too!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" another child said, "Just now, Lord Mayor, and General Bandung are also here!"

"Wow, it's really amazing! Even the generals came to offer their condolences!" The children said with envy.

When Teacher Song heard this, he sneered: "Don't just look at the surface! What is a mayor, and what about a general? Don't you know that there are US military bases all over Thailand? Any American soldier can walk sideways in Thailand! There are also Thailand's In all aspects of the legal system, it is deeply influenced by Britain and France, because Britain and France established British India and French Indian colonies around Thailand a hundred years ago, and Thailand is stuck in the middle as a buffer! Treat Thais as human beings, not to mention Chinese from far away!"

Speaking of which, Mr. Song flicked the ashes with his cigarette on the ground, and then smoked the cigarette again: "So you must be clear, although Thailand has never been a colony of a Western country, it has been more affected than many colonies. Be strong! Don't say anything else, go to the street and see, which ghost guy doesn't walk sideways? Does he speak arrogantly and arrogantly?"

The children at the scene were deeply affected.

"I can't believe that our Chinese have such a low status in Thailand!"

"Yeah, I thought we Chinese were rich and had a higher status than Thais!"

"I didn't expect that we still have to succumb to those ghosts!"

Seeing the children so frustrated, Mr. Song felt that the time had come. He could take advantage of this opportunity to teach the children to be self-reliant and be strong.

But before Teacher Song started the intense mechanism, he saw four luxury cars coming from a distance!

There is a child with sharp eyes: "Wow, look at those luxury cars with the national flag on the front!"

"I know, I know!" said another child. "The Union Jack is British! And the Stars and Stripes is American!"

Mr. Song's eyes were dim and he couldn't see clearly. Hearing the words, he sneered: "Nonsense! A flag is hung on the front of the car. That is the car of the embassy! Could it be that there are people from the embassies of Britain, France, Germany and the United States?"

"We're right, those cars really have small flags on them!" A child stood up and pointed to the front lane.

After the child finished speaking, seeing Teacher Song not speaking, he turned to look at him.

I saw Teacher Song standing there. At this moment, his old eyes were dim, but he could see clearly that it was indeed a luxury car with a small national flag, so he stopped smoking and said in a daze: "What's going on? Really? It's the embassy car!"

Look at those luxury cars driving towards Lee's house at the same time!

"No way?" Teacher Song was stunned, "He De He Neng of the Li family, can I ask people to come from the embassies of the four countries with a condolence?"

At this time, a child innocently said: "Teacher, I think you are wrong! Those ghosts are nothing special. Look, they have to come to mourn when the Lee family has a funeral!"

"Yeah, who said we Chinese can't do it? It's these ghosts who are on the street!"

"British ambassador, French ambassador, German ambassador, and American ambassador—here!"

The door of the funeral home resounded with singing.

The tone of the person singing is more excited than before!

Even more excited than him were the people in the funeral home hall!

"What? The ambassadors of Britain, France, Germany and the United States have arrived? How is that possible!" Everyone couldn't sit still.

Gao Wanjun jumped up and couldn't believe it: "Did you make a mistake? Is it a prank? The British, French, German and American ambassadors seem to have nothing to do with the Lee family. How could they come to mourn?"

Indeed, in Thailand, whether it is the British ambassador or the ambassadors of the other three countries, they are all characters with their nostrils turned upside down, and they are even more prominent!

Especially the American Ambassador Smith, relying on the United States to have a military base in Thailand, he walked sideways, looking at people without even raising his eyelids! To be precise, the status of the American ambassador in Thailand is higher than that of many Thai nobles and generals, and even the king of Thailand has to look at each other's faces.

"American Ambassador Smith sent a pair of wreaths and a pair of elegiac couplets! Ambassador Smith stepped forward to salute... One bow, two bows, three bows!"

When Smith's name came, there was a roar both inside and outside the hall. Even Li Yaozu was slightly pale. Except for some older elders and elders of comparatively seniority, everyone stood up.

"It's really US Ambassador Smith?"

Li Yaozu and others stepped forward one after another, only to see four big-nosed ghosts standing in a row, saluting one by one to Li Zhaotian's posthumous photo.

But what is certain is that they do not know Li Zhaotian!

Because they are the ambassadors of the four countries stationed in Thailand, while Li Zhaotian is from Hong Kong, the only explanation is that they came here for other purposes.

Yan Xiong, who had previously been standing behind Shi Zhijian with no concern, was also full of eyes at this time, and couldn't help but muttered: "The ambassadors of the four countries are here?"

Shi Zhijian took a sip from the teacup and glanced at Yan Xiong.

Yan Xiong hurriedly coughed: "I'm just curious! Cough!"

At this time, the ambassadors of the four countries, surrounded by a large group of men, finished their salute according to the Chinese ceremony, and then went to the owner, Li Yaozu.

Li Yaozu did not dare to neglect, and quickly led his troops to meet him.

On behalf of the other three, American Ambassador Smith said in less fluent Chinese: "Hello, Mr. Lee, on behalf of my colleagues, I would like to greet you, and please condolences!"

"Where is it, the four of you can come here, I really moved Li Mou inexplicably!" Li Yaozu said in a sincere tone, inviting the four ambassadors to find a place to sit down, pouring tea and water again, very enthusiastic.

To tell the truth, everything in front of him has exceeded Li Yaozu's expectations. He thought that the four major real estate tycoons in Hong Kong had come to Lijia to earn enough face. Then Bangkok Mayor Wangchai arrived, and the Lee family was already a highlight. Unexpectedly, it was the appearance of General Bandung that was even more prominent, which made the Li family completely shine on the lintel.

Well, I thought that three shots in a row would make the Li family more popular, and there was nothing to look forward to, but suddenly the ambassadors of the four countries came! This directly pushed the Li family to the top throne of the Chinese family.

Let me ask, which family in Thailand has a funeral in Bangkok that can be treated like this? !

Just when Li Yaozu was very excited and Gao Wanjun and others were envious, jealous and hated—

Ambassador Smith said lightly: "Actually, we are here to participate in condolences this time, mainly because there are other things—"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone looked at Shi Zhijian with strange eyes, wouldn't it be for him again?

"But I don't know what the four so-called things are-" Li Yaozu tentatively said with a teacup.

"Oh, we mainly want to get to know Shi Zhijian from Hong Kong Shinhwa Group, President Shi!" Smith said lightly.

Li Yaozu shuddered when he heard the words, and half of the tea was spilled in the cup he just held in his hand.

And Gao Wanjun felt that a heavy hammer fell from the sky, smashing all the worldviews in his life.

His son Gao Chaohui was numb at this time.

Bai Changqing, Lu Rongsheng, Xie Guangyi and others even looked at Shi Zhijian collectively!

So many big figures in the political and business circles are coming for Shi Zhijian. Could it be that those legends are true? Shi Zhijian is a god-like existence in Hong Kong? !

Only Li Xuexuan's beautiful eyes flashed with joy and admiration. Although so many people came to the Li family to express their condolences to Shi Zhijian today, it also gave Li Xuexuan enough face, not to mention that the relationship between her and Shi Zhijian is still so good... Li Xuexuan thought Here, pretty face blushed.

However, Li Xuexuan immediately looked at Li Zhaotian's coffin again, thinking to himself, am I being too inappropriate? Shi Zhijian killed my cousin, yet I am so infatuated with him?

Immediately she shook her head again, from the beginning it was her cousin's fault, he shouldn't have assassinated Shi Zhijian! In addition, it was not caused by Shi Zhijian that he fell from the building. Shi Zhijian explained that his cousin committed suicide by jumping off the building. Shi Zhijian wanted to save him, but it was too late!

Just when Li Xuexuan was in a state of turmoil and other people were amazed--

US Ambassador Smith has seen Shi Zhijian sitting alone over there.

There is no way, there are so many people on the scene, there are not many who dare to sit like a mountain in this situation.

American Ambassador Smith and the other three ambassadors winked, and the four nodded slightly to Li Yaozu, then got up and walked towards Shi Zhijian.

Seeing the ambassadors of the four countries approaching, the others stepped aside one after another.

The coercive aura of the four of them instantly filled the entire lobby.

Inside and outside the entire funeral home, it was as quiet as a lake, and no one dared to make a sound.

Although there are many big bosses here, there are so many rich people, everyone is a great person who stands up, but the ambassadors of the four countries represent the four powers of Britain, France, Germany and the United States!

How can one person dare to compete with the four countries? !

At this time, the ambassadors of the four countries, including Smith, looked at the wolf, and at first glance, they were not easy people.

Finally, the four came to Shi Zhijian together.

"Hello, is it Shi Zhijian, Mr. Shi?" Smith bowed respectfully with a smile and asked.

Li Yaozu's face twitched and his face was still - Smith just shook hands with him just now, but he bowed solemnly when facing Shi Zhijian. If he saw his boss, how stark is this contrast?

In an instant, everyone looked at the man in white who was sitting alone in the hall!

Everyone's eyes contained various emotions, envy, jealousy, disbelief, and resentment, but none of these affected Shi Zhijian at all.

Shi Zhijian still sits firmly on the high calm and composed, as if the ambassadors of the four countries are not here for him.

Only the Chief Inspector Yan Xiong, who was standing behind Shi Zhijian and had been waiting for him, straightened his back, raised his chin, and looked at the ambassadors of the four countries with contempt!

Pu your mother! When I was a detective in Hong Kong, I had never been so dragged!

Yan Xiong is full of pride!

As a detective in Hong Kong, he still has to look at the faces of those ghosts, but now—

Since following Shi Zhijian, he has climbed to the sky in one step, and everyone can look at him with contempt! One word, cool!

As for Li Yaozu, Gao Wanjun and others, it was only now that they realized that the legends about Shi Zhijian were true!

Everything in front of me profoundly reflects what is-

Across the world,

Cover the sky with one hand!

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