Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1424: Calculate by yourself!

Chapter 1424 1424 [Each calculation! 】

It's raining like a storm outside!

Xie Bingqian returned home with his father, the car drove slowly to the garage, the old butler had already held up an umbrella and came to help Xie Shihao and his daughter get out of the car.

The rain is too heavy and the umbrella is too small.

Even though it covered his head, it still wet Xie Shihao's suit and Xie Bingqian's hair.

Including the butler, the three ran into the living room in a panic.

Xie Shihao flicked the raindrops on his body, glanced at Xie Bingqian and said, "Go upstairs and change first!"

When squeezing the umbrella just now, Xie Bingqian took care of her father's body, and it rained too much.

Xie Bingqian nodded and went upstairs.

The butler here asked the servant to hand over a towel to wipe Xie Shihao's face, and then ordered the servant to say: "Fourth sister, make some **** tea for the master and miss to warm your body! It's easy to catch a cold in this **** weather."

The fourth sister hurriedly agreed to make tea.

Xie Shihao wiped his face, handed the towel back to the butler, and then gave some instructions, asking if the eldest and second young masters were back.

The housekeeper said they hadn't come back yet.

Xie Shihao: "Let me know when you come back, I'll go upstairs and change first!" After speaking, he walked up the stairs, thought for a while and said: "If they come back, let them go to the study and wait for me!"

"Good sir!"

About half an hour later, the eldest master Xie Dongcheng and the second young master Xie Xi went home like drowned rats.

The housekeeper was about to go forward to repeat what Xie Shihao had said, but was pushed away by the young master Xie Dongcheng: "Don't stop me! Didn't you see us like this?" After speaking, he went upstairs with a thud.

The second young master Xie Xi saw the butler's embarrassment, so he smiled and said: "Hold on, he has a bad temper today! I'll go upstairs to change my clothes too! By the way, what do you want to say?"

"Master ordered, if you come back, go to the study to look for him."

"Okay." Xie Xi smiled and went upstairs with his elder brother, but the smile on his face disappeared instantly when he went upstairs, replaced by bitterness.

Things are really not going well today.

I don't know if the Xie family can hold on.

Soon, in Xie Shihao's study.

When Xie Dongcheng and Xie Xi changed their clothes and appeared in father Xie Shihao's study, they saw his younger sister Xie Bingqian standing beside her with **** tea, and Xie Shihao was practicing calligraphy in the study.

At this time, the fourth sister knocked on the door and came in, but she had already made **** tea.

Xie Xi had quick eyesight and quick hands, immediately took the **** tea from the fourth sister, helped his father deliver it in, and then stood next to Xie Shihao, quietly watching his father submit the invitation card there.

Xie Dongcheng is very impatient with his younger brother's behavior, and he doesn't even look at the current situation of Xie's family. He still engages in such things. Do you really think you are a dutiful son?

Although he thought so in his heart, Xie Dongcheng also followed, and accompanied his father Xie Shihao with his younger brother Xie Xijiu and younger sister Xie Bingqian, watching him copy the copybook without saying a word.

What Xie Shihao copied was Liu Gongquan's "Mysterious Pagoda Stele".

This "Mysterious Pagoda Stele" has a total of 28 lines, each with 54 characters. In order to commemorate Master Dada's deeds, he will announce to future generations the kindness received by Master Dada in the three dynasties of Dezong, Shunzong and Xianzong. Its structure is tight, the brushwork is sharp, the bones and muscles are exposed, and it is full of masculinity.

Whenever there is a big change, Xie Shihao will copy this inscription to stabilize his mind and help him with the next calculation.

At this moment, Xie Shihao finished writing the last word, took a breath, put down the pen, took a sip of **** tea to drive away the cold, and then looked at the three children: "Are you back?"

"Yes, my lord father!"

Xie Dongcheng and Xie Xi said in unison.

Xie Shihao nodded, "How's the matter?"

Xie Dongcheng glanced at his younger brother, and then at Xie Shihao: "It's miserable! You also know that I'm going to run for a council member, and now I'm fine, and I have nothing left! Especially the people in the election committee are all on the wall Damn, as soon as I see I lose power, they all run to the opponent! This election, I will definitely lose!"

"What about you?" Xie Shihao looked at his second son Xie Xijiu again.

Xie Xi also said bitterly: "Not to mention my side, I have found many banks, hoping that they can give us loans, and I even revealed that our Xie family is willing to provide assets as a guarantee! But they all refused —”


"Because we offended people who shouldn't be offended..." Xie Xi hesitated to speak.

"You mean...Shi Zhijian?" Xie Shihao's eyelids twitched.

Xie Shihao has heard a lot of legends about Shi Zhijian recently, especially on the day the Li family mourned, Shi Zhijian couldn't do it alone! First, Hong Kong's four major real estate developers, Li Zhaoji, Li Jiacheng and others traveled across the ocean, and then the mayor of Bangkok, Wangchai, followed by General Bandung, a tycoon in the Thai military. Finally, it was even more outrageous that the ambassadors of Britain, France, Germany and the United States were present together. , the purpose is to get acquainted with Shi Zhijian!

When Xie Shihao heard these "rumors", he had a new understanding of Shi Zhijian.

But even so, he didn't expect Shi Zhijian's power to be so strong that he could control the life and death of their Xie family.

"As far as I know, those bank bosses have more or less cooperative relations with the Myth Group. Shi Zhijian is a financial boss to them, and they will never fight against Shi Zhijian for us!" Xie Xi said.

"In addition, it's fine because we can't get a loan because of Shi Zhijian, but what makes me even more angry is that many companies have punished our Xie family to death in order to curry favor with Shi Zhijian! In their words, we want to avenge Shi Zhijian! Your mother, what does our grievances with Shi Zhijian have to do with you?" Xie Xi couldn't help but swear.

Xie Shihao was silent.

Shi Zhijian's ability has exceeded his imagination.

Xie Bingqian's beautiful eyes sparkled, but she didn't know what she was thinking.

Only Xie Dongcheng said with a displeased face: "Is there any reason for this? A mere Shi Zhijian has turned our big Xie family into a mess, and now we are still facing bankruptcy!"

After finishing speaking, he sighed dissatisfied again, looked at his family with a few grievances and said: "Everything is fine, but you made so many messes that made me so ashamed!"

Xie Xi immediately retorted: "Brother, you are wrong to say that! The family has done a lot of things to support your election all the time! Not to mention, just giving gifts is not a small sum of money! Also, You are always like this, when you encounter things, you blame others and try to blame others, thinking that others have harmed you, why don't you find the reason from yourself? If you are really so good, why should our family praise you? "

"What do you mean? Make it clear!" Xie Dongcheng said angrily, pointing at his younger brother's nose: "I know you are dissatisfied with me, thinking that I have not only failed to help my family through my official career, but also keep causing trouble for my family..."

"Isn't it?" Xie Xi interrupted the eldest brother, "It sounds good that you are going to be an official, and to put it bluntly, you are spending money to buy an official job! But the problem is that you have to count in your own mind? You, our Xie family spent almost three or four million yuan, and if that money was saved until now, it might be able to save the emergency, but now it's all in vain by you!"

"You, you, you—" Xie Dongcheng pointed at Xie Xi, "What's your attitude?"

"What kind of attitude do you think I have?" Xie Xi stuck his neck with his elder brother.

"Don't think that I don't know. The reason why you supported me in the election before was to inherit the family property alone!" Xie Dong didn't hide it anymore, and directly broke his face with his brother, "Now you know that the Xie family is out of business, so what's the matter?" Accused me in every possible way, are you right?"

"I don't-"

Shessie was about to retort—

"Enough!" Xie Shihao couldn't bear it any longer and smashed the teacup to the ground with a bang, splashing the warm **** water all over the floor.

The three of Xie Dongcheng were all frightened and looked at their father together.

Xie Shihao supported the table with one hand, and gasped for breath with the other hand touching his chest.

"Father!" Xie Bingqian stepped forward to help him pat his back, and smoothed his heart.

After a while, Xie Shihao calmed down, and raised his eyes to look at his two sons: "As the saying goes, father and son fight on the battlefield, and brothers fight tigers! But what about you? What were you doing just now?"

Xie Dongcheng and Xie Xi just bowed their heads and remained silent.

"What time is it now, you are still blaming each other, complaining to each other, can this solve the problem?"

Xie Dongcheng and Xie Xi lowered their heads even lower.

"Also, since I'm not dead yet, then I have the final say on the Xie family! There are still three catties of nails on the broken ship, let alone our huge Xie family? Even if our Xie family really goes bankrupt, whoever I let inherit the rest of the property will inherit it! No People can make irresponsible remarks!"

Hearing this, Xie Dongcheng looked up at his father, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but didn't say it.

Xie Shihao glanced at his two sons coldly.

Xie Dongcheng lowered his head again.

Xie Xi raised his head boldly and said, "Father, what you taught me is that my eldest brother and I were a little... ahem! Just like what you said, now our Xie family should work together to tide over the difficulties!"

"It's useless to talk about it, what can you do?" Xie Shihao looked at his son.

Xie Xi glanced at the third sister Xie Bingqian intentionally or unintentionally, hesitated and said, "But I don't know if my father knows the news that has spread from the Li family recently?"

"you mean-"

"That's right, the Li family is going to marry Shi Zhijian and let Shi Zhijian marry his precious daughter Li Xuexuan!" Xie Shihao seemed to have guessed something when he heard the words, he didn't say anything, but stroked his chin with his hand.

Xie Dongcheng seemed to understand, and raised his head and said, "We can do the same! Just imagine that Li Zhaotian was killed by Shi Zhijian, and now Li Yaozu not only does not trouble him, but marry his daughter to him, this is called Chongxi! The grievances between the two families have been resolved!"

After finishing speaking, she couldn't wait to look at Xie Bingqian: "Sister, you are beautiful, and you are the unique princess of our Xie family. It is said that Shi Zhijian is lustful by nature, and he can't move his legs when he sees a woman. If you use the beauty trick, He will definitely take the bait!"

"Yes, third sister!" Xie Xi reached an agreement with the elder brother for the first time, "I mean what the elder brother means! If you want our Xie family to escape from suffering, then you must be sacrificed! As long as you can handle it Then Shi Zhijian, then Shi Zhijian will be gone and he will have to deal with us again!"

"Think about it, as long as you take care of him, our Xie family is his in-laws, my father is his old father-in-law, and the two of us are his brother-in-law and brother-in-law. We are a family, how can he have the heart to make a move?"

Xie Bingqian never expected that her elder brother and second brother would come up with such a "coquettish idea" to sacrifice her appearance to seduce Shi Zhijian!

"Nonsense!" Xie Shihao saw that his daughter's expression was not good, so he slammed the table.

This anger shocked the three of them again.

Xie Dongcheng and Xie Xi hurriedly looked at their father.

Xie Dongcheng explained: "Father, this is the only way to save us!"

"Yeah, I just need my little sister to show her dedication, sacrifice her ego, and help everyone!" Xie Xi said.

Xie Shihao rolled his eyes angrily, "I was blind and raised you two beasts! She is your own sister, and you are playing tricks on her innocence?!"

Xie Dongcheng and Xie Xi still wanted to explain, Xie Shihao pointed at them and said angrily: "Shut up! You don't need to explain anything!" After speaking, he looked at his daughter Xie Bingqian: "Baby girl, don't worry! As a father, I am not old-fashioned I will never make fun of your innocence, and I will not let you feed a tiger with your body—that Shi Zhijian tiger and wolf, the eagle looks at the wolf! How can I have the heart to let you seduce him deliberately, and use some beauty tricks! This is shameless Extreme!"

After finishing speaking, Xie Shihao leaned on the table with both hands, looked up to the sky and sighed: "Even if I die, our Xie family goes bankrupt, your elder brother goes to beg for food, and your second brother is chased and hacked to death, I don't want you to sacrifice yourself! The three of us Big man, even if you survived, what face will you have to see your dead mother?!" After speaking, Xie Shihao burst into tears, and his body was even more shaky from grief.

Xie Bingqian couldn't bear it anymore, and quickly reached out to support her father: "Stop talking, Dad! I am willing, I am willing! I am willing to deal with Shi Zhijian! Don't worry, I will never let the Xie family go bankrupt , let the company go bankrupt!"

"Daughter! Woohoo!" Xie Shihao burst into tears.

"Father!" Xie Bingqian also burst into tears.

Xie Dongcheng and Xie Xi next to him were also moved, their eyes were sore and their eye circles were red.

After a long time, Xie Shihao comforted his daughter and let her go back to rest first.

Xie Bingqian turned her head step by step before leaving the study.

Her heart is still tangled and struggling.

After all, she is a daughter's family, but she has to do what those dancing girls do.

After his daughter left, Xie Shihao swept away the grief on his face before, glanced coldly at the two precious sons, and criticized: "You guys! You can't even do this well, how can I expect you in the future?" Glory to the lintel, give me old age?"

"Huh?" Brothers, you look at me, and I look at you.

"Remember, you need to use psychology to persuade people, especially when dealing with girls like your sister, you need to use bitter tricks!"

The two brothers were dumbfounded, looked at each other, and then looked at the old father together: "Father, you—"

"What about me? The girl's family, they will all be people with a different surname from now on! If you can save our Xie family, let alone one, even ten, I can sell them!"

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