Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1426: Hit the street!

Chapter 1426 1426 [Push the street! 】

Entering the restaurant, Li Xuexuan was already standing in front of him happily. She was wearing a black evening dress, but it was the Chanel brand this spring. Wearing the famous brand on her body made her look more glamorous and elegant.

It's just that when she saw Shi Zhijian dressed casually, she was taken aback. The clothes of the two of them really didn't match. On the other hand, it shows that Shi Zhijian doesn't attach much importance to this date, on the contrary, Li Xuexuan regards it as a grand date.

"Is my dress a little inappropriate?" Shi Zhijian smiled, and looked down at his own attire.

Li Xuexuan shook her head, "No, it's just that it's rare to see you wearing casual clothes, which looks very fresh."

Shi Zhijian nodded, this Li Xuexuan is a smart woman, she knows what to say and what not to say.

"It's almost time, let's go there!" Li Xuexuan pointed to the table that Shi Zhijian had reserved in advance. "And—" Li Xuexuan smiled, "I want to thank you..."

Before Li Xuexuan finished speaking--

"Yan Xiong helped book this restaurant tonight, you and I must thank him!" Shi Zhijian said first.

If it were any other woman, she would definitely have a cold face at this moment. I originally wanted to thank you for booking a restaurant, but you deliberately put the credit on the subordinates around you. Doesn't that mean that you don't think much of me?

Li Xuexuan once again showed the demeanor that a smart woman should have: "You are right! Mr. Yan is really worried tonight! But I still want to thank you. Without your instructions, he would not do this, no ?"

Shi Zhijian smiled, and looked at Li Xuexuan seriously for the first time: "I surrender!"

Li Xuexuan smiled slightly: "I accept!"

After the first round of fighting, the two walked to the table by the window and sat down together.

Shi Zhijian turned his face, but found that many waiters were looking at him. Come to think of it, Li Xuexuan is a stunning beauty, and because of her extraordinary background, she is usually very eye-catching. There will naturally be many men who come to eat with her. People are curious.

Since it is a candlelight dinner, of course the candles should be lit.

The hazy feeling of candlelight will make the atmosphere ambiguous.

The French delicacies, steaks, salads, soups, etc. in front of you are even more appetizing.

Shi Zhijian was really hungry after a busy day. He picked up the knife and fork and ate with relish. Li Xuexuan held his cheeks and watched Shi Zhijian eat happily, not caring about the surprised eyes of the waiter.

Shi Zhijian finished eating a piece of steak, put down his knife and fork, looked up and saw Li Xuexuan's infatuated gaze, and shrugged uncomfortably: "Why don't you eat, what are you doing looking at me?"

"What do you think?" Li Xuexuan picked up a prawn and helped Shi Zhijian peel it. "Seeing you eat with such relish, I feel so happy!"

Shi Zhijian felt that Li Xuexuan was "PUA" himself, how could the majestic Miss Li Jia have such an attitude? I used to wish I could die!

Shi Zhijian smiled and took a sip of red wine: "I'm so happy too! Let Miss Li peel the shrimp for me, I feel like my life has reached its peak."

"Really? Since you are so happy, why don't I make a suggestion—" Li Xuexuan put the peeled fresh shrimps on Shi Zhijian's dinner plate, and said with a smile: "Let's announce our engagement in the newspaper together, okay? When the time comes I can help you peel the shrimp every day!"

Shi Zhijian also smiled: "That's a good idea! But I've been so busy with work recently, I really can't get away! Besides, I haven't notified my sister and her family in Hong Kong..."

"Did you not notify, or did you dare not notify? Or have you been joking about our affairs?" Li Xuexuan's big bright eyes flashed a haze, "I know, you have always been wary of me, thinking that I and My father plotted against you! But think about it, which of the two of us has the most to bear now? Now many people say that I will be your concubine, Shi Zhijian! Concubine, but I am your concubine. ?!"

Shi Zhijian raised his eyebrows: "Why do you care about those people's nonsense? Can we only discuss these tonight? Why can't we have a quiet meal together?"

Li Xuexuan lowered his head, not daring to say any more.

Shi Zhijian said: "Remember, I won't get engaged to you before I get permission from my family, not to mention being my wife, even if you want to be my concubine, it's impossible! Do you know clear?"

Li Xuexuan's face turned pale, but she still nodded slightly.

Shi Zhijian knew that these words were a little too much, but he knew better that if he didn't say that, then the Li family would take the opportunity to ride on his head, and then he would be very passive.

"Why, you don't like what I say?"

"No!" Li Xuexuan panicked, and hurriedly explained: "I, I just think you are thinking too much... I am the only woman in our Li family now, and I will inherit the family business of the Li family in the future. If I marry Here it is, it is equal to the property of the Li family and it will be yours in the future, it is you who think too much..."

Shi Zhijian smiled, picked up another dried shrimp and peeled it, put it in front of her, and said, "Am I overthinking, or are you overthinking? Don't think I don't know, your Li family has three potential potential partners in Hong Kong besides you." Heir, to put it bluntly, you are not the only one! And you are a woman! Even if you want to let all the businesses of the Li family be named Shi, would your father, Li Yaozu, be willing?"

Li Xuexuan did not expect that Shi Zhijian's calculations were so precise that he even knew some of the Li family's privacy.

Indeed, Li Xuexuan is not the sole heir of the Li family. She has several cousins ​​and cousins ​​in Hong Kong.

If Li Yaozu considered the issue of the Li family's bloodline, he would probably hand over the last business of the Li family to those people, and what Li Xuexuan could get was only the property in Bangkok.

Of course, it all depends on what Li Yaozu is thinking.

But here lies the problem.

Ever since Li Yaozu helped Li Zhaotian organize the funeral, Shi Zhijian found that Li Yaozu was "very nostalgic", and to be precise, he had a strong sense of family. Not the type to leave the family easily.

This kind of person values ​​friendship the most and is also the scariest.

You can even abandon everything for the sake of your family!

Of course Li Xuexuan understood the meaning of Shi Zhijian's words, but seeing Shi Zhijian smiling, he didn't seem to be really angry, so he felt relieved, happily took the prawn, took a small bite, and praised: "You peeled it!" Shrimp is really delicious."

The corner of Shi Zhijian's mouth curled up, and he said with a smile: "If you like it, I'll peel a few more for you!"

Li Xuexuan nodded cheerfully.

While talking, there was a quarrel at the door of the restaurant—

"What do you mean? Why can't we have dinner here? Don't you know me, Gao Chaohui, young and old?"

Upon hearing this, Shi Zhijian looked towards the door.

Li Xuexuan followed suit.

But I saw a man and a woman standing at the door.

The man was dressed in a neat suit and was tall and muscular. He was Gao Chaohui, the young master of the Gao family, with an angry expression on his face at the moment.

The woman was wearing a sky blue skirt, and she was quite beautiful. Looking closely, she was a movie star who was becoming popular today.

This movie star is called "Ai Li". He is young but very resourceful. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to rise to the top in just one year.

It turned out that Gao Dashao was disheartened during this period, no matter what he did, he could not compare with Shi Zhijian, and felt that he was directly crushed by Shi Zhijian, and that feeling was very uncomfortable.

In the past, his opponents were people of the same level as the first young master of the Xie family and the second young master of the Xie family, and the two sides fought back and forth.

And he has always been known as the proud son of the dude.

But ever since Shi Zhijian, the unequal Jurassic tyrannosaurus, appeared, he and the two young masters of the Xie family went directly from tigers to cats!

The feeling of powerlessness being crushed made him completely lose confidence.

He doesn't need to think about a beauty like Li Xuexuan, it is said that she is about to get engaged to Shi Zhijian, and the third lady of the Xie family doesn't dare to get involved easily now, what if she is implicated by the Xie family?

In desperation, the disheartened Gao Chaohui, the youngest Gao, began to indulge himself. These days, he spent a lot of money and spent a lot of money, and accidentally hooked up with this little star named "Ai Li".

Ai Li knew his identity, and now she was actively gaining a position in the entertainment industry, but she lacked a financial backer who was willing to pay for her. Undoubtedly, Gao Zhaohui was very suitable.

Not only rich, but also very handsome.

This is the "boyfriend" that many girls dream of.

So Ai Li used her charm to "chase" Gao Chaohui into her hands. These two people are like glue, and the sweetness is unbearable.

Today, the two of them went to Pattaya and came back hungry and wanted to eat. Gao Zhaohui proposed to come to this famous French restaurant. By the way, he also wanted to show his strength-after all, this restaurant is not easy for everyone. of. Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by someone.

Simply unreasonable?

Gao Zhaohui didn't expect that he wanted to show off, but was slapped in the face, especially when he was accompanied by a woman.

"I'm sorry, customer, our restaurant owner has told us that we won't accept guests tonight, no matter who you are, you can't enter!" The two waiters explained.

"What do you mean you can't enter?" Gao Zhaohui saw Shi Zhijian's table from a long distance away. Although he couldn't see the person clearly, he knew it was a guest. "Isn't there a guest? It's unreasonable not to ask me to enter!"

"The guests at that table are—"

The waiter just wanted to explain, but Gao Zhaohui roared: "Do you know who I am? I am Gao Zhaohui, the young master of the Gao family! I have been here many times, and you don't want me to go in?" Gao Zhaohui became more and more angry .

Ellie next to him pretended to dissuade him: "I don't care, it's the same if you don't eat here! The people here are all low-minded guys! Maybe they don't know you, young or old, or they think you are not qualified to be here Dining here—”

It's fine if Ai Li doesn't say anything, but Gao Zhaohui couldn't bear it even more when he fanned the flames: "Today, I, Gao Zhaohui, have to go in! Let's see who dares to stop me?"

Seeing this, the two waiters at the door had no choice but to stop them with a bitter face. Fortunately, the owner of the restaurant appeared at this time—

"Ah, who did I think it was? It turned out to be Young Master Gao!" The owner of the restaurant knew Gao Chaohui, and quickly scolded the two waiters: "You two are blind! You don't even know Young Master Gao?"

The two waiters were aggrieved, and they said that it wasn't your confession that even if the king of heaven came, they couldn't put it in, so why are they scolding us for being ignorant now?

"You can explain to me, why can't I bring my girlfriend in for dinner? What do you mean?" When Gao Zhaohui saw the restaurant owner appearing, he immediately felt confident, with his hands on his hips, bossing around.

"It's like this. Our restaurant is booked out tonight, so we can't receive other guests. Please forgive me, Mr. Gao!" The restaurant owner knew that the other party's status was very important, and immediately explained with a very aggrieved gesture.

Gao Chaohui immediately snorted and stared at him: "Booking? Was someone booking? Could it be that the other party is sharper and richer than me? I want to see who he is?" Without waiting for the restaurant owner to stop him, he continued To go inside.

Seeing this, the owner of the restaurant was terrified, because Yan Xiong's ferocious appearance had scared him a long time ago.

Sure enough, when Yan Xiong saw something happened here, he immediately got ready to stand up—

at this time-

"Excuse me, let Young Master Gao come in!" Shi Zhijian said lightly.

It was not loud, but everyone could hear it clearly.

Especially Gao Zhaohui could hear more clearly!

Shi Zhijian was simply his nightmare, and he could recognize it when it turned into ashes, and of course he was more familiar with Shi Zhijian's voice.

Gao Chaohui never expected that the person who booked the venue was Shi Zhijian, and his first thought was to turn around and leave!

It's good for others to say that in front of Shi Zhijian, he has nothing to do but throw himself into the street.

How did that starlet, Ellie, know this? She has been in and out of Vanity Fair and has seen a lot of glamor and beauty. She can't wait to be the focus every day, to be envied and envied by others under the spotlight, and to be constantly praised by others. I don't want to just sit quietly like this.

"Master Gao, is he your friend? Since he sincerely invites us, let's go in!" After finishing speaking, Ellie took Gao Zhaohui's hand and entered the hall happily—this time she wanted to show off that she had an amazing man. friend.

At this moment, Gao Zhaohui was so regretful that he would die, he never dreamed that he would encounter such a situation, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk into the restaurant with Ellie's arm in his arms.

The owner of the restaurant didn't expect that Young Master Gao would get to know Shi Zhijian, so he breathed a sigh of couldn't help but look at Shi Zhijian again, only then did he realize that this young man seemed very powerful. The angry Mr. Yan and the tall young man with eyes above his head didn't even dare to say a word.

"Did I miss it? What kind of boss is that young man?" The restaurant owner looked surprised.

Gao Dashao and his girlfriend Ellie walked into the restaurant, Gao Dashao prayed in his heart, never face to face with Shi Zhijian, he and this Ellie could find a table to sit down at random, and just eat a few casual bites.

But whatever he was afraid of, he would come.

"Young Master Gao, this way! Why don't we share a table together, we have good food and a lot of food! Besides, Xuexuan is here too!"

Shi Zhijian's understatement made Gao Chaohui sweat directly!


Li Xuexuan is here too?

Immediately, Gao Chaohui immediately opened Ellie's arm, snorted, straightened his chest, and tightened his tie, looking like a gentleman.

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