Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1428: How can marriage be a joke?

Chapter 1428 [How can marriage be a trifle? 】

Inside the Li family mansion.

Shi Zhijian and Li Yaozu had a long talk in the study room. There were some small dishes in front of them, such as sweet and sour radish, cold fungus, green onion tofu, and cold preserved egg. They were all home-cooked cold dishes.

The pot of Huadiao wine was a good thing, it was amber in color when it was poured into the cup, and it smelled mellow and long-lasting.

This wine tastes very good, astringent with bitterness, bitterness with sweetness, and a sour taste.

Before he knew it, Shi Zhijian no longer knew how many cups he had drunk.

"Ajian, is it okay for me to call you like this?" Li Yaozu wiped his mouth with a napkin, and asked Shi Zhijian with a smile.

"Of course no problem, you are an elder, it's very good to call me Jian!"

"That's good!" Li Yaozu said with a smile, "Now you are a big celebrity, and you are no longer our little accountant of Li's Shipping Company. Drinking with you is considered a high profile."

"Li Sheng's words really hurt me!" Shi Zhijian waved his hands and said, "I'm just in vain."

"False name? Haha, the third-class Earl of the British Empire, the first Chinese councilor in Hong Kong, and the president of Shinhwa Group, the chairman of the Bangkok Chinese Chamber of Commerce... These are all false names? Jian, as a human being, being too modest is hypocrisy!" Li Yaozu said He raised his wine glass and toasted Shi Zhijian.

Helpless, Shi Zhijian had no choice but to hold up his wine glass and accompany him to the end.

He drank three more glasses of wine in one breath.

Shi Zhijian felt that the alcohol seemed to be coming up, and his head was a little dizzy, so when Li Yaozu toasted again, Shi Zhijian had to wave his hand and refuse: "No, Li Sheng, I have a limited capacity for drinking, I really can't stand it!"

Li Yaozu pretended to be angry and said: "Why, you don't give me face, and you still think that I am old and it is not worth drinking a few more cups?"

"Don't get me wrong, I never meant that."

"What do you mean by not having that? If you feel innocent, then finish this glass of wine!"

"I..." Shi Zhijian hesitated for a moment, "Okay!" He had to raise his glass to clink with Li Yaozu again, and drank the wine in the glass.

"Good! Simple enough!" Li Yaozu praised, "Come on, we are a good couple! Yes, the drinking capacity is really good, better than when I was young! Our father and I will go together again, Sanyang Kaitai, four seasons of peace, five blessings Linmen, Liuliu Dashun, seven stars shine brightly, wealth comes from eight directions, nine suns bring prosperity, perfect!"

Shi Zhijian was dizzy, dizzy, he really didn't know how many cups he drank this time, and his head was extremely dizzy.

Seeing that the time was right, Li Yaozu poured Shi Zhijian another glass of wine.

Shi Zhijian quickly covered the wine glass with his hand and said, "No... I really can't do it this time! Old man, I'm convinced. You have a strong drinking capacity, but I can't compare to you!"

"Hahaha!" Li Yaozu laughed loudly, "You are right this time! When I was young, I was known as the little prince of the dance hall who was not drunk with a thousand cups. At that time, many beautiful girls took the initiative to pursue me... I mean, you know, at that time I I'm married to Aunt Xuexuan, I often go out to fool around, she doesn't even know! Women are so stupid when they love you, she will believe everything you tell..."

Although Shi Zhijian was drunk, he also knew that when a man even told this kind of secret to an outsider, the other party would never be sober. It seemed that Li Yaozu was also dizzy.

"You're right, you're right! You're not drunk with a thousand cups, little prince!" Shi Zhijian shook his body and stood up, "Then, Your Highness, I can't drink any more, I have to excuse you!"

Shi Zhijian let out a breath of alcohol after finishing speaking, "I'll go back first! As for you, go to bed early! You're getting older, it's best not to stay up late!"

Li Yaozu laughed and got up: "Why are you going? See what time it is, it's eleven o'clock, what are you going back for? Why don't you just stay here!"


Before Shi Zhijian finished speaking, Li Yaozu stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around his shoulders: "Why, do you dislike my small place? Can't you accommodate a big Buddha like you?"

"No, I mean..."

"What do you mean? Then you dislike my poor hospitality! Yes, it must be like this!" Li Yaozu said.

Shi Zhijian couldn't laugh or cry, "It's nothing!"

"That's good!" Li Yaozu patted Shi Zhijian on the shoulder, "I have a lot of guest rooms here, you can choose whatever you want! There is also a servant serving you in the middle of the night, who can help you pour tea and water!"

Shi Zhijian still refused, but Li Yaozu said: "Come here, Mr. Fushi, go to the guest room to rest!"

Immediately the study door opened, the old housekeeper came in, first bowed to Shi Zhijian, and then said: "Mr. Shi, I will help you!"

Shi Zhijian waved his hand, but was finally helped out of the study.

After Shi Zhijian left, Li Yaozu burped contentedly, his body was a little shaky, and he quickly reached out to support the wall: "Pu, your mother, you are really old, and you can't bear such a little wine! You need to drink a few bowls of hangover soup!"

According to Li Yaozu's instructions, the old housekeeper arranged Shi Zhijian in the best guest room.

The large guest room is like a standard room in a hotel, with clean white sheets and yellow wooden leather floor, it is extremely elegant, quiet and tidy.

Shi Zhijian was drunk, took a bath in a daze, took off his clothes, and went to bed.

Although he is resting at Li's house, Shi Zhijian is not worried about his own safety at all. After all, Li's family is considered a big family in Bangkok, with complete security facilities. There are several large searchlights in the garden of the villa alone, and he is constantly patrolling security guards with a wolf dog. , this place is much safer than a real hotel.

The old butler asked Shi Zhijian to prepare a silk nightgown. This kind of silk nightgown would have been smooth and comfortable to wear, but Shi Zhijian found it very annoying to wear it now, especially because he was so hot that he couldn't handle it. The nightgown seemed to be airtight, which made him uncomfortable.

Shi Zhijian thought no one would come, so he took off his nightgown in a cruel heart, threw it aside, and then fell down on the bed! The big bed is quite comfortable, and the mattress is soft and elastic!

Shi Zhijian felt relaxed all over, so he pulled the towel over his body, and then slowly closed his eyes while he was drunk.

I do not know how long it has been.

There was a "creak".

Dimly heard the door being unscrewed from the outside, followed by light footsteps.

Shi Zhijian slowly opened his eyes, only to see Li Xuexuan standing at the head of the bed, his charming big eyes flickering, looking at him quietly.

Shi Zhijian thought he was dreaming, so he closed his eyes and opened them again.

It's not a dream, there really is such a person in front of me!

Shi Zhijian woke up suddenly, quickly sat up from the bed, pulled the towel to cover his body - he was only wearing a pair of underwear now!

In the past, Shi Zhijian would not have been so embarrassed. After all, he and Li Xuexuan are not "outsiders", everything that should have happened has happened, and they can be said to "know each other well."

But the problem is now at Lijia! In case something happened, and Li Yaozu's old man misunderstood what happened, Shi Zhijian couldn't explain clearly even if he had ten mouths.

"Seolhyun, why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?"

"No, this is my room, but you..."

"I just came to see you." Li Xuexuan walked to Shi Zhijian's side and leaned down.

Shi Zhijian smelled a faint fragrance through his nostrils, which made him feel distracted.

"I'm afraid you won't be comfortable sleeping here, so I'll come and see you!"

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry." Shi Zhijian tightened the quilt again.

"What are you afraid of?" Li Xuexuan looked at him with a pretty face, "I'm not afraid at all."

"Of course you're not afraid, this is your home!" Shi Zhijian shrank back.

Li Xuexuan said coquettishly, "You look so funny!"

"Really? It would be even funnier if you got closer!"

"You think I don't dare?" Li Xuexuan forced her over with a smile.

Shi Zhijian quickly shrank back: "Hey, that's enough! I'm a man!"

"Of course I know you are a man!" Li Xuexuan smiled, and put her head into Shi Zhijian's arms, "Not only do I know, I also know that you are a man!"

"Hey, you're going too far!" Shi Zhijian scolded, "Just say what you want, don't touch me!"

"Which one will touch you?"

"Still saying no?" Shi Zhijian pulled out Li Xuexuan's little hand from the bed, "What is this?"

Li Xuexuan chuckled: "What are you holding my hand for?"

Shi Zhijian rolled his eyes: "If it hadn't sneaked into my bed, I wouldn't have caught it!"

"Then what are you going to do after catching it?" Li Xuexuan's voice was sweet and greasy, and her eyes were so charming that she couldn't do it!

After all, Shi Zhijian is a normal man: "Of course his master must be executed on the spot!"

Just when Shi Zhijian was about to rush over to make a move, the light in the room was turned on with a snap.

"You two... what are you doing?" Li Yaozu suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, glaring at them, his face was really shocked and angry.

Shi Zhijian was stunned, feeling ashamed for the first time!

Li Xuexuan: "Ah, Dad? Why are you... so embarrassing!" After speaking, Shi Zhijian stood up and ran out with his head buried!

The problem is, when she got up, she didn't know whether it was intentional or not, and she pulled Shi Zhijian's quilt with her hand!

Shi Zhijian hurriedly hugged the quilt, even so Li Yaozu's eyes went blank, and he sighed: "This kid has white skin and good flesh!"

Seeing Li Xuexuan leaving and Li Yaozu glaring at him, Shi Zhijian knew that he was completely defeated now!

"Mr. Lee, let me explain—"

"What is there to explain?" Li Yaozu said angrily, "I treat you as a guest, but you treat me as a fool! You did such a thing in the middle of the night!"

Shi Zhijian hugged the quilt and said aggrievedly: "I said that your daughter got in, do you believe it?"

"What do you say?"

"I don't believe it from your tone of voice!"

"Do you still need to ask?"

"Then I explain that I drank too much wine, I was a little dazed, and I couldn't help it. Is this an explanation?"

"What do you think?" Li Yaozu said angrily, "I want to entertain you, but you... really don't think so! Before that, I introduced my daughter to you and asked you to marry her as the main wife, but you refused in every possible way. That's right, I said that I want to report to your elder sister and get the consent of your three wives, hmph, these are all excuses! At that time I thought you were a gentleman, but now you secretly do such a scandal, you let me What do you think of you? How can we save our Li family's face?!"

Facing Li Yaozu's righteous questioning, Shi Zhijian was speechless.

"Why don't you speak? Do you think it's ok if you don't make a sound? I can let you go?" Li Yaozu sternly said.

Shi Zhijian shrugged his shoulders: "It's not that I don't want to speak, it's because I know that whatever I say is wrong! That's right, it's all my fault. I admit my mistake to you, and I'm willing to admit my punishment! You can do whatever you say. manage?"

Li Yaozu raised his eyebrows: "What kind of tone are you talking to me with? It means that I'm plotting against you, scheming against you?"

"No! I'm just—" Shi Zhijian gritted his teeth: "I'm so ashamed!"

"Since you know how to be ashamed, it means you can still be saved!" Li Yaozu said, "As a senior, I don't want your reputation to be ruined, let alone my daughter's innocence..."

Before Li Yaozu finished speaking, Shi Zhijian said, "I will marry her!"

Li Yaozu was stunned, "Okay!" Then he pointed to Shi Zhijian's nose: "It's hard to chase after a man's words!"

Shi Zhijian nodded: "Don't say four horses are hard to chase, even eight horses, ten horses, or a hundred horses can't catch up! I, Shi Zhijian, will definitely fulfill my promise!"

Hearing this, Li Yaozu waved his hand, "Okay! Sleep!"

Shi Zhijian was speechless seeing Li Yaozu being so forthright.

Li Yaozu didn't care what Shi Zhijian was thinking, and before he left, he still cared about this future uncle: "Would you like to turn off the lights for you?"

"No need!" Shi Zhijian said, "It's too dark, I'm afraid someone will bully me!"

Shi Zhijian didn't know how he struggled to fall asleep last night, or he didn't fall asleep at all.

It was not until dawn that Shi Zhijian got up from the bed with dark circles under his eyes, washed up, and went downstairs fully dressed.

Going down the stairs, just as he was about to find a reason to say goodbye to Li Yaozu, Shi Zhijian heard the servants from the Li family greeting him in unison: "Morning, young master!"

Shi Zhijian staggered and almost fell down the stairs.

Look at those servants, men and women, all standing in a row, like soldiers about to be inspected, looking at Shi Zhijian with their chests and bellies raised.

Li Yaozu and Li Xuexuan, father and daughter, stood at the restaurant, all smiling and waiting for Shi Zhijian to have breakfast together.

Shi Zhijian had seen countless big scenes, but this one before him made his scalp tingle.

"Welcome uncle to dine!"

The servants shouted at Shi Zhijian again.

Shi Zhijian squeezed out a smile, bit the bullet and went downstairs.

"Grandpa is good!"

"Morning uncle!"

All the servants stared at him intently and greeted him politely.

With a smile on his face, Shi Zhijian kept nodding at them.

Seeing that Shi Zhijian was so gentlemanly and polite, the servants couldn't help but quietly commented: "Young master is so handsome!"

"Yes, my uncle is not only handsome, but also has a first-class temperament!"

"Our lady is blessed!"

"Yes, this is a great blessing for the Li family!"

Finally Shi Zhijian came in front of Li Yao's grandfather and daughter. Li Yaozu had his hands behind his back and a smile on his vicissitudes face.

Li Xuexuan's charming face was full of shame.

Shi Zhijian opened his mouth, and it took him a long time to say: "Hello!"

Li Yaozu was upset, "What do you call you? What should you call me?"

"Lee, Mr. Leigh!"

"You say it again?" Li Yaozu was about to turn black again.

Shi Zhijian had to grit his teeth and said, "Father-in-law!"

"Hey! That's right!" Li Yaozu was full of joy, "Hey, from now on you will be my good son-in-law! Since you have entered the door of our Li family, I will definitely treat you well! If anyone dislikes you, I will Just fix him!"

No matter how Shi Zhijian heard it, he felt weird, making himself look like a "husband-in-law".

"Come Let's sit down and eat quickly! I heard from Seolhyun that you love oysters the most, so I specially asked someone to make a double portion, so I can nourish your body!"

Shi Zhijian sat down, and soon the breakfast was served. As expected, there were double servings of oysters!

Eating raw oysters early in the morning, do you feel so empty? Besides, it didn't work last night!

Shi Zhijian patiently accompanied Li's father and daughter to eat a few small dishes, and drank a few mouthfuls of preserved egg and lean meat porridge——

Li Yaozu saw that he was eating porridge without eating vegetables, so he gave Shi Zhijian food and said, "Eat more food! And ah, you have to cheer up later—"

"What are you doing?" Shi Zhijian looked up after taking a sip of porridge.

"Oh, I invited reporters, and I will hold a press conference at our door later!"


"Yeah, I'm announcing your wedding to Seolhyun!"

"Pfft!" Shi Zhijian spat out a mouthful of porridge.

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