Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1444: I want you to be my "Luding Gong"!

Chapter 1444 [I want you to be my "Luding Gong"! 】

"Okay, I'm done! It's your turn, Boss Xie—what is the dowry you gave your daughter?" Li Yaozu looked at Xie Shihao with a smile.

Xie Shihao bit his cigar with an extremely embarrassed expression.

He has always adhered to the fact that his daughter is an outsider, and if she gets married, she is throwing out water, and he advocates economy in terms of dowry, keeping everything simple!

Xie Dongcheng could hear clearly from the side that Li Yaozu gave away all his wealth to his daughter, his father must not follow the example of the other party!

Xie Dongcheng immediately coughed and wanted to say a few words for his father, but Xie Shihao's heart was so high that he was crushed by Li Yaozu, and the other party was still proud and provocative, how could he bear it?

"Of course I have good things for my daughter too!" Xie Shihao said with a face full of dissatisfaction, "Could it be that you are the only one who loves your daughter and I don't?"

"Oh, then let me hear, how much dowry can you thank the boss for?" Li Yaozu still had a look of contempt on his face, he sipped his tea after speaking, and his gesture was even more contemptuous.

Xie Shihao was just fighting with his mouth, but he was forced to a dead end, "I will take it if you ask me, why should I listen to you?"

"That's talking big? You'll lose your tongue if you talk big!" Li Yaozu laughed.

Yan Xiong took the opportunity to light up: "Actually, Boss Xie doesn't need to compare. We Mr. Shi are well aware of the current situation of Xie's family. We just need Boss Xie to show some interest."

"No!" Xie Shihao waved his hands, "You are looking down on me!"

Yan Xiong hurriedly panicked: "How could it be? I don't know that Boss Xie, you were once rich, and of course you won't keep everything simple when you marry your daughter. You will definitely make a big fuss, and the dowry you give is also dazzling enough!"

The authorities were bewildered by the onlookers, Xie Dongcheng knew that Yan Xiong was not a thing as soon as he heard this, and hurriedly nudged his father with his elbow: "Ahem, father, it's getting late, why don't we go back early, tomorrow is very busy!"

Xie Shihao also realized at this time, yes, you must not fall into the trap, keep everything simple, you must be simple!

Just as Xie Shihao was about to agree, Li Yaozu sneered and said, "I don't know who said that he loves his daughter so much, but he was just talking about it! Now, he can't even come up with a decent dowry!"

"What did you say? Who are you saying can't afford the dowry?" Xie Shihao obviously lacked confidence when he said these words.

"Then let's talk about it! Why, you still pretend to be mysterious, and surprise us tomorrow?" Li Yaozu didn't give him a good face, and returned all the cowardice he received just now.

Xie Shihao was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, but he had no choice but to ask him to take out a company like Li Yaozu and give it to Shi Zhijian as his daughter's dowry, even if he was killed! He left those companies to his two precious sons! The daughter will be of a foreign surname in the future, so she is unreliable!

"Ahem, I don't care about things like you!" Xie Shihao evaded the important, immediately looked at Shi Zhijian and said, "Don't worry, good son-in-law! I will definitely prepare a good dowry for you when we Bingqian gets married tomorrow!"

"Xie Sheng, you don't have to do this!" Shi Zhijian said with a smile on his face, but he seemed very distant from Xie Shihao's address.

Xie Shihao's heart turned cold, he didn't expect to be crushed by a surnamed Li tonight, because after this **** dowry, I might be looked down upon by this good son-in-law.

In fact, Xie Shihao thought too much.

Shi Zhijian didn't mean to covet his dowry at all, because Shi Zhijian had already made a bigger agreement with Xie Bingqian, so how could he care about such a thing.

"Anyway, I won't say much! It's too late. Tomorrow is your happy day with my daughter. There must be a lot of things to do, and I won't waste your time!" Xie Shihao prepared to withdraw his troops with a guilty conscience.

Li Yaozu raised the bar again: "What, you want to go? Don't stay and talk about your dowry? If you make up random things tomorrow, you will be laughed out of your teeth!"

Li Yaozu's words seemed to stab a sharp knife into Xie Shihao's heart, he snorted coldly, and was about to refute—

Li Yaozu continued: "Tomorrow there will be a lot of media reporters present, and there will be many big figures coming to congratulate. If your arrangement is too shabby, it will not be me who will be ashamed, but your daughter and yourself!"

Xie Shihao rolled his eyes angrily, but he also knew that what the other party said was true.

Seeing this, his son Xie Dongcheng knew that if his father stayed here again, he would be angry, so he hurriedly said, "It's getting late, let's go!"

"That's right, that's right, I'd better not bother you!" Xie Shihao didn't have the face to stay here anymore, and immediately bid farewell to Shi Zhijian and others.

After leaving the gate, Xie Shihao didn't say anything more. It can be said that when he came, he was showing off his might and triumphantly, but when he left, he was disgraced and embarrassed!

After Xie Shihao left, Shi Zhijian accompanied Li Yaozu to go back to the living room to drink tea, but Li Yaozu said: "I'm leaving too! You will be very busy tomorrow, go to bed early!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, "Then I'll walk with you a few more steps."

While talking, Shi Zhijian accompanied Li Yaozu to walk not far away under the moonlight.

When Li Yaozu's driver got the news, he drove behind and followed slowly.

Shi Zhijian asked Li Yaozu: "Why did you do that just now?"

"I just can't get used to that villain surnamed Xie!" Li Yaozu said with his hands behind his back, "We all marry our daughters together, but he is like selling his daughter!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, "How can he be the same as you? Now his family is in trouble and financially stretched, you should understand!"

"Of course I understand! Otherwise, I would have **** him off! The problem is that he started yelling at me as soon as he entered the door, like taking gunpowder, for fear that others would not know that Xie Shihao married his daughter on the same day as me, Li Yaozu! Get married, he still puts on airs all the time, and insists on dominating me, he asked for all of this!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, not knowing what to say.

On the contrary, Li Yaozu let go, and said: "To be honest, Ah Jian, why did you suddenly marry Xie Xiaoren's daughter? I don't think you look like that kind of womanizer! Don't tell me you have something in his hands ?”

"Nothing!" Shi Zhijian hurriedly explained, "Don't think about it. In fact, Xie Bingqian and I also have some feelings..."

"Really?" Li Yaozu looked at Shi Zhijian suspiciously.

Shi Zhijian stopped and looked at him: "You don't believe me?"

Li Yaozu hurriedly said: "How come? You are so young and handsome, let alone that little girl Xie Bingqian, even some veteran fans will be attracted by you!"

Shi Zhijian smiled wryly, "Are you always praising me, or hurting me?"

"Of course it's a compliment! When I was young, you didn't know how much I wanted to flirt and attract some beautiful girls like you!"

Shi Zhijian had nothing to say, so he pointed to the car behind him and said, "You'd better get in the car, don't make Xuexuan wait at home!"

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be so tender!" Li Yaozu waved at the driver A Liang.

Ah Liang hurriedly stopped the car, got out of the car, opened the door, and invited Li Yaozu to get in the car.

Before getting into the car, Li Yaozu still teased Shi Zhijian: "When we become father-in-law and son-in-law tomorrow, I will talk to you at night by candlelight. You know, I was very flirtatious when I was young! Hahaha!"

Laughing, Li Yaozu got into the car.

Shi Zhijian waved goodbye to him.

The car drove away slowly, and soon there was only a shadow left in the night.

Shi Zhijian looked at the shadow and let out a deep breath. In the night, the surroundings were quiet and the air was fresh.

Yan Xiong followed Shi Zhijian, and just now he appeared and said, "Mr. Shi, it's getting late, you should go back and rest."

"Yan Xiong—" Shi Zhijian suddenly looked back at Yan Xiong and said, "Do you hate me?"

"Eh? Mr. Shi, you have been kind to me, how could I hate you?" Yan Xiong was shocked.

Shi Zhijian smiled, "Don't be afraid, I just want to hear some truth from you! You have done a lot of things by my side these years, to be honest, you have helped me a lot!"

Yan Xiong listened carefully, without making a sound.

"So I'm wondering if I'm sorry for you—you used to be one of the four major detectives in Hong Kong, and you are the most powerful in Xiangjiang. Everyone will respectfully call you Yan Ye when they see you! If I didn't beat you down, then you are still The all-powerful Yan Xiong, not a mere follower by my side!" Shi Zhijian said what he wanted to say in one go.

Yan Xiong listened carefully, but still remained silent.

While walking back, Shi Zhijian continued to whisper: "If you think about it this way, even if you really hate me, you should! Don't worry, I'm not trying to test you on purpose, I just want to tell you that after tomorrow's wedding, I will set you free! From now on, you can go anywhere, do anything, and even go back to Hong Kong to continue to be your detective—if necessary, I will help you intercede! In short, go or stay, you Choose yourself!"

Yan Xiong listened all the time, and waited until Shi Zhijian finished speaking, then walked side by side with Shi Zhijian, and said, "To be honest, Mr. Shi, it would be a lie to say that I don't hate you! Anyway, I used to have a good time, and I, Yan Xiong This word can be considered popular in Xiangjiang, whoever saw me would not respectfully call him Inspector Yan? At that time, I was defeated by you, ruined my family and almost went to jail. At that time, I even wanted to kill you! But—”

Yan Xiong paused and said: "However, when you rescued me from prison and let me follow you, my impression of you changed! I followed you from Hong Kong to England, and then from England to France, Germany, as well as the United States, finally came to Thailand! It can be said that my eyes have been opened a lot, and I have re-recognized the world! If I hadn’t been defeated by you and stayed in Hong Kong, I would have been a detective at best. That position will be the chief inspector!"

"But so what? How big is Hong Kong? It's a tiny place! No matter how hard I try, I'm only a third-class citizen in Hong Kong, and I'm looked down upon by the British and Indians! Those ghost officials never treat us Chinese as human beings." Look, I went to England with you, and my eyes widened. Who doesn’t respectfully call you Earl Stone when they see you? In order to curry favor with you, they first curry favor with me! I, an inferior person who was looked down upon by the Brits, at that time It can be regarded as elated!"

"Then I went to France, Germany, and the United States with you... No one dared to disrespect you along the way. Before respecting you, they must first respect me, a little follower! Maybe you think it's funny, But the facts are like this! I have figured it out now, people fight for a breath of fire and receive a stick of incense, I, Yan Xiong, have the prestige of being a detective in Xiangjiang, and I am not as prestige as being a secretary by your side for a day!"

Shi Zhijian laughed when Yan Xiong said this, "You, you, wouldn't you die laughing if someone heard these words? A dignified inspector Hua doesn't do it, but he wants to be a follower by my side!"

"Hehe, Wei Xiaobao was also Lord Kangxi's follower before, but in the end he became Lord Lu Ding?" Yan Xiong said with a smile.

"Well said!" Shi Zhijian stopped and looked at Yan Xiong with burning eyes, "I, Shi Zhijian, am not the kind of stingy person. The grievances between you and me have already been wiped out. On the contrary, I owe you a lot of favors now..."

"Mr. Shi, please don't say that, I—"

"From now on, you don't have to call me Mr. Shi, just call me Jian like Brother Luo and Brother Hao!"

"Huh?" Yan Xiong was taken aback, he never thought that he would be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Lei Luo and Lai Hao one day after being down and out.

"This can't be done, can't be done! I'm used to addressing you! It's better to call you Mr. Shi!"

Seeing Yan Xiong's appearance, Shi Zhijian no longer forced himself, and said with a smile, "Okay, call me whatever you want—but you reminded me of one sentence, since Kangxi was able to turn Wei Xiaobao from a flattering servant into a deer in one fell swoop." Duke Ding, then I, Shi Zhijian, can also-"

Hearing Shi Zhijian's words, Yan Xiong's heart beat faster for no reason, and his eyes were fixed on Shi Zhijian.

"You also know that most of my plans, real estate, entertainment and electronics are the directions I have been working hard on. There are also many people around me who help me expand my territory, such as Xu Sanshao, Huo Dashao from Hong Kong, and my three My wife, and Dongying Yamada Mitsuko, Baodao Dai Fengni, British Jester, and American Bill Gates, etc., but now I still have a big plan that needs someone to help me—”

Yan Xiong became nervous when he heard His eyes lit up, and even breathing began to become difficult.

"That's the arms business!" Shi Zhijian said word by word.


Yan Xiong was so excited that he almost fainted.

For a long time, Shi Zhijian's arms business has been managed by his relative, the ghost Bo Dejia, and his confidant Hu Juncai.

But what Shi Zhijian didn't expect was that he had no intention of doing it. He has always been unwilling to get too involved in this business-even though the profit of this business is huge. This business is getting more and more prosperous, and even directly from the whole of Asia to the United Kingdom, the United States... Globalization is about to happen!

Since then, Bodejia and Hu Juncai are not enough, especially Hu Juncai, who also has to work as Shi Zhijian's lawyer part-time. Don't worry, there is an urgent need for a trustworthy person to help manage part of the arms business.

And this candidate is Yan Xiong, who Shi Zhijian has tested for a long time, whether it is resourcefulness or means, is remarkable!

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