Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1451: Yan Xiong's scenery!

Chapter 1451 [Yan Xiong's scenery! 】

"Hey, has the boat arrived yet?" Yan Xiong leaned on the Mercedes-Benz, and asked the boss at the pier who smuggled people out, "It's already eight o'clock, and there's not even a ghost!"

The boss hurriedly stepped forward and squeezed out a smiling face: "It's almost time to arrive, just wait and see!"

Yan Xiong curled his lips and said: "Hey, I gave you the money, if you can't help me get the person over, I'm asking for you!"

"Don't worry, boss! We are all in this business, we have seen all kinds of troubles, there is no problem!"

While talking, he saw a small boat floating on the sea, and the boss immediately pointed to the boat and said, "Here it comes! Look, Mr. Yan, the boat is coming!"

Seeing this, Yan Xiong became excited, "Come on, I'll go over and have a look!"

"Okay! Be careful, it's stormy today! Be careful, Mr. Yan—"

Because Yan Xiong was too excited, and it rained a few days ago and the ground on the pier was wet, he staggered and almost fell.

Fortunately, Yan Xiong used to be a policeman, so he was agile, so he was able to stabilize his body in a daze.

Soon, the boat came to the edge of the pier.

Someone dropped the anchor and the boat docked.

Two heads poked out from the cabin, looked left and right, and suddenly saw Yan Xiong, one of them immediately cried out: "Master Yan, is it true?"

While talking, the two had already got off the boat and ran towards Yan Xiong frantically.

Yan Xiong went up to meet them, and hugged the two of them before they got to him: "How are you, Agui, Aqiang!"

These two people are none other than Yan Xiong's followers Agui and Doujiqiang when he was the inspector of Hua in Hong Kong.

Whether it is Agui or Doujiqiang, they are all loyal to Yan Xiong. Even though the two of them had to do something bad to Yan Xiong because of the situation, they still helped Yan Xiong's family a lot in private.

Especially after Yan Xiong's home was ransacked, the two secretly ran around to help Yan Xiong make a comeback. Unfortunately, Yan Xiong's fate was not good, and his deadly opponent was the invincible Shi Zhijian.

After Yan Xiong completely collapsed, Agui and Doujiqiang started running around to make a living.

It's a pity that Hong Kong is such a big place, and they are Yan Xiong's confidantes, almost everyone in Hong Kong knows about it.

For this reason, everyone beat the dogs in the water. Not only were Ah Gui and Dou Jiqiang dismissed from the police force, but they also owed a lot of debts.

In order to make a living, in the end Agui had to work as a coolie on the wharf. Those wharf chippers who used to cower in front of him were proud of him and deliberately deducted his wages.

Agui was so hungry and full that he almost ran out to rob him.

Compared with Agui, Doujiqiang's life is still "better". He has a relative who runs a stable on Portland Street, so he makes Agui a "groom". Just carry the lady on your back, or take the lady there in a rickshaw.

Although it's hard work, he can still have a full meal. Occasionally, those guests who are in a good mood will give him a little reward.

Of course, both Agui and Doujiqiang are very useless now, and the money they earn in a month is not enough to go to a show with Yan Xiong before. The most important thing is that those debt collectors insulted them in every possible way and had no dignity. They used to follow Yan Xiong, but they were majestic and terrific.

"Master Yan, I miss you so much! It's like a dream! Woohoo!" Dou Jiqiang cried.

Agui said from the side: "Yes, Master Yan, we have lost our souls since we didn't hear from you. I didn't expect that you would take the initiative to call us! Woooooo!"

"Don't cry! You two rush to the street, crying and crying as soon as you meet, what a shame!" Yan Xiong patted the shoulders of the two, and his eyes became moist involuntarily.

"Master Yan, are you crying?" Dou Jiqiang asked.

"Cry! I squinted because of the wind and sand!" Yan Xiong rubbed his eyes and said.

Agui next to him smiled and said: "Chicken spirit is strong, it's a pity that you have been in the stable for so long and you still don't know how to read words and expressions—Master Yan is not crying, he is obviously happy!"

Yan Xiong: "He is clearly called Doujiqiang, why is he called Jijingqiang again?"

Dou Jiqiang smiled wryly: "It's not the nickname given to me when I work in the stable!"

"That's because he guards himself and steals it every time, making the lady scream, so he is called Chicken Essence Strong!"

"They owe me my salary, and if they don't pay me, I have no choice but to force it!"

"Okay, you two!" Yan Xiong scolded, "I will bicker with you as soon as we meet! Now, from now on, follow me, eat and drink, and when you return to Hong Kong, I will let you all have enough!"

While talking, Yan Xiong took out the Mercedes-Benz key from his pocket and threw it to Agui: "Old driver, come here!"

Agui hurriedly reached out to catch it, and took a look: "Wow, Mercedes-Benz! Boss, are you developed?"

"What do you think? I, Yan Xiong, won't be able to turn over in my life?" Yan Xiong said, pointing to the Mercedes-Benz parked not far away, "Try it, it's newly bought! The break-in period hasn't passed yet!"

"Sharp!" Agui smiled and went forward to drive.

Dou Jiqiang followed behind Yan Xiong: "Master Yan, forgive me, what are you doing now? Is it black or white?"

Yan Xiong knocked on his forehead and shuddered: "Black man! You big brother, I am a serious businessman now!"

"Really? Can't tell!"

"Get out!" Yan Xiong kicked Dou Jiqiang's ass.

"Master Yan, please get in the car!" Dou Jiqiang held his buttocks and trotted a few steps to help Yan Xiong open the car door.

Yan Xiong sat up.

Agui was acting as the driver in front. He hadn't seen or touched such a luxurious car for a long time, and he felt a little strange for a while, touching this and that in the cab.

Yan Xiong didn't urge him, he took out a big cigar from his pocket and bit it on his mouth.

When Douqiang saw it, he used to touch the lighter from his arms to help light it, but found that he was so poor that he couldn't even afford a cigarette, let alone a lighter.

When Yan Xiong saw it, he took out another delicate Dupont lighter and threw it to him.

Dou Jiqiang hurriedly took the lighter, and helped Yan Xiong light the cigar with a smile on his face, then looked through the Dupont lighter, it was very delicate and expensive.

Yan Xiong squinted his eyes and said: "Take it, and help me start the fire later!"

"Received!" Dou Jiqiang was overjoyed, he rubbed the lighter and knew that this lighter would be his own food in the future! Also, this lighter alone is worth more than everything on my body!


After all, Agui used to drive for Yan Xiong, so he soon got acquainted with this brand new Mercedes.

"Master Yan, where are you going?" Agui turned around and asked.

"Go straight along this road—go to the Xinglong Theater first!"

"Wow, Master Yan, you are so kind, you invite us to a play as soon as you come?"

"Look at your size! You're doing business, and you'll know when you get there!"

Just when Yan Xiong got into the Mercedes-Benz and was about to leave, the ship owner hurried forward: "Mr. Yan, you haven't paid the money—"

Before Yan Xiong asked the boat owner to help smuggle Agui and Doujiqiang over here and only paid a deposit.

Hearing this, Yan Xiong opened the car window, took out a wad of money from his pocket without even looking at it, and threw it out, "Most are rewards!"


The money was scattered all over the place.

The boat owner hurriedly lowered his head to pick it up, and couldn't stop thanking Yan Xiong: "Thank you! Your boss is so generous! I wish you a long life!"

Seeing this, Ah Gui and Dou Jiqiang couldn't help being speechless, and said in their hearts, "The Lord Yan we knew is back!"

The Xinglong Theater is decorated with lights and festoons today, because today is the opening day of the theater.

That's right, this big theater was invested by Shi Yufeng. Now Shi Yufeng has a soft spot for theaters, and she invests almost wherever she goes.

She is not idle now when she comes to Thailand. As a famous "theater queen" in Hong Kong, Shi Yufeng has taken a fancy to the location of this theater. Through investigation, she found out that the predecessor of this theater was not doing well because the theater was old. I used it to gamble, and I didn't have the heart to take care of the theater at all.

Shi Yufeng is not short of money now, so he decided to take it immediately.

Of course, she doesn't need to do this kind of "little things" by herself now, so they are handed over to Yan Xiong.

Shi Yufeng also knows now that Yan Xiong has somehow become Shi Zhijian's confidant, and Shi Zhijian has asked Yan Xiong to handle many secret matters.

Shi Yufeng still had prejudices against Yan Xiong at first, so she immediately used this incident to test Yan Xiong to see if he was reliable.

Who is Yan Xiong? Of course he understood what Shi Yufeng was thinking, but he also understood that this was an opportunity.

Now that he has gained Shi Zhijian's trust, his career has started to take off. If he can manage Shi Yufeng again, then his position in the Shi family will be more stable in the future.

Therefore, after Yan Xiong received the acquisition of the theater and rebuilt it, he did it himself, no matter it was negotiation or decoration, he raced against time, and in just a few days, everything was done and it could be officially opened.

In fact, Shi Yufeng came to see the theater once after the renovation was completed, and asked Yan Xiong many questions on the spot, and Yan Xiong answered all of them fluently.

Shi Yufeng is very satisfied with this, it can be seen that Yan Xiong is really both worried and contributed.

No, today the theater opened, Shi Yufeng didn't come, and Yan Xiong was directly handed over to Yan Xiong to cut the ribbon for the opening of the theater.

Yan Xiong knew that this time Shi Yufeng really trusted him.

When the Mercedes-Benz arrived at the gate of the theater, the theater manager immediately greeted his subordinates as soon as he saw Yan Xiong get off the car: "Fire the cannons! Hurry up and set off the firecrackers!"

There are huge crowds of people at the entrance of the theater, crackling and roaring firecrackers, and the ground is full of red! Immediately after beating gongs and drums, two lions shook their heads and tails to greet Yan Xiong.

Yan Xiong and Shi Zhijian had been together for a long time, and they had seen this kind of scene a lot, so they didn't take it seriously, and walked towards the entrance of the theater stepping on the red carpet with a smile.

Agui and Doujiqiang, the brothers and sisters, have suffered in Hong Kong for a long time, and their personalities have inevitably become a little timid. They were shocked when they saw such a big battle.

Seeing that Yan Xiong had already stepped onto the red carpet, the two looked at each other, without any further hesitation, they hurried to catch up.

"Wow, Master Yan is so majestic!"

"Yeah, look at so many people!"

Agui and Doujiqiang were amazed.

Ever since Yan Xiong stepped down in Hong Kong, they hadn't seen such a majestic scene for a long time.

When the theater manager saw Yan Xiong approaching, he hurriedly led the theater staff to surround him, and Yan Xiong waved to them.

The two lions here have finished dancing, squatting on the ground waiting for Yan Xiong to "dot his eyes".

With one hand behind his back, Yan Xiong picked up the cinnabar pen with the other, and quickly tapped twice on the lion's eyes.

The lion shook its head and danced again, but this time it was two lions competing to pick greens.

There is a bounty of 3,000 yuan in the "lottery head" hanging high. Therefore, the two lions competed very hard, hoping to come out on top.

When the green picking was finished, Yan Xiong took the golden scissors handed over by the theater manager again, clicked, and cut off the ribbon!

The theater is officially open!

After the ribbon-cutting, Yan Xiong didn't stay in the theater too much. For Yan Xiong, the mysterious boss, everyone in the theater felt that he was superior.

For Agui and Doujiqiang, they seem to have seen Yan Xiong's former glory again.

"Master Yan, I feel alive!"

"Yeah, following you in the theater today can be considered elated!"

In the car, Agui and Douqiang flattered Yan Xiong.

Yan Xiong smiled without saying a word, just rubbing his temples with his hands.

"Master Yan, shall we go to Biandu now?"

"Yeah, are we going to meet after the ribbon cutting?"

From Agui and Doujiqiang's point of view, today's prestige is enough, and there is probably nothing more prestige.

Who knows—

"You two rush to the street and think I'm so free now? Just a trip to the theater and it's over?" Yan Xiong opened his eyes and said.

"Uh, what do you mean? Do you have other work to do, Lord Yan?"

Yan Xiong glanced at the two of them contemptuously, "How can a bird know the great ambitions? A small theater is just an appetizer, and you, Lord Yan, I am in charge of a big project now—"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand: "Go to the barracks!"

Thai military camp.

Colonel Naichai stood at the gate of the barracks, looking at his watch from time to time.

It was almost eleven o'clock, but no one had come. Now the military equipment needs to be replaced, but there is a problem with funding. Fortunately, General Wan Long and Shi Zhijian are "good friends". Not only do they support Shi Zhijian every time they appear, but they also help Shi Zhijian open up a special pass in Thailand. Shi Zhijian can run rampant throughout Thailand. unimpeded.

However, Shi Zhijian is also a smart person. To be precise, all businessmen are smart people.

Many times when encountering such things as "bargaining" or asking for "payment after delivery", and "payment of IOUs", Shi Zhijian would not come forward to negotiate with General Wan Long in person, but left it to his confidantes to take care of it.

This time when he got the news, Shi Zhijian had handed over the full power of the Asian arms business to a man named Yan Xiong.

After General Wan Long received the news, he immediately asked Colonel Naicai to find out the details of Yan Xiong.

Soon the results came It turned out that this man named Yan Xiong used to be a detective in Hong Kong. He was dismissed for corruption and bribery, and somehow he came to Shi Zhijian's side and was reused by Shi Zhijian. Now he is Shi Zhijian's confidant .

"It's just a greedy Inspector Hua, and he's not in business, so he's easy to get rid of!" These were the original words of General Wan Long, so he asked Colonel Naichai to receive Yan Xiong, and planned to conclude the arms business today.

Beep beep!

The Mercedes Benz appeared at the gate of the barracks.

After Nai Guai saw it, he hurriedly greeted his subordinates, "Quick, get ready to welcome!"


So the impenetrable barracks gate slowly opened, welcoming Yan Xiongche in.

Agui drove in and was startled when he saw the scene in front of him. He saw nearly a thousand people standing in two rows of soldiers with guns and ammunition in front of him.

Dou Jiqiang also trembled in fright, "My God, what kind of formation is this?"

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