Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1460: Do your best, obey the destiny!

Chapter 1460 1460 [Do your best, obey the destiny! 】

Gao Chaohui put those contracts back into the desk drawer, and locked the drawer carefully, before he said: "She went to Taiwan 3—today, Bangkok 3 is celebrating, and I invite her to be the host!"

There are 3, 5, and 7 national TV stations with relatively large influence in Thailand-Thai people prefer singular numbers. Among them, 3 stations have the largest coverage, have their own contracted artists, and their TV series are also very famous. The artists of Channel 5 are all freelance artists, and the backstage of Channel 5 is the government army, which is the legendary court station. Channel 7 also has its own contracted artists and has produced many TV dramas, but its influence is not as large as that of Channel 3 and Channel 7.

Although Gao Chaohui wanted to become the leader of Thailand's entertainment industry, he could invest and acquire wildly in newspapers, radio stations, and movies in person, but he suffered setbacks in TV stations.

Gao Chaohui is aiming at Bangkok TV3. However, this TV station has too complicated background and huge influence. It will not easily accept investment from outsiders, especially Chinese, let alone be acquired by outsiders.

Palan went to the TV station this time to participate in the Taiwan celebration in name, but in fact it also meant to explore the way in the past.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Shi Zhijian nodded slightly.

Shi Zhijian can trust Gao Chaohui's ability. After all, he comes from a wealthy family, and entertainment business is his forte.

As for Ms. Palan, let alone, she debuted in the entertainment industry at the age of fourteen or fifteen. She has seen all kinds of scenes, experienced all kinds of storms, and is very clear about the hidden rules of the Thai entertainment industry.

With the two of them helping Shi Zhijian, Shi Zhijian felt much more relaxed.

"By the way, Mr. Shi, you are a busy person, why did you come here suddenly?" Gao Zhaohui also poured himself a cup of tea, and said to Shi Zhijian, "Is there any important matter for me?"

Shi Zhijian pondered for a moment: "You should have heard that I am going to let the Xie brothers and sisters run the jewelry company..."

"I've heard that! Xie Xi is a shrewd person, not to mention that he is Mr. Shi's second uncle! As for Miss Xie Bingqian, she is even more intelligent. If the two of them are willing to work together, then Mr. Shi can rest easy. "Gao Chaohui said to Shi Zhijian in an affirmative tone.

Shi Zhijian held a water glass in his hand: "I think so too, but the world is unpredictable, and now there are very headaches that need to be solved immediately!"

"what is the problem?"

"We'll talk about Xie Xi when she comes later."

"He's coming?"

"Dong dong dong!" There was a knock on the door.

Gao Zhaohui said: "Come in!"

Seeing Shi Zhijian's second uncle, Xie Xi, walked in from outside with a briefcase with a tired look on his face but excitement in his eyes.

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!" Shi Zhijian smiled and asked Xie Xi to sit down. "How are things going?"

Xie Xi put down his briefcase, and looked at Shi Zhijian with wolf-like eyes, shining with excitement: "According to your instructions, I have already acquired three jewelry companies, and these are signed contracts!"

As Xie Xi said, he opened the briefcase he carried with him, took out a stack of contracts and handed it to Shi Zhijian.

Gao Chaohui looked at this scene and remembered that the scene just now felt very familiar to him. He poured water while helping Xie Xi, and at the same time wondered if Shi Zhijian's Shinhwa Group expanded too fast in Bangkok? My side keeps buying entertainment companies, newspapers, and TV stations, while Xie Xi keeps buying jewelry companies over there. Where does so much money come from? If the capital chain breaks, it is very dangerous.

In fact, Gao Zhaohui thought too much, not to mention that Shi Zhijian made two billion US dollars in one breath by relying on the oil crisis, but now that the huge sales profits of the health care products developed by Shi Zhijian can support it for a period of time.

In a word, Gao Chaohui and others still have only a half-knowledge of Shi Zhijian's true strength, and it can even be said that they don't know anything about Shi Zhijian's strength!

Shi Zhijian flipped through the information, and suddenly frowned. It was the information of the largest jewelry company in Bangkok. From the beginning, Shi Zhijian was targeting this company, and the others were just small fish and shrimp.

"Why didn't this Emperor Charm jewelry company sign a contract?" Shi Zhijian raised the contract and asked Xie Xi.

"Is this company difficult to acquire?"

"Difficult? Then tell me, can you fix it?" Shi Zhijian and Xie Xi looked at each other, hoping to get a positive answer from each other's eyes.

Xie Xi rubbed his palms and said to Shi Zhijian: "The boss of this Emperor Charm Company has a very good relationship with General Wan Long. In the past, General Wan Long's jewelry rough stones were given to them first, and behind this company is the famous Siam Business Group!"

"Oh, is it?" Shi Zhijian narrowed his eyes.

Gao Chaohui handed the water glass to Xie Xi and couldn't help but exclaimed: "It turns out that Dimei is a subsidiary of Siam Commercial Group, no wonder it has been developing so well!"

Siam Business Group is a large-scale enterprise mainly engaged in bank investment. The boss behind the group is said to be a member of the Thai royal family, so the background is very strong, and many businesses and resources can be obtained first.

"So you understand, Mr. Shi! It's not that I didn't try my best, but because this company has a strong background!" Xie Xi finally expressed his difficulties.

Shi Zhijian smiled: "Then what good idea do you have now? Don't say no, otherwise you wouldn't ask me to come here!"

Gao Chaohui was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that the reason why Shi Zhijian came to the newspaper office today was actually proposed by Xie Xi.

"I really have a good idea..." Xie Xi laughed excitedly, put down the water glass and clapped his hands lightly and said, "But I need the help of Mr. Gao!"

"Let me help? What?"

"Use your newspaper to fan the flames and engage in a public opinion war!"

"Uh, how to say specifically?"

"The thing is like this-" Xie Xi said: "First of all, you release the news about the scandal of the senior personnel of the Siam Group. You can do anything about corruption and bribery. At that time, the group's stock will definitely plummet. At this time, we will Raise funds to buy most of the cheap stocks of Siam Group in one go. When it’s about time, you use the newspaper to disclose the news that Dimei Jewelry is a subsidiary of Siam Business Group. Since Dimei Jewelry has always performed well, The stock of Siam Group will slowly soar. At this time, we will sell the acquired stocks at the highest point. Finally, if you manipulate public opinion to say that there is a problem with the Dimei jewelry business, causing its stock price to plummet, we will directly take those stocks. Qian turned around and bought Emperor Charm Jewelry!"

Gao Chaohui was dumbfounded by Xie Xi's coquettish operation, while Shi Zhijian almost clapped his hands in admiration.

Turning around in this way is tantamount to using Siam Business Group's money to buy Emperor Charm Jewelry! Even the masters of the stock market in the previous life did not play so smoothly!

At this moment, Shi Zhijian looked at his second uncle with admiration.

Gao Zhaohui let out a breath, and took another look at the second young master Xie Xijiu.

I have to say that the operation method that Xie Xi talked about is very realistic and cruel. As expected of the current head of the Xie family, he is ruthless and can completely disregard the life and death of other stockholders! With such a cold heart and tricks, Xie Xi actually lost to Shi Zhijian?

But if you think about it carefully, why is it not like this?

Generally speaking, everyone is defeated by the young man in white!

"How about it, is my plan okay?" Seeing that Shi Zhijian and Gao Chaohui were silent, Xie Xi was a little uncertain about their mood, so he asked tentatively.

Gao Chaohui looked at Shi Zhijian, meaning to let Shi Zhijian make a decision.

"You are like an empty-handed white wolf. It's simple to say, but it's very complicated to operate. You especially need to incite the emotions of other shareholders, otherwise it will be difficult to influence the stock prices of Siam Group and Emperor Charm Company." Shi Zhijian said to Xie Xi Open your mouth and say.

"I've also thought about this—" Xie Xi finished speaking and looked at Gao Zhaohui: "So we need the support of Mr. Gao! As long as the public opinion is good, we will be half successful..."

"I will do my best in terms of public opinion, but I can't guarantee that I will be able to achieve your desired goals." Gao Zhaohui took the initiative to say without waiting for Xie Xi to finish speaking: "After all, the other party is not a wooden person and does not know how to fight back. What if they If we also use public opinion to counterattack, then we may fall into a protracted and unprecedented public opinion war! In terms of time, can you hold it?"

This time it was Xie Xi's turn to look at Shi Zhijian, and Shi Zhijian was needed to make up his mind.

"This is the end of the matter. Stretch out your head and slash your head, and then slash your head!" Shi Zhijian made a slashing motion with his palm: "Let's do our best and obey the destiny!"

Myth Jewelry Co.,

temporary office -

"Why did you remember to have dinner with me today?" Xie Bingqian picked up a scrambled egg with chopsticks and put it into Shi Zhijian's bowl, and asked with a smile.

Shi Zhijian is now married to Li Xuexuan and Xie Bingqian.

However, the three of them seldom live together. On the contrary, Li Xuexuan and Xie Bingqian would use the excuse of busy business and need to help take care of the business to stay outside.

Often, Xie Bingqian was busy and didn't go home, so Shi Zhijian accompanied Li Xuexuan to eat and sleep at home. On February 4th and 6th, Li Xuexuan was busy and didn't go home, so Shi Zhijian accompanied Xie Bingqian to eat and sleep at home.

It stands to reason that Shi Zhijian should accompany Li Xuexuan tonight, but unexpectedly Shi Zhijian would go to Xie Bingqian's company halfway. Xie Bingqian was very happy for this, and even cooked a few side dishes by herself.

Of course, Xie Bingqian was born in a wealthy family, and she seldom touches cooking fume kitchens. This skill is...remarkable, at least she can still eat it.

"I just think you've worked hard, so come and see you!" Shi Zhijian glanced at the TV that was playing, smiled and put the scrambled egg into his mouth and ate it.

Xie Bingqian was very happy. She was indeed very busy and tired during this period. Shi Zhijian planned to enter the jewelry industry. Of course, as a wife, she should give her full support.

Now Xie Xi took care of the finances of those small companies that Xie Xi bought.

She could have hired an accountant to do these things, but she felt uneasy, and it would be safer to do it herself.

"It's good to have your words..." Xie Bingqian carefully helped Shi Zhijian remove the thorns from a piece of fish, and then put it on Shi Zhijian's dinner plate, "Don't you think I'm fighting openly and secretly with sister Xuexuan by doing this! "

Shi Zhijian smiled slightly: "How could it be? You and Xuexuan are both very good women, women don't give in to men. To be able to marry me Shi Zhijian together, I am a blessing from three lives!"

Xie Bingqian raised her head and glanced at Shi Zhijian, her pretty face flushed bright red: "Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course! Hey, why are you blushing?"

Xie Bingqian bit her lip and said, "Then you don't want to leave tonight..."

"Uh, this—"

"I met a former college classmate yesterday. She is married and has a child. The child is so cute, pink and cute!"

If Shi Zhijian couldn't understand Xie Bingqian's words, he would be mentally handicapped.

"Actually, I also like children very much..." Shi Zhijian didn't know what to say.

I don't know if it's his own physical problem or other problems. Shi Zhijian has many women, but Dai Fengni is the only one who helped him give birth to a son, and the belly of the others didn't even move at all.

Li Xuexuan is career-minded, and doesn't seem to care much about these things, but Xie Bingqian has always lacked a sense of security, and she is very concerned about whether she can bear children for Shi Zhijian. status.

"Why, why don't you continue?" Xie Bingqian asked in surprise when Shi Zhijian stopped talking halfway.

Shi Zhijian put the fish that Xie Bingqian gave him into his mouth and slowly savored the taste. After the fish was eaten, he said: "But the blessings of children are all destined! It's not you, I can get it if I want it, so these things Don't force it."

"How do you know if you don't try?" Xie Bingqian retorted, "Unless you don't want to."

Seeing Xie Bingqian pouting and getting angry, Shi Zhijian smiled wryly and said, "Even if I think it's not suitable here, where do I sleep? Could it be on the floor?" He looked around while talking.

This is a temporary office, surrounded by some tables, chairs and benches, then a large sofa, and a TV that is playing, and nothing else.

Xie Bingqian blushed: "You don't have to worry about this, as long as you don't want to leave, I can arrange it!"

Shi Zhijian smirked when he heard the words: "Could it be on the sofa? Then if we have a child, should we name it Shi Sofa? Or Stone Floor?"

Xie Bingqian's pretty face blushes You can call him anything, it's your son anyway! Even if it's called a lump of stone, it's fine! "

"Wow, you are so ruthless! Stone lump? This name is so sharp, and I don't know how many people will be killed by him!"

Just as Shi Zhijian and Xie Bingqian were bickering, the TV suddenly interrupted a special news——

"It is reported that at eight o'clock tonight, Siam Group, the largest investment company in Bangkok, was investigated by the Bangkok Tax Bureau for tax issues. Please listen to the detailed report for details!"

Immediately afterwards, the camera turned to the interior of the Siam Group, where some tax officers were moving company materials.

Shi Zhijian was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Gao Chaohui to be ruthless enough to attack this company with tax issues.

Compared with Xie Xi, this is also a wolf!

Seeing that Shi Zhijian was engrossed in watching TV, Xie Bingqian couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

Shi Zhijian got up, wiped his mouth and said, "I'll talk about the lumps later, the battle has already begun!"

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