Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1462: Bright moon in the sky!

Xie Xi's "anti-indirect trick" and the "extreme household trick" are quite insidious.

After Shi Zhijian recruited Pete, and promised Pete a high-ranking official and generous salary, Pete sold many shady things about Emperor Charm Jewelry Company and its backstage company Siam Group to Shi Zhijian in order to "reciprocate the favor".

Shi Zhijian handed over all these materials to Xie Xijiu. For this ruthless second uncle, Xie Xi immediately contacted the senior management of Siam Group.

The results were as expected.

The Siam Group was shocked at first, then furious, and finally chose to endure!

In this era, the political, military and business circles are intricate and complicated, and the whole body is affected by one incident. The background of the Siam Group is even more complicated. Sold to Shinhwa Group!

As for the selling price, Shi Zhijian did not take the opportunity to lower the price. He knew that one should not be too ruthless, especially in the opponent's territory, not to mention that the behind-the-scenes bosses of the Siam Group were only caught by him. If Qianglong really got angry Do not suppress local snakes.

So Shi Zhijian proposed a purchase price that satisfied both parties.

After a week of negotiations, the acquisition contract was formally signed.

Of course, Shi Zhijian, like the bosses behind the scenes of the Siam Group, disdains to come forward to this kind of matter.

Shessie and Pete became the focus of the acquisition.

The two exchanged the purchase contract on stage with smiles on their faces, and then stood together smiling and taking pictures together!

Many media reporters frantically took pictures under the stage.

Broadcast live on TV.

In addition to the audience present, many people watching TV at home also saw this great moment.

Since then, the largest jewelry company, Dimei Jewelry, has officially belonged to Shinhwa Group.

As the new helm of Emperor Charm Jewelry, Xie Xi directly appeared on the headlines of newspapers and magazines, and was hailed by the public as "the rising jewelry king"!

At this time, Gao Chaohui, who had done his best in the entire takeover battle, was hailed as "the youngest entertainment tycoon in history"!

The two are like a pair of dazzling comets, hanging high in the sky, making countless young people admire and worship, and they have become the prince charming in the hearts of countless girls. The private mailboxes of Xie Xi and Gao Chaohui alone receive hundreds of courtship letters from girls every day. The content of the letters is so hot and exciting that these two former prodigal sons can't help but be speechless, and they turn sideways in the middle of the night sleepless.

At this time, they can be considered to have tasted the feeling of being truly popular and becoming the pride of heaven.

In the past, as the heirs of the four major families, their brilliance was always concealed by their fathers. Now they are independent, autonomous, and radiant!

Now Xie Xi and Gao Zhaohui finally understand what it means to be "all eyes on"!

Of course, while enjoying this hard-won glory, they never forgot who gave it all.

If they are the most dazzling stars in the sky, then Shi Zhijian is the bright moon in the sky that crushes them!

Shi Zhijian's acquisition and integration of jewelry resources came to an end.

For American Ambassador Smith, who was watching the play in the audience, and General Wan Long, who almost also performed on stage, it was the first time for them to see the huge energy of Shi Zhijian's mythical empire. It was also the first time I saw Shi Zhijian's decisive ability to kill and kill. …

However, this is just the beginning!

No matter how powerful the jewelry industry is, how can it compare with the Zheng family in Hong Kong?

For Ambassador Smith and General Wan Long, what Shi Zhijian is crushing now is purely low-ranking small fish and small shrimps. His real strong enemy is in Hong Kong!

"Dear Shi, I am looking forward to your return to Hong Kong to confront the Zheng family! Only after you win this war will you be qualified to compete with our semiconductor empire!" Inside the US embassy in Bangkok, Smith watched the replay on TV In the scene where Myth bought the jewels of Emperor Charm, he shook his wine glass with a sneer on his face.

at the same time-

In the general's mansion, General Wan Long was biting a cigar and watching the TV, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face: "This Shi Zhijian is very sharp! He can integrate the jewelry market in such a short period of time. I want to see if he can also set off a storm when he returns to Hong Kong." ?!"

"Is Ah Jian really going back to Hong Kong?" Li Yaozu asked his daughter Li Xuexuan while drawing a brush in Li's mansion.

"Yes, I will go back to Hong Kong with him and Xie Bingqian in a few days." Li Xuexuan paused and said, "No matter what, the ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her parents-in-law, and she will serve tea to those three older sisters when she goes back!"

Li Yaozu looked at his daughter and laughed, "You have grown up and become sensible. Before, you wouldn't have said these words."

At this time, the servant brought over the ginseng tea, and Li Xuexuan took the ginseng tea and brought it to Li Yaozu.

Li Yaozu put down the brush in his hand, took a towel and wiped his hands again, and said, "I'm really old now, and I can't even draw a picture, but you, you have to come back a few more times in the future to see my old bones."

"Father, you are still young and strong!" Li Xuexuan handed the ginseng tea to his father.

Li Yaozu took a sip and said: "Anyway, go back to Hong Kong and help Zuo Shi Zhijian well. I understand that this Ajian is simply the chosen one. He can succeed in everything he does and never makes a mistake. From this jewel It can be seen from the takeover battle that Victory was on his side from the very beginning!"

Li Xuexuan smiled and helped organize brushes, ink trays, rice paper and other things: "Don't praise him like this, he is not a god, how can he predict everything? It's just luck!"

"Lucky? Hehe, silly girl, you are still too young! You know, no one in this world can be lucky for a lifetime. If he can be lucky for a lifetime, then it can only prove one thing, that is, he can definitely predict the future!"

Li Xuexuan snickered, "You mean Ah Jian...can predict everything?"

"Isn't it?" Li Yaozu put down the ginseng tea and looked at his daughter with piercing eyes, "If he is not married to you, I even suspect that he is an alien!"

Seeing his father's serious expression, Li Xuexuan was stunned for a long time, and finally laughed again: "Then let's see, will your grandson be an alien too?"

Li Yaozu laughed when he heard the words: "Then you have to work harder! Don't be compared to that Xie Bingqian!"

"Bingqian, my precious daughter! You have to work harder, be strong, and don't fall behind that girl surnamed Li! By the way, I heard that Ajian's three wives in Hong Kong are still married. If you don't have children, if you can take the lead and give birth to A Jian with a son and a half, your status will definitely skyrocket by then!"...

Similarly, in Xie Shihao's mansion, Xie Shihao, as the elder, taught his precious daughter Xie Bingqian earnestly.

"Ahem, father, can I say something more?" The eldest son Xie Dongcheng couldn't help but said, "How did I hear that although my brother-in-law has three wives who have no children, he has an illegitimate child outside, and he is the same as the Dai family in Hong Kong?" The girl gave birth to her, so she is four or five years old!"

"Ah, is this really the case?" Xie Shihao frowned and looked at his daughter.

Xie Bingqian nodded, "It's true, Ah Jian also told me that he didn't want to hide it from me, but that illegitimate child has been living with that woman surnamed Dai, and that woman has no name or distinction in the Shi family! "

"That's good!" Xie Shihao said with a sigh of relief, "Illegal children have never been on the stage since ancient times! So this time you follow Ah Jian back to Hong Kong and you must work harder. It is best to give birth to a son there. !"

Before Xie Bingqian could speak, at this time the second brother Xie Xi suddenly stepped forward and stuffed a bag of things into the hands of his younger sister, looked at the younger sister and said: "I know what you want to say, second brother can't help you with other things, This is the secret recipe for childbirth that I begged from an expert hermit. It is said that it has remarkable functions and can be hit every time! Take it and don't throw it away!"

"Second brother, you—"

"You don't need to thank me! We are a family, we should!" Xie Xi said affectionately.

"No, Second Brother! What I mean is that your hermit master is not a liar, can this medicine be taken casually? Will it cause diarrhea?"

Xie Xi looked embarrassed: "So you are afraid of this? To be honest, I don't know! I just heard that this person is very powerful. Many people who found him were given medicine, and finally became parents and had the blessing of children. "

Xie Bingqian rolled her eyes, "I knew you were unreliable!"

"No, you can't say for sure about this kind of thing, right? Maybe it's really effective. I'd rather believe it than believe it!"

Xie Bingqian heard the words, originally wanted to throw away the traditional Chinese medicine bag, but after thinking about it, she put it in her arms again.

"That's right!" Xie Xi was very happy when she saw her sister put away the medicine, "Hey, if you really have my little nephew, you can ask me, the brother, to have a few more drinks." !"

"Mr. Shi, you're leaving tomorrow. You're going back to Hong Kong. You should have a few more drinks with me, a bad old man!"

Inside Shi Zhijian's mansion, Master Ma raised his glass to toast Shi Zhijian.

The family sat at the wine table tonight, except for Shi Zhijian, Master Ma, the maid Axiang, Xiao Jinbao who helped Shi Zhijian manage the health care product factory, bodyguard Tang Long, driver Aji and others.

Yan Xiong and Fu Toujun went out to help Shi Zhijian with errands, but they still didn't come back after dinner time.

"Master Ma, you are old, you should just call me Ajian as before, it is too natural to call me Mr. Shi!"

"Hehe, who asked me to work in your company now, and I used to call you Mr. Shi when I met the boss, and I couldn't change my words when I came home suddenly." Master Ma spoke, and lit his wine glass to Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian raised his wine glass and touched him lightly, and said, "Why don't you raise your glasses together, we will part ways tomorrow! Aaron, Aji, you should stay at home and take good care of yourself! As for Axiang and Xiao Jinbao, you I also need to clean up the house, and if I come back in a mess, you will be the only ones to ask me!”…

Tang Long and Aji also hurriedly raised their wine glasses.

Ah Xiang and Xiao Jinbao raised their teacups and replaced wine with tea.

Everyone raised their glasses together.

When Shi Zhijian put down the wine glass, Ah Xiang suddenly said: "Then you...will you come back?"

This issue is inevitably somewhat sensitive.

Shi Zhijian has always been a Hongkonger, and his presence is only temporary. Now Shi Zhijian lets them take a good look here, but if Shi Zhijian doesn't come back, then even if he takes good care of this home, what's the point?

Shi Zhijian smiled, and wanted to have a good laugh to get rid of this problem, but he saw Master Ma, Tang Long, and Aji were all looking at him seriously.

Shi Zhijian couldn't laugh anymore, and said seriously: "To be honest, I don't know either!"

After saying a word, Ah Xiang's face immediately became sad, and the circles of her eyes began to turn red.

Others also have different expressions.

In the end, Master Ma said with a "haha" smile: "Ah Xiang, you girl, what kind of question are you asking? This is Ah Jiang's home in Bangkok. No matter how busy he is in Hong Kong, he will find time to come back! You said Isn't that right, Jian?"

Shi Zhijian hurriedly smiled and said: "Of course! As Master Ma said, this is my home, and you are all my family. No matter how busy I am, I will come back to visit you!"

When Ah Xiang heard this, she burst into laughter.

The dignified expressions of the others also relaxed.

At this time, footsteps sounded, followed by a servant's greeting: "Master Yan, Brother Jun, have you eaten yet? Mr. Shi and the others are eating inside!"

It was Yan Xiong and Fu Toujun who were helping Shi Zhijian with errands and came back from outside.

As soon as he entered the room, Yan Xiong happily said to Shi Zhijian: "Mr. Shi, I have already bought the ticket! Luxury cruise ship, 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, VIP room!"

Shi Zhijian nodded: "Then you should clean up well tonight, and set off with me tomorrow!"

"Received!" Yan Xiong was gearing up, his expression very excited.

He did not expect to be able to accompany Hong Kong back to Hong Kong. After leaving Hong Kong for so long, he also misses his family a little bit. What's more, Yan Xiong was very embarrassed when he left, and was looked down upon by many people. Now that he is going to kill him, and as the "arms king", he will see who dares to underestimate himself!

Shi Zhijian looked away from Yan Xiong, seeing the indifferent Axe Jun, he couldn't help asking: "Why, don't you want to go back to Hong Kong?"

Shi Zhijian was right.

For a "prodigal" type of person like Fu Toujun, wandering around the world is more suitable for his personality, especially when he wanders back and forth in Europe, America and Asia with Shi Zhijian Not to mention how cool it is.

Now that he is suddenly asked to go back to Hong Kong, a small place, he always feels a little uncomfortable.

Another point is that it is different from Yan Xiong who had a prominent status in Hong Kong and was among the top four detectives.

Fu Toujun was born as a rotten club boy, and he is the kind of existence that is looked down upon in Hong Kong.

But no one outside knew his identity, and they all respected him. Even if he only served as Shi Zhijian's bodyguard and driver, Fu Toujun felt unprecedented respect.

Seeing that Fu Toujun was silent, Shi Zhijian stood up and poured two glasses of wine to Yan Xiong and Fu Toujun and said, "Whether you like it or not, set sail tomorrow!"

Yan Xiong laughed: "Okay, ruthless!" Then he turned his head and touched Fu Toujun's wine glass: "Go back to Hong Kong, are you happy?"

Axe Jun gave him a white look, and replied angrily: "Happy!"

Seeing this, Shi Zhijian raised his glass and said, "Just be happy! Do it!"

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