Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1468: King of the world!

Chapter 1468 1468 [The King of the World! 】

Shi Zhijian stood up from the sofa, walked to the wine cabinet in the corner of the study with a cigar in his hand, looked at the various drinks in it, and said in a relaxed tone: "You have been with me for so long, and you are considered diligent. It's time to be promoted! Xiangjiang's rule is that only by letting more powerful people become your stepping stones can you truly become a tycoon! Among so many people around me, I am the only one who is optimistic about you, what do you think?"

"I... Mr. Shi, I..." Hu Juncai looked at Shi Zhijian's back excitedly, not knowing what to do.

Chen Huimin, who was guarding the door, also buzzed his head.

You must know that the first few people who followed Shi Zhijian were nothing more than Liu Jianxiong, Hu Juncai, Lou Daxiong, Hu Xuyong and others.

Among them, Liu Jianxiong is the most talented.

Liu Jianxiong was about the same age and congenial, but unfortunately, Liu Jianxiong was too ambitious and always wanted to overtake Shi Zhijian, but in the end he became ashamed and was kicked out of Shinhwa's board of directors.

Although he has achieved fame and become a billionaire in Hong Kong, for many people, if he had not had Shi Zhijian as his backer, he would not have come to where he is today. To put it bluntly, it was Shi Zhijian who was releasing water!

Not to mention anything else, in real estate projects alone, Shi Zhijian deliberately gave up some profits to Liu Jianxiong's real estate company many times, but these are very secretive and not many people know.

Many people think that Shi Zhijian is cold-blooded and ruthless towards his opponents, but only people around Shi Zhijian know that Shi Zhijian is also very humane, and Liu Jianxiong is one of them.

Of course, the reason why Shi Zhijian did this was because of his own considerations, that is, Liu Jianxiong once helped him, and now Shi Zhijian has paid it off, and he owes nothing!

Except for Liu Jianxiong who is most likely to join the ranks of tycoons, Hu Juncai is among the rest.

First, Hu Jun is educated and belongs to a barrister.

Second, Hu Juncai is quick-witted. He once started his own company, and his current company is also very popular.

Third, Hu Juncai once helped Shi Zhijian in the arms business, this alone is fully qualified to become a tycoon!

As for Hu Xuyong and Lou Daxiong, even if they have been with Shi Zhijian for a long time, it is not easy to advance in terms of talent and background. After all, big shots like Lai Hao will go ashore for nothing, let alone the two of them?

Of course, if time is used to calculate, as long as they are willing to be loyal to Shi Zhijian, Shi Zhijian will definitely give them a chance to be promoted in the future.

Xiangjiang tycoon, who doesn't want to do it? !

At least Chen Huimin wanted to do it very much, but unfortunately, he was just a bodyguard and driver next to Shi Zhijian, and he deliberately couldn't do it in his life.

At this time, Chen Huimin couldn't help sighing secretly why he didn't study more and why he joined the club, otherwise he would be pushed to the top by Shi Zhijian like Hu Juncai, a lawyer.

Shi Zhijian looked at the wine cabinet for a long time before opening the cabinet door, selected a red wine from inside, and handed it to Chen Huimin, asking him to open it for him. When he turned around, he happened to see Hu Juncai excited——

"Ah Cai, don't get excited! To be honest, you are getting old too, with gray hair appearing on your temples. How old are you this year?"

"thirty eight!"

"That's right, you and I were only in our thirties, and eight years have passed in the blink of an eye! If you continue to wait, you may blame me! I hope that in the future, the Hong Kong tycoon can also have your seat , when we attend the ceremony or something together, we can chat and chat, we won’t be unfamiliar!”

Shi Zhijian's words made Hu Juncai almost shed tears, "Mr. Shi, I—"

Shi Zhijian asked Chen Huimin to bring over the poured red wine and handed it to Hu Juncai: "Anyway, I, Shi Zhijian, will never treat people who are with me and those who are loyal to me! So what if you make more money in the vegetable business you are doing now? It seems that many bigwigs still can’t get on the stage, and you don’t want to intervene in the arms business, so you have no choice but to take advantage of Yan Xiong as the Asian arms king! As for you, you will suffer a little bit and become the jewelry king once!”

"Jewel King?"

"Yes! This war is up to you, and I will appoint you as the CEO of Myth Jewelry Company—"

"Miss Xie Bingqian...doesn't she object?"

"She is my wife. I don't want her to work so hard. Besides, she shouldn't show her face so much as a woman. Let her be your deputy!"

Hu Juncai immediately figured it out when he heard the words. Indeed, in the world of Hong Kong, men must come forward to do business. No matter how capable women are, they can't socialize in nightclubs or dance halls all day long.

On the surface, Shi Zhijian asked Xie Bingqian to be his deputy, but in fact he was protecting her. Of course, the power of this deputy is actually no less than that of Hu Juncai, the president.

"How about it, King of Jewelry, can you get it?" Shi Zhijian raised his wine glass as a gesture.

"Okay!" Hu Juncai hurriedly picked up the red wine and clinked glasses with Shi Zhijian. At this moment, he is full of energy!

"Mr. Shi, I have sent Lawyer Hu away."

When Chen Huimin returned to the study room again, he saw Shi Zhijian sitting on the sofa drinking red wine alone, looking at the documents in front of him, without raising his head, he said, "Huimin, do you envy Lawyer Hu?"

"Uh, this... yes, a little bit!" Chen Huimin hesitated and said, "It's a pity that I don't study much, and I don't know anything except boxing, so I can't help you too much!"

Shi Zhijian smiled: "You are wrong when you say that. Everyone has their own specialties. What they should do, what they should not do, what they will do, and what they will not do are all predestined!"

Chen Huimin hurriedly walked up to Shi Zhijian, picked up the bottle of red wine, lightly poured some wine into Shi Zhijian's glass and said, "My specialty is serving you, Mr. Shi!" After speaking, he put down the red wine and took a step back, respectfully.

Shi Zhijian smiled, pointed to the red wine and suddenly asked Chen Huimin, "Are you interested in this?"

"Uh, you mean red wine?"

"That's right!" Shi Zhijian said with a smile, "When I went to France this time, I met a friend named Louis. He just opened a winery in France, mainly selling high-end red wine. He hoped that I could help him in Hong Kong. How about opening up the market here, are you interested?"

Hearing this, Chen Huimin was almost stupid.

You know, Chen Huimin likes to pretend in private, so he has done a thorough "research" on red wine. In his opinion, crossing his legs and shaking the red wine is like a cultural person, and he can make his black wine History is whitewashed.

Therefore, Chen Huimin has a "soft spot" for red wine.

But these are some of his very secret things, how could Shi Zhijian know?

Of course Shi Zhijian knew! In his last life, after Chen Huimin retired from the film industry, he opened a winery and sold red wine. He also established a wine company with Macau Beng Yaju, singing and dancing with friends on the road, and helping wine sales.

"Ahem, Mr. Shi, I'm very interested in red wine, really! However, because the cost is too high, to do the red wine business, this—"

"I pay, you contribute! Of course, you still have another choice—"

"Uh, what?"

"Leave me and go filming!"

"What, Mr. Shi, you don't want me anymore? What did I do wrong! I'm sorry, I will change it!" Chen Huimin was startled.

"Don't get excited!" Shi Zhijian stood up and patted him on the shoulder, caressing him, "Don't you and Dasha like acting very much? When I was not in Hong Kong, I even went to Golden Harvest to hang out—"

"Uh, this—" Chen Huimin scratched his scalp vigorously.

"Do what you like! Only in this way can you make achievements! What's more, you can also help me drive while filming, I will not fire you!" Shi Zhijian said.

"I'm wasting time filming, who will protect you, Mr. Shi?"

"Do I still need someone to protect me in Hong Kong?" Shi Zhijian's tone showed a bit of domineering, "Maybe someone outside would dare to attack me, but in Hong Kong—I am the king here, who dares?!"

Chen Huimin was stunned, looking at Shi Zhijian, for some reason, there was a leisurely admiration and respect in his heart!

Only people like Shi Zhijian dared to say this.

"But Huimin—"

"I'm here, Mr. Shi!"

"You are in the wine business, before you make a movie, you need to do something for me first!"

"do what?"

"Help me find some people," Shi Zhijian said, "You've been in the entertainment industry for so long, you should know them!"

Shi Zhijian picked up a list and handed it to Chen Huimin, "Arrange a dinner, I want to meet them! By the way, don't tell them my identity yet, I'm going to give them a surprise!"

Chen Huimin hurriedly took the list and looked down, stunned!

Except for two of the people on the list he knew, he didn't know the others at all!

What about Zhou Runfa, Zhang Guorong, Wang Zuxian, Zhong Chuhong, as for the two I know, one is Tan Yonglin, one of the lead singers of the famous Wenner Band, and the other is Jin Nian, who won the best actress at the Asia-Pacific Film Festival for "Eight Hundred Heroes" Lin Qingxia!

"These three men and three women, you can make an appointment for me, I'll set up a game, okay?" Seeing Chen Huimin in a daze with the list, Shi Zhijian reminded again.

"Oh, OK!" Chen Huimin hurriedly gestured an OK gesture, but was worried in his heart, "Where can I find these people? It's terrible!"

For Shi Zhijian, Zheng Yutong's plan to cut off his capital chain is to think about the problem from the perspective of an opponent.

However, as an overlord who is about to rule the jewelry world, Shi Zhijian thinks about the problem from the perspective of how to make the reputation of mythical jewelry!

Therefore, Shi Zhijian wants to copy the method of Thailand, and continuously acquire newspapers, radio stations, TV stations and film companies in Hong Kong, and then use these media to fight public opinion wars!

What century-old store?

For Shi Zhijian, what everyone knows is a century-old store. If you don't know, what if you are a thousand-year-old store?

Of course, it will cost a lot of money to acquire so many entertainment companies, especially in terms of movies, Shi Zhijian must first ensure that these movie companies can make money!

Whether a company can make money depends not only on whether the film is good or not, but also on the actors!

In the past, Shi Zhijian's greatest reliance was the generation of kung fu superstar Bruce Lee. If Bruce Lee hadn't passed away, Shi Zhijian wouldn't have had such troubles at all, but he would have directly asked Bruce Lee to be his spokesperson.

It's a pity that Bruce Lee died young just like his last life! The behind-the-scenes murderer Shi Zhijian who killed Bruce Lee has not yet been found, but it is only a matter of time.

What Shi Zhijian has to do now is to continue to dig and train new stars. Among them, Hong Jinbao and Cheng Long have joined Golden Harvest, and Cheng Long has been given great hope to replace Bruce Lee and become the second dragon.

But Shi Zhijian is still not satisfied. He wants to create more stars to serve the future Myth Entertainment. There is no doubt that Zhou Runfa, Zhang Guorong, and Tan Yonglin will all be big stars who will lead the development of Hong Kong films in the future. Their achievements are limitless. It is also the object of competition for many film companies.

What Shi Zhijian has to do now is to wipe out all these people!

Shi Zhijian's calculations were very precise, but Chen Huimin, who wanted to open a red winery for business, suffered a lot.

Fortunately, Chen Huimin has been on the set a lot these years, and he also knows many famous people in the industry, such as Tan Yonglin and Lin Qingxia, who quickly settled down.

As for Zhou Runfa, Zhang Guorong, Zhong Chuhong and Wang Zuxian, after his own efforts to investigate, find a private detective, contact a newspaper, etc., he finally got an appointment with them.

At that time, Zhou Runfa was still playing a supporting role in TVB's "Jianghu Boy", playing handsome with a toothpick in his mouth.

Zhang Guorong is more like a stunned young man who plunges headlong into an unknown record company to dream of becoming a singer.

Zhong Chuhong is still working as a sales lady in a department store.

Wang Zuxian was still in charge of the appearance and the main force of the school basketball team, but temporarily recuperated due to an ankle injury.

At the same time, they received an appointment call from Chen Huimin, so they agreed to meet Shi Zhijian out of curiosity and shyness.

In this way, almost three days have passed.

When Chen Huimin came back and reported to Shi Zhijian that the matter had been settled and that he would be at a music bar restaurant called "Rolling Stone" in Causeway Bay tonight, he smiled at Chen Huimin: "I didn't expect you to be interested in music besides red wine! "

Chen Huimin was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"Isn't Rolling Stone a music company? Its records are very famous!"

"Have it?"

Chen Huimin asked Shi Zhijian just remembered that he made a mistake!

The full name of Rolling Stone Records in the previous life is "Rolling Stone International Music Co., Ltd.", a Baodao record company founded by brothers Duan Zhongyi and Duan Zhongtan in 1980, and it is also the largest independent record company in Asia.

It's only 1975, and it hasn't even been established yet.

"Oh, my memory is wrong, it's from a foreign country! A foreign music company!" Shi Zhijian hurriedly corrected, "I thought you liked music very much, so choose such a place!"

"No, I'm into music—ahem!"

"Then this Rolling Stone—"

"Oh, I heard that the restaurant used to be a hotel, and it was hit by a rolling stone, so it was changed into a Rolling Stone restaurant. The boss said it was God's will!"

"Ahem!" This time it was Shi Zhijian's turn to cough, and said, "This boss has character!"

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