Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1474: Buy Jiayi!

Chapter 1475 1474 [Acquisition of Jiayi! 】

After Shi Zhijian participated in the Bruce Lee statue ceremony, he chatted with Shao Daheng and other filmmakers.

During the conversation, although he didn't talk much, mainly Shao Daheng and others were talking, but every word Shi Zhijian said was very precise, and he also directly pointed out the development trend of Hong Kong movies in the future.

Shi Zhijian's trend was exactly the opposite of Shao Daheng's.

Shao Daheng believes that due to the impact of TV programs, people all over the world, especially Hong Kong people, will like to watch free TV programs instead of movies, and the business of movie theaters will be bleak. Therefore, the production of his Shaw Brothers films will be gradually reduced, and he will focus on the creation of TV programs.

Shi Zhijian believes that TV will not be able to replace movies for a long time in the future because of different production costs and different target groups.

Movies have a more precise audience, and TV programs, no matter how free they are, cannot meet the requirements of some audiences. Secondly, movies are still in the development stage, and there will be various types of movies in the future, such as stereoscopic movies, 3D movies, and so on.

In addition, the atmosphere that the audience feels when watching a movie in a cinema is definitely different from the atmosphere when watching TV at home. This is the fundamental reason why movies cannot be overwhelmed and replaced by TV.

Finally, Shi Zhijian said meaningfully: "Hong Kong films have just started, not declining. If I predict, Hong Kong films still have at least 30 years of golden development time! I hope all film colleagues will encourage me!"

Shi Zhijian's words are sonorous and powerful. The most important thing is that as the president of Shinhwa Group, he is a businessman with unique forward-looking insights. Even those who are familiar with him know that any project Shi Zhijian invests in, or that he identifies as a trend All good industries will make a lot of money, and the prospects are bright!

Immediately, Third Young Master Xu, First Young Master Huo, Zou Wenhuai, Li Hanxiang and others applauded.

Shao Daheng's expression was a little embarrassed, he didn't expect Shi Zhijian to sing against himself on such an occasion.

Shi Zhijian also felt Shao Daheng's displeasure, so he got up, walked to Shao Daheng's side, bent down and said to him: "Uncle Six, I'm just talking casually! It's just everyone's support, don't mind it!"

"How could it be? This kind of occasion requires everyone to speak freely!" Shao Daheng also had to be more generous.

"That's good! I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, so I'll leave first! Also, thank you, Uncle Six, for being able to attend the ceremony here today! Thank you!" Shi Zhijian once again expressed his gratitude to Daheng Shao.

Daheng Shao was too embarrassed to say anything more, but he was just curious about what Shi Zhijian was going to do on such an important occasion.

After Shi Zhijian left, Daheng Shao hooked his fingers, and soon his confidant, Zhou Duwen, trotted to his side.

"Uncle Six, what is your order, old man?"

"Go, see what Shi is in a hurry to do?"


Hilton Hotel,

In the conference hall——

When He Zuozhi was invited into the hall by Hu Juncai, he realized that he was not the only one invited today. Besides him, there were Qiu Dejian, president of Hong Kong Far East Bank, Mai Luowen, head of Hong Kong Commercial Radio, and Hong Kong "Overseas Chinese". Daily Journal Johnson et al.

He Zuozhi glanced at them and found that most of these people were in the media business, at least they also owned the media industry. For example, Qiu Degen of the Far East Bank was in finance, but he owned a part of Hong Kong Lai TV. Although it is rare, it is also very rare. After all, Li's is controlled by ghosts, and it will be very difficult for Chinese funds to invest.

When He Zuozhi entered the hall, everyone glanced at him with different expressions.

Hu Juncai invited He Zuozhi to sit down at a seat, and then said to everyone with a smile: "Everyone, please wait a moment, our boss will be here soon."

The boss that Hu Juncai said was of course Shi Zhijian.

Only a big man like Shi Zhijian has the power and the right to be late, making Qiu De and He Zuozhi "wait" here.

Hu Juncai then asked the waiter to prepare coffee and cigars, and then he said goodbye to everyone, turned and left with a smile.

After Hu Juncai left, Qiu Dehe picked up a cigar and looked at it, and said with a smile: "This Shi Zhijian has spent a lot of money, and I don't know what good things he can do for me. He entertained us with such a good cigar and coffee!"

Everyone is also a prominent figure, and of course they are very good at these things. McRowan said: "I heard that he is expanding the media industry recently, and he may be interested in our media company!"

"Yes, many companies have been acquired by Shinhwa Entertainment. Daheng Shao criticized Shi Zhijian severely in the newspapers for this before, saying that he is killing them all and not giving the media people a chance to survive!" After Qiu Dehe finished speaking, he bit his cigar, Intentionally or unintentionally, he glanced at everyone.

"Hey, I just have a newspaper and nothing else!" Johnson said, "The person we are most qualified to negotiate with Shi Zhijian is Mr. He. He has a TV station!"

Seeing everyone mentioning himself, He Zuozhi hurriedly said, "I'm not good at negotiating, and I need everyone to work hard later!"

As soon as this remark came out, Qiu De followed the case immediately and said: "Well said! Huddle together and twist into a rope, our victory will be greater!"

Everyone couldn't help being happy, and said yes, no matter how sharp Shi Zhijian is, if we all work together, we will be very powerful.

But suddenly—

He Zuozhi: "In this case, why did Shi Zhijian put us here alone? Isn't he afraid that we will form a group?"


One sentence stunned everyone.

At this moment, Shi Zhijian's voice sounded from outside the door: "Several bosses, doing business is to stick together! The era of going it alone is long gone!"

While talking, Shi Zhijian, who was only wearing a loose shirt with a loose neckline, his right shoulder was thickly padded, and a windbreaker, brought Hu Juncai in from the meeting room.

"Hehe, Ah Jian, you're finally here!" Qiu Dehe and Shi Zhijian were also old friends, and they had helped Shi Zhijian before, so it was right to put on a big show.

Others stood up from their seats and greeted politely: "Mr. Shi, hello!"

Although Shi Zhijian is young, he has a special status. If he is just the president of the Shinhwa Group, that's fine. However, he is also the first Chinese member of parliament and the third-class earl of the British Empire. Based on these two points alone, everyone at the scene had to respect him a little bit.

Shi Zhijian shook his shoulders and shook off the windbreaker.

Hu Juncai caught it, and seeing Shi Zhijian looking refreshed, he also greeted everyone politely.

"Boss Qiu, you are in good spirits. I heard that your Far East Bank has attracted a lot of business recently!"

"Mr. Mai, the song contest held by your radio station was very successful. I especially like Xu Guanjie's "Ghost and Horse Twin Stars"! I heard that this is also the first Chinese song to be broadcast on the British BBC radio station!"

"Mr. Zhong Youzhuang, your "Overseas Chinese Daily" is making a lot of money every day, and the commercial secrets published have helped many stockholders make a fortune! It is known as the first newspaper for stock trading!"

Shi Zhijian talked to everyone, seemingly casually, but Qiu De and the others were filled with astonishment.

You must know that they did not disclose a lot of information to the outside world, but Shi Zhijian was able to blurt it out, which shows how terrifying the Shinhwa Group is in terms of intelligence collection.

In the end, Shi Zhijian looked at He Zuozhi, "The most distressing thing here may be He Sheng. Jiayi TV has been stuck in the throat by Shangfeng, and I am afraid it will be a disaster for the two months of operation!"

As soon as this remark came out, Qiu De and others looked at He Zuozhi, not understanding what Shi Zhijian meant. His TV station has only been on the air for more than two months, so you can curse him for losing money.

Only He Zuozhi clearly knew what Shi Zhijian meant by "stuck throat".

At the beginning, he was eager to win. In order to get the TV station license issued by the government as soon as possible, he accepted a very unreasonable request from above to broadcast educational programs during the prime time of the TV station!

That's why, when other TV stations are broadcasting TV dramas, Jiayi is broadcasting an English teaching program, and a ghost is teaching the audience ABC! Only the devil will see!

So much so that no advertisers were willing to invest at that time, and advertising fees are the biggest source of funds for TV stations at this stage.

Of course, in addition to this, Jiayi still has many shortcomings, such as management, TV production, and marketing, etc., because it is a new TV station with no experience, unless you spend a lot of money to poach people from other TV stations, otherwise Everything has to be touched from scratch!

"Thank you Mr. Shi for your concern. Although our Jiayi's situation is not good, we can still persevere!" He Zuozhi said to Shi Zhijian with a smile on his face.

"It's good to persevere!" Shi Zhijian smiled and sat down in front of the crowd, and the waiter brought coffee to him.

"However, investing in a TV station is a big gamble, and the amount of investment will increase in the later stage!" Shi Zhijian glanced at He Zuozhi, "At that time, many people will find that your TV station has suffered serious losses. Who else is willing to invest in it?" Invest to join?"

"So what about you, Mr. Shi, did you invite me over to buy my TV station?" He Zuozhi asked back.

"That's right! I have this plan!" Shi Zhijian smiled, leaned back, and picked up the coffee cup with one hand: "But I'm not sure yet. To be precise, I'm still thinking about—"

"Uh, what?" He Zuozhi was taken aback, he didn't understand what trick Shi Zhijian was playing.

At this time, Qiu Dehe seemed to have understood something, and suddenly applauded: "Sharp! Sharp!"

Everyone looked at Qiu Dehe together.

Qiu Dehe sighed and said, "Ah Jian, just now I told you that you are really generous. You arranged such good coffee and cigars for a mere meeting. Now I realize that you are really stingy!"

Everyone became even more curious, and looked at Qiu Dehe with puzzled expressions.

Qiu Dehe: "Don't you understand?" After speaking, he looked at everyone, "What do we people do? We are in the media! There are radio stations, newspapers, and TV stations! Now Jiayi is losing money How many people know about it? Of course we are a few! But soon the whole of Hong Kong may know, even if He Sheng wants to sell the TV station, the price will be greatly reduced, or he will continue to stick to it and invest money in it... As for who leaked the news, then I have to ask Mr. Shi Zhijian Shi?"

Only then did everyone understand that Shi Zhijian invited them here today just to make them "accomplices" to stimulate He Zuozhi!

He Zuozhi also understood, and couldn't help looking at Shi Zhijian, with complaints flashing in his eyes.

Shi Zhijian drank his coffee calmly: "You are right in saying that!" After speaking, he looked at He Zuozhi, "But I am doing it for your own good!"

"For my own good? Hehe, Mr. Shi and I are not related, so why do you want to be good for me?" He Zuozhi's tone was full of sarcasm.

"I owe a favor to Sir Ho Tung of Macau, and I will pay it back to you now!" Shi Zhijian said, stretching his hand behind.

Hu Juncai immediately handed the materials he had prepared to Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian passed the information in his hand to He Zuozhi, "This is my calculation of Jiayi TV's profit for the next three years, it may not be accurate, you have the right to use it as a reference—"

He Zuozhi froze for a moment, reached out to take the information handed over by Shi Zhijian, and glanced at it a few times.

At the beginning, his expression was very calm, even a little sneering, his Jiayi knew it well, how could an outsider have the right to calculate the profit? !

But gradually, He Zuozhi's complexion changed, becoming very shocked and ugly!

Qiu De and the others looked at He Zuozhi with curiosity while biting their cigars. They wanted to poke their heads over to look at the document together, but they were embarrassed by their identities.

Shi Zhijian drank his coffee contentedly, he knew He Zuozhi's mood very well. Because the information in He Zuozhi's hand was concocted by Shi Zhijian according to the trend of Jiayi TV station in the previous generation. Every word above is very precise about the development of Jiayi TV. Of course, it includes its development trend, countermeasures, and bankruptcy after three years, etc. The examples are extremely detailed.

The situation at this moment is equivalent to Shi Zhijian opening the golden finger and putting Jiayi's past and present in front of He Zuozhi. Why don't you surprise He Zuozhi?

I don't know how long it took, but He Zuozhi finally calmed down his beating heart.

He raised his head and looked at Shi Shi Zhijian was holding his coffee and looking at him with a smile.

Qiu Dehe and the others looked at them curiously.

"I can sell Jiayi to you!"

With a bang, as soon as He Zuozhi said this, Qiu Dehe and the others were surprised. With a few casual words and a piece of information, He Zuozhi was settled? !

"However, I want to ask you a question. Since you calculated that Jiayi lost money, why did you buy it?"

That's right, Qiu De and others are also very curious, since you said that their TV station suffered serious losses, why did you buy them again? !

Facing such a question, Shi Zhijian smiled.

He leaned forward and put down the slightly cooled coffee in his hand, then raised his head to meet He Zuozhi's eyes and said, "Because I can revitalize my life!"

A simple sentence, full of confidence and arrogance!

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