Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1478: Times have changed!

Chapter 1479 1478 [Times have changed! 】

The entire conference hall was eerily quiet.

Everyone stared at Shi Zhijian.

Especially Lei Luo and the others had weird expressions.

"Hahaha!" Suddenly Lei Luo laughed, breaking the silence of the scene, "Okay! Well said! Ah Jian, you really mean it!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"You are so considerate of me, I'm really happy! Let me go to Vancouver, and there are many Chinese people there, and the climate is suitable! Haha, I'm so happy!" Lei Luo bit his cigar, smiled all over his face, and said sharply Turn: "But what should I do? I was forty years old when I met you, and now I'm only forty-eight years old! Let me retire? Let me run away? Ah Jian, I really don't want to--of course, I won't get involved Everyone!"

After Lei Luo finished speaking, he glanced at everyone, "Let me think about it, give me some time, okay?"

"Brother Luo was joking!"

"Yeah, no one is forcing you to retire!"

"Yeah, no one is forcing you to run away!"

"Everyone is a family man, so be careful!"

"It's a matter of heart!" Lei Luo grinned while biting a big cigar, and then looked at Shi Zhijian: "So what about you and me, are you heart-to-heart?"

"Of course I also care about it!" Shi Zhijian responded with a smile, "So I am willing to give Luo Ge you time to think about it! But let me say one more thing, time is not on our side now! You understand!" After finishing speaking, Shi Zhijian said He greeted everyone again and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, Shi Zhijian suddenly turned around and snapped his fingers beautifully, then pointed at the 500 million money mountain in front of everyone: "To be honest, it's very tempting!"

Everyone was silent, feeling that this was a great irony, everyone silently watched Shi Zhijian turn and leave.

After Shi Zhijian disappeared, Lei Luo said to everyone: "Everyone should leave too! The play is over, and the protagonist has already left! Aunt Pu, I didn't expect such a good anti-king army to come to the city. But he was beaten to pieces by Li Yuanba with a pair of copper hammers!"

Everyone was silent and looked at Lei Luo.

Lei Luo gestured with his eyes, "Let's all go!"

Only then did everyone bid farewell to Lei Luo one by one, and left silently.

Lei Luo asked Chen Zhichao, Lan Gang and Han Sen to stay.

After everyone left, Lei Luo sat down on a chair while biting a cigar, and Chen Zhichao and others gathered around and sat down together.

"Honestly, am I stingy?" Lei Luo pointed to the 500 million gold mountain behind him, "500 million, isn't he tempted?"

"You should have guessed it, Brother Luo!" Lan Gang said, "Who is A Jian? He is worth more than all of us here combined, so how can he value the 500 million?"

"Yeah, he can make a lot of money from real estate development, and we are clearly forcing him to do this now!" Han Sen said.

"So he put us in the army, and put us down on the fire!" Chen Zhichao sighed, "If the four of us don't agree to his request, we will offend other people. These people can do anything to protect themselves come out!"

Lei Luo also felt a little regretful.

Originally, he thought he was smart and set up such a game to plot against Shi Zhijian.

He wanted to rely on the large number of people to force Shi Zhijian to submit obediently and act as their broker, but Shi Zhijian didn't expect Shi Zhijian to come up with such a trick, let the four of them be cannon fodder, and the rest can sleep peacefully.

But the problem is that the four of them are definitely not the kind of good people who are willing to sacrifice themselves and have noble sentiments!

"Brother Luo, you won't be able to hold on for long with this strategy of delaying the attack!" Lan Gang said, "Now those people are watching us—"

Lei Luo sighed, crushed the cigar into the ashtray and said, "I asked for it! Forget that A Jian is a well-known traitor. If you want to plot against him, you will only be plotted by him in the end! Now On the neck of the knife holder, if we don't make a statement, we might get into big trouble!"

"Then what should we do?"

"How to do it?" Lei Luo glanced at Chen Zhichao and the others, "To untie the bell, you need someone to tie it! I don't believe it, Ah Jian is so unreasonable! Since the scheme can't handle him, we can only use the truth!"

"As I said earlier, Ah Jian belongs to the kind of temperamental person who is extremely smart. If you try to trick him, you will only humiliate yourself. Why don't you ask him out to drink tea and have a heart-to-heart talk? You just want to do this What the **** is Jinshan Yinshan—" Before Lan Gang finished speaking, he saw Lei Luo staring at him, and quickly changed the subject: "Of course, it's good to test it out like this, at least you know where his bottom line is!"

Lei Luo rolled his eyes and threw the crushed cigar into the ashtray: "The meeting is over!"

After Shi Zhijian left the Thunder Club, he did not go home immediately, but asked Chen Huimin to drive him to the ICAC to look for Ding Yongqiang.

Since Ding Yongqiang graduated from the Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy, Shi Zhijian helped him design every step of the plan. First, he became a marine police officer, and then turned into a "headshot detective", and was transferred to Wanchai District by Chen Xijiu. Inspector.

Following Lei Luo's promotion and Chen Xijiu's promotion, Ding Yongqiang also rose to the top and was transferred to the ICAC by Shi Zhijian.

In the past few years in the ICAC, Ding Yongqiang's life is the most difficult.

Before, he followed Lei Luo because Shi Zhijian didn't let him be greedy, so he could only live on his own salary and Shi Zhijian's "relief". Even so, Lei Luo was on guard against him, not daring to let him participate in too many internal affairs of the "Money Empire" group.

After Ding Yongqiang was transferred to the ICAC by Shi Zhijian, Ding Yongqiang became completely different.

On the one hand, Lei Luo and Chen Zhichao didn't want to see him any more, but because of Shi Zhijian's face, he adopted the method of "keeping a distance" from him. On the surface, he was affectionate with Ding Yongqiang, but in fact he was even more wary of Ding Yongqiang.

Even Chen Xijiu, who has an extremely close relationship with Ding Yongqiang, has no choice but to keep a distance from him, or Lei Luo will reprimand him.

Conversely, on the ICAC side, Ding Yongqiang was not seen by those ghost superiors, mainly the people from Bailiqu's faction, they all regarded Ding Yongqiang as Lei Luo's gang who had placed inside the ICAC. In fact, Ding Yongqiang really wanted to declare loudly: "I am Shi Zhijian's insider!"

In short, this situation made Ding Yongqiang very depressed. Everyone in the ICAC regarded him as a transparent person, and the people at Lei Luo also regarded him as a cardboard person. His daily work was also very easy, but his life was very happy. Either buying betting tickets, or going to the ICAC for a walk, fishing for fish and sleeping, and occasionally soaking up the new little sister at the front desk.

At this moment, Ding Yongqiang was leaning against the front desk, and said to the hot young girl solemnly: "I used to be nicknamed Headshot Detective, do you know why?"

"Why?" The little sister just graduated from the police academy, she belongs to the type of police flower, and she was assigned here to do the front desk experience through her relationship. This kind of place is neither hard nor dangerous, making this greenhouse flower stupid, believing everything .

"Of course it's because I'm powerful enough. One shot to the head is accurate!" Immediately afterwards, Ding Yongqiang began to brag about how brave he was, how many big cases he had participated in, such as the Eternal Life Bank robbery, Prince Edward Road murder case, Hollywood Road Three golden odd cases and so on.

He also boasted about the "provincial and Hong Kong flag soldiers", and the "Vietnamese Corps" would walk around Ding Yongqiang when they saw him.

The little sister covered her small mouth and stared wide-eyed, her expression froze, she sincerely worshiped Ding Yongqiang as a macho man of the century.

Some ICAC members around couldn't stand it any longer, and one of the leaders said sarcastically, "Director Ding is so cool, he has experienced so many big cases, but it seems that some cases happened ten years ago. At that time, Director Ding seemed to be I haven't applied for the police academy yet..."

"That's why it's fierce enough! You can solve a big case without even going to the police academy!" Another person sarcastically said.

Ding Yongqiang, as the director of the investigation department of the ICAC, originally held a high position and authority, and these people definitely did not dare to be so presumptuous.

To be precise, Shi Zhijian backed Ding Yongqiang at that time, even that old ghost Bailiqu had to give Shi Zhijian face.

However, after Shi Zhijian went to the UK, the ICAC didn't get involved in the affairs of the ICAC.

Bailiqu found an opportunity to directly arrange for his own people to crowd out Ding Yongqiang. Although Ding Yongqiang was the director of the investigation department in name, he had no real power.

So much so that everyone in the ICAC now knows that Director Ding has no power or power, and is a person who was squeezed out by Sir Bailiqu. In order to please Bailiqu, many people even threw stones at Ding Yongqiang.

According to Ding Yongqiang's fiery personality, when encountering such a thing, he would have punched him or shot him in the head, but now he is mature, and Shi Zhijian told him when he left Hong Kong for the UK: "Survive for two or three years." , I will send you to the blue sky!"

Although Ding Yongqiang didn't quite understand the meaning of Shi Zhijian's words, he understood a little bit now.

The reason is that the days of Lei Luo and the others are getting more and more difficult!

In the past, Ding Yongqiang was very repulsed by the rules Shi Zhijian set for himself, so that he could not be greedy.

Ding Yongqiang didn't understand at that time, but now he understands.

Now in the entire Chinese police circle, there are only a few people who can avoid corruption and be targeted, such as Ren Darong of the Flying and Ding Yongqiang.

On the other hand, even if Lei Luo was more powerful and powerful before, so what? No matter how powerful and prestige can surpass the governor of Hong Kong? The Governor of Hong Kong will have someone check you, who dares to protect you? !

"Haha, I was bragging a little bit, but it wouldn't be exciting if I didn't brag!" Facing the sarcasm of these colleagues, Ding Yongqiang casually slapped haha.

Those colleagues still wanted to continue to laugh at him. At this time, Chen Huimin walked in. The guard at the door wanted to stop Chen Huimin from showing Shi Zhijian's parliamentary pass. The man dodged aside in shock.

Then Chen Huimin walked straight up to Ding Yongqiang: "Brother Qiang, Mr. Shi is looking for you!"

"He's looking for me?" Ding Yongqiang's heart skipped a beat, as if he had anticipated something.

The last time the foundation stone laying ceremony of the Bruce Lee Memorial Hall was held, he and Chen Xijiu went to help Shi Zhijian. Shi Zhijian was too busy to talk to him, but now he took the initiative to find him, could it be——

Ding Yongqiang's breathing became short of breath, "I'm going to see him!" After finishing speaking, he didn't have time to tease the hot girl, and hurried outside.

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