Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1480: condescension!

Chapter 1481 1480 [Condescending! 】

"Brother Jian, I believe you! But I also know how capable I am. I have been in the ICAC for so long now, and I have been a transparent person for so long. I am afraid that even if I am transferred to O, I will not be able to convince the public!" Ding Yongqiang is no longer what he used to be. That "stupid strong" has started to like to use his brain in life and work.

That's right, Shi Zhijian wants to support him now, and transfer him from the ICAC to O Ji to be a big boss. The problem is that he is lonely and powerless, even if he goes to O Ji, he will be ridiculed. He will be dismissed within a few days. After all, many people covet the throne, including many ghost superintendents. How can he be cheap for a Chinese?

Shi Zhijian smiled: "As the saying goes, if you are in the position, you should seek the government! Since you have gone to the O Ji, of course you should do some things that the O Ji should do! As long as you make achievements, no one can shake you!"

"Brother Jian, what do you mean—"

Chen Huimin suddenly said, "Mr. Shi, the Kowloon Walled City is here!"

Shi Zhijian pointed to the outer city wall and asked Ding Yongqiang, "What do you think of this city wall?"

Ding Yongqiang looked outside at the city that was dormant like a behemoth in the night, and swallowed his saliva: "Everyone knows that this is a three-way zone. Last year and the year before last, the police dispatched 3,000 troops to eradicate the evil forces in the city. It's a pity. In the end, they returned without success, and to be precise, the casualties were heavy!"

Shi Zhijian is clear about this.

Last year, Mai Lihao had a whim, and felt that soon after he took office, he had to make a big deal to show to his superiors, to tell the people of Hong Kong and the British government exactly, so who should be the one to do it? The first is the corrupt Hong Kong police force, which is the corruption group headed by Lei Luo, and the second is the Kowloon Walled City, which is like a cancer in Hong Kong.

Mai Lihao is ambitious and wants to eradicate these two cancers in one fell swoop, but unfortunately, the ideal is plump but the reality is skinny.

In particular, Mai Lihao made a fatal mistake, which is to start a two-sided war. One side severely cracks down on police corruption, and the other side urges the police to go shopping with the Kowloon Walled City. Who would be stupid to do this? Being investigated by you, but also working hard for you? In particular, Lei Luo is holding on to the most powerful Flying Tigers in the police force. Without the support of the Flying Tigers, how can those policemen fight against those desperadoes in the Walled City?

In this way, the police attacked the Walled City twice in a row but ended in failure, and the loss of soldiers and generals made Mai Lihao unable to step down, and the police chief resigned directly and replaced him with Ducat.

"That's right, this place is a cancer of Hong Kong! So—" Shi Zhijian looked at Ding Yongqiang, "If you want to secure your position as the boss of O Ji, then the first thing you need to do is to eradicate the Kowloon Walled City!"

"Ahem! What?" Ding Yongqiang was almost frightened to death.

Even Chen Huimin, who was driving in front, slammed on the brakes in shock, and the car stopped sideways.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shi, I—" Chen Huimin didn't know how to explain.

Shi Zhijian didn't blame him, just glanced outside the Kowloon Walled City, and said to Ding Yongqiang: "The place is here, go down and eat hot pot!"

In a place like the Kowloon Walled City, there are very few truly wealthy people who come here to eat.

Therefore, when Shi Zhijian came in a Bentley, he immediately attracted the attention of the Chengzhai boy. When he looked carefully at the license plate number, his expression changed drastically.

There is no way, just like Lei Luo's license plate number is three fives, Shi Zhijian's license plate number is three eights, now almost everyone knows that "three eights" is Shi Zhijian's car, so there are rumors in the world that "three eights" Shi Zhijian!"

Near the city wall, a group of men with hideous faces stared at Shi Zhijian who got off the Bentley with shining eyes.

They greedily looked at Shi Zhijian's clothes, the gold watch on Shi Zhijian's wrist, and his diamond tie clip, calculating how much money they could exchange at the **** shop if they snatched it.

Chen Huimin and Dasha carefully protected Shi Zhijian and walked towards the city wall, their hearts were extremely nervous.

There are really too many villains around, at least there are hundreds of them, even if they can fight, they can't be one against a hundred.

The story will come again, even if a big guy like Lei Luo came to the city for dinner, he would first say hello to the city before he dared to come in. How can someone like Shi Zhijian come in without even saying hello?

Especially as the police attacked the Walled City twice to no avail, the Walled City has become more tightly guarded, and it is full of hostility whenever it sees outsiders.

Ding Yongqiang also raised his heart in his throat, he was afraid that someone rushing out of the side would disturb Shi Zhijian.

Fortunately, they didn't worry too much.

Before Shi Zhijian could reach the gate of the city wall, Liang Jiashu, the boss of the city wall who heard the news, had already brought the four great kings of the city to greet him.

"Spread out! These gangs are rushing to the street! Don't even know Mr. Shi?" Liang Jiashu scolded those rascals who were surrounding Shi Zhijian and staring at Shi Zhijian.

When those people heard the words, a trace of astonishment appeared on their faces at first. After all, everyone knew about Shi Zhijian's name, and they immediately dispersed! Even the big bosses in the Walled City are so respectful to Shi Zhijian, how dare they pay attention to Shi Zhijian again.

Seeing the gang rushing to the street to disperse, Liang Jiashu heaved a sigh of relief.

This is the Kowloon Walled City. It is true that the Royal Hong Kong Police did not succeed in attacking twice.

But Liang Jiashu can be sure that if Shi Zhijian loses a single hair here, this city will be uprooted!

At this time, Liang Jiashu was not alone thinking this way, even the four heavenly kings who followed him also thought so.

Hong Kong is such a big place, and now there are only a few people who can control their walled city. And Shi Zhijian is one of them! Because Shi Zhijian's mythical food controls the food in the Walled City, and there are many external channels for business!

The Walled City of Kowloon was able to survive two attacks to this day, and Shi Zhijian has a lot of credit for being behind the scenes.

"Mr. Shi, you are a rare visitor!" Liang Jiashu walked straight forward, because of his age, he walked too hastily, and almost stumbled and fell.

Fortunately, the people around him had sharp eyesight and quick hands to support him.

Shi Zhijian smiled and shook hands with Liang Jiashu.

Liang Jiashu was flattered.

When he and Shi Zhijian met before, Shi Zhijian was just an ordinary wealthy businessman in Hong Kong, so Liang Jiashu didn't feel much at that time, and the conversation between the two seemed very casual.

But what is Shi Zhijian's identity now?

Hong Kong Chinese Members!

Third Earl of the British Empire!

That's noble!

It is even more remarkable in ancient times!

On the contrary, what is Liang Jiashu?

To put it nicely, he is the big brother of the Walled City, but to put it bluntly, he is the King of Shanzhai Thieves!

In Shi Zhijian's current capacity, he was willing to shake hands with Liang Jiashu, it was absolutely condescending.

Liang Jiashu excitedly shook hands with Shi Zhijian.

The four heavenly kings who followed him were envious.

"Master Liang, I'm here today to beg for a meal, okay?" Shi Zhijian asked with a smile.

"Yes! Why not?" Liang Jiashu was extremely happy, "You can come to us to give our city face enough. We are too happy, so why would you find it troublesome? Come, hurry up and prepare our city's best food, I want to have a few drinks with Mr. Shi!"

"Decree!" Someone went down to work.

Here Shi Zhijian greeted the Four Heavenly Kings again.

Everyone knew each other before, but time passed and the gap between their identities became bigger and bigger, which made the four heavenly kings very cautious, and they didn't know what to say in front of Shi Zhijian.

Next to Ding Yongqiang, Chen Huimin and Dasha could see clearly.

It is well known that the people of the Kowloon Walled City are tough, and it can be said that it is a den of thieves. The people here are unruly, cultured and unqualified, but in front of Shi Zhijian, they are all gentle like girls.

"Let's go, Mr. Shi, I'll take you into the city! You haven't been here for several years, and this place has changed a lot!" Liang Jiashu waited for Shi Zhijian and the Four Great Kings to finish their greetings, and then took the initiative to act as a guide, leading Shi Zhijian into the city go.

I don't know who is interested in receiving the news that Mr. Liang Jiashu and Mr. Shi Zhijian, accompanied by Mr. Shi Earl Shi, are coming to inspect the Walled City, so he hurriedly greeted the residents of the Walled City to "welcome along the way"!

Even those drug addicts who were on their way to immortality were driven out from the dark corners and served as heads to welcome Shi Zhijian.

"Welcome! Welcome! Warmly welcome!" Everyone waved their arms, only the little red flag in their hands was missing.

One of the women who was breastfeeding a child glanced at Shi Zhijian who walked in, and couldn't help asking the people next to him: "Aren't there three people? Mr. Shi, Councilor Shi, and Earl Shi, why do I only see one person?"

The person next to him was also crazy, and thought about it carefully: "Maybe those two people didn't come!"

Shi Zhijian looked at the grand scene in front of him, and couldn't help saying to Liang Jiashu: "I'm so sorry! I just came here for a meal, but you made it like this...I'm so sorry!"

"Where, this is what we should do! Who are you? You don't have the opportunity to come here every time!" Liang Jiashu was happy, and even felt that this scene was not enough. If it wasn't for Shi Zhijian's sudden arrival, he would have knocked Gongs and drums, dragon and lion dances.

"By the way, Mr. Shi, did you see that the new building of our Walled City is in front!" Liang Jiashu pointed to a crooked building in front and said, "Don't look at this building as ugly, but it costs a lot of money! "

Shi Zhijian nodded, "Did you find someone to help with the design?"

"No one dares to come!"

"That's true!" Shi Zhijian said in his heart that he was afraid that if someone helped to design it, you would not only not pay money, but would also rob him.

"Who will eat? How to solve the draft problem of such a tall building?" Shi Zhijian asked casually as he walked towards the building with his hands behind his back.

Liang Jiashu gave Shi Zhijian a thumbs up, and said to the four heavenly kings around him: "Did you hear that? An expert is an expert! Mr. Shi is engaged in real estate development! He will get the idea when he asks!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to Shi Zhijian: "The draft is really a problem. For this reason, we used our strengths in the walled city to directly cut off the water supply channel of the British Hong Kong government. We don't even need to spend a penny for draft water every month. It's just that the water I can't go up all the time! If the building is a little taller, there will be no water!"

The four heavenly kings next to us had a deep understanding, and someone yelled, "That's right! Those Hong Kong government water management people are too thieves, and they don't notify us when the water is cut off every now and then, so we can't **** down! The whole city is stinking! "

Liang Jiashu glared at the man: "Shut up! Mr. Shi is here for dinner, what are you talking about? Disgusting!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The Four Heavenly Kings hurriedly apologized to Shi Zhijian. The boss was a burly man who looked like a child who did something wrong.

Shi Zhijian smiled and didn't take it seriously.

In this way, Liang Jiashu acted as a guide and led Shi Zhijian around the Kowloon Walled City, looking like a construction engineer leading a real estate boss to inspect the construction site.

Who can imagine that this is the biggest den of thieves in Hong Kong, and Liang Jiashu is the biggest thief king.

Through "inspection", the Kowloon Walled City at this time is indeed different from what Shi Zhijian saw at the beginning.

When Shi Zhijian first came to the Kowloon Walled City, most of the surrounding buildings were wooden houses, or duck houses built with bamboo poles, as long as they could accommodate people, and whether they could shelter from wind and rain was secondary.

Now, with the improvement of the economic level of the people in the Walled City and their pursuit of quality of life, reinforced concrete houses have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, with serious illegal expansion and unauthorized construction, and the streets are narrow like corridors. Residential water comes from eight public water pipes or wells. Because the buildings were completely unplanned, the sanitation of the Walled City was poor.

According to the trajectory of the previous life, the Kowloon Walled City was so dirty and chaotic, and the mixed situation was completely improved until 1993, when the British Hong Kong government was allowed to demolish it. That is, before the demolition, the big star Cheng Long was allowed to enter here to film about the Walled City. The last film "Crime Squad".

Shi Zhijian believed that if he did not intervene in this Walled City, the route of the Kowloon Walled City in the future would be the same as in the last life, it would still be a messy and criminal city with no hope in sight!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shi! We don't have anything delicious here, so you can eat whatever you want!"

The table is full of delicious food, many of which are high-quality game that cannot be seen in Hong Kong. Drinks are also Shi Zhijian's favorite liquor, Moutai. Even so, Liang Jiashu still humbly said that he was not ready, and somewhat slighted Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian sat at the top. The whole room was very spacious, and the decoration was much better than those crooked buildings outside. It looked like a place for entertaining distinguished guests.

Looking outside the window, UU Reading is actually crowded with people. I don't know if they are curious about Shi Zhijian or greedy for the table full of food.

Seeing that Shi Zhijian didn't answer, but looked outside, Liang Jiashu immediately said: "Look at me, I still haven't done my job well! Why are there so many people outside? I'll let someone drive them away immediately!"

"It doesn't matter!" Shi Zhijian smiled, "We are old friends too, don't care about these things!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Zhijian took the initiative to raise his wine glass, "Come on, take one?"

Liang Jiashu cheered up and picked up his wine glass.

The four heavenly kings who were sitting with them also quickly picked up the wine.

Chen Huimin and Dasha are not qualified to sit here and drink, only Ding Yongqiang accompanied them.

Seeing everyone toast, Ding Yongqiang also hurriedly got up.

"Just sit down! There's no need to get up!" Shi Zhijian didn't expect everyone to be so enthusiastic, and they all got up, but had no choice but to stand up.

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