Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1490: Take the lead!

Chapter 1491 1490 [Take the lead! 】

"Listen! Do you hear that? Are there gunshots?"

Outside the Kowloon Walled City, Director Hu of the Jiayi TV Production Department and a large group of people waited by the side, waiting for the good news of the police entering the Walled City, and then they and the media rushed in to do an exclusive report.

"It's so quiet, you can't hear anything!"

"Master, let's go back, it's terrible here!"

"Shut up!" Minister Hu yelled at his subordinates, "Look at you, you don't even have a little guts! Today is a big day for our production department to make great contributions! Mr. Shi entrusted us with such an important task, it is against us Trust! We must not shrink from the slightest fear!"

When the voice fell to the ground, there was a creak, and the gate of the city opened wide.

Minister Hu was taken aback, and was the first to jump into the car and escape.

But I saw someone familiar.

The man glanced at the crew of the TV station, frowned and said, "Which one is Minister Hu?"

"It's me, I'm here!" Minister Hu immediately stood up and nodded to the man and said, "Excuse me, are you—"

"I'm under Chief Superintendent Ding Yongqiang, just call me Abin!"

"Oh, it's Brother Bin! What advice do you have?" Minister Hu hurried over and whispered, "Is there something going on inside? Should we retreat? Don't worry, our group of people run very fast, and we definitely don't It will be a burden to you!"

Abin smiled, laughing at the covetousness and fear of death of these TV people in his heart, but said: "It's okay, the city wall has been controlled by our Chief Superintendent Ding, and he invited you to go in for interviews!"

"What?" The eyeballs of Minister Hu and the others almost popped out, and they looked at A Bin in disbelief, "You mean... the Kowloon Walled City was... wiped out?"

"You can't say that," Abin said lightly. "It's just that everyone is giving our chief superintendent face. Now the entire Walled City is under the control of our police!"

Minister Hu heard it clearly, and was so surprised that he couldn't speak for a long time.

Like him, the others all stared at A Bin in a daze, and then at the dark Kowloon Walled City.

A confidant came forward and said to Minister Hu: "Master Minister, could this be some kind of trick? It's like catching a turtle in a urn and throwing yourself into a snare—it's so dangerous!"

"Dangerous you ghost!"

With a slap, Minister Hu slapped his confidant, "Fuck you! Coward! Who is Brother Bin? Ding Yongqiang is under Superintendent Ding, he will trick us into it, and then catch us all? You see, Brother Bin is upright." How can you be that kind of treacherous villain? To be a TV person, you must have a fearless spirit. You don’t even have a little guts. What are you doing? Eat shit!"

Minister Hu yelled at his subordinates, with an upright look on his face.

Abin smiled: "Thank you for your compliment, so can you get in now?" After speaking, he made an inviting gesture towards Minister Hu.

Minister Hu immediately slapped his chest: "Go in! Of course you went in!" Then he kicked the **** of that hapless confidant's subordinate, "You head, go in!"

The confidant had a bitter face: "No, sir, didn't you say that you are not afraid, then why didn't you—"

"Nothing? I'm not your mother! I'm giving you a chance! Let you atone for your sins! Let's go first!" Minister Hu kicked the hapless **** again.

Helpless, the unlucky guy had no choice but to clear the way ahead and timidly walked towards the walled city.

Minister Hu pulled the person who was carrying the camera to the front again: "You follow!"

"why me?"

"Which one let you carry the machine? Shoot, boss!"

Ah Bin was annoyed and funny watching these TV people, but it was unavoidable when he thought about it, whoever made the Kowloon Walled City famous to the bone marrow scared these Hong Kong people out of their wits.

"Just what the hell? Why is it so quiet? Is this the Kowloon Walled City? It doesn't look as mysterious as we imagined!"

"Yes, but the houses here are so weird! Why is this building so crooked? And this wooden house, a bamboo house, can people live in it?"

"Wow, mine!"

Everyone in the TV station trembled in fright, and all lay on the ground collectively.

Then he looked at the unlucky team leader who was stepping on the mine.

Only Abin and others who accompanied them in looked coldly at the group of TV people lying on the ground in the shape of ducks.

Minister Hu lay on the ground with his head in his arms, feeling something was wrong for a moment, so he raised his head cautiously, and then saw the unlucky team leader lift his foot, and said with a distressed face: "I stepped on a landmine—a big lump shit!"

Minister Hu is about to explode!

Everyone else was about to die of anger.

Especially the one who was carrying the camera wanted to get up and beat up that unlucky guy.

Abin: "Excuse me, everyone, can you get up? Many people are watching!"

It was only then that Minister Hu and the others realized that many Walled City residents had gathered around.

These residents were all unkempt, including adults, children, and old people. They looked at the filming team very curiously, and were especially interested in the photographic equipment they carried.

Also, the entire Kowloon Walled City has been isolated from the outside world. It is very difficult for people here to see the outside world, and it is also impossible for people outside to understand the life inside the Kowloon Walled City.

"What do these people do?"

"I do not know!"

"What are they carrying?"

"I do not know!"

"That guy stepped on **** my kid just pulled!"

"Your Sambo is **** on the street again?"

"No way, I'm used to it!"

At this moment, the group of TV people who started to shoot the Kowloon Walled City with their cameras turned into animals in the zoo, being pointed out and commented by the Kowloon Walled City people.

"Hurry up and start filming! Film this scene!" Minister Hu was also shrewd, and immediately ordered his men to start filming after getting up from the ground.

The camera started to roll, and the mysterious Kowloon Walled City was recorded on film!

Dirty and messy!

Weird building!

Unkempt and without future residents.

A child with wide-eyed curiosity.

The original drawing pond.

The original ox-drawn cart.

A fellow Taoist who hides in a dark corner and smokes.

A kiln sister with a sickly face painted on the attic.

"Get out of the way! Pour the rotten water!"

"It's flashing! Collect Yexiang!"

Those strong men pushing small carts, loaded with rotten water buckets, and full of excrement and urine, regardless of what happened here, still with white towels around their necks, pushing the small carts hard, from filming Kowloon Walled City Through the production team of —

The rotten smell went straight to people's noses!

Those who were slow to dodge were almost splashed by rotten water and feces!

These big men shuttled by!

They stopped talking!

They knew even more clearly that if they didn't dispose of the rotten water and feces that were full of loads tonight, tomorrow the entire Kowloon Walled City would be smelly, the streets would be filled with gold soup, and there would be no place to stay!

not far away!

The owner of a dog hot pot restaurant is not interested in who captured or controlled the Kowloon Walled City. He is negotiating with a dog dealer, and there are seven or eight meat dogs in cages.

The dog dealer grabbed one out of the cage to show his sincerity.

The dog was very big and fat. It used to be fierce and grinned at everyone, but now it was trembling and howling helplessly in the hands of the dog dealer.

Another place!

In front of the open-air shaving stall, a light yellow light bulb hangs, and a bald master is shaving an old man's head.

He carefully shaves the back of the opponent's head with a razor, concentrating, and is indifferent to everything happening around him!

Minister Hu and others carried the camera to film all these scenes——

This is the Kowloon Walled City!

The mysterious **** place in the hearts of countless Hong Kong people!

Temporary meeting place in the Kowloon Walled City.

As the police boss who formally controlled the Kowloon Walled City, Ding Yongqiang sat at the head of the meeting room without hesitation. Followed by Colonel Smith, Superintendent Chen Zhichao, Inspector Lan Gang, Inspector Han Sen and others.

Opposite them, sitting upright is Liang Jiashu, the tycoon of the city wall, and the Four Heavenly Kings and others.

These people are all the people who have joined forces with outsiders in this attack on the Walled City, but they are also the gangsters who have been stationed in the Kowloon Walled City for the longest time.

So at this moment, Liang Jiashu and the others were very disturbed, wondering how Ding Yongqiang and the others would classify them, were they gangsters, or something else?

Ding Yongqiang glanced at everyone coldly. Except for the ghost Smith and Chen Zhichao, it was the first time for the others to feel that Ding Yongqiang's gaze was so sharp.

Especially Lan Gang and Han Sen, who watched Ding Yongqiang grow up, couldn't help feeling a wave of emotion in the face of Ding Yongqiang's sharp eyes.

Once upon a time, Ding Yongqiang was just a young man from the Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy.

Relying on Shi Zhijian to pave the way for him, step by step from the coast guard to plainclothes, inspector, inspector, and director of the investigation department of the ICAC. Now it is even more popular as Chief Superintendent of O Kee!

In eight years, his promotion can be described as riding a rocket. For Lan Gang and Han Sen, the four major inspectors is a veritable "latecomer comes first"!

It's all right for Lan Gang and the others to have such thoughts. For other police officers, they don't even dare to meet Ding Yongqiang's eyes! Especially Liang Jiashu and others, who are the big bosses of the Walled City, avoided Ding Yongqiang's gaze.

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone for your help. Our O Ji was able to successfully break through the Kowloon Walled City, and everyone contributed a lot! Colonel Smith, Superintendent Chen Zhichao, Inspector Lan Gang, Inspector Han Sen and others. Report the situation truthfully! It belongs to you, and you deserve a lot of credit!"

Ding Yongqiang's categorical words gave everyone a reassurance.

Generally speaking, whether it is Ghost Smith, or Chen Zhichao and others, the reason why they are willing to bring a large force to help conquer the Kowloon Walled City is not simply out of loyalty, or the duty of the police to wipe out evil. It is with careful thought.

Especially Chen Zhichao, Lan Gang, Han Sen and others, at this stage, belong to Dai Gui himself. They were secretly investigated by the ICAC for corruption and bribery. For them, the British Hong Kong government's anti-corruption campaign is a serious effort. It is no longer about thunder and rain, and it is not about firing a few cannonballs and withdrawing the troops. It is about taking them down!

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