Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1494: Loyalty is not 2, Inspector Abalone!

Chapter 1495 1494 [Loyalty, Inspector Abalone! 】

Wan Chai, Prince Edward Road.

In a private room of a teahouse.

Chen Zhichao, Lan Gang and Han Sen sat drinking tea together.

They worked hard tonight and helped Ding Yongqiang conquer the Kowloon Walled City in one fell swoop. It is almost eleven o'clock now.

The three of them had thoughts in their hearts, so they met here for tea after leaving the city.

"To be honest, I didn't expect that the attack on the city walled city would be so smooth tonight." Lan Gang said, "I thought it would take a few shots to lose troops or something..."

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to be so smooth." Han Sen, who has always been taciturn, took a sip from his teacup and said, "As the saying goes, people's hearts are moving together. It seems that our police's concerted action this time scared the other party."

"I don't think so." Chen Zhichao smoked a cigar and said, "Tonight can be so smooth, apart from having Liang Jiashu and others as our internal support, the army led by Colonel Smith is the main reason. Tanks, armored vehicles, these super oppressive Once the interesting things come out, let alone a mere Kowloon Walled City, even two or three more will not be enough to see!"

Lan Gang and Han Sen both nodded their heads in agreement.

Indeed, the army led by Smith made a lot of effort tonight. Those bandits in the Kowloon Walled City have always claimed to be holding AK47s with grenades on their waists, but in front of armored vehicles and tanks, are they still small ants? !

"In addition," Lan Gang hesitated and said, "When I was interviewed by the TV station this time, I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart—"

Chen Zhichao and Han Sen looked at each other and looked at Lan Gang.

"Anyway, I feel very awkward in my heart! I have also been interviewed on TV before. I was hailed as the killer of crime after I caught the gangster, and I was praised in the newspaper after handling the bank robbery, etc... But today I feel different. Feel like a good person!"

Chen Zhichao stopped talking, and took a deep puff on his cigar.

Han Sen also immersed himself in drinking tea slowly.

They can understand Lan Gang's mood, because they feel the same way.

In this world, no one is born wanting to be a villain, especially those policemen who are determined to report to the police academy, eradicate evil, promote good and maintain the legal system. They have been awarded the title of hero from the beginning, representing the legal system and justice.

It is a pity that the general environment of this era does not allow them to be truly righteous policemen. If you are not corrupt, you will not fit in with the group, and if you don’t fit in with the group, you will not be able to get along. In the end, they ran counter to their original ideas and became representatives of bad guys.

But after they captured the Kowloon Walled City tonight, they were praised by countless citizens and encouraged them, making them feel for the first time what is "police" and what is "glory"!

Not to mention anything else, let’s just say that they are gathering in this teahouse tonight, the owner of the teahouse, and the waiters in the teahouse all regard them as heroes, and some customers even saw them chasing after them for autographs, and completely regarded them as idols and star.

This kind of honor makes them a little ashamed, but also a little intoxicated.

After all, who wants to be bald with hair? Who would be willing to be a thief if he had money? !

"Thinking about how I fought to the death with your four major detectives before, it's really ridiculous!" Chen Zhichao breathed out the smoke, breaking the silent atmosphere in the private room. "At that time, in order to get a place in the police force, it was dog eat dog!"

"Yeah, it's worse than a dog biting a dog!" Lan Gang took over the words, "At that time, Brother Luo fought Yan Xiong first, and finally Yan Xiong was defeated by Brother Luo, and then Brother Luo fought with you—"

"I am on par with him!" Chen Zhichao laughed, "I even beat him several times. If Shi Zhijian hadn't been helping him behind the scenes, maybe he is my subordinate now, and I am the number one in the police force." guy!"

Lan Gang and Han Sen smiled, looked at each other, and then looked at Chen Zhichao: "Is it good to be the number one in the police world?"

Chen Zhichao flicked on his cigar, "I used to think it was very majestic, at least I could overwhelm the four major detectives of you, show off your power in the entire police force, and even those ghosts would look at my face, but now I realize that being the second child is actually a big deal." It’s pretty good, at least it’s a good shot, Lei Luo helped me bear a lot of pressure like now—”

Lan Gang and Han Sen gave a thumbs up together: "Great! You see it very clearly!"

Chen Zhichao shook his head, and said with a wry smile: "It's not that I see it clearly, it's because of the situation - now the ICAC is staring at us and we have nowhere to go, maybe we will go to prison together!"

"Don't say such frustrating words!" Lan Gang leaned on the chair carelessly, "The three of us are heroes now, even if the ICAC wants to get rid of us, we must first take a look at the situation-how can there be today's heroes? , I will be imprisoned tomorrow? If this is the case, Shangfeng will have no face!"

Chen Zhichao nodded: "You're right! So the three of us would like to thank Shi Zhijian, he already knew that we would do this. If we don't help Ding Yongqiang, we won't be able to get the chance to stand out in front of TV interviews, and we won't be heroes If you don't become a hero, you will lose the gold medal for avoiding death, and maybe you have been invited by the ICAC to drink coffee!"

What Chen Zhichao said made Lan Gang and Han Sen nod their heads.

Indeed, everything that happened tonight was calculated by Shi Zhijian.

Lei Luo invites them to dinner, trying to isolate Ding Yongqiang, and Ding Yongqiang fails to attack the Kowloon Walled City.

But Chen Zhichao and others knew very well that tonight was the best chance to gain fame and get a gold medal for avoiding death. If they could help Ding Yongqiang take down the city wall in one fell swoop, they would undoubtedly become heroes!

With the halo of a hero, even if the ICAC gang wants to move them, they have to think about it.

"So among so many tycoons in Hong Kong, I admire Shi Zhijian the most!" Chen Zhichao said in an admiring tone, "Look far, calculate accurately, and be precise!"

Lan Gang and Han Sen said in unison: "Yes! Yes! Sometimes we even wonder if he is a ghost? He can plan and calculate everything!"

"I still admire two people," Chen Zhichao continued, smoking a cigar.

"That's Lai Hao and Yan Xiong. They don't know whether they were lucky or saved the country in their previous life. They actually met a great benefactor like Shi Zhijian. They went ashore together to clean up their crimes together!"

"Look now, Laihao is now a justice of the peace, he goes out to do good deeds every day, and even invested in Shi Zhijian's health care products business, making money is justified!"

"As for Yan Xiong, it's even worse. He was crushed by me at the same level as you, and even his home was ransacked at the worst time, and he almost went to jail, but with his cheeky spirit, he has been following Shi Zhijian to do things. Slowly becoming Shi Zhijian's confidant, now not only has he been exonerated, he has also become a veritable arms tycoon, and it is said that now the entire arms of Asia must go through him, it is extremely prestigious!"

What Chen Zhichao said touched Lan Gang and Han Sen deeply.

It can even be said that their hearts are more envious and jealous than Chen Zhichao, and they still have a little bit of regret! Because Shi Zhijian had given them such an opportunity before, letting them and Lei Luo give up everything in front of them and go ashore to do legitimate business.

It's a pity that they were blinded by power and interests just like Lei Luo at that time, thinking that they could make more money by becoming the chief inspector of Zonghua and a higher official position, but now they know that these are all false and cannot stand The Independent Commission Against Corruption will conduct a careful investigation. Maybe all the property obtained in this life will be confiscated, and I will be imprisoned!

How to say that sentence, fame and fortune are all just dreams!

Just when Chen Zhichao and the three were filled with emotions, they clicked, and suddenly they heard that they were rushing up the stairs to do business, and there was noise in their ears: "I'm sorry, brother Xijiu, you can't go in! Superintendent Chen and the others are-"

"Go away! I have something urgent to find them!"

There was a noise outside, and then the door of the private room was pushed open. After a closer look, who else could it be if it wasn't Chen Xijiu? !

When Chen Zhichao and the others saw that it was Chen Xijiu, they all frowned.

Chen Xijiu is Lei Luo's confidant, and the three of them usually give him face, but this Chen Xijiu is too ignorant tonight, so he broke in alone, what's the point?

"It turned out to be Brother Xijiu! What brought you here?" Chen Zhichao said angrily, "Could it be that Brother Luo knew we were drinking tea here and complained that we didn't give him face, so you came here to ask questions? "

Chen Xijiu ignored Chen Zhichao's strange voice, panting, "Brother Chao, Brother Gang, Brother Sen! Something happened to Brother Luo, please help him!"

"Uh, what do you mean?" Chen Zhichao and the three were taken aback.

At first they thought that Chen Xijiu was sent by Lei Luo to find fault. After all, Lei Luo invited them to find various reasons to leave and went to help Ding Yongqiang attack the Kowloon Walled City. Can't help it, it seems to them that Lei Luo will be very angry when he finds out, but now—

Chen Xijiu didn't care too much, picked up the cup of herbal tea that belonged to Chen Zhichao on the table and drank a few sips, wiped it with the back of his hand, and then explained what happened in Lei Luo's house in detail.

"The specific thing is like this~ Now that Brother Luo is invited by the ICAC to drink tea, look at the posture! You also know that those people are meticulous people, and there is no real evidence to say absolutely He won’t take it lightly! Besides, even the lard boy was invited by them, maybe it’s going to be interrogated overnight—”

Chen Xijiu poured out all the words in his stomach in one breath, feeling parched again, picked up the teacup again and wanted to drink a few sips, but found that the cup of tea had already been drunk by himself, so Lan Gang picked up his cup and handed it over. In the past, Chen Xijiu took the drink and drank it in one gulp, gasping for breath.

Look at Chen Zhichao, Lan Gang and Han Sen at this time, you look at me, I look at you.

"How to help?" Han Sen spread his hands. "We are all in danger now!"

"Yes! Are we going to the Independent Commission Against Corruption to ask for someone?" Lan Gang frowned, "Isn't that self-inflicted?"

Chen Zhichao took a deep breath: "Brother Luo was taken away, lard boy was taken away—" Then he looked at Chen Xijiu: "Then, why are you still fine?"

"Uh, what do you mean? Brother Chao, do you doubt me?" Chen Xijiu's eyes widened with an angry expression.

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