Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1502: The knowledge of plagiarism!

Chapter 1503 1502 [The knowledge of copying houses! 】

The reason why Shi Zhijian dared to say to the Hong Kong government that it was wrong to arrest Lei Luo was entirely due to the procedures for solving the clean government storm in the previous life.

In the last life, before Lei Luo resigned and absconded, the Independent Commission Against Corruption had already obtained evidence of his corruption and bribery, and was preparing to issue an arrest warrant.

At this critical moment, Bailiqu stopped, and Bailiqu rehearsed a series of consequences to Hong Kong governor Mai Lihao for arresting Lei Luo, which involved the paralysis of the normal work of the entire Hong Kong government.

Pulling out Lei Luo's malignant tumor is not terrible. What is terrible is that this malignant tumor will cause an uproar, plunge countless government departments into it, and eventually lead to paralysis.

With such a rehearsal, the Hong Kong government finally decided to turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye, letting Lei Luo and the four major detectives and others go, but issued a lifetime arrest warrant.

In addition, in order to stabilize social security, the Hong Kong government has also issued several latest regulations, including all corruption cases that occurred before 1971, as long as the parties voluntarily hand over their illegal gains, they can not be pursued.

This can be regarded as a way for those corrupt people to survive. For a while, they sneaked to the ICAC to surrender, and there were countless police officers and government officials who paid their illegal income.

In this life, it was the other way around. It was Shi Zhijian who proposed to let Lei Luo escape, and it was Shi Zhijian, not Bailiqu, who made the new 1971 regulations. In contrast, Bailiqu became a stumbling block to the formulation of these regulations.

In general, Lei Luo's escape was deliberately suppressed by the Hong Kong government, and many media did not know about it. Many media are still immersed in the capture of the Kowloon Walled City, and the joy and encouragement of the whole people.

At the same time, Shi Zhijian brought Brando, the confidant of Governor Mai Lihao, to Lei Luo's villa area to ransack the house.

Brando and Shi Zhijian are also old acquaintances. To be precise, as the boss in charge of land development in Hong Kong, Brando has cooperated closely with Shi Zhijian's Shinhwa Real Estate Company in recent years.

It is also because of these achievements that Brando is more and more trusted by Mai Lihao, and he completely regards Brando as the God of Wealth for real estate development. In many cases, the Hong Kong government will ask Brando for help when there is a shortage of funds.

As for Brando, as long as he spread the word about a government auction of any piece of land in the Hong Kong circle, countless developers would flock to it and bring bags of banknotes over.

Of course, as Mai Lihao's confidant, Brando also has self-knowledge. He knows that Shi Zhijian has backed him for the past few days, and his land bureau business is going smoothly. Therefore, he knows very well about Shi Zhijian. You can pinch yourself to death—Of course, although this is a bit exaggerated, it is also true, because Shi Zhijian controlled many of Brando's violations of law and discipline.

At the moment in Villa Lei Luo, Brando is leading the team to measure the area of ​​the villa and count the various objects in the villa.

Shi Zhijian sat comfortably on the rocking chair, drinking tea in the hall. He had been to this villa countless times before, and he could figure out the right way even with his eyes closed.

Brando was collecting data here, and he quickly came over and said to Shi Zhijian with a smile, "Mr. Shi, the real estate and property here have almost been counted."

Shi Zhijian put down his teacup and looked at Brando with a smile, waiting for him to report.

Brando clicked his lips and said: "To be honest, I really don't know if I don't count it, and I'm shocked when I count it!"

"Not to mention, Lei Luo's real estate in Hong Kong alone is countless, including five such villas, worth more than 20 million yuan, as well as dance halls, nightclubs, bars, etc. in Yau Tsim Mong and other places in Wanchai. It's worth at least three thousand dollars!"

"So roughly calculated, the real estate is almost 50 million!" Brando clicked his mouth and looked at Shi Zhijian and said.

Shi Zhijian smiled, "Bring me the statistics sheet!"

"Uh, what?" Brando hesitated before handing the form to Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian sat on the rocking chair and shook his body, looked at the report, and then slowly raised his head to look at Brando.

Seen by Shi Zhijian's sharp eyes, Brando was at a loss, coughed and laughed, "Is there something wrong?"

Shi Zhijian asked: "What do you think I do? Mythology can rise along with the trend, do you really think I'm lucky?"

Brando's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly forced a smile on his face and said, "Oh, so I misread it. It wasn't five villas, but ten! Those statisticians are so shitty, they can't tell the difference between five and ten!"

"Really? Then I read it right! But it's okay to write five buildings!" Shi Zhijian said with a smile, "One of the remaining five buildings will be used as a nursing home, and the two buildings will be handed over to the Governor of Hong Kong, Mai Lihao. He wants this kind of luxury villa like a vengeance! The last two buildings, one for you and one for me, let's study it carefully and see how the big tiger Lei Luo is corrupt and corrupt?!"

Brando was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Understood! I'll do it right now! Mr. Shi's house is more than half bigger than mine, so you have to work hard. Such a big villa requires you to personally experience the decay of the other party! "

"Hey, there is no way, this is what I should do, who made me a public servant of the people?! By the way, half of Lei Luo's nightclubs and bars are set aside for me, and I will also rectify these nightclubs , as for the rest, you can figure it out!"

"Got it! I'll take care of it!" Brando was happy not to spend, and he didn't expect to get so many benefits from following Shi Zhijian.

In fact, Shi Zhijian knew all of this well.

Why did Mai Lihao order Brando to help him copy Lei Luo's house? It was because Brando was cautious and the most important thing was to be obedient.

And Mai Lihao's intention is also very simple, to fight a tiger, wouldn't it be a disadvantage if he couldn't get some gold equipment?

He is also a human being, and he has to serve the people with a meager salary every month, and sometimes he should not be too serious about being a human being.

That's why Mai Lihao ordered Shi Zhijian to copy Lei Luo's house. First, Shi Zhijian knew Lei Luo very well, especially in terms of assets, even if Brando wanted to play tricks, it was impossible.

Second, Shi Zhijian is well-known as a "treacherous god", and he is very good at trying to figure out Mai Lihao's mind. Mai Lihao believes that after copying Lei Luo's house this time, Shi Zhijian will give him a big surprise in private.

The last point is also the most important, Shi Zhijian owns a huge group company, he can completely launder the family property that Lei Luo confiscated, and he will not even have any worries at all!

Facts have proved that Mai Lihao's guess was right. Shi Zhijian was indeed acting according to Mai Lihao's plan. Now ten villas have become five. Convincingly said: "This is actually for the good of the Hong Kong government. If these real data are released, it will cause panic among the public. We must control these property data within a range that can be reported in detail! To share the worries of the people, I will do it rise!"

At this moment, seeing Shi Zhijian's words about Tan Mo being so reasonable, and his selfless appearance, Brando knelt down in admiration.

at this time-

Anxious footsteps sounded.

"Mr. Shi, Mr. Brando! Something serious has happened, go and have a look!" But a clerk in charge of confiscating Lei Luo's other property came in panting and surprised.

"What's going on? What's the point of being so flustered?" Brando scolded.

These clerks are all brought out by him. This time, in order to show off in front of Shi Zhijian, Brando specially selected some elite soldiers who are not panic-stricken, but this one in front of him——

How embarrassing!

The clerk was scolded by Brando, and then he came back to his senses, and hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, I was a little impatient! The main reason is that when we searched Lei Luo's property, we found some things in his Thunder Club. You and Shi Would the senator go over and see—”

After saying this, the clerk clicked his mouth.

Brando is still nothing.

Shi Zhijian had already guessed what was going on, and said with a smile: "This is our job, of course we have to go and have a look!" After speaking, he slowly picked up the teacup, took a sip before putting it down, and then stepped forward from the rocking chair Come on, "Let's go!"

The outside of the Thunder Club was full of people at the moment.

Some police officers in uniform pulled up the police line around, so that those media reporters and citizens who were watching could not take a step forward.

"What happened?"

"I hear the police are raiding the club."

"This is Lei Luo's property. Has something happened to him?"

"I don't know! Let's see!"

Those media reporters were even more gossip. In addition to collecting the opinions of the citizens at the scene, they also asked the police for information through various interpersonal relationships.

It's a pity that all the police officers were warned in advance this time, and they always said to these media reporters: "No comment!"

At the same time, Shi Zhijian and Brando had already entered the Thunder Club under the guidance of the inspector.

Seeing all the familiar things in front of him, Shi Zhijian could only lament that "things are different and people are different". I thought how extravagant and lively this place was at the beginning, but now it is deserted, except for seventeen or eighteen investigators who are taking stock of their belongings, there is no one else.

An investigator is packing bottles of high-end Remy Martin There are already more than 30 boxes on the ground, and he smacks his lips and says, "Pu, your mother, these foreign wines are so expensive, but they are not available here." As normal as water!"

"Yeah, and Chivas Regal, Royal Salute, and Hennessy! The boxes we brought couldn't fit!"

Brando looked at everything in front of him, curled his lips, thinking that the fuss of these subordinates was just some foreign wine? Never seen the world!

"Mr. Shi, Mr. Brando, this way please!" The inspector led them towards the elevator.

Looking at the direction he was walking, Shi Zhijian knew where the other party was taking him.

Sure enough, after taking the elevator, the elevator did not go up, but went down instead.

After a while, bang!


Looking at the bottom, at the moment there are inspectors who are strictly guarding, even holding guns, looking like they are in full swing.

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