Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1514: The show begins!

Myth Jewels opens today in all its glory.

All the major media in Hong Kong rose up to congratulate. To be precise, they were going to collect some gossip news to make the headlines.

Everyone knows that during this period of time, the supply of gold for Mythical Jewelry has been cut off, so since the jewelry company opened today, whether there is gold jewelry for sale has become the focus.

As the heads of the jewelry company, Xie Bingqian and Hu Juncai got busy early in the morning, entertaining guests, arranging rehearsals and so on.

As the president of Shinhwa Group, Shi Zhijian will also come to join us today. Of course, he will not steal the limelight from Xie Bingqian and Hu Juncai.

So he came late on purpose, and was even complained by Xu Sanshao who came over to congratulate him as soon as he got off the car: "Ah Jian, Ah Jian, I really don't know how you are the boss. We guests have already come to join us. You, the master, are long in coming."

First Young Master Huo was also dissatisfied: "Yeah, if I knew you were coming so late, Third Young Master and I would have eaten breakfast, so as not to come to you to drink the northwest wind!"

It turned out that in order to support Shi Zhijian, the two young masters came here without even having breakfast.

Shi Zhijian was afraid of the two of them, fearing that they would shout again, so he hurriedly shook hands with them: "Thank you so much! I really didn't expect you to come here so early! I have never seen you get up so early when many companies opened before. Is there any reason why you are so proactive this time?"

"What's the reason? Of course it's because of our loyalty!" Xu Sanshao rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, we are very loyal!" Huo Dashao was not good at lying, and his face turned red.

Shi Zhijian smiled slightly: "Isn't it just to see me make a fool of myself? To see how I can solve the gold problem?"

"Ahem, how could it be?"

"Ahem, yes, how could we be such boring people?" Young Master Huo's eyes flickered.

This expression has already betrayed him.

It turned out that the reason why the two came here so early was to see how Shi Zhijian would get through this difficult time.

For them, they have known Shi Zhijian for so long, Shi Zhijian has never been defeated, and every time he encounters a problem, he can overcome the tribulation smoothly. Too? !

"Since the two of you are not here to watch the fun!" Shi Zhijian said earnestly, "After all, we are all loyal sons and daughters!"

"Yes, yes, yes! We are loyal sons and daughters! Cough, there are still many guests over there who need you to greet them, so just leave us alone, you go ahead!" Xu Sanshao hastily prevaricated a few words and pushed Shi Zhijian away.

"Wow, it's so dangerous!" Seeing Shi Zhijian leave, Xu Sanshao shook his brow in cold sweat, "This Ajian is too treacherous, I can't hide my thoughts from him!"

"Yeah, how did he know that the two of us got up so early to watch the fun? It shouldn't be!" Huo Dashao said with a puzzled expression.

"Isn't it because of you?" Xu Sanshao scolded, "The facial expression management is not real at all! The eyes are still evasive, and it looks like a guilty conscience!"

"No! I'm so wronged! I've tried my best not to laugh!" Young Master Huo said aggrievedly.

"Is it enough not to laugh? When encountering a situation like A Jian, we should not look gloating, but empathize with him - we must look sad, anxious, and depressed!" Xu Sanshao sighed after finishing speaking, " Hey, who asked me to make friends like you? It looks like I need to teach you a few more tricks in the future! Come on, learn this trick from me first, the flesh on both sides of the face is squeezed out, and the corners of the mouth are raised at forty-five degrees. Yes, yes, this move is called the famous 'smile on the skin but not on the flesh'!"

"Congratulations! Congratulations, Mr. Shi, on the opening of your jewelry company. As a competitor, I come to congratulate you, don't you mind?" Zheng Yutong shook hands with Shi Zhijian with a smile, and then turned back to ask someone to bring up the congratulatory gift he brought.

The congratulatory gift is a golden Pegasus, made of pure gold, shining with golden light, spreading its wings to fly!

"Mr. Zheng is too polite! How can I accept such a heavy gift?" Shi Zhijian laughed.

Before Zheng Yutong opened his mouth, he said in a voice: "I think you should take it, Ajian! Maybe this thing can be used as a gold jewelry in your shop to add value!"

While talking, I saw Shi Zhijian's "old friend" Liu Jianxiong walking over with a smile on his cigar.

Shi Zhijian didn't seem surprised when he saw Liu Jianxiong appear.

Xie Bingqian looked at Liu Jianxiong curiously and asked Hu Juncai beside him: "Who is this guy? He is quite arrogant, and he dares to call Mr. Shi Ajian?"

"Miss San, you don't know, this person is called Liu Jianxiong. He used to be as close as brother to Mr. Shi, and the two worked hard together to establish the Shinhwa Group..." Hu Juncai introduced Liu Jianxiong's situation in great detail.

When it comes to Liu Jianxiong taking advantage of Shi Zhijian being kidnapped by pirates and wanting to take advantage of the opportunity, he unites with the elders of the Shinhwa Group to prepare to rebel. Unexpectedly, Shi Zhijian "resurrected from the dead" and returned to the company to directly rectify the top management, mercilessly kicking Liu Jianxiong out of the group From then on, the two became strangers, and Liu Jianxiong hated Shi Zhijian to death.

"To be honest, this Liu Jianxiong is very shameless! He has been able to do business well in the past few years, manage real estate, and be able to snipe financial stocks, all with the help of Mr. Shi. How can you be so lucky?!" Hu Juncai said this, and looked at Liu Jianxiong with a look of disdain.

"It's just a pity that this man surnamed Liu was blinded by lard, pretended not to see it, turned a deaf ear to it, and always regarded Mr. Shi as his biggest enemy, and told everyone that Mr. Shi was ruthless and ungrateful to him..."

Hearing what Hu Juncai said, Xie Bingqian had a deep understanding of this big-nosed Liu Jianxiong, and understood the personal grievances between him and Shi Zhijian to some extent.

"Why, did I guess wrong?" Liu Jianxiong continued to sneer at Shi Zhijian, "I heard that your company is short of gold resources, so I originally wanted to prepare a gold work as a gift to celebrate you, but I thought about you I've always been arrogant and don't like people to help me, so I gave you another congratulatory gift—come here, bring it up!"

Following Liu Jianxiong's yell, someone brought up a pair of horizontal plaques covered with red cloth, and I don't know what was written on them.

Liu Jianxiong bit the cigar and twirled it around in his mouth, pointed at the plaque with a defiant posture and said, "Ajian, open it and have a look, and see if the gift I gave suits your taste?"

Shi Zhijian smiled when he heard the words, walked over calmly, and stretched out his hand to remove the red cloth covering the horizontal plaque.


The red cloth was opened, but there were four large characters written on the horizontal plaque: "One Promise, Thousand Gold!"

It's just that among these four big characters, the first three characters "One Nuoqian" are all plated with gold, shining yellow, but the gold character is black.

Shi Zhijian looked at Liu Jianxiong.

Liu Jianxiong pretended to be surprised and said: "Oh, how could this happen? Why is it only short of gold? It makes no sense!"

All the people around laughed.

Many people know that Liu Jianxiong is connoting that the mythical jewelry has been cut off from gold resources, and no gold is on the shelves.

"I'm sorry, Ajian, I didn't check carefully and took out a half-finished product as a congratulatory gift. I'm really rude! I'm so rude!" Liu Jianxiong bit his cigar, looking annoyed.

The others couldn't bear it any longer, and sniggered in a low voice.

Third Young Master Xu murmured to First Young Master Huo: "Wow, this Liu Jianxiong is amazing. With his acting skills, it's a shame not to be an actor!"

"Yeah, look at his arrogant appearance, I really want to go up and beat him up!"

Amid the ridicule of the crowd, Shi Zhijian stepped forward slowly, walked up to Liu Jianxiong, and looked at Liu Jianxiong.

Liu Jianxiong aggressively bit his cigar and exhaled smoke at Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian reached out and took his cigar in his hand.

"Huh?" Liu Jianxiong froze for a moment.

Everyone was also stunned.

Shi Zhijian's domineering action stunned everyone.

"Xiong, you and I have been with me for so many years. I should understand that I don't like others to bite cigars in front of me! It looks like a hangover, but in fact, it is extremely timid inside!" After finishing speaking, Shi Zhijian threw the cigar on the ground , crushed it with his foot, then reached out and patted Liu Jianxiong on the shoulder: "Drink a few more glasses at the banquet later!"

After finishing all this, Shi Zhijian didn't turn his head back to greet other guests, leaving Liu Jianxiong alone in a mess, "What do you mean? I'm timid in my heart? Who said that? I'm strong and ruthless in my heart!"

It's a pity that he was crushed by Shi Zhijian from the beginning to the end, and no one pays attention to him now!

Even Zheng Yutong was embarrassed to stand with him, feeling that he was bringing shame on himself!

"Okay! Shi Zhijian, you are so arrogant! You are so arrogant! I want to see when your company opens later, how can you get off the stage without gold jewelry?!" Liu Jianxiong laughed back angrily, waiting to see Shi Zhijian make a fool of himself.

"The auspicious time has come!"

"Today we are celebrating the grand opening of Shinhwa Jewelry Company!"

"Business is booming, wealth is rolling in! Good luck----!"

After the ribbon-cutting was completed, the jewelry company's business hall opened with a bang!

People went in to observe.

Zheng Yutong, Liu Jianxiong and others also walked in immediately.

But what shocked them was that the display cabinets and display racks in front of them were all complete, especially those gold jewelry, which were too numerous to count!

"how so?"

Those who were thinking of watching a joke were stunned, wondering if they had read it wrong, how could the other party have so much gold? Under the pressure of Zheng Yutong and Macau Luobao, isn't there no gold supplier to supply Shinhwa? But why are there so many gold ornaments here now? Are these all fake? Are they all made of brass?

"How could this be?" Zheng Yutong also had a look of disbelief, UU Reading He never expected that Shi Zhijian could mobilize so many gold sources in just three days.

Zheng Yutong looked at Liu Jianxiong in surprise and asked.

Liu Jianxiong was also a little confused, but he immediately became excited: "Brother Tong, don't worry, the good show begins!"

Zheng Yutong glanced at Liu Jianxiong suspiciously, he had a bad feeling, and this feeling was very strong.

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