Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 288: I'm going to cut my beard!

"Sister! Has the place arrived yet?"

"Come on, be patient!"

Shi Yufeng took the lead and limped along the path ahead.

Shi Zhijian hugged Bao'er in the back, panting and followed.

At first, Shi Zhijian could hold on, but gradually he could not hold on anymore. He put down Bo'er, took off his suit, loosened his tie, and then picked up Bo'er.

"Sister, how long will it take to arrive?"

"Should it be coming soon?" Shi Yufeng also began to feel a little unconfident.

It was good to step on someone just now, but now she is dragging her lame leg for three or four miles, and her heel hurts. "If I knew this earlier, I wouldn't wear a cheongsam or high heels."

"Sister, I can't hold or walk anymore, why don't we take a car!"

"By car? Where is the car? Amin drove here?"

"Moo!" A car stopped in front of them.

The old man who was driving the car looked at them with a smile, "Young son, do you want to take the car?!"


Sitting on the ox cart, the nose full of cow dung smell.

"Abo, thank you very much! We're going to Shiweijiao Village!" Shi Zhijian sat in the car halfway, and handed out a cigarette.

The old man took the cigarette, put it on his ear, picked up his cigarette bag and said to Shi Zhijian, "Try this!"

Shi Zhijian waved his hand: "No, thank you!"

"Why, look down on me?"

"No." Shi Zhijian took the cigarette pot, took out a handkerchief, wiped the mouthpiece, lit it, took a breath, and choked him to tears.

"Haha," the old man laughed, "this is the tobacco leaf I grew myself, it's much stronger than the cigarette you bought!"

"It's quite strong!" Shi Zhijian handed the cigarette pot to the old man.

The old man said, "How about going to Shiweijiao Village? I can walk slowly, I can get there in half an hour."

"How long does it take?" Shi Zhijian looked at the sky, it was almost noon.


When I was idle on the road, I was idle. Shi Zhijian saw that the two sides of the road began to become different from the front. At least the cement floor was repaired, so he talked to the old man and asked where it was.

The old man was very talkative and told Shi Zhijian that there were two major industrial areas in Tsuen Wan, one is Chai Wan Kok and the other is Texaco.

He also said that the largest number of textile factories in Chai Wan Kok developed after the Japanese devils were driven out, and many girls and young men from Tsuen Wan were working in factories.

It is also said that the largest plastic flower factory in the Texaco Industrial Zone is the famous owner Li Jiacheng. But the most famous of the industrial area is the Texaco Oil Company, where the wages and benefits are good.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

In his last life, Shi Zhijian also knew about Li Jiacheng's family history. He first worked in a hardware factory, and then he broke away to set up a hardware factory.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and the business of the hardware factory was not good. He was about to go bankrupt. It was at this time that he got a sum of money from the relief of his father-in-law and started to open the first plastic flower factory in Dustpan. Relying on the production of plastic toys, mainly It was the plastic pistols of children who started to earn the first pot of gold in life.

Later, the business of the plastic flower factory became better and better, and Li Jiacheng began to expand the scale of production and began to build factories in other parts of Hong Kong, the largest of which was this plastic flower factory in the Texaco Industrial Zone.

Of course, these are not the main points. The point is that Li Jiacheng is very business-minded. The reason why he built a factory here is not only to produce plastic flowers to make profits, but also to see that Tsuen Wan has a good future development momentum, especially with mountains and rivers. The factory is built near the sea, and if it is demolished, a beach house can be built directly.

To put it bluntly, Li Jiacheng built a factory as a supplement, and mainly enclosed land.

Unfortunately, because of the existence of the Texaco Petroleum Company, his series of enclosure plans were scuttled.

Three thousand acres of land have been boiled for almost ten years, and there is still no sign of development here.

An oil company stationed here is like a ticking time bomb. No matter how well you build your house, no one dares to buy it.

Shi Zhijian smiled when he thought of this. He took out a cigarette and lit it with his hands. Looking at Ridang Zhengkong, he exhaled a mouthful of smoke.

Others don't know, but Shi Zhijian knows that Texaco will move in a year or two!

In the last life Shi Zhijian read a book called "International Petroleum Situation" which was published by Hong Kong Chaoyang Publishing House in 1978.

In this book, the historical changes of Texaco Oil Company in Hong Kong are mentioned, especially the relocation is very interesting.

Local rats are infested, often stealing oil, making oil stocks always depleted.

The management of Texaco Oil Company tried their best to do nothing.

Tsuen Wan is close to Tai Mo Shan, and the mountain is so dangerous that many mice will hide in the oil company when they encounter flash floods or flooding, and they will stay here all year round.

Under the circumstances, Texaco Petroleum had to choose to relocate after a year or two.

Not long after Texaco moved out, Li Jiacheng joined the three major real estate developers in Hong Kong to start the comprehensive development of Tsuen Wan Beach House, which helped him earn the biggest pot of gold in his life.

Therefore, in the last life, Li Jiacheng told people that Tsuen Wan is a blessed land for him.

The old man who was driving the car was still introducing the surrounding customs.

But where did he know that Shi Zhijian had already had a bold idea at this time.

"Abo, thank you first!" Shi Zhijian suddenly patted his shoulder and said to the old man.

The old man driving the car was stunned, "Uh, do you thank me for doing this?"

"Anyway, thank you!" Shi Zhijian flicked the cigarette **** into the air.

He's going to cut his beard!


Shiweijiao Village.

Shi Zhijian and old sister Shi Yufeng got off the ox cart, carried Bao'er down, and looked at each other.

Shi Zhijian said, "Sister, are you sure you want to enter the village? Why don't we go back!"

Shi Yufeng looked at the slender man, but his suit and trousers were well-dressed, but they were stained with cow dung, and the smell of cow dung was all over his body.

As for myself, the red cheongsam that is well-rounded is also wrinkled, the spiral hairstyle has long been scattered, the hair is disheveled, and the hair is stained with straw.

The only good thing is Bao'er, but at this time, he was drowsy by the bumping of the ox cart, and was held in his arms by Shi Zhijian, his head drooping on Shi Zhijian's shoulders.

Shi Yufeng gritted his teeth and threw up his fists, "No, let's go in!"

"Just go back like this?"

"What are you afraid of? Have confidence!" Shi Yufeng dragged her and strode towards Taigong's house.

Shi Zhijian shook his head. At first glance, his and the old sister's virtues showed that they didn't get along well outside. They were afraid that they would be laughed at. How would they explain it then? How to pretend to be a big tail wolf?

Madam, you are out of luck!


Shi Taigong is a famous person in the village. Because he has read books, knows Chinese characters, and came from a private school, he is very respected by the villagers and arranged to live in the best feng shui mansion in the east of the village.

The house is very large and quaint, but it has been in disrepair for a long time, and it looks a little bit shabby.

Shi Yufeng brought her younger brother and her daughter to the door of the old house. At a glance, she saw under the big tree in the house, a white-haired old man was reading a book in a wire-bound book, and a group of children took a bamboo pole and poked the jujube tree next to it. Big red dates.

Pfft! Pfft!

The big red dates fell to the ground, and some of them rolled to the feet of Shi Yufeng and Shi Zhijian.

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