Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 511: Kindness does not hold the army!

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"Wow, we won! Shi Pujie, this time you are sure to lose!" Dai Fengni couldn't help laughing while watching the Chaozhou cattle being pulled from the lake by Chen Yaotai like a dead cow.

"Yeah, Miss Dai! This time we're sure to win! I want to win five hundred dollars! Five hundred dollars!" Liang Youcai was also smiling, afraid that Shi Zhijian would renege on his debts, so he deliberately called out five hundred dollars.

Shi Zhijian looked at the Chaozhou cattle lying on the ground like a corpse and smiled, released his chin and said, "It's not over yet, who knows you won?"

"You still want to default on your debts? Did you see that? That dead cow is lying on the ground! It's not Chen Yaotai who won, but the one who won?" Dai Fengni was very displeased with Shi Zhijian's assertiveness.

Shi Zhijian walked to the balcony, put his hands on the railings, looked down from a condescending attitude, and said, "Do you know that Hong Kong people like horse racing? Before the finish line, no one knows who will win!"

Dai Fengni's mouth twitched, and she couldn't help revealing a hint of irony: "You're all set to lose, and you're still arguing! Could it be that the dead cow can still survive and turn defeat into victory?"


"Did you make a mistake? You guys don't know anything? Pick the old mother!" Chen Yaotai saw this, so he had to climb over and help the Chaozhou cattle press the belly to control the water. of!

But before Chen Yaotai could help the Chaozhou cow to press the water out of its stomach, a big hand stuck in his throat, and the Chaozhou cow rolled over and rode on him, saying coldly, "Whoever loses and who wins now?"

The situation is changing too fast!

Chen Yaotai was under control.

It took me a long time to recover, "You're a fool!"

Chaozhou Niu sneered: "You can just push me into the water, why can't I do tricks? Soldiers are not afraid of deceit, haven't you heard of it?"

"Hey! Auntie, you lost!" Chen Huwang said beside him, "You are too soft-hearted!"

Chen Yaotai still wanted to struggle and resist, but the Chaozhou cattle didn't give him a chance, stuck his throat, stretched out his hand and pulled out the axe from his back, and threw it on the ground, "Don't think I'm so big that I don't have a brain!"

"I picked your mother! If I hadn't rescued you, you would have already become a dead cow! A guy who takes revenge for kindness!" Chen Yaotai yelled.

Chaozhou Niu punched Chen Yaotai's head, making a big hole in the ground, "If you hadn't rescued me, this punch would have hit your head!"


"What's the matter? Am I blinded? How did the dead cow come back to life? How did Chen Yaotai lose?" Dai Fengni was shocked and looked at everything that happened below in disbelief.

"It's over! It's reversed! My five hundred dollars!" Liang Youcai exclaimed sadly.

"Now you understand, things are unpredictable! Especially when it comes to betting!" Shi Zhijian turned around and said.

"Did you know that Chen Yaotai would lose?" Dai Fengni looked at Shi Zhijian in disbelief.

"Would you believe me if I said yes?"

"How is that possible? How did you guess?"

"Is this still a guess?" Shi Zhijian pointed to Chen Yaotai below, "There is no need for an axe, he will lose from the beginning!"

Dai Fengni seemed to understand something, but at the same time she didn't seem to understand anything.

Shi Zhijian smiled, turned around and tidied up his clothes and said, "Let's go, let me see this little tiger! Although he lost, I am more interested in him!"



In the bright and spacious living room, Chen Yaotai twisted the wet clothes in his hands with a sullen face.

His clothes were wringed out of the water and scattered on the carpet.

"Pay attention to the image! Don't dirty Mr. Shi's living room!" Chen Huwang reminded his nephew.

"My image is long gone! Picking his mother, I lost to that dead cow!" Chen Yaotai looked dissatisfied.

"Don't be unconvinced! The kindness of women is your biggest weakness!" Chen Huwang pointed with his fingers behind his back, "You should have used an axe from the beginning!"

"I'm afraid of hacking the gang to death!" Chen Yaotai put the wet clothes on his shoulders, and touched the bandage that was covering the abdominal wound, "This time the dead cow is very powerful, and you can blow water and say that you have defeated it in the future. I!"

"Don't worry, no!" said a voice.

Immediately, Shi Zhijian took Dai Fengni and Liang Youcai downstairs and walked to the living room.

Shi Zhijian clasped his fist at Chen Huwang: "Chen Longtou, we finally meet!" He clasped his fist at Chen Yaotai and said, "Jianmen Huzi, really extraordinary!"

Chen Yaotai raised his eyebrows and said, "Why, are you laughing at me?"

"How could it be, I'm telling the truth." Shi Zhijian pointed to the sofa and let the two sit down, "Chaozhou cattle won't win this time, he won't talk nonsense! As for Mr. Chen, your tiger might, I also know it. pass!"

Chen Yaotai wanted to speak up, but Chen Huwang stopped him and clasped his fist at Shi Zhijian: "Mr.

Shi Zhijian sat down on the sofa opposite, and pointed to the sofa behind their uncle and nephew: "Please sit down too!"

Chen Huwang winked at Chen Yaotai, and the two sat down on the sofa respectively.

Shi Zhijian said straight to the point, "First of all, I would like to thank the Hong Kong Gang for helping me! Second, I originally wanted to hand over all the club business related to the Golden Dragon Company in Kyoto and Yokohama to the Hong Kong Gang, but now, I have changed my mind!"

"Uh, why?" Chen Huwang almost jumped up. In order to obtain these benefits, their uncle and nephew sacrificed their lives.

Shi Zhijian glanced at Chen Yaotai, pointed at him and said, "Because he just lost!"

"What do you mean?" Chen Yao stood up abruptly and glared at Shi Zhijian.

In his eyes, Shi Zhijian was so arrogant at a young age, which really made him feel uncomfortable.

Shi Zhijian was not afraid at all, pointed to the sofa, and said to Chen Yaotai in a commanding tone: "Sit down! I don't want to say it a second time!"

Chen Yaotai wanted to get angry, but Chen Huwang ordered, "Sit down!"

Chen Yaotai snorted and sat down again, staring at Shi Zhijian.

Dai Fengni and Liang Youcai next to them couldn't help This Chen Yaotai is very aggressive, but why do you think Shi Zhijian is more powerful?

"The business of the club is just one word, ruthless! Ruthless to yourself, ruthless to the enemy! Chaozhou cattle did a good job! You, much worse!" Shi Zhijian glanced at Chen Yaotai contemptuously.

Chen Yao clenched his fists too tightly, his eyes spitting fire.

Chen Huwang didn't speak, just looked at Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian also looked at him, "Chen Longtou, are you angry when I say this?"

"So what if you're angry? Could Mr. Shi give us back that business?"

"I promised the Liuhe Club where Chaozhou Niu belongs, and they and your Hong Kong help will take care of those businesses in the future!" Shi Zhijian's tone was firm, he took out a cigarette and bit it on his mouth, Liang Youcai hurriedly stepped forward to help him light the fire .

Shi Zhijian patted the back of Liang Youcai's hand on fire and expressed his gratitude. Then he raised his head, narrowed his eyes, and exhaled smoke towards Chen Huwang's uncle and nephew: "Do you have any opinions on this?!"

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