Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 515: Hunger marketing!

Kyoto, port.


A whistle sounded, and a huge cargo ship docked in front of the dock.

Wearing a cyan gown, Chen Huwang took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead due to tension.

There are two gangs behind him, and one row is the Hong Kong gang under his control, almost 13 or 4 people.

Others were managers of the Golden Dragon Company, all in neat suits. There were five people in total, and behind the five were a large group of secretary assistants and ordinary staff.

Chen Huwang's current status is no trivial matter. He is one of the presidents of the Golden Dragon Company and has real power. Those five people are also the management personnel of the company, but at this moment they have to obey his orders.

For Chen Huwang, this kind of feeling is very strange. It is different from the previous gang management, which uses force to convince people. Everyone sees him full of fear, but that kind of fear is not visible.

These high-level personnel of Jinlong Company, seeing his expression is a kind of spiritual awe, as if Chen Huwang can deprive them of their glory and wealth with a single word, rather than the mere life and death of that mere life and death-many times, glory and wealth are more important than life and death. important!

Chen Huwang enjoyed this kind of spiritual awe very much, and felt that he had landed on the shore. He was a person with status and status, and he was no longer the desperado of the rivers and lakes he used to be.

After the giant ship docked, accompanied by the captain and others, Chen Huwang boarded the ship to inspect the karaokes that had been delivered. Seeing that everything was fine, he was relieved. This was the first time he helped the company, and the first time he The identity of the president must not make any mistakes.

Wait until the inspection is over, almost noon.

Chen Huwang invited the five company executives to have dinner together.

Those people were suffering from not having the opportunity to flatter Chen Huwang. When they heard this, they were immediately flattered and nodded in agreement.

For these Dongying, the most admired is the strong, regardless of whether Chen Huwang is Chinese or not, in their eyes, they are all masters!

Chen Huwang also enjoys the feeling of being so awed and surrounded by Dongying people. I have to say that Dongyingzi is really good at being a grandson. The humbleness and lowliness of that attitude go deep into the bone marrow!

Chen Huwang explained to his subordinates to move all the karaokes down, and bring people here to contact the feelings.

At the banquet, those Dongying people who were originally high above all raised their glasses to invite him, and they all praised him!

They called Chen Huwang "Respected President Chen", and they swore one by one that, under the leadership of respected President Chen, they would sacrifice everything for Jinlong Company!

When the wine was drunk, those Dongying people spontaneously dressed up as clowns, wearing kimonos, with bandages on their heads, like harlequins with double reeds, and danced a few Dongying dances for Chen Huwang, asking Chen Huwang to criticize and give advice.

At this time, Chen Huwang was in high spirits, as if he had returned to his youth!

Of course, he also knows whose gift all this is, Shi Zhijian!

He will never forget this name, and will do his best for Shi Zhijian in his lifetime!

How do you say that,

Scholar die for the confidant!


at the same time.

The news about karaoke in the major newspapers and magazines in Kyoto has spread a lot.

Countless people are full of curiosity about this mysterious electronic high-tech product.

Countless nightclubs, dance halls and bars have already started making reservations with the Golden Dragon Company for the first time.

Shi Zhijian is a past person. Of course, he is familiar with the sales routines of high-end gadgets such as Apple and Xiaomi in the previous life, especially the "hunger marketing" trick is extremely powerful.

So Shi Zhijian immediately bought the three largest newspapers in Kyoto.

In this era, whether it is in Dongying, Hong Kong, or other places, newspapers will always be the most mainstream media of public opinion, dominating the world of public opinion.

So, starting from the sixth day, the three major newspapers in Kyoto, "Asahi Shimbun", "Kyoto Times", and "Asia Express" have all published a news on the front page——

"What are you waiting for? The legendary karaoke has arrived! There are only 6,000 reservations left!"

Six thousand?

Why are there only 6,000 left?

Didn't you say there are 10,000 units? !

Just when people were surprised, on the seventh day, these newspapers published another news——

"Because of the large number of pre-ordered customers, the price of each karaoke set has been raised from USD 1,200 to USD 1,300. Please understand!"

What? Everyone was surprised this time!

With such a big life, it was the first time they heard that a product had not been listed before the price was increased! And one plus is a hundred dollars!


Such a machine ghost would buy it!

Also increase the price by 100, cheat!

Just when these people were full of ridicule, on the eighth day, the three major newspapers and magazines published shocking news again——

"There are more than 9,000 pre-ordered customers, and now there are only 1,000 units left! The price of this new product has been raised again by 1,500 US dollars! Please understand!"


The market exploded!

Those who sneered at mythical karaoke before were all dumbfounded.

They thought that no one would buy this kind of machine. Who knew that after the price increase, not only people would buy it, but there were even more buyers! So much so that the manufacturer had to temporarily raise the price by another $200!


And this kind of thing?

Shi Zhijian's coquettish operation directly washed the three views of these people!

At the same time, on the black market of Dongying Electronics, due to the limited amount, a Myth Karaoke has been priced from $1,500 to $1,800, and then from $1,800 to $2,000!

As the saying goes, what is rare is precious!

In this way, the market is completely crazy!

By the ninth day, 10,000 Mythical Karaokes have been booked out!


This kind of high-tech electronic products that you make if you buy it, whoever does not buy it is a fool!


Jingle Bell!

In Kyoto, the reservation phone of the Golden Dragon Company has been completely blown up.

"Sorry! Our karaoke is fully booked! Really out of stock!"

"Sorry! Please book in advance next time! We will notify you as soon as possible!"

"Dear customer, thank you for your support! It's a pity! Our items are sold out!"

Those operators in the sales department were about to explode. In the past two days, their throats were breathing fire and their mouths were dry. They didn't know how many times they said "I'm sorry" to those customers and said "Sold out" less often.

10,000 sets of Mythical Karaoke, with a total value of 12 million US dollars, finally sold a full 18 million US dollars under Shi Zhijian's shocking and unusual "hunger marketing"!

In this way, there are countless customers calling and wanting to order this product.

For this crazy sales phenomenon, numerous experts and scholars in Dongying racked their brains to conduct assiduous research, and finally called Shi Zhijian's "hunger marketing" model "devil phenomenon"!

The devil tempts the world!

Let the world be willing to give time and money!


Nightingale Bar.

The bar owner put his hands behind his back and looked at the newly purchased mythical karaoke with a look of relief.

This brand-new machine is placed in the most conspicuous place on the stage, like a shining golden signboard, attracting those curious guests.

"Boss, is this the legendary karaoke? Can we sing a song?"

"Of course! Dear What song do you want to sing, I'll order a song for you?!"

After some skilled operation by the boss, wonderful music sounded, and without the old-fashioned accompaniment band, everything seemed so fashionable and fashionable.

"This is high tech!"

"Boss, this karaoke is really good!"

"Yeah, it's really great to be able to order so many different songs!" Countless guests gave the boss a thumbs up.

The boss smiled so that the folds on his face turned into chrysanthemums. He looked at the karaoke with a sense of joy and accomplishment. Fortunately, he quickly ordered one. Look how good the business is now!

And that **** backing band got fired by him as well, never having to pay them from now on, saving a ton of money!

"Yangxi! I'm so smart!"

The boss has his hands behind his back and looks proud!

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