Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 523: Mitsuko Yamada, is Scorpio Lone Star?

"I just hope that Mr. William likes it here---I know that this cooperation is very important to you!" Photon glanced at Shi Zhijian with charming almond eyes, "But why did you choose to sit here instead of a private room? "

Shi Zhijian smiled, "Don't you know that Westerners advocate freedom? Our private room culture is not suitable for them."

Mitsuko Yamada seems to understand, but after thinking about it, it seems that Shi Zhijian is right.

When Westerners date, they prefer to be in a bright and spacious public place, rather than a place with strong privacy, unless there is a tryst between men and women.

Thinking of the word "tryst", Yamada Mitsu's pretty face immediately turned red.

In the past few days, she and Shi Zhijian have been practicing life in the secret door of the office.

So much so that her poor waist is about to be broken off by doing something too often.

Who is Shi Zhijian? As soon as Photon's pretty face blushed, she knew that she was thinking about something unhealthy again.

To tell the truth, Dongying girls are really open to some aspects, at least the photon is different from the others.

In front of people, she is the female president who is as beautiful as peaches and plums as cold as frost.

But behind the people, to Shi Zhijian, the man she loved deeply, she showed tenderness and sweetness, and the words she said most were "Ya Yi Die!"

"Maybe we can come over and try the private room alone!" Shi Zhijian reached out and held the small hand of the photon, with a wicked smile on his face, "Do you think it's cool to do that kind of thing in such a high place?"

Photon's pretty face was flushed, and water was dripping from her beautiful eyes: "What are you doing?"

"Of course it's a meal! What do you think?"

Photon's cheeks were even more red, and he didn't even dare to look at Shi Zhijian, and said in his mouth: "You are a badass!"

This is what attracts men most to Dongying women. They are charming and coquettish in their bones, but shy and shy on the outside, making them look like girls.

As he spoke, a waitress dressed as a maid in a western restaurant brought the menu and looked at the flirtatious Shi Zhijian and Guang Guang, secretly envious of handsome men and beautiful women. aristocratic ladies.

Since he is the host, Shi Zhijian ordered food for everyone in advance.

Shi Zhijian didn't know what Mr. William's appetite was, so he ordered some of the most famous signature dishes here.

Taking advantage of Shi Zhijian's order, Yamada Mitsu managed to break free from the small hand that Shi Zhijian was holding to wipe the oil. Before the flushing on his face subsided, he fanned the wind with his small hand, and then took a sip of the ice water placed on the table.

Since she was with Shi Zhijian, she laughed more and became more cheerful.

Just when Photon felt that his cheeks were no longer so hot and was about to put down the water glass, his eyes inadvertently fell on the few people who were walking towards him. His eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, and the smile on his face gradually subsided.

After Shi Zhijian finished ordering the meal, he looked up and saw Photon's strange expression, so he followed Photon's gaze and saw those few people.

Shi Zhijian waved his hand and asked the waiter to go down to prepare the dishes. Here he took out a cigarette and bit it in his mouth and began to look at the few people who came in.

At the head was a middle-aged bald man, in a suit and leather shoes, with his hands behind his back and a shy belly. He looked like a deputy minister.

The other two are a young couple.

The man is also wearing a suit, with the company badge still hanging around his neck, which looks like a typical company animal.

The woman was dressed extremely coquettishly, and the man should be a couple based on her behavior, and she was trying her best to curry favor with the bald minister.

The three of them happened to pass Shi Zhijian's table along the aisle.

Yamada Mitsuko saw them coming, and stood up timidly to say hello: "Big brother, sister-in-law, how are you!"

When the social animal man who was trying to please his boss saw the photon, his face immediately became ugly, and when he saw Shi Zhijian sitting with the photon, his face became even more disdainful, and he snorted coldly: "Who is your big brother? I I can't bear it!"

On the other hand, the coquettish woman next to the man smiled and said, "It turned out to be Photon, are you alright? Last time you ran away from home, you didn't even say a word, your elder brother misses you so much! By the way, I heard that you have joined a family now. In a big company, you are still a white-collar worker, how about you, where can you get a high-level job?"

The coquettish woman's words sounded enthusiastic, but her condescending attitude was obvious.

The man's face was ashen: "I introduced that marriage to you for your own good! I didn't expect you to run away directly, making me very embarrassed and shameless, do you know?"

Only then did Shi Zhijian hear that the man was Mitsuo Yamada, Mitsuo Yamada's eldest brother.


Yamada Mitsuko's parents died early, and his sister died in an accident.

Mitsuo Yamada and his younger sister, Mitsuo, depended on each other for life, and life was not bad at all.

Until Guangfu got married and married this woman named Yazi.

Yazi can speak well, and likes to blow the pillow wind, which makes Guangfu dizzy.

For Yazi, the photon living with them is a "oil bottle", so she stopped her tuition before she graduated from high school.

In desperation, Photon had to work and save money by himself before continuing to finish high school. And he was admitted to Kyoto University with excellent grades.

According to Ya Zi's meaning, Photon is a loser at this time, either let her drop out of school and go to work to earn money; or let her marry directly, so that she can collect the gift.

It's a pity that Photon didn't choose to drop out of school to work, nor did he marry directly as his brother arranged, and even ran away from the engagement banquet, which made Yamada Mitsuo and Mizuko very embarrassed, and had to swallow the betrothal gift in their stomachs. Going back is a shame.

Since then, Yazi has fanned the flames in front of Guangfu, saying that his sister is the "Shenzhen Lone Star" who can overcome both parents and mother and sister!

Now even he is the big brother!

Who will look down on the Yamada family in the future? !

After Ya Zi said that, Guang Fu hated his sister Guang Fu.

So that after the photon graduated and worked, there has been no contact.

Photon would write a letter or call to say a word or two during Chinese New Year and holidays, but Guangfu never replied.


"Big brother, sister-in-law! I'm now..." Guangguang was about to tell his current situation when the bald minister spoke Mr. Guang, who is this beautiful lady? "While speaking, the bald minister still rolled his eyes, looking up and down at Mitsuko Yamada with his squinting eyes.

Mitsuko Yamada was disgusted by the look in his eyes, but did not speak.

When Yamada Mitsuo saw the bald man asking a question, he hurriedly turned his face, and his livid face towards Photon immediately turned into a flattering smile: "This is my sister Mitsuo! Minister Fujiki, what do you want to explain?"

Minister Fujiki stared at Photon, his eyes became more and more hot, "Oh, so she is a sister! She is really a big beauty! Haha! It's better than this, it's better to meet by chance, I sincerely invite your sister, Miss Photon, to have dinner with you. ,Not sure if this is possible?"

Minister Fujiki had his hands behind his back, his eyes were high, and he held his posture very high.

For him, if he is willing to say such words, he is giving Guangfu a chance!

Originally, he was disdainful of coming to eat here, especially following such a low-level subordinate!

He is the senior minister of the Philips branch in Dongying!

It is also a top ten existence in the company!

And Yamada Mitsuo is just a small clerk who hasn't been promoted for three years! This time the company has a promotion target, this guy complimented him immediately, and let his wife Yazi flatter him wantonly!

Fujiki believes that if he wants to, it is okay to ask Mitsuo to offer his wife!

But now Fujiki has shifted his target, and he has a crush on Photon!

This is an absolute beauty!

Fujiki is salivating!

As for Shi Zhijian, who was sitting with Photon, he didn't take it seriously at all!

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