Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 541: Unsung hero!

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"Not good! Something big happened!"

When Daysuke Inoue and others got the news that because the scratch card was misprinted, the discount of 30 dollars had suddenly turned into a discount of 300 dollars, everyone immediately trembled with fright!

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up and inform Mr. Shi!"

Immediately, Shi Zhijian rushed to the Shinhwa Technology Company from the hotel. He didn't even eat lunch, so he immediately notified everyone and called everyone to hold an emergency meeting!

At the same time, Sony, Panasonic, and Toshiba, which are dedicated to "fighting counterfeit myths", have also received news.

"What do you mean? Mythology Technology made a big oolong, and the scratch card of thirty dollars was mistakenly printed as three hundred dollars?"

For the first time, Sony and others were ecstatic!

Shi Zhijian made such a low-level mistake!


Just add some fire!

Immediately, these big companies spent money to buy the news media of major Eastern Ying, and they flocked to Mythology Technology to break out the news!

At this time, Shi Zhijian was roaring like a bull: "Is there anything wrong? What are you doing to eat? Your conscience is greatly damaged!"

Shi Zhijian scolded the people of Shinhwa Science and Technology into the blood.

Yamada Mitsuo took the initiative to stand up and take the blame: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault! I caused such a serious accident!"

At this moment, someone reported that reporters were coming, and there was a big wave of them, who wanted to interview Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian waved his hand angrily: "Let them in!"

So those media were invited to the conference site to witness a critical conference.

Shi Zhijian criticized Yamada Mitsuno for a while, and all the company executives present were silent.

The media crackled and recorded the scene.

Since there are media present, Shi Zhijian can't go too far.

Yamada Mitsuo took the opportunity to say: "Now I think we should find a way to solve the problem!"

"Yeah, the problem has come out, and it needs to be solved!"

"It's not as good as this, we apologize in the media and declare that all those scratch cards are invalid!"

Before these company executives' suggestions were finished, the media reporters who were bought by tech companies such as Sony went into a frenzy.

"Sorry to interrupt! As a news media practitioner, we really can't stand it anymore! If you Mythology Technology want to use such irresponsible means to solve this incident, we will only be ridiculed by us! "

"Yeah, if you make a mistake, you must admit it! You guys have made such a wrongly printed scratch card, and you want to deny it afterwards. It's too shameful!"

"Don't play if you can't afford it! Myth Technology will only be embarrassed to solve the problem like this!"

Those media reporters spoke righteously one by one, forcing Shi Zhijian with smug eyes to see how he made a decision.

Shi Zhijian's expression was extremely tangled and uncomfortable!

In fact, he works very hard! It was very hard to hold back from laughing out loud!

Obviously these reporters are paid, and they are very qualified pig teammates!

Shi Zhijian secretly praised these people, his face was full of pain, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his eyes showed extremely desolate eyes: "Hey! How could this be? Shinhwa start-up, such an accident happened, how can I be embarrassed?"

"Mr. Shi, don't be so embarrassed anymore, or tell everyone, how are you going to solve it?!" The reporter sent by Sony gave his companion a smug look, and then continued to press Shi Zhijian.

"Hey! That's it!" Shi Zhijian sighed, slapped the table, looked up at the media, his expression was full of pain and helplessness: "This time, I admit it! All scratch cards are counted!"

When the media heard this, they almost clapped their hands to celebrate!

For them, this is a huge victory! If they hadn't appeared in time and forced the Chinese, they might not have accepted the account!

This is good, even if they want to play tricks, it won't work!

Get the press release out now!

Can't wait a moment!

So those media reporters came and went quickly, and they all rushed back to issue the press release and publish such a major record!


After these people left, Shi Zhijian waved his hand a little tiredly, saying that except for the photon who stayed alone, everyone else dispersed.

When Daisuke Inoue and the others heard this, they all sighed and glanced at the photon with some pity.

Guess that Shi Zhijian wanted to leave the photon and scold him well. After all, he made such a big mistake, which is unforgivable!

Looking at Photon's expression again, it is full of self-blame and shame!

Soon, only Yamada Mitsuko was left in the entire conference room.

The self-blame and shame on Photon's face disappeared, replaced by a smile.

"You looked so fierce just now!" Photon took the initiative to walk over and snuggled into Shi Zhijian's arms.

Shi Zhijian put his arms around her, "If you don't act a little bit fiercely, you won't be acting like that!"

"Then how are you going to reward me?"

"Whatever you want, I will satisfy you!" Shi Zhijian smiled and lifted the chin of the photon.

Photon winked and said: "Then can you stay for a few more days, even if you stay with me!"

Shi Zhijian nodded, "Alright! I'm going to completely destroy Sony this time!"


Today, major department stores such as Haosheng Department Store, Ginza Department Store, and Shinjuku Department Store in the Kyoto area have seen a wave of rushing to buy the "Myth Generation" Walkman!

The original price of $500 Walkman, because the scratch card is misprinted, you can grab it for $200!

For those customers who like to take advantage of the bargain, this has great appeal!

With the hot sale of the Shinhwa Walkman, the sales of the Sony recorder, which was in the ring with it, began to plummet!

According to statistics, only 33 Sony recorders, which originally sold thousands of units a day, were sold today!

The original unsalable Myth was snapped up by customers because of its convenience to carry, fashion and other factors. In the end, the sales volume dropped, and the three major department stores in Kyoto sold 5,000 units!

at the same time!

In Osaka, Nagoya, and Yokohama, all the counters were sold out!

Even the mythical generation Walkman, which has just been packed in the warehouse and has not had time to be loaded into the truck, has been directly ordered by some merchants!

Those misprinted scratch cards spread from Kyoto to all parts of the East like wings!


It was getting late, and department stores were closing one after another.

Countless people are grinding their fists, getting their money ready, and waiting for the next day---it's time to rush into the hypermarket and try their "good luck"!

The hustle and bustle of the day is coming to an end.

The "rumours" about Shinhwa Technology continue!

Those media reporters spared no effort to describe their great achievements and how they forced Shi Zhijian, the president of Shinhwa, to bow his head and acknowledge the account, so as to bring benefits to the vast number of customers!

They smashed something of five hundred dollars into two hundred!

To the people of Dongying, they are unsung heroes!

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