Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 548: Jade-faced little white dragon---Shi Zhijian!

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Qixing Mountain, Trial Sword Villa.

In the evening, the bright lights shrouded the sky like a firefly, attracting many residents around to stop and watch.

On a small hill, a group of children saw the villa with envy.

"Do you think there is a fairy's mansion there?"

"No, my grandma said it's where the rich live!"

"Yeah, I also listened to my dad, people there can eat and drink every day!"

"Is there bread? Is there soda?"

"Much better than that, I heard they always eat meat!"

As soon as they heard eating meat, several children swallowed hard.

One of the children touched his flat stomach and said, "I haven't eaten meat for a long time! The rabbits and wild boars that my father called up the mountain were also sold to that villa!"

"You're bragging again! Your dad's marksmanship is so bad that he can hit a wild boar?"

Just as the children were bickering, luxury cars whizzed past the hills and headed for the villa.

Excited, the children pointed at the cars and jumped: "Cars! Cars! Cars! Look, cars!"

For these children in the mountains, the car is a new thing. They have lived in the mountains all their lives, and it is difficult to see them.

"Wow, so many cars! I want to drive one when I grow up!"

"Dream! These cars are expensive!"

"How expensive is it?"

"Uh, at least you have to fight three wild boars to get it!"

"Then I'll let my dad hunt wild boars!"

"I asked my grandma to fight!"

"Your mother hunts wild boars?"

"Why not? I tell you, my grandma is amazing. Every night I hear my dad shouting, be careful, kill me!"

Children, look at me, I look at you, and finally said: "It's still your mother who is amazing, our grandma is always killed by Dad!"


Try Sword Villa entrance.

There are many luxury cars parked in the parking lot, including BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Lincoln.

Four yard service personnel are carefully arranging the parking of vehicles,

An extended Rolls Royce roared, attracting everyone's attention.

After all, among the luxury cars tonight, this kind of extended Rolls-Royce is rare, which shows how noble the owner is.

The big-headed Gu Long is very satisfied with the "stunning" feeling of his car.

He was willing to spend 1,500 yuan a day to lease the car, and finally received the corresponding effect.

Literati, all die to save face!

Big brains too.

Although writing books in this era, especially martial arts novels, is very profitable, the manuscript fee is tens of thousands, starting from hundreds of thousands.

But these literati have the common problem of spending money like water. They like to talk about arranging noodles. After taking the manuscript fee, they go to Hipi, and when Hipi is Hipi, their pockets are empty.

There are a few stingy people, but they don’t spend their money, they don’t want to buy a car or a house, and they would rather save it in the bank to earn interest.

So Big Head believes that many of his peers are like himself, and many of them have rented luxury cars.

Everyone plays this game, no shame! Rice came to a slow stop and the door opened.

The big-headed Gu Long came out of the car first, with his chest raised and a cigar in his mouth.

Liang Youcai and Chen Yaotai also followed, imitating the appearance of big heads, biting a big cigar, the three of them crossed their waists, breathing clouds and mist, and those who didn't know they thought they were big tycoons.

Shi Zhijian took Dai Fengni's hand and got out of the car, like a pair of golden boys and girls, attracting everyone around him to praise---

"Wow, this guy is so handsome!"

"This girl is so pretty!"

Big Head stepped forward and led the team: "Let's go, it's almost time, let's go in! By the way, Ah Jian, I'll introduce you to a few friends later! One is Shangguan Ding and the other is Gao Yong!"

Shi Zhijian was surprised, thinking that Gu Long was going to introduce himself Sima Ling, Wo Longsheng and Zhuge Qingyun from the "Three Musketeers" in the martial arts world of Baodao.

In fact, after becoming famous, Gu Long will not talk about these three.

Among the "Three Musketeers", Wo Longsheng's novels are quite impressive, Zhuge Qingyun is occasionally strange, and Sima Ling is even praised by some people as "the originator of reasoning", but compared with Gu Long, the gap is too great. When Gu Long created a new era of martial arts, these three have long been eliminated by the times.

This kind of gap will inevitably lead to alienation, not to mention that Gu Long is a man of temperament. He can stab in the back for those he likes, but he is not willing to even take a second look at those he doesn't like.

According to rumors, when Gu Long was not yet famous, he was ghostwriting for the three of them, and they ran before and after, but the three of them did not really support Gu Long, and maybe there was suppression, which naturally made Gu Long feel chilled.

Others say that the separation between Wolongsheng and Gulong stemmed from the latter's slashing of love. At that time, Wo Longsheng liked a dancer named Anna and often went to support her. Who knew that Anna was chased by Gu Long, and Wo Longsheng was furious.

Of course, Taiwan is not a big place, and the Three Musketeers and Gu Long are walking together, looking up but not looking down.

In turn, Shangguan Ding helped Gu Long as a ghostwriter, continued to write "Sword Poison Plum Fragrant", and Gao Yong helped to continue to write "Huhua Bell". Speaking of which, Gu Long and the two were both teachers and friends.

While they were talking, the five of them had already come to the Jianjian Villa. They saw that the entire villa was elegant in style, with all kinds of dance pavilions and terraces. There was a huge fountain in the middle of the venue, and a sculpture in the shape of a fairy was spraying water with a water bottle on its back.

Next to it is a huge mountain spring pool, bubbling with hot bubbles.

A group of girls with proud figures were playing in the water in three-point poses, raising their hands and feet, and the waves were choppy and beautiful.

Without exception, including Shi Zhijian, the eyes of several men were attracted to the past.

"I pick, it's great!" Dai Fengni exclaimed. "Look at this figure, papaya, watermelon, cantaloupe... Treasure Island girls are really good!"

Everyone turned their heads together and looked at Dai Fengni in surprise.

Dai Fengni looked at the swimming pool, her eyes were hot, and she didn't realize it: "No wonder people say that one side of the landscape supports another person! I understand it, this sentence really makes sense!"

Shi Zhijian saved her from hurriedly touched her and coughed a few times.

Only then did Dai Fengni react and said, "I'm evaluating them with admiration!"

"Yes! Yes! Everyone has a love for beauty!" Shi Zhijian rounded up the situation.

Gu Long: "Understandable! Understandable!"

"Since everyone understands so well, I'm sorry first! I'm going to get along with the beauties! Do you mind?"

"Don't mind! Don't mind!"

So under the watchful eyes of everyone, Dai Fengni walked towards those water-playing girls with an elegant beauty on the air, and said to herself, "I'm here, girls from Baodao!"

Shi Zhijian glanced at Gu Long awkwardly, "Didn't you say you want to introduce your friends to me, I'm looking forward to it!"

"Oh, I almost forgot!" The big head looked around, and Xu stretched out his arms and shouted at one place: "Shangguan Ding, Gao Yong! Here I am! Let me introduce you to the famous jade-faced little white dragon in Hong Kong-- -Shi Zhijian!"

Shi Zhijian was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said to Gu Long: "When did I have this nickname?"

"I just got it for you! The martial arts conference, it's frustrating without a nickname!"

Shi Zhijian was speechless, feeling that this nickname was even more frustrating!

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