Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 555: Jan's duo!

Opening the door, a middle-aged man in a green shirt and shorts, with white stockings and black leather shoes, stood outside.

The man had a watermelon head with neat bangs, a round head, wind-like ears, a pair of squinting eyes, his nostrils turned out, and a respectful expression. After seeing Shi Zhijian, he asked, "Hello, is this Mr. Shi?"

Shi Zhijian nodded, "Yes, I am!"

Then the middle-aged man looked at Shi Zhijian carefully, then folded his fists and bowed slightly: "Hello, Mr. Shi, next Zhang Aquan is Mr. Zhan's sidekick, Mr. Zhan asked me to invite you to the Dehelou Grand Theater. Peking Opera! Tonight, famous actor Xu Lu will perform "Su San Qi Xie", a rare opportunity!"

Shi Zhijian smiled and said, "Which Mr. Zhan is it?"

As far as Shi Zhijian knows, the Zhan Zhaotang of the Zhan family in Baodao is called Mr. Da Zhan and is in charge of the Crown Group; Zhan Zhaoheng is called Mr. Xiao Zhan and is in charge of the Zhan Group.

"It's Mr. Zhan! Zhan Zhaotang, Mr. Zhan!" Ah Quan answered clearly.

Shi Zhijian nodded, "No wonder I think you look familiar, I should have seen you last time in the villa!"

Aquan bowed: "Mr. Shi had many friends at that time, and he didn't dare to disturb him easily. Please forgive me!"

Shi Zhijian shrugged: "Wait a moment, I'll come to change clothes!"

Shi Zhijian turned around and entered the room, but the hotel proprietress's voice came from his ear: "Brother Quan, help me accommodate, business is difficult now..."

"I'm sorry, I'm just running errands, so I can't help much." But it was Zhang Aquan's voice.

When Shi Zhijian entered the house, Dai Fengni threw the clothes to him, "Are you going to the theatre?"

"Yeah, are you going?"

"Don't go! Watching the show is the most boring!" Dai Fengni yawned, "I'll still take Fatty and Mrs. Tai to the food court!"

Shi Zhijian smiled slightly: "Fat man, take it away, Mrs. stay!"

Just a moment---

Shi Zhijian finished packing and came to the front desk of the hotel, only to see Milfs' hotel proprietress sticking out her head from the cashier, revealing her old face with heavy makeup and saying to Shi Zhijian, "Hello, Mr. Shi, I would take the liberty to ask, you and Brother Quan. Are you familiar?"

Shi Zhijian smiled and said, "It's the first time we met."

The proprietress was a little disappointed, "I thought you knew him very well and could help you with a few words."

"I don't know him well, but I know his boss well."

The old lady's eyes were dimmed originally, but she brightened up when she heard this, "That's even better! In fact, this hotel is the property that we leased Mr. Zhan, but the hotel business has not been very good in the past two years, and the rental fee has been rising. , please help me to say a few more days of grace for the rental fee this time!"

"I didn't expect Mr. Zhan's industry to be so broad!" Shi Zhijian touched his chin thoughtfully.

"You are right, Mr. Zhan is a famous rich man in this area. In addition to the Crown Publishing House, he also runs many hotels, hotels, dance halls, theaters - yes, I hear you are going The Dehelou Grand Theater is a theater, and that theater is also his property!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, "Isn't that Longtan Tiger's Den?"

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"Oh, nothing. I'll say something nice for you when I see Mr. Zhan, don't worry!"

The proprietress said happily: "Then thank you Mr. Shi! I'll give you a 50% discount on the accommodation fee!"

Shi Zhijian smiled brightly: "I also thank you first!"

The proprietress was heartbroken by Shi Zhijian's bright smile, so she said in an ambiguous tone: "Also, Mr. Shi! The weather has been cold recently, and I have stewed a good 'Shiquan Dabu soup'. Men need it. Make it up, if you come back early, you can come to my house and taste it!"

"That's not good?"

"There's nothing wrong, my man has gone out of town, and I'm the only one at home! I can't drink so many delicious soups alone, so please help!" The proprietress winked at Shi Zhijian.

"Do you have a lot of good soup? Do you want me and the dead fat man to help?" Dai Fengni didn't know what came out, she folded her arms, leaned on the front desk, and stared at the proprietress.

Liang Youcai grimaced at the side: "Why are you pulling me again?"

The proprietress looked embarrassed, "Not too much, just two people drinking."

Dai Fengni glanced at Shi Zhijian: "Did you hear? It's only enough for two people to drink! I don't have your share! Let's go and watch your play!"

Shi Zhijian smiled and turned to leave.

Outside the hotel, a black Bentley sedan pulled up.

Zhang Aquan waited respectfully in front of the car, and when Shi Zhijian came out, he hurriedly opened the car door and made an inviting gesture.

Shi Zhijian got into the car.

A Quan told himself to drive, and he said to Shi Zhijian: "Mr. Shi, you are from Hong Kong. This place is not familiar. Sometimes some people say things in a mess, so don't take it seriously."

Shi Zhijian smiled: "You mean that lady boss?"

Aquan neither admitted nor denied, but said in a light tone: "Mr. Zhan doesn't like others to meddle in their own business. It's not worthwhile to meddle too much, and it's easy to lose your teeth!"

"Mr. Zhan has always had his own principles in doing things. Mr. Shi, you are a smart person. It's better to abide by them!"

Shi Zhijian smiled slightly, "Brother Quan, you are all Mr. Zhan when you open your mouth and shut your mouth. You seem to be very loyal to Mr. Zhan!"

Aquan smiled, showing a contemptuous smile to Shi Zhijian for the first time, and the previous respect was gone, "That's because you are a foreigner, so you don't know how scary Mr. Zhan is! So, you better be funny, you should Do what you do! Say what you have to say! By the way, how do you say that in Hong Kong - bashing you in the street!"

Shi Zhijian still smiled and groaned, "Brother Quan is right, it's raining when the sky is crazy, and disaster for people who are crazy! People can't be too crazy, otherwise, they will definitely go to the street!" There was a faint glint in his eyes.

Taibei, Dehelou Grand Theater.

The Dehelou Grand Theater originated from the "Dehe Garden" in the period of Empress Dowager Cixi in the Qing Dynasty. At that time, Lafayette liked to listen to music and watch operas here.

Later, many famous Peking Opera masters came to Baodao and founded the Dehelou Grand Theater.

Today, this big theater is famous all over the island, and countless dignitaries like to entertain guests here and join famous actors and actresses.

Among them, the most famous huadan is Xu Lu, who is known as "a flower in the pear garden". UU reading, whose best "Spring and Autumn Matching" and "Su Sanqijie" are almost full.

Therefore, the business of Dehelou Grand Theater is becoming more and more profitable, but few people know that the behind-the-scenes boss of this theater is Zhan Zhaotang, the boss of the Crown Group.

It is reported that Zhan Zhaotang often entertains some powerful people in power here, and those bigwigs have all become the biggest fans of Dehelou.

After going back and forth, relying on these intricate networks, Zhan Zhaotang has become the invisible "Zhan Overlord" in the business world.

And his younger brother Zhan Zhaoheng is even more in his light, making the Zhan Group's business flourish and being called the famous "Zhan God of Wealth".

The second son of the Zhan family,


Jan's duo!


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