Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 559: hound!

Shi Zhijian and Chen Qili left the VIP room on the second floor with Mrs. Chen Yao swaggeringly.

The scene was in a mess, and Zhan Zhaotang's gang looked at each other, all of them didn't dare to make a sound.

Zhan Zhaotang watched Shi Zhijian and others leave with a smile, then stretched out his hand to his nephew Zhan Pengfei and said, "Tea!"

Zhan Pengfei hurriedly handed him the purple sand teapot in his hand.

Zhan Zhaotang took a sip to the spout and shouted three times, "Very good! Very good! Really good!"

With a snap, he smashed his beloved teapot to the ground and shattered it!

Zhan Pengfei was startled, he covered his mouth and didn't dare to make a sound.

Others were even more silent.

At this time, Zhang Aquan ran out from the side, knelt on the ground, and started to grab the fragments of the tea party on the ground with both hands, and said in his mouth: "The things that Mr. Zhan cherished can't be thrown away casually. Even if they are broken, find a good place to bury them!"

Because he was too excited, his palm was slashed by fragments, but he didn't know it, and still held the fragments.

The others around looked at each other with their own thoughts.

However, Zhan Zhaotang was moved by Ah Quan's loyalty, "Get up, if you break it, it will break! Don't worry!"

At this time, Ah Quan had already taken the fragments into his arms, got up and said with a smile: "Master Zhan, I will keep these fragments well! Please give me a reward!"

"Reward you!"

"Thank you!"

Aquan smiled happily, as if he had got some kind of baby, "It's just Master Zhan, do you really want to let go of that surnamed Shi?"

Zhan Zhaotang's fat face trembled twice, "I won't do things like let the tiger return to the mountain! But this Shi Zhijian is actually related to the four major gangs in Hong Kong, and it's not clear about this Chen Qili, I'm afraid it won't work!"

Thinking of this, Zhan Zhaotang turned around to meet Zhan Pengfei and said, "Call your dad now and ask him to come back from Tainan, and say I have something for him to do!"

As soon as Zhan Pengfei obeyed, he was surprised and then delighted, "Okay, uncle! I'll call now!"


Tainan, Chashan.

The endless tea gardens spread among the mountains.

In a villa in the tea garden, a middle-aged man with no short stature and a kind face is supplying tea with a wave of commodities.

"Boss Zhan, do you want a little more rebate this time?"

"Yeah, our tea is the best here. You will charge us three or four points for a pound of tea, plus the planting fee, picking fee, tea-frying fee, and transportation fee, we can't pay it!"

The four tea merchants said to Zhan Zhaoheng with bitter faces.

Zhan Zhaoheng smiled and took a sip from the tea cup: "What does it mean to be worthless? You sell the best tea for 250 yuan per pound, and I only charge 100 yuan in rebates. You earn 50 more than me! Be a human being, don't be too greedy. !"

One of the tea merchants stood up Huo Di, pointed at Zhan Zhaoheng's nose and scolded: "Damn you! I have endured you for a long time! Are we greedy or are you greedy? We sat down and talked with you in a good voice. Bite it to the death!"

The other three tea merchants shared the same hatred and stared at Zhan Zhaoheng.

Zhan Zhaoheng put down the tea cup in his hand and looked at the tea merchant who was mad: "Boss Wang, don't be impulsive! If you have something to say!"

"Why, are you afraid? Damn you! Who do you think you are? This is Tainan, not Taibei! Our four major tea merchants are not easy to bully!"

"Yeah, Boss Zhan, can you see the situation now? Either sign the contract and get two points back! Or just get out of the way! Without your mall, we still sell our tea!"

"Look, you're also impulsive, aren't you?" Zhan Zhaoheng stood up slowly from his seat, "Being kind makes money, everyone is so angry, how can they make money?"

"Also, what did you just say? You still sell your tea without my shopping mall? This is wrong! Yes, there are not many of my shopping malls, but you go out and ask, if I, Zhan Zhaoheng, don't accept your tea , who dares to accept it?"

When he said this, Zhan Zhaoheng's aura suddenly exploded, and his eyes shot fiercely.

"Also, if you think this is your territory, I have to be obedient, right?"

"So what?" The Boss Wang put his hands on his hips with a fierce look, "This is our territory! Fuck your mother! Everyone come out for me!"


The tea farmers who were ambushed around emerged from the outside, holding bright sickles in their hands, and glared fiercely at Zhan Zhaoheng.

"I see! If you want to upset Laozi, Laozi will have you chopped up as fertilizer!"

"Anyway, a few of us are fed up with your arrogance! Today, either you sign and leave, or you stay!"

Zhan Zhaoheng looked at the four of them and suddenly smiled: "What are you doing here? Becoming a fertilizer and helping you grow tea? I really like it! But what to do, some people don't agree—"

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of motorcycles was heard in the distance.


There seem to be dozens of them!

Boss Wang and others were startled, "Are you ambushing someone?"

Zhan Zhaoheng said, "Look at what you said, are you only allowed to have soldiers in ambush, and I am not allowed to have rescue soldiers? Oh, by the way, in addition to rescue soldiers, there is that—"

Before Boss Wang and the others could figure out what that was, they heard a bark, and hundreds of hounds swooped down from the top of Chaling, baring their backs, growling, and showing their teeth and claws!

How could the tea farmers who were ambushed by the tea merchants ever see such a scene, they immediately held their sickles and scared the **** out of it!

The hounds, sticking out their tongues, quickly surrounded them and barked wildly at the crowd.

Zhan Zhaoheng looked at the four major tea merchants with a pale face and said with a smile, "I don't mind if you treat me as fertilizer; then do you mind if I turn you into dog food?"

The four major tea merchants were trembling with fear.

Boss Wang said sternly: "Why, you scare me!"

Zhan Zhaoheng smiled, picked up the teapot and poured a cup, holding the teacup and turning it in the palm of his hand: "I'm never scary in business, I just do it!"

The three hounds roared and rushed in, aiming at the boss Wang and pounced on it!

"Help! Help!" Boss Wang struggled desperately, screaming mournfully!

The other three were stunned, their legs trembled, and their faces turned pale!

Zhan Zhaoheng pushed the signing documents in front of smiled and said, "Being amicable makes money, I hate those who are not amicable the most!"

Without hesitation, the three of them hurriedly looked for a pen to sign!

Zhan Zhaoheng looked at the signed document, flicked it triumphantly, and said, "Wouldn't it be good to do this earlier? I just want to get angry!" After speaking, he pointed to one of the tea merchants and said, "Go back and change your pants, it's cold. , but don't freeze!"

I saw that the tea merchant was wet between his legs, still ticking at the moment, he was directly scared to pee!

Leaving the tea garden with the documents, a car in front of him was parked on the side of the road, Zhan Zhaoheng got into the car, and one person came over and said, "Boss Zhan, Master Zhan called and told you to go back quickly!" After speaking, Zhan Pengfei said on the phone. once again.

Zhan Zhaoheng smiled, "I thought who it was, it turned out to be Shi Zhijian! I met once in Hong Kong, he is a very interesting guy! Set off and return to TAI North!"

Zhan Zhaoheng closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair.

"As ordered!"

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