Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 563: To be a big star!

A taxi stopped on Huaihai Road, Taibei New District.

Shi Zhijian wore a mink coat and got off the taxi. From the moment he got off, he was the most beautiful boy on the street, because everyone around looked at him with surprise, surprise, and wonder.

Dai Fengni paid the taxi driver.

The driver was still staring at Shi Zhijian's shocking outfit at the moment, wondering whether he was a fool or a nouveau riche just now!

Shi Zhijian stood on the side of the road, wearing sunglasses, looking out.

Dai Fengni really wanted to stay away from him, and everyone around them pointed at them.

Shi Zhijian shook off the thick gold dog chain hanging around his neck, "It's a bit heavy! Press the neck!"

Dai Fengni pouted: "Just pressing your neck? Don't you feel a little hot?"

Shi Zhijian fanned his mink fur coat, "It's a bit of a stretch to say so!"

Dai Fengni rolled her eyes, "Is it necessary to dress up so outrageously?"

"You don't know, this is my latest character design! I want to make myself a celebrity on the island, this is the best!"

"I don't know what the **** you're doing, but you're crazy!"

Shi Zhijian did not ask Dai Fengni to understand himself, geniuses are always lonely!

On the side of the road, a barber with a pick is shaving the heads of several grandpas.

A little kid squatted in the corner and pulled Baba hard.

Three or five children were playing football. The football flew over and almost hit Shi Zhijian, who was dressed as a local tyrant.

Shi Zhijian stepped on the football with his feet stretched out, helped his sunglasses, then raised his foot and slammed, his feet were so stinky, he shot the football into the window of a house!


The glass burst!

The children were dumbfounded.

Shi Zhijian hurriedly turned around and walked away casually.

A woman's roar came from behind: "You bastards, who shot my window?"


"Uncle, where is Zhang Aijia's house?" Shi Zhijian politely asked an uncle who was weaving bamboo baskets at the door.

"What Zhang Zhang?"

"Zhang Aijia!"

"What's good?"

"Ai Jia!"

"I don't know!" The uncle continued to weave bamboo baskets.

An old lady came out of the house, "You're asking him for nothing, he's not from this place, he's walking around the streets to help people weave bamboo baskets!"

"Auntie, do you know Zhang Aijia?"

"Who doesn't know that crazy girl!" Auntie glanced at Shi Zhijian's local tyrant outfit, "Listen to the accent, are you from Hong Kong?"


"Why are you looking for that crazy girl?"

"I'm in entertainment, I want to make her a star!"

The aunt was delighted, "If she can become a star, all the cats and dogs here will be fine!" Then she pointed to the front, "Hey, their house is right in front, turn the first one on the left!"

Shi Zhijian took Dai Fengni towards Zhang Aijia's house.

Later, I heard the gossip about the aunt and the neighbors, "That crazy girl from Zhang's family can also be a star, **** it!"

"Yeah, that little sister is very difficult to clean up! It often makes things uneasy here!"

"I heard that I had a fight at a disco last night and was almost taken to the police station!"

"Her grandmother is really hard enough. Her husband died early, and she finally remarried, and she has to hold such a dragging oil bottle!"


As soon as Shi Zhijian and Dai Fengni came to Zhang Aijia's house, they heard deafening disco music far away.

Taking a closer look, the figure on the second floor window swayed, like a girl dancing wildly.

Shi Zhijian knocked on the door, but there was no response.

Maybe the music upstairs was so loud that no one in the room could hear it.

After knocking a few more times, this time there was a dog barking inside.

"Who is it? Who is outside!"


The door opened, a charming woman came out, and she was stunned when she saw Shi Zhijian.

"Mrs. Zhang, it's me!" Shi Zhijian smiled at the other side.

Only then did the woman recognize Shi Zhijian, and she was pleasantly surprised: "It turned out to be Mr. Shi! Your outfit... If you don't look carefully, you can't really recognize it!"

"Yeah, that's the effect of the packaging! Are you two different people?"

"Yes yes yes! Come in quickly!" Mother Zhang let Shi Zhijian and Dai Fengni into the room.

Shi Zhijian introduced Dai Fengni to Mother Zhang: "This is my secretary, Dai Fengni, Miss Dai!"

Dai Fengni pouted and whispered, "When did I become your secretary?"

"What? Do you feel wronged to be my secretary? Many people are rushing to do it!"

When Mother Zhang heard that Dai Fengni was the secretary, she immediately praised: "I thought she was a big star! Miss Dai is so pretty!"

"You're welcome! Many people say this!" Dai Fengni looked arrogant.

Mother Zhang asked the two to sit down on the sofa.

Shi Zhijian looked at the furnishings of the room. There were family portraits hanging on the walls, a table of the Eight Immortals, a jujube wood case, and sofa chairs, which looked very simple and elegant.

"Mrs. Zhang, I came here this time because of what happened yesterday. I'm very confident to make Ai Jia a big star. I wonder how you guys are thinking about it?" Shi Zhijian said with a smile.

"I told my child about this situation, and she didn't want to."

Mother Zhang said while helping Shi Zhijian make tea.

"Why not, didn't you say she likes to be a star?" Shi Zhijian took the tea and said while blowing the tea foam on it.

"This child has a stubborn temper. The more I ask her to do something, the more she won't do it!" Mother Zhang said helplessly.

"Why don't you call her down, I'll have a good talk with her, and if she still refuses, I'll go back!"

"Okay, wait a minute! I'll go upstairs and call her down!"

After Mother Zhang finished speaking, she went upstairs.

In the room, Zhang Aijia was listening to disco music, stepping on the bed and shaking her head like crazy.

Mother Zhang knocked on the door and went in, pa-ta, and turned off the music on the tape recorder, "Shake it, shake it hard, just get rid of your head!"

Mother Zhang scolded her daughter angrily.

Zhang Aijia jumped off the bed and went to play the music again. Mother Zhang said, "That Mr. Shi is here and said he wants to see you!"

"Don't go!" Zhang Aijia sat down on the bed, picked up a hairdressing magazine, leaned against the pillow and read it.

"Let's go down and see He is really the boss of a big film company!" Zhang's mother said, "I saw the business card for me yesterday. It's from Hong Kong Golden Harvest Film Company!"

Zhang Aijia was stunned for a moment, then looked up at his mother: "Jiahe? The company that filmed "Myth"?"

"Yeah, it's that company! Didn't you say that you liked that show very much, and now that the big boss is here, you still refuse to see it!"

Before Mother Zhang finished speaking, Zhang Aijia jumped up from the bed, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Clothes! Shoes! Do I want to wear makeup?"

"Turn into a ghost, people are waiting below!"

Zhang Aijia frantically changed clothes, put on shoes, and combed her hair in the room.

She has a dream!

That is to join Shaw Brothers or Golden Harvest to be a big star!


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